Reconciliation SA Breakfast

Reconciliation SA
National Reconciliation Week Launch and Breakfast
Featuring the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Social Justice Commissioner Mick Gooda
Wednesday, 27 May 2015, 7 – 9 a.m. Adelaide Convention Centre
Mick will address the continuing impact of racism in Australia.
Mick Gooda advocates for the recognition
of the rights of Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander peoples in Australia and
promotes respect and understanding of
these rights among the broader
Australian community. Mick is a
descendent of the Gangulu people of
central Queensland.
Mick has been actively involved in
advocacy in Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander affairs throughout Australia for
over 25 years and has delivered strategic
and sustainable results in remote, rural
and urban environments.
It’s time to combat racism.
It’s time for recognition.
It’s time for change.
Showcasing the ActNow Theatre
Company & Reconciliation SA Schools
Congress program winner of a 2015
Governors Multicultural Award.
Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide
Prices: Individual bookings $66 pp; tables of 10, $660
Individual Friends $55 pp; have to be registered as a Friend of Reconciliation SA
Corporate Friends $550 per table; tables of 10 (all prices are GST inclusive)
RSVP: Essential by Wednesday, May 20th 2015
Contact: Stephen Holt, Reconciliation SA,
P: 08 8124 4196, E: W: