Winds of Change First Christian Reformed Church Sunday May 24, 2015 Pastor Gary Bomhof WE GATHER IN HIS NAME Prelude Gathering to Worship Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship Song: Sweet Sweet Spirit Everlasting God God’s Greeting Time of Friendship Service of Reconciliation Call to Confession Reading of the Law Prayer of Confession Song: Breathe on Me Breath of God Assurance of Pardon Song: Breathe Message Prayer of Inspiration Song: Spirit of the Living God Scripture: John 4:19-26 Message: “Winds of Change” Pastor Josh Friend We Respond in Giving, Prayer and Praise Song: Spirit of God Who Dwells Within My Heart Pastoral Prayer Our Tithes and Offerings: First Church Budget Ministry Central AB Women’s Shelter Close Blessing Doxology: Glorify Thy Name Postlude First Church News Our prayers continue to go out for the Bomhof family. Alice Freschette was back in the hospital this past week for surgery but is now at Villa Marie to recover until she is well enough to return to her home. We pray this happens soon for her. Remember the many people who are unable to worship with us regularly due to illness or age including Hermina de Gruyter, Alice de Wit, Lies Harkema, Marge Groeneveld, Henny Oosterhoff, Dicky Mulder, Winnie Tensen, Helen Spanninga, Janet vanderMeulen, Peter Humting, Jannie deBoon, Cor and Pearl Nienhuis, Louis Braaksma and Henk Werkema. Guests: We extend a special welcome to guests who are joining us this morning. Coffee will be served in the social hall after the service. A reminder to the parents there is JamTime (Sunday School) for the children age 3 to going into grade 3. This summer schedule will go until September 6th. Welcome to our church: Luan & Raquel Giusti and Mateus Mota Address 306 5516 47A Ave Red Deer AB T4N 3R8 Email: Phone: Raquel: 587.377.5780 Luan: 403.352.7313 Mateus: 403.348.3349 FIRST CHURCH EVENTS AND NEWS Gems: A Head Councillor is needed for Gems. We thank Hetty-Ann Stryker for her dedication for so many years. If you are interested or need any information please contact Tyler Westera who is the chair of the Ed team. Summer of Psalms: As we approach the summer there are a few things to bring to our minds as we start planning for our weekly services. We have decided to continue in our Summer of Psalms series from last year and we want to hear from you! What is your favourite Psalm and why? Would you be willing to read your Psalm on the day it is planned? Contact Pastor Josh at or at the church office to select your favourite Psalm. All Request Songs of Summer: Though the Psalms are songs, we know of many hymns and choruses that are really important to us. As an attachment to the bulletin over the next few weeks, we would love EVERYONE to answer the 2 requests there and we will work hard to program all of those songs into our services during the summer! The small form is attached in this email is also able to be printed and filled in, then emailed or given to Pastor Josh. You can also go to the church website to fill out the form: YOUTH Today there is a wrap up (Barbecue) for Allan Andersen’s foundations class planned for 5:30 Sunday at 11 Wallace Close Red Deer. Young Adults Bible Study has changed days; they will now meet Sundays at 7pm in the council room, studying ‘The Unshakable Truth’. All Young Adults out of high school and beyond are invited. Plans for the Progressive Dinner are finalized..... Date: Saturday June 6 Time: be at the church at 4:00 to board the bus, we'll be back to the church by 10pm. Who: all Youth Grade 6 and up, as well as Young Adults Be prepared for great food and fellowship! For this event its very important you sign up ahead, we need to give the host families an accurate number of people they'll be feeding! Sign up sheet is on the Youth bulletin board. BIRTHDAYS May 24 27 29 30 30 Today Tuesday Friday Saturday 5:30pm 7:30pm 3:30pm 9:30am Nick Vanderveen Mike Ward Valerie Meinema Sharon Stange Amelia Work 25 28 29 30 31 Jane Visser Beatrice Vriend Jenny TenHove Jared Stryker Jack Soley NEXT WEEK Foundations Grade 11&12 at Allan Andersen’s. Council Michener Hymn Sing Afrikaans Bible Study STEWARDSHIP NOTES Today’s Tithes and Offerings: First Church Budget Ministry Central AB Women’s Shelter Future Offerings 31 07 May June Collection from May 10 & 17 Calvin Seminary Denominational Ministry Shares Budget World Renew Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre $21,195.00 $1,430.00 $1,165.00 SERVING TODAY Greeting: Egon Gregerson Helping Hands: Harvey Sypkes Nursery: Alice & Stephanie Prins, Tyler/Jobena Westera, Dylan Visser, Luke and Natalie Thompson Coffee Hosts: Dick and Judy vandenBrink Serving Elder: Matt Schoonderwoerd SERVING NEXT WEEK Greeting: Egon Gregerson Helping Hands: Roland B Nursery: Carlie Stange , Lindi Bouch Coffee Hosts: Benny & Anja Borgman Serving Elder: Karl Kranenborg Up Coming Events CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION First Christian Reformed Church 16 McVicar Street Red Deer, AB T4N 0M1 Phone: 403-346-5659
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