Artisans Center of Virginia P.O. Box 452 Waynesboro, Virginia 22980 Artisans Center of Virginia Statewide Artisan Conference Rising Beyond Expectations The ACV invites craft artisans, agri-artisans, their guilds, regional professional groups, associations, local affiliates and supporting venues to gather as peers for an empowering weekend of networking and exploring old ideas in brave new ways. Special Guests Speakers Vannesa Bertozzi, Director of Community & Education for Etsy James Thurman, Assistant Professor at the University of North Texas’ College of Visual Arts & Design Artisans Center of Virginia Statewide C o n f e re n c e August 10-12, 2012 R o a n o ke , V i r g i n i a Conference Location & Hotel Sheraton Roanoke 2801 Hershberger Road Roanoke, Virginia 24017 Special Hotel Rate Single $99 p/n or Double: $109 p/n plus tax Hotel reservations are to be made directly with the Sheraton Roanoke. Reservations: 800-325-3535 ref: “Artisans of Virginia” Handcrafting Virginia’s Artisan Economy Reservations must be guaranteed with a major credit card or accompanied by a first night’s deposit. To guarantee conference rates, make your reservation by July 15 and state that you are attending the Artisans Center of Virginia Statewide Artisan Conference. CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS SATURDAY PROGRAM CONT. 9:15 a.m. Opening Speaker: James Thurman, NTSU “Creative Synergies by Design: How Innovative Ideas Yield Economic Prosperity and Strengthen Community” It has been a time of unprecedented growth for artisans all across the state of Virginia. You are invited to join in community for a weekend highlighting how artisans and their communities all across the Commonwealth are rising beyond expectations as they handcraft a vision for their futures. Artisan businesses are a mainstay to the economic vitality of Virginia communities. Agri-tourism represents a high profile and ever-growing focus accentuating the cultural synergy between arts and agriculture unique to Virginia’s creative and cultural landscape. The Artisans Center of Virginia Statewide Artisan Conference is informed and designed by artisans for artisans to empower, inspire and provide resources on a wide variety of topics & trends to help them grow and exceed in their endeavors. FRIDAY PRE-CON 10:00 a.m. Studio Tour (Optional) Arriving early? Join us for an invigorating and illuminating tour of Roanoke’s downtown City Market area, galleries & artist studios. $35 per person (box lunch included). 4:00 p.m Registration 6:30 p.m. Meet-n-Greet Reception Hosted by Yarn Explosion Don’t miss the opportunity to meet & mingle with conference speakers, invited guests and fellow conference goers. Enjoy hors d’euvres and Virginia wines, compliments of ACV. SATURDAY PROGRAM 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Registration Continental Breakfast Welcome, Richard Christy, President ACV Innovation results from the application of creative problem-solving and everyone has the potential to utilize and benefit from creative responses to any challenge. Synergy occurs by forging new connections to produce improved results and these connections build and reinforce communities while driving economic growth. James will share significant examples of applied creative problem solving across a range of businesses and professions including his own. Building upon his years of experience teaching and practicing Design, he will illuminate how the Design field’s model of ideation, making, and collaborative dialog is applicable to almost any field or project. 10:45 a.m. Concurrent Workshops 12:15 p.m Lunch Speaker: Vanessa Bertozzi, Etsy “We Make Our Own: Community, Technology and Growth in the Handmade Movement” Why does that jar of artisan pickled beets with the stunningly designed typography on its label taste better? Why are those wedding boutonnieres handmade with reclaimed vintage beads worth more - not in dollars paid but in the story behind them? It's not only because of the physical beauty, functionality or quality of these objects, it is in great part because of the people who make them, their lives, their stories. And it is in great part because of the people we become when we buy them and support the makers. Etsy, the online marketplace where independent creative businesses sell their crafts, art, vintage items and supplies, is one player in a much larger movement. Since 2005, Etsy has grown to become the global crossroads where art and commerce meet, where high speed technology powers a homespun back-to-the-land and back-to-the-hand resurgence. Whether artisan or patron, you will be elevated and inspired as Vanessa tells the new folk history of the handmade movement and discusses Etsy's role in making the world more fair, more sustainable, and more fun. 2:00 p.m. 3:45 p.m. Concurrent Workshops Concurrent Workshops VOLUNTEERS Reduce the cost of registration by volunteering. For more information on the jobs available or to volunteer contact us right away! (Volunteer opportunities are limited). CONCURRENT WORKSHOP TOPICS Workshops, panels and roundtable sessions are designed to offer a wide range of theories, activities and fresh ideas...from taxes, insurance, marketing, and the latest trends in social media to creative techniques and educational outreach ideas that will inspire you to take your artisan and agri -tourism endeavors to the next level. AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE 6:30 p.m. We Celebrate! “Virginia Artisans & Their Patrons Tell All: Lessons Learned Along Life’s Artisan Trail” Awards for Excellence will be presented honoring individuals who have presented significant and distinguished achievements in craftsmanship, advocacy or education related to advancing the artisan movement in the State of Virginia. With special musical guests, renowned jazz artists Stephanie Nakasian & the Hod O’Brien Trio. SUNDAY 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast Artisans Community Roundtable “The Artisan Mosh Pit” What do you want your community decision makers to know? You are invited to submit your questions, concerns and suggestions for a facilitated discussion with tourism, economic development, arts & cultural and community leaders. 11:30 a.m. ACV Membership Meeting 1:00 p.m. Artisan Group Meetings (Optional) Meeting space is available to artisan organizational groups, guilds societies, etc. on advance request. WEAVING ARTISAN STORIES Tell Your Story! Cindy Marks, Publisher of Artizen Magazine wants to interview YOU! Interested attendees will have the opportunity to meet one -toone with Cindy. Select stories will be featured in Artizen Magazine, the online publication read all over the world. Be sure to arrive early to get on Cindy’s list! PORTFOLIO CRITIQUES Private Portfolio Critique with an experienced artisan juror /curator or gallery owner. $25 for a 20 minute professional critique of your portfolio. You must register by July 31 to take advantage of this opportunity. Virginia Artisans: Their stories, products and distinctive ways of life link the past, present and future and reconcile the relationship between the acts of creating and living. OUR SPONSORS SHERATON ROANOKE MAGAZINE For driving directions FOR MORE INFORMATION Get Invloved and Show Your Support for Virginia Artisans! Become a Conference Sponsor Reserve a Vendor Space Advertise in the Conference Program or Syllabus Add Your Promotional Items in Our Welcome Bags Volunteer! Attend! Artisans Center of Virginia P.O. Box 452 Waynesboro, Virginia 22980 Phone: 540-946-3294 Toll Free: 877-508-6069 E-mail: Web: CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Name _________________________________________Phone ____________________________________ Title (if applicable) ___________________Organization (if applicable ____________________________ Address ______________________________City _______________________State____ Zip_________ Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Are you a current member of the Artisans Center of Virginia (ACV) ? Y / N I am a Craft Artisan _______I am an Agri-Artisan/Farmer ______ I am an Artisan Trail Network Site______I am an Educator _______ EARLYBIRD (to July 19) : $85 ACV member / $95 Non Member REGULAR (July 20—August 9): $100 ACV member / $110 Non—Member AT THE DOOR: $125 ALL (August 10 & 11, 2012) Register Online at: STUDENTS: $75 (Verification required) Registration includes: * Admission to all workshop sessions * Comprehensive workshop syllabus * Friday Evening Meet-n-Greet * Saturday Continental Breakfast * Saturday Plated Luncheon * Saturday Afternoon Break Refreshments * Saturday Award for Excellence Celebration (Festive Fare Provided. Cash Bar) * Sunday Continental Breakfast The menu selection has been made with consideration to vegetarians diets. Please note if you have any food allergies we should be aware of here: _____________________________________ Children 5 and under are free and do not receive name badges or luncheon. Optional Child’s Luncheon: $15.00 Conference Badge & Registration Information (Please Print Clearly) First name Last Name Pre– Conference Tour $35 pp T-Shirt Size T-Shirt 15 ea. Critique $25 Registration Fee (see above) 1. _______________________ __________________________ $_________________ ____________ $_______________ $_____________ $_______________ 2. _______________________ __________________________ $_________________ ____________ $_______________ $_____________ $_______________ 3. _______________________ __________________________ $_________________ ____________ $_______________ $_____________ $_______________ $_________________ $_______________ TOTALS GRAND TOTAL Make checks payable to: Artisans Center of Virginia. Complete this form and mail the information to: $_______________ $______________ I am paying by: □ Check □ VISA $______________ □ MasterCard ACV, P.O. Box 452, Waynesboro, VA, 22980 Card Number: ___________________________________________ Important: No refunds will be issued on conference registration fees. If you must cancel, you may pass your registration on to another person. Exp Date ____________ “ V” Code ______________ Signature _________________________________________
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