Hire A Youth This Summer! - Franklin Hampshire Youth Employment

Hire A Youth This Summer!
The Youth Employment Fund:
This fund, established in 2005, provides an incentive for employers to hire young people who are
not eligible for subsidized job programs such as
WIA (Workforce Investment Act) or YouthWorks.
Private individuals and businesses contribute to
the fund.
The fund matches half of the youth’s wages and
provides recruitment support through the Franklin Hampshire Regional Employment Board.
Your contribution is highly valued in our efforts to
develop the youth workforce.
Have Questions? Contact Us!
Donna DuSell
Youth Pathways Coordinator
413-774-4361 x363
Youth Employment Fund
Information for Employers
Franklin Hampshire
Regional Employment Board
Did you Know?
Summer 2015 Goals:
Ten jobs for youth aged 14-18
In 1980, 57% of teens aged 15-19 were employed in
some capacity during the summer or school year.
By the year 2000, that number had dropped to
about 50%. As of today, that figure has been
halved, with only 25% of young people able to find
Placements to last seven or eight weeks
15-20 Hours per-week
$9.00—$10.00 per-hour
$650.00 maximum benefit per youth, with $650.00 employer
Learn More About the Program:
1. We (FHREB) work with you to determine the goals of the experience and create a job posting to be shared with local
schools, organizations, and websites to recruit potential employees
2. Compile and review applications, selecting the strongest potential youth
3. Schedule interviews at your convenience
4. Inform youth regarding your decision.
Upon selection the Counselor will:
1. Obtain all necessary paperwork from employee: work permit
(if under 18), completed I-9 form, completed W-4 form
Employed teens are significantly less likely to drink
alcohol, do drugs, damage property, and engage in
violent behavior than their unemployed peers
One unemployed 18- to 24-year-old will cost the
federal and respective state government over
$4,100 annually in forgone tax revenue and benefits
2. Meet with the youth to go over the payroll process, provide
time sheets, review goals and create a work based learning
3. Plan a procedure for obtaining timesheets and disbursing pay
4. Check in with you bi-weekly to ensure support
5. Conduct exit interviews with you and the youth