We Hope to See You Tuesday, July 14, at 10:30 a.m. - Mark your calendar and plan to join us! We welcome Pastor Jeff Davenport as our guest speaker and the Bluegrass Band...Young at Heart. Yes, that is really the name! If you are age 50 or over and would like to join us for our annual cookout and program, please call the church office no later than Wednesday, July 8. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 12-15 Ages 3 - completion of 6th grade You can register and purchase T-shirts today in Lobbies 1 & 2 or in the Welcome Center. Workers are still needed to help make VBS a success this year. - Toddlers (3s,4s,5s) - Elementary (K-6th grade) - Registration, Games, Drama, Crafts, Missions Contact Kim Knipfer (kknipfer@cbcky.org) if you can help. Camp Chautauqua - July 27-31 *For kids who have completed 3rd thru 6th grades in 2015 *Information on how to register online is available Summer at the Information Tables in the Lobbies or you may time contact Kim Knipfer at kknipfer@cbcky.org fun! Registration must be completed by July 12. FACES of Hope - Today is the last day to bring in your items for the FACES of Hope supply closet to help with the daily necessities needed for children who are placed in foster care. Men’s Golf Tournament Saturday, July 18 When: 8 a.m. Shotgun Start Where: Kenton County Golf Course Cost: 2015-2016 Deacons and Trustees – Listed for your review are the names of our potential 2015-2016 deacons and trustees. Our Congregational Vote will be held during this evening’s service. For those who are unable to be present this evening, Absentee Ballots are available on the Information Tables in the Lobbies. Completed ballots must be turned in to the Church Office by 12:00 noon today. Deacons: Tim Chaffey, Ken Chard, Doug Duty, Curtis Hall, Jeramie Lawson, Joe Ledford, Troy Scott, Randy Shinkle, Dave Stockman, Eric Swinford, Michael Vaughn, Dick Yax, and Travis Younger. Trustees: Tom Kerr, Omer Mastin, and Tom Seitz Hoxworth Blood Drive - The next blood drive will be held Monday, July 6, from 1-7 p.m. in the Calvary Baptist Church parking lot. Please contact Patty Martin (patty.martin@ccsky.org) if you would like to sign up to donate. Donating saves lives every day! We appreciate your support. Reds Faith Day, Sunday, August 2 - Contact Rachel Cornell (rachel.cornell@ccsky.org) to purchase tickets. Following the game you can enjoy a free concert by the Christian band, Third Day. All proceeds will go directly to support CCS and improvements to the computer lab. Tickets are limited. $55 per player (Includes: golf cart, 18 holes, lunch, and awards) Register: Online at cbcky.org or in the Welcome Center A Night of Patriotic Music with Dan Suttles and special guests Sunday evening, July 5, at 6 p.m. in the Calvary Center Questions: Contact Matt Shelton (mshelton@cbcky.org or 859-653-9211) Please bring a dessert - Sign up sheets are available at the piano in Lobby 2. Sympathy Sympathy - We extend our love and sympathy to Jenny Ogden, family, and friends in the death of Kathryn Ogden. The visitation will be at Stith Funeral Home in Florence on Monday, June 29, from 1-3 p.m., with the service following. Foundations - “Triune God” Service Information This Week (June 28-July 4) Next Week (July 5-11) 8 a.m. - Chapel Service 9:15 a.m. - Bible Fellowships 10:30 a.m. - “Foundations - Triune God” 6 p.m. (Chapel) - Congregational Vote / Study in Judges 7 p.m. (Wed.) - Calvary U Classes, Prayer Group, Youth Groups, College *The church will be closed July 3 and 4 for the holiday. 8 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. (Wed.) - Chapel Service - Bible Fellowships - “Foundations - Man” - Hymn Sing in the Calvary Center - Calvary U Classes, Prayer Group, Youth Groups, College Are you looking for individual help dealing with issues in your marriage, your finances, or some other life struggle? Let us partner with you in finding some biblical solutions. Biblical Soul Care at Calvary offers several areas where you can begin to find hope! Intensive Discipleship - Life Groups and ABF’s - Celebrate Recovery For more information contact Steve Freeburne 859.630.0280 or biblicalsoulcare@cbcky.org Tuesday Evenings @ The Firehouse Use your smartphone to Scan to “Like” us on Facebook! 859•491•1955 Café Open Meeting 6:30pm 7-9pm Online giving is accessible from our website www.cbcky.org or an App can be downloaded to your iPhone/iPad/Android devices. Jeff Davenport /cbcky Senior Pastor jdavenport@cbcky.org www.cbcky.org Pastor of Worship & Media jfaulkner@cbcky.org David Graham Matt Shelton /cbcky Jay Faulkner Executive Director mshelton@cbcky.org Bill Dickens CCS Administrator bill.dickens@ccsky.org Senior Associate Pastor dgraham@cbcky.org Kim Knipfer Director of Children’s Ministries kknipfer@cbcky.org André Rusch Pastor of Leadership Development arusch@cbcky.org 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. There is only _____ God (Genesis 1:1) God exists in _________ persons The three person’s of the Godhead are ________ The Trinity works in ___________ God (in three persons) is ________ to be worshipped June 28, 2015 “Triune God” The Divine Attributes of God from Scripture 1. God is ______________ (Psalm 115:3; Proverbs 16:9; Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28; 2 Chronicles 20:6) 2. God is _______________ (Psalm 147:5; 1 John 3:20; Isaiah 40:28) 3. God is ________________ (Proverbs 15:3; Jeremiah 23:24; Psalm 139:7-10) 4. God is ________________ (Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37; Jeremiah 32:27) 5. God is ________________ 6. God is ___________ 7. God is ___________ (Matthew 5:48) The Attributes of God as a Loving Savior - His mercy... Luke 6:36 - His compassion... Mark 6:34 - His goodness... Matt. 9:36 - His kindness... Matt. 19:17 - His faithfulness... 2 Sam. 9:3 Why the Trinity matters 1. Your _______________ is impacted (1 Corinthians 6:11; 1 Corinthians 2:10; 2 Corinthians 12:9) 2. Our Christian _________________is impacted (1 John 1:3; Ephesians 4:3-6) 3. Our Christian ____________ is impacted (John 4:24) 4. Our Christian ____________ is impacted (2 Corinthians 5:20; John 20:21; Matthew 5:14; Acts 1:8) This morning Jeff Davenport Senior Pastor
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