DETROIT FINNISH COOPERATIVE SUMMER CAMP ASSOCIATION FINN CAMP NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2015 A thin layer of ice on Sun Lake December 15. UPCOMING EVENTS Note: Not all events are listed on this and other DFCSCA calendars. If you are planning an event and wish to check the availability of a specific facility on a certain date, please call Karen Pype (248-926-6219). Future Planning Plans: Art and About 3 The Future Planning Committee will be sponsoring another Art and About event—the third—on Saturday, January 10, at 1:00 p.m. in the Clubroom. The cost will be $35, because Art and About has raised their prices. This participation fee also includes a Finn Camp donation. Please bring an appetizer to pass. Space is limited for this popular program, so RSVP soon to Kayla at 810-287-3227. The next Future Planning meeting will be April 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the Boardroom. Winterfest 2015 Winterfest 2015 will be held on Saturday, February 7. We will start the day off with the Polar Dip and ice fishing from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Sun Lake. The Chili Cook-off will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Clubroom, with music from a DJ to follow. Buttons will be $6 per adult, $4 per child or $18 per member family with the sauna available at an additional charge. The Clubroom bar will open at 4:00 p.m. (3:00 for chili drop-off). Chuck Rudzki has volunteered to be the Chili Master, and Mary Burck will help with the raffle. I am looking for many others to help make this event a success, such as a button maker, a ticket seller, a button seller and other help on the day of the event. If you are able to help, please contact me at 248-894-0974 or CALENDAR January 10—Art and About event, 1:00 p.m., Clubroom 11—Forest Management Committee, 10:00 a.m., pole barn 11—Board meeting, 10:00 a.m., visitors at noon February 7—Winterfest Other: St. Urho’s: March 14 Next Sisu Sisters meeting: March 10 Next Future Planning meeting: April 2 -1- Also, if you have any items to donate to the raffle I will gladly accept your donation. Of course, this event will not be a success without your entries for the Chili Cook-off. Thank you. —Linda Gooden Special Membership Meeting Results In a called special membership meeting on December 28, the members present voted to approve the immediate purchase of a new commercial Kubota riding mower for 18 percent off the list price. The mower is a model Z300 series with a 26-hp diesel engine, a 60-inch-wide deck and travels at 11 mph. And in exchange for an ad in this newsletter, we will receive a used snow-plow blade for one of our old riding mowers. Singalong in the Clubroom Camps for Sale Camp 103, West Side Charming cottage-style cabin with high-end materials: real stucco exterior, terra-cotta tile, Old World textured walls and ceiling. Under-cabin storage conceals yard tools, larger patio items. Fully decorated and furnished: ceiling fan, vinyl windows, bedside sconces, trundle bed (sleeps 4), all patio furnishings, gas grill, mini-fridge, micro-wave, electric fireplace, bistro table, 5 storage dressers for dishes, cooking utensils, linens, bedding—everything you need— just pack your clothes and come out for the weekend. $8,000 cash, $10,000 rent-to-own or $2,000 down with $2,000 per for 4 years. For a tour or more information, call Crystal: 248421-3975. The board members take time for a holiday singalong, with Maryanne Murphy accompanying. New Member Spotlight: The Bradley O’Neill Family Finn Camp welcomes as new members the O’Neill family. Brad and his wife, Sandra, and their two children, Gina and Collin, live in Highland. Brad and Sandy grew up in Milford and met in high school. They have been married for 18 years. Brad has an M.S. degree in education administration from Michigan State University and serves as a middle school principal in Northville. Sandy has a bachelor’s degree in communications and marketing from Eastern Michigan Shop the Finn Camp Store, in the Clubroom, whatever the season! We have t-shirts, hats, hoodies, koozies, and Finnish CDs. For access to the store during off hours, call Patti Leppi, at 248921-1432, or email her at -2- University and owns an automotive engineering recruiting company, working from her home office. Lakes Area Bait Shop Live Bait. Reloading. Supplies for Fishing, including Bowfishing. Hunting, Camping, Archery 2600 Benstein Rd., Wolverine Lake (south of Glengary Rd.) Ph.: 248-624-3333 Suppliers to the Finn Camp Fishing Derby The O’Neill family: Gina, Brad, Collin and Sandra. Their daughter, Gina, plays varsity tennis for Lakeland High School. Their son, Collin, plays travel soccer (Waza) and basketball at White Lake Middle School. The O’Neills like to travel as a family and spend time together by going out to eat or staying home and watching movies. The O’Neills have two dogs, Casey (a black-and-white mix) and Cocoa, a tan Pomeranian. Brad grew up at Finn Camp with his family. They owned a camp for years. He has many fond memories of being here as a kid— diving off the dock, swim lessons and the sauna, to name a few. He has wanted to pass these on to his own children. And they are looking forward to making lasting memories of their own at Finn Camp. More Lore: Not for Wives Only The fifteenth annual North American Wife Carrying Championship was run—and staggered and stumbled—this past November in Newry, Maine. According to the Finnish American Reporter, “The competition began [in Finland] in the 1990s and was inspired loosely by the legend of a 19th century outlaw who tested the mettle of his gang of robbers by having them run an obstacle course with a woman on their backs.” Events have since been held in Australia, Sweden, Estonia and the United States. Different styles have developed for the carry, the most popular one being the Estonian carry, in which the woman “hangs head down with her legs hooked around the man’s neck and her arms around his waist, which frees his hands.” And it turns out that the couple needn’t be married after all. One U.S. competitor said that “the people in Finland put together this event because they felt there should be at least one news story in the year that makes people laugh.” We agree: Would anyone like to suggest a humorous theme for 2015, or is it time to adopt the sport of wife carrying? Foote Tractor Michigan’s Southeastern Tractor Headquarters Serving the Novi, Howell, and Metro Detroit areas for 40 Years! 888-783-2309 Sherry’s Sweet and Savory Pasties Beef: $5 each; Pulla: $4 per loaf Call Sherry Kurin to place order: 248-535-6022 Need a Seamstress? Call Cindi Maddick for all your alterations, custom work and mending at 248-303-7337 Cords of Firewood for Sale $50 for members, $60 nonmembers. Delivery extra. Contact Mike Honka, ph. 248-860-5109 -3- From the Auditors The Finn Camp Store, Recreation Committee and Sisterhood are required to turn in their financial records for the year to any one of the auditors (Greg Pelto, Mary Johnson, Ed Elkhill, Sam Dernberger), or give them to a board member to put on the Boardroom table. We need the inventory from the store and the financial records from both the Sisterhood and the Recreation Committee. We will have them back to you as soon as we can. Please indicate how much money you have in cash. Thank you for your cooperation.—Sam Dernberger Quote of the Season “Of course, it helps that we have winter for 90 percent of the year.” —Michigan Tech Huskies senior co-captain Tanner Kero, on the team’s best hockey season start in history BOARD NOTES AND REMINDERS The board is accepting bids for the aluminum Finn Camp paddle boat that has been at Sun Lake. All bids due April 15. The boat must be removed from Finn Camp property. The board is still accepting bids for the Association’s log splitter. Any member interested in purchasing the splitter must submit their bid by February 1. Members with suggestions, comments or board-related business are asked to e-mail Those looking to add to their work hours should email the Works Administrators at General questions may be answered by visiting BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS Board of Directors Sunday, January 11, 10:00 a.m., visitors at noon Forest Management Committee Sunday, January 11, 10:00 a.m., meet at pole barn Next Sisu Sisters meeting Tuesday, March 10 Next Future Planning Committee meeting Thursday, April 2, 7:30 p.m., Boardroom You Can Help What have we been missing? New Family Members: Have you had a birth or adoption in the family since last month’s newsletter? Let us know the name and parents’ names and supply a photo (optional) so we can welcome the new one. New Members: We’d like to introduce you properly to the rest of the membership. Could you supply us with a photo, and answer a few basic questions in a brief phone interview? Condolences: Please supply the name, approximate date of death and information about how the decedent is a member of the Finn Camp community. A returnable photo would be appreciated. Email the Newsletter Committee at: Or mail to D.F.C.S.C.A., 2524 Loon Lake Rd., Wixom, MI 48393. Or approach someone on the committee (see below). Finn Camp Newsletter (ISSN 2154-5545) is published the first of each month by the Detroit Finnish Cooperative Summer Camp Association (D.F.C.S.C.A.), 2524 Loon Lake Rd., Wixom, MI 48393-1654. Contents copyright © 2015 D.F.C.S.C.A. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this publication in whole or in part, in any form, is forbidden without prior written permission. Board of Directors President: Dan Linick Vice President: Patti Leppi Treasurer: Dick Pype Secretary: Amber Martin Works Administrators: Larry Gooden, Kevin Homola, Jim Santti Editorial Staff: Newsletter Committee Chairperson, copy editor, David R. Hall; Production editor and contributor, Brian Pelto; Designer, photographer and website manager, Erick Leskinen; Contributor, Belinda Arbogast. Subscriptions: Printed newsletters by regular mail are $15 per year. Subscriptions by email are free. To receive newsletters via email (the only version in color) go to newsletter_editor@ and write “Subscribe to Newsletters” in the subject field. All material for newsletter articles is due by the 15th of the month. Please visit the Finn Camp website at -4-
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