Country or Territory Afghanistan (Taliban) Aland Islands Alderney (Channel Islands) Algeria Andorra Angola (UNITA) Anguilla Antigua & Barbuda Argentina Aruba Australia Austria CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM QUICK REFERENCE CHART COUNTRIES OF CONCERN UPDATED MARCH 17, 2015 2. State 3. Major Money 4. Tax 1. OFAC 5. FATF AML/CFT Sponsor of Laundering Havens/ & FinCEN Sanctioned Terrorism Country IMF & USDS MMLC X** USDS UC MMLC MMLC MMLC MMLC MMLC Bahamas Balkans Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium BALKANS MMLC Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Botswana USDS UC MMLC USDS UC MMLC USDS UC MMLC Brazil IMF OFC X** X** IG IG, BMPE X* IG IG IG IMF OFC USDS OFC BP TIP TIP BP IG IG IMF OFC USDS OFC IMF OFC TIP IG, BMPE IMF OFC TIP MMLC MMLC CAR MMLC Caymen Islands Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic Cook Islands Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Cuba Curacao Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gambia Germany Gibraltar Grand River Mohawk Lands Greece Grenada Guatemala Guernsey (Channel Islands) Guinea Guinea -Bissau Guyana Haiti Hong Kong Hungary IMF OFC BP, T3TIP IG IMF OFC USDS OFC MMLC, USDS UC MMLC DRCONGO COTED X MMLC X USDS UC MMLC MMLC IMF OFC X** IMF OFC MMLC X* FinCEN USDS UC USDS UC X** MMLC MMLC IMF OFC MMLC MMLC MMLC USDS UC MMLC MMLC MMLC 7. Other Concerns (See Legend) BP, ST, TIP IG IG T3TIP IG BP, TIP BELARUS Belize British Virgin Islands Brunei Cambodia Canada Central African Republic IMF OFC 6. Section 311 ML Concerns IG DF IG, BMPE IG, TIP BP, T3TIP IG IG BP T3TIP IG, DF IG IG, TIP IG EC, IG IG T3TIP T3TIP IG TIP IG IG T3TIP IG IG IG IG IG, BMPE IMF OFC X** T3TIP DF IG Country or Territory Hutt River Principality Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man (UK) Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey (Channel Islands) Kahnawake (Canada) Kalmykia Kazakhstan Kenya Korea, Republic of Kuwait Lao PDR (Laos) Latvia Lebanon Liberia (Diamonds) Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao SAR Madagascar Malaysia Maldives Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia, Federated States of Monaco Montserrat Myanmar (Burma) Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles Niger Nigeria Norfolk Island North Korea (DPRK) Norway Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Philippines Poland Portugal Russian Federation Samoa Saudi Arabia Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM QUICK REFERENCE CHART COUNTRIES OF CONCERN UPDATED MARCH 17, 2015 2. State 3. Major Money 4. Tax 1. OFAC 5. FATF AML/CFT Sponsor of Laundering Havens/ & FinCEN Sanctioned Terrorism Country IMF & USDS X IRAQ2 & IRAQ3 X MMLC MMLC MMLC, USDS UC MMLC MMLC MMLC MMLC MMLC MMLC 6. Section 311 ML Concerns X** X & FinCEN X** IG IG IG IG IG TIP IG IG IG IG IMF OFC MMLC LEBANON LIBERIA LIBYA2 X** USDS UC MMLC FinCEN MMLC, USDS UC MMLC USDS UC MMLC USDS UC MMLC, USDS UC USDS UC USDS UC MMLC USDS UC MMLC X IMF OFC USDS OFC IMF OFC MMLC USDS UC MMLC MMLC MMLC SOMALIA MMLC, USDS UC SOUTH SUDAN USDS UC MMLC IG Entities IG T3TIP IG IG IG IG T3TIP TIP IG TIP T3TIP IG BMPE IMF OFC IMF OFC IG X* X + Entities BP IG, TIP IMF OFC IG X & FinCEN IMF OFC IMF OFC IMF OFC IMF OFC MMLC, USDS UC TIP T3TIP IMF OFC USDS UC MMLC IG IG IG T3TIP IMF OFC USDS UC MMLC MMLC 7. Other Concerns (See Legend) X** X** IG IG, BP, T3TIP IG TIP TIP IG, DF T3TIP IG, BMPE IG IG IG IG, T3TIP T3TIP IG IG TIP IG, TIP IG IG IG, TIP TIP IG IG, DF TIP IG, DF TIP Country or Territory St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia St. Maarten St. Vincent & the Grenadines Sudan Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Tasmania Thailand Tonga Tunisia Turkey Turks & Caicos Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay US Virgin Islands Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zimbabwe CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM QUICK REFERENCE CHART COUNTRIES OF CONCERN UPDATED MARCH 17, 2015 2. State 3. Major Money 4. Tax 1. OFAC 5. FATF AML/CFT Sponsor of Laundering Havens/ & FinCEN Sanctioned Terrorism Country IMF & USDS 6. Section 311 ML Concerns MMLC SUDAN X X X X** MMLC USDS UC MMLC X** & FinCEN X** MMLC MMLC UKRAINE-EO... MMLC MMLC, USDS UC MMLC MMLC MMLC YEMEN ZIMBABWE MMLC IMF OFC FinCEN X** X** USDS OFC IMF OFC X** Entities 7. Other Concerns (See Legend) EC, IG IG IG BP, TIP IG IG IG BP, T3TIP IG IG IG T3TIP TIP IG TIP IG BMPE IG T3TIP IG IG, BMPE, T3TIP IG BP, T3TIP BP, T3TIP Legend: 1. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Sanctioned Countries OFAC maintains a country sanctions webpage with active links to detailed information about each. If the country tag is listed in column 1 rather than an “X”, the sanction program is not all encompassing and impacts only transactions with or benefitting designated persons. Each individual country tag (e.g. YEMEN, SUDAN) in column 1 is hyperlinked to the webpage dedicated to that country’s sanction programs. Countries with broad prohibitions are indicated in Column 1 with an “X.” The country name in the first column is hyperlinked to the webpage detailing the country’s sanctions. 2. US Department of State Designation as State Sponsors of Terrorism: Countries determined by the Secretary of State to have repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism are designated as State Sponsors of Terrorism. For more details about State Sponsors of Terrorism, see "Overview of State Sponsored Terrorism" in the US State Department’s Country Reports on Terrorism. 3. US Department of State's Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, March 2014 Major Money Laundering Countries (MMLC) are areas where banks engage in significant transactions involving serious crime proceeds. It is not an assessment of the area's legal framework to combat money laundering (ML); its role in terrorist financing (TF); or the degree of its cooperation in the international fight against ML and TF. Additionally, the Bureau has identified areas still uncooperative with international law enforcement and/or have not yet criminalized TF (Comparative Table in Volume II) and are identified on our report as ”USDS UC.” 4A. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Designation as Uncooperative Tax Haven (UTH). There are none as of October 2014. 4B. International Monetary Fund (IMF) Offshore Financial Centers (OFC) last published an official list of OFC’s in March 2004. These countries are still listed as additional country considerations and identified using “IMF OFC” as a point of reference. The IMF integrated OFC assessment with the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), a joint effort of IMF and the World Bank. The focus of FSAP assessments is twofold: to gauge the stability of the financial sector and to assess its potential contribution to growth and development, listed at Jurisdictions with Systemically Important Financial Sectors. These countries are important to stability in our overall global economy, but are not considered higher AML/CFT and are therefore not listed on this chart. 4C. The International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR) is an annual report by the Department of State. The report provides a snapshot of the AML/CFT infrastructure of each country or jurisdiction and its capacity to share information and cooperate in international investigations. Countries of primary concern identified by the US State Department as still being offshore financial centers in the 2014 Report’s Volume II are listed as “USDS OFC.” 5. Financial Action Task Force (FATF) does not have any jurisdictions listed as Non-Cooperative Countries or Territories (NCCT) as of this update. The countries indicated above are identified as jurisdictions with strategic Anti-Money Laundering or Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) deficiencies. Refer to recent FinCEN Advisories in addition to earlier advisories and other FATF guidance for details and updates. FinCEN designation indicates countries involved in recent events that elevate the risk of increased assets movement or illicit finance threats. X** = Jurisdictions with AML/CFT deficiencies. X* = Jurisdictions have strategic AML/CFT deficiencies and have not made sufficient progress addressing deficiencies. X = Countries having made significant progress addressing identified strategic AML/CFT deficiencies. 6. USA PATRIOT Act Section 311 authorized Treasury’s designation of jurisdictions as "Primary Money Laundering Concern" to enforce Special Measures for Jurisdictions, Financial Institutions, or International Transactions. “Entities” in this column indicates the country is not designated, but specifically identified entities within the country are. 7. International Monetary Fund summary of OFC services last published March 2004 and the State Department's listing of OFC services EC= Sells Economic Citizenship; IG = Internet Gaming; ST = Commit, threaten to commit, or support terrorism; BP - Blocked Property. To compile a comprehensive list of jurisdictions allowing Internet Gambling, several sources were consulted. The GAO Report to Congress on Internet Gambling, December 2002, as well as comprehensive lists found on Casino City and Internet Gambling - Google Answers. Countries in the State Department’s 2014 Human Trafficking Report (TIP) that are NOT States Parties to the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking In Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime are identified as “TIP.” The additional designation of "T3TIP" denotes Countries whose governments do not fully comply with the minimum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so. BMPE = Countries with Black Market Peso Exchange activity and DF = Duty Free trade zones which may be used in trade-based money laundering as highlighted in FinCEN 2010-A001. NOTE: For reference only in complying with BSA/AML regulations. Not legal advice.
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