Town of Warren 2015 Parking Permit Application APPLICANT : WARREN ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: STATE: ZIP CODE: TEL: E-MAIL: Are you 65 years old or older? Yes □ No □ IF RENTING: LANDLORD INFORMATION LANDLORD NAME: TEL: ADDRESS: AUTOMOBILE INFORMATION (Vehicle 1) YEAR: MODEL : MAKE: COLOR: LICENSE PLATE #: Did you get a parking permit for this car in the last four years? (If yes, no copy of the vehicle registration is required.) REGISTERED TO: ADDRESS: AUTOMOBILE INFORMATION (Vehicle 2) YEAR: COLOR: MODEL : MAKE: LICENSE PLATE #: Did you get a parking permit for this car in the last four years? (If yes, no copy of the vehicle registration is required.) REGISTERED TO: ADDRESS: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------- WARREN PARKS & REC. USE ONLY WARREN Parks & Recreation Commission 50 Cemetery Road W arren, Connecticut 06754 E-mail: Park and Recreation office - Dear Neighbors, Please complete an application for a Town of Warren Parking Permit for 2015. This parking permit is needed to park your vehicle at the Warren Town Beach. Please fill out an application for each vehicle needing a Town of Warren Parking Permit (Please note that the vehicle must be owned or leased by the Warren property owner or property renter applying for the parking permit.) The following items are required to obtain a Town of Warren Parking Permit that is needed to park your vehicle at the Warren Town Beach. 1. Completed Town of Warren Parking Permit Application, 2. No vehicle registration is required for vehicles that were previously registered for a parking permit within the last 4 years. However, please provide a copy of the vehicle’s registration (not the title) for any vehicle that was not registered to park at the beach in 2011, 2012, 2013 or 2014. 3. A signed copy of the Warren Town Beach Rules 4. Check made out to “Warren Parks & Recreation” $25.00 per vehicle 5. Non-Resident Renters: include a copy of your current lease. The Non-Resident Renter Fee is $80.00 / vehicle 6. Residents 65 and older: the first parking permit is FREE! Additional parking permits are $15.00 . There are many ways to process your Town of Warren Parking Permit Application. In person. At the Town Memorial Day Parade, on Sunday May 24th from 10:30 - 11:30 am At the Beach from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 pm. Starting from Saturday May 23rd. (Checks only, No cash will be accepted at the beach. Cash will be refused so please plan accordingly) At Warren Town Hall during regular business hours By Mail (please try to send in as soon as possible) Return the application with a stamped and self-addressed envelope to: Warren Parks & Recreation, Town of Warren, 50 Cemetery Road, Warren, CT 06754. Swim Lessons will start on July 6th to the 17th. They are 30 minute lessons held Monday thru Friday for 2 weeks. Additional information will be posted on town website and email newsletters. th Kayaking and Paddleboard demonstrations are scheduled for Saturday June 20 and Saturday July th 11 from 10:00 – 1:00 Additional information will be posted. Again, please try to submit your application as soon as possible. Thank you and let’s enjoy a safe summer at Warren Town Beach Kim Lawrence – Chair Carla Angevine Sarah Churyk Dan Dacey Kristina Daudelin Zack Githens Kit Lundberg Loreen Lethbridge David Scheiderbeck Don Murphy – Director WARREN Parks & Recreation Commission 50 Cemetery Road W arren, Connecticut 06754 E-mail: Park and Recreation office - WARREN TOWN BEACH RULES BEACH USE: The beach is open to Warren residents, taxpayers, and their guests. All vehicles must have a Town of Warren Parking Permit affixed to the windshield. Parking Permits will be checked by the gate attendant. Cars without parking permits will not be allowed to park. NO EXCEPTIONS! Season Hours Open weekends starting Saturday May 23, 2014 of Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend from 9 am to 8 pm. Note, the beach opens on a daily basis starting June 20th . The beach will close after Labor Day weekend. SWIMMING AREA: A swimming area is roped off with buoys (No boating is allowed in this area). LIFEGUARD: Every effort will be made to have a lifeguard on duty from 11 am to 5 pm. No children are allowed on the premises without adult supervision (at least 18 years old). Parents/Guardians are responsible for supervising their children at all times, in all areas of the park; the lifeguards are not babysitters! The lifeguard is equipped with a first aid kit and a phone is available for emergencies. Only Coast Guard approved life jackets are allowed at the beach. Inflatable flotation devices are not allowed. Kickboards will be permitted at the Lifeguard’s discretion, provided they are used in a safe manner and there are not too many swimmers in the water. FLOAT: No diving from the float. Any child going to the float wearing a life jacket must be accompanied by an adult. BOAT LAUNCHING: Boats carried by hand can be launched in the specified area to the left of the swimming area. No trailers or vehicles are to be used for launching boats. No trailers are to be left in the parking area at the beach at any time. SAIL BOATS: Sails will not be hoisted in the buoyed area when entering or leaving the beach. PICNIC AREA: Picnic tables are to be shared. No one should stake a claim to a table for an entire day. When you finish eating, please clear the table so that others may use it. Trash cans are on site, please do not litter. Fires are only allowed in the established cooking grills. No other fires are allowed. PARKING: Vehicles are allowed in the parking area only. No motor vehicles are allowed on the beach or in the picnic area. Vehicles must have a Town of Warren Parking Permit 2015 PLAYSCAPE: Please supervise children at all times and ensure that they play safely. Climbing on top of the plays cape is dangerous and strictly prohibited. Please help us keep our children safe! OTHER: No dogs or pets are allowed. No fishing from the shore or boats near the swimming area. Only soft, “nerfstyle” balls are to be used to play catch in the park; too many residents and cars have been hit by hard balls in years past! Everyone’s cooperation in adhering to these rules is needed to maintain a safe, beautiful and enjoyable beach. Please remember that the Lifeguard has the final say on the administration and interpretation of all rules. I hereby agree to adhere to the rules stated above and to ensure that all children in my care will use the beach and playscape in a manner consistent with these rules. Signed: Print Name Address Date:
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