Minnesota State University, Mankato Food Service RFP – Question and Answers #1 Posted May 15, 2015 1. Will the new residential dining facility grill platform have a charbroiler? a. Yes. 2. What will the maximum seating be in the residential dining facility? a. Approximately 860. 3. Are the dining employees unionized? If so what union? a. Yes. The Union is AFSCME. 4. What is the arrangement with the Vikings? Is that part of this contract? a. The Vikings will contract directly with the Vendor. Most Vikings meals take place in the residential dining facility. 5. Is there a past MN Vikings RFP or contract that vendors could see? a. The agreement between the Vikings and the current Vendor is a private contract and the University does not have access to it. 6. Is there a commission that comes back to the school for hosting the MN Vikings? a. Currently, the University does not receive commission on this event. For the new contract, the University will view this as Catering and commissionable at the Catering Services commission rate. 7. What are the hours of operation for the dining hall? a. The dining hall is open for continuous service. During specific time periods there are reduced offerings. Current hours of operation can be found at http://www.mnsu.edu/dining/carkoski_hours_by_concept.pdf 8. On the drawings for the new residential dining facility there is mention of a temporary Convenience Store – please explain the need for this. a. The temporary Convenience Store will be needed when Carkoski is razed to make way for the final phase of housing construction. It is unlikely that this will occur during the contract term, so should not be considered in Vendor proposals. 9. What are the plans for the Carkoski Neighborhood – Phase 3 planning? a. Plans can found via the following link: https://www.mnsu.edu/reslife/construction/renewal_of_the_residence_communities.h tml Page 1 of 3 Minnesota State University, Mankato Food Service RFP – Question and Answers #1 Posted May 15, 2015 10. What is the seating functionality of Chet’s and the flex dining? a. The Flex Dining Room is located between the main dining room in Carkoski and the Chet’s Place grill, also in Carkoski. The room has lockable doors at each adjacency. During the day, the Flex Dining room is open to the main dining room and is not available to Chet’s customers. In the evening, the Flex Dining room is open to Chet’s Place, and is not available to customers in the main all-you-care-to-eat dining room. 11. What is the composition of the steering committee? a. Cindy Janney, Co-Chair, Director, Residential Life Mark Constantine, Co-Chair, Director, Centennial Student Union and Student Activities David Jones, VP, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Rick Straka, VP, Finance and Administration Kevin Buisman, Director of Athletics Casey Duevel, Inter Faculty Organization Representative Sara Frederick, Advancement Representative Mariah Haffield, Minn. State Student Association Student Representative Brian Jones, Admissions Representative Jane Kolars, AFSCME Representative Elizabeth Lohrenz, International Affairs Representative Lori Marti, Student Health Services Representative Kelly Meier, Institutional Diversity Representative Brian Schneider, Middle Management Association Representative Julie Snow, MSUAASF Representative Denise Thompson, Academic Affairs Representative Locke Tucker, Residence Hall Association Student Representative Mark Wildt, Minn. Assoc. of Professional Employees Representative 12. 160 meal plans… how many students on average convert their meal plans to flex dollars? a. 561 students converted meals to flex in the Fall 2014. 1094 students converted meals to flex in the Spring 2015. The revenue associated with these conversions was as follows: Fall 2014: 64,640 meals converted X $5.35 per meal = $345,824 in meals converted to flex Spring 2015: 142,041 meals converted x $5.35 per meal = $759,919 in meals converted to flex 13. On the Overview tab: Total Revenue: The difference between MavCash and Flex Dollars is that cash? a. Yes, Total Revenue, less Flex Dollars Revenue, less MavCash Revenue equals the Cash Revenue. Page 2 of 3 Minnesota State University, Mankato Food Service RFP – Question and Answers #1 Posted May 15, 2015 14. Will there be unamortized debt at the end of the contract term? a. No. 15. Will there be a required investment for smallwares/serviceware for the new residential dining facility? a. No. The University intends to make this investment. 16. Who owns the smallwares in use in the foodservice operations. a. The University owns these. 17. Who owns the lockers/locked storage bins in the foodservice back of the house areas? a. These are owned by the University. 18. Meal Plans, what causes a student to convert their meal plan to a flex plan? a. Some students prefer greater access to campus retail offerings and some find the CSU to be more geographically convenient at mid-day. 19. Are any of the Mav Ave food concepts subcontracted out by the vendor? a. None of the Mav Ave food concepts are subcontracted. 20. What if a question comes up after the deadline has past? Will it be responded to? a. There is no guarantee the MnSCU will respond to questions submitted after the deadline. Page 3 of 3
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