2015 Student Annual | Accepted Works PLEASE EMAIL GALLERY@ILSTU.EDU FOR TITLE/CREDIT CHANGES, TYPOS, OR ADDITIONAL INQUIRIES. Last Aguirre Andriulis Arvanitakis Barreca Barry Birsa Borys Boyd Boyd Buchanan Bybee Carroll Carter Clavey Clesen Cowart Davis Doherty Echevarria Farber Farr Ferrante Freeland Gardner Jr. Gardner Jr. Gonzalez Graff Gravett Gravett Hackman Harris hart Hay Hinds Hueneburg First Lucero Victoria Stacy George Zane Zoe Margaux Marissa Marissa Samantha Andrew Joseph Breanne Amanda Wilson David Mykaila John Catherine Amber Ashleigh Emma Emily Nicole Ashley Ernie Ernie Gabriel Mariam Amber Amber Jason Jamyra m.jo Justin Megan Kayla Title / Description Made possible with the assistance of Randy-magic Fruit Deconstruction Poster A Pair of Guston's The Precuneus GIRL PARTS This is my favorite picture of us Untitled #3 Smother These are Falling Microscope and Binoculars Exhibition Catalogue Ceasg-Scotch Whisky Branding Form and Function Desolation Dimensional Clockwork Inspire Others Regan Cup of Tea? So and So Low Reflection Veins All In Your Head Myelin Stranger Polaroid 600 Layering Clock Business Card and Logo Proposal Magic Show Stripped Untitled Sweden and Lingonberries Cautious into Majors Midge's Vicissitude Borders + Shadings Monarch Migration Sustenance Media Cherry and maple wood Digital print Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and digital print Ceramic Marker scan, Adobe Photoshop, and digital print Zinc, embroidery floss, and rosewood Digital print Oil on canvas Acrylic on canvas Ink on paper, tape, clips, and rice PLEASE EMAIL MEDIA/PROGRAMS PLEASE EMAIL MEDIA/PROGRAMS Photographs Digital print Wood PLEASE EMAIL MEDIA/PROGRAMS 4 x 5 film and digital print Found objects and acrylic paint Dowel rod, 26 packs of Ramen noodles, and matte medium Acrylic, photographs, cut paper, and graphite on paper Acrylic sheets and paper Pen and ink scan, Adobe Photoshop, and digital print Glass, ink, watercolor, medical bandage, and tape Photograph Wood Digital prints Video Lithograph Charcoal on paper Laminated digital print Colored pencil, waterproof markers, and pencil on paper Porcelain and underglaze White stoneware Wood, mirrors, LED lights, and paper Placenta and Sumi ink on rice paper Date 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2015 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2015 Category Wood Photography Graphic Design Ceramic Drawing Sculpture Photography Painting Painting Printmaking Graphic Design Graphic Design Photography Photography Expanded Media Graphic Design Photography Painting Sculpture Painting Expanded Media Graphic Design Glass Photography Expanded Media Graphic Design Video Printmaking Drawing Graphic Design Drawing Ceramics Ceramics Printmaking Printmaking Hunt Jackson Jahncke Johnson Johnson Johnson Kammer Kammer Kellett Keys King King Kizior Kuhn Kuhn Kunzk Lampe Lampe Lowman Lundberg McCauley McDowall McLean Million Myers Newman Owoe Pennington Pitts Randall, Grayson and Barry, Zane Roubal Sandtrom Sasser Sasser Schmidt Schneider Scott Scott Scribner Stine Thoma Gina Dominique Anna Camron Camron Hannah Tessa Tessa Rachel Venise Regan Regan Vince Leah Leah Maggie Jeremy Jeremy Emily Lyzz Brieana Alison Marley Amanda Carrie Laura Patrick Joshua Jamie Thomas Sara Stoney Stoney Sarah Adrielle Jess Jess Brandon Stephanie Rachel Sprain The Lovers Untitled Snuggling (A Complex Art Form) Things I Don't Wanna Do, But I Gotta Do Untitled Gender Bender Gender Bender Green Eggs and Glam Cotton Flower English Teeth Blizzard Beach Pierogi Grit What a Girl Wants Untitled Noodle Walker Bumble Walker To the Moon Untitled Empty Nest Fulfillment Lifted The Art of Fencing Untitled What has sprung forth… Theraposa Blondi Boha Swans Mate for Life Nervous Bug Pilchuck in a Bottle Gnarled Vision Salt Flats and Other Delicacies Dragging the Lump/Until We Part, Tar baby Untitled Nesting Bowls Glide Airlines Brand Irish Stereotypes Travel Identity Set Texture Wave Parenthood His Hold Acrylic and staples on canvas Digital print Stoneware, wire, papier–mâché, liquid latex, and acrylic paint Acrylic and ink on paper Acrylic, ink, and pen on paper Sterling silver and stone Packing materials, acrylic paint and spray paint Video Digital print Oil on canvas Acrylic on canvas Acrylic and oil on canvas Paper and ink Charcoal on paper Oil on canvas Aluminum wire and aluminum flashing Blown glass Blown glass Cast zinc Acrylic on panel Drypoint etching Glass, aerosol paint, and mirrors Cherry, maple, and oak Black and white photograph View finders and mixed materials Glass, steel, and ceramics Drypoint etching Oil on canvas Wall box, stool, and TV monitor Acrylic, wood, and metal Glass and wood Ceramic and glass Aerosol paint, acrylic, foam, and toothpicks Video Paper, ink, Plexiglass, and plastic baggies Stoneware Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and cardstock Adobe Illustrator and digital print Book pages Cast plaster, found objects, and mixed media Medium form film on photo paper 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2014 Painting Photography Ceramics Painting Drawing Jewelry Drawing Video Photography Painting Painting Painting Graphic Design Drawing Painting Sculpture Glass Glass Sculpture Painting Printmaking Glass Wood Photography Painting Sculpture Printmaking Painting Expanded Media Expanded Media Glass Ceramics Painting Video Painting Ceramics Graphic Design Graphic Design Sculpture Sculpture Photography Tomie Tomita Walls White Wisneiwski Wolfe Young Sarah Johannah Christopher Breanna Emily Amy Devyn Deciduous Teeth Its just a game Deconstruction Folio Paper Co. Website Big Top Untitled Land of the Gangs Sterling silver and stones Playing cards and black gesso on wood Adobe Illustrator and digital print Adobe Illustrator and digital print Walnut and cast bronze Lithograph Plexiglass, screws, spent shell casings, and Adobe Illustrator 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 Jewelry Drawing Graphic Design Graphic Design Wood Printmaking Graphic Design
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