Victorville, AASBD Rally Race Saturday, March 28, 2015

Victorville, AASBD Rally Race
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Victorville California
Hello Racers! Join us in Victorville Ca. for a All Ameri- Rules: All American Soap Box Derby 2015/2016
can Soap Derby Rally Race presented by California Fam- rules apply. All protests against other entries must be
ily Soap Box Derby Association on the longest derby hill lodged prior to the start of the race. Exception: car is
on the west coast.
altered during the race.
Registration Fee: $35.00 for the Rally Race. Make check Wheels: Only official Z—Glass wheels may be used.
payable to: CFSBDA
No added lubrication after the race starts. Wheels
Location: Phantom East between Perimiter and Shay
Rd. in Victorville Ca. 92392. on the old George Air
must be retained by standard AASBD washers and
wheel pins. Mark your name and location (i.e. left
Force Base.
front) clearly on each wheel. You may be swapping all
four wheels with your opponent between phases and
Schedule: 6:30—8:30 AM Track set—up and sign—in
will not retrieve your wheels until the end of the race
day. If you must leave early please notify the Race
7:30—9:00 AM Weigh—in and inspection
9:00 AM Practice runs for first time drivers
Food: There will be no food for sale at the track.
10:00 AM Racing Starts
Race Format: One double elimination and one single
elimination race. Lane swap, 2-4-2 wheel or 4 wheel
Please bring your own food and drinks.
Awards: 1st through 4th in all races. Participation
progressive swap, timer differential. We reserve the
Official Hotel: We have a rate of $82.00 a night at the
right to alter the race format based on weather and track Holiday Inn Express in Hesperia. 9750 Key Pointe
conditions on the day of the race—but we race rain or
Divisions: Stock, ages 7 (as of the date of the race) to 14
Super Stock, ages 10 (as of the date of race) to 17
Rally Racers are required to submit a copy of their birth
certificate to AASBD headquarters.
Weigh—in and Inspection: All cars will be weighed and
inspected prior to the race for both safety and rules
Ave., Hesperia, Ca. 92345, 760-244-7674. We have a
block of 15 rooms at this price. Rate is good until one
week before the race.
CFSBDA: Races organized by CFSBDA are organized
and hosted by unpaid volunteers. All participant families are expected to help with the running or the races
as well as set—up, and tear—down and lifting of cars.
Call or e—mail with any questions you may have:
Terry Tomlinson , Co—Race Director 760-887-3852 or Gene Blackwell,
Weight Limits: Stock, 200 lbs total. 15lbs max tail
Race Director 805-345-2019
weight .
Super Stock, 240 lbs total. 15lbs max tail weight .
Masters, 255lbs total. 15lbs max tail weight.
Victorville, AASBD Rally Race Saturday, March 28, 2015
Victorville Track