“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo The First Freedom It’s here to stay. Number 7 A P. O. Box 385 Silverhill, Alabama 36576 Self-government begins at home Y’all have a nice day. Volume 17 SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: First-time readers of alternate news, especially boob tube babies, may experience severe loss of confidence in the Establishment press and TV. July 2015 Inviting the Zionist-controlled media¢cracy to meet a rising free South www.firstfreedom.net $2.00 The trap ZOG’s puppet Cameron Page 7 Untold numbers of young college students are being conscripted into believing in government-as-savior. Page 9 Page 4 Colombian rebel leader killed More trustworthy credit rating agencies are now in Russia and China Page 13 Plea bargain waivers Page 11 Are they legal? American Defense Party Page 15 2016 campaign kickoff Page 24 Bolivia slams U. S. coups, dictatorships Page 12 Page 24 Are “Judeo-Christians” totally blind, deaf and dumb? Would-be world rulers connive again Page 18 Get the hardest-hitting rebel newspaper of them all by mail anywhere in the C.S.A. or U.S. For 12 issues send $25 to TFF, P.O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576. Three names: Black-on-White crime In South Carolina American Defense Party’s 2016 campaign kickoff J. B. Campbell, Chairman South Carolina Low theater The gun Page 6 Page 4 Vandals are attacking Confederate monuments all over the South. didn’t do it Page 10 Actor Rand Paul Page 7 Iceland busts the banksters Jim Tucker (wearing hat) of American Free Press first exposed these Bilderberg secret meetings years ago It’s not “democracy” if they vote the wrong way Page 4 Saudis need Russia, not the other way around. Crimea and Sevastopol Page 13 200 Syrian refugees return from Turkey Page 19 Page 12 Page 6 Color his “revolutions” blood red Ellen Brown Censored details of the Holocaust Race to oblivion Page 3 Page 14 Page 4 It’s not democracy if they vote the wrong way Politics & government Nicaraguans protest Page 8 China’s canal plans Cops arrest little old lady for knowing Those who can’t have Holocaust deniers running loose sent police to raid Ursula Haverbeck’s house in Vlotho, Germany. By Jobst Lüdeking Investigators confiscated from there a publication, Die Stimme des Reiches, or Voice of the Reich, a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office said. vlotho/verden (nw) The local prosecutor’s office had once before checked around to learn who was in charge of that magazine. During its current process extensive material was taken after investigations in Vlotho, Verden, Kerpen, Regensburg and Baden-Württemberg – including the current issue of the journal. The materials will now be examined. 86-year-old Ursula Haverbeck, having denied the Holocaust for years in defiance of Germany’s investigative authorities and The Bielefeld public prosecutor’s office has announced its charges against “neo-Nazi figurehead Ursula Haverbeck” for having violated Germany’s paragraph forbidding officially-prohibited opinions. The search of her home resulted in the State Office of Criminal In vestigation Lower Saxony, supported by officials from Herford, charging also an additional three thought criminals. Habitual thought criminal courts, has been sentenced in the past. The Collegium Humanum, founded by her husband in Vlotho, was “a neo-Nazi training center” until shut down in 2008 by the Interior Ministry. EDITOR’S NOTE Germany’s occupied media remain silent regarding the actual programs these peaceful “neo-Nazis” stand for, as they may only toe the dictated line parroting “what everybody knows.” Read Ursula Haverbeck’s forbidden research – from her own condemned alternate magazine – on page16. By Hunter Wallace occidentaldissent.com While absolutely nothing excuses Dylann Roof’s evil, horrific crime in Charleston, the Coun cil of Con ser va tive Cit i zens “stands unshakably behind the facts on its website” and will continue to point out the “dangers of denying the extent of Blackon-White crime.” The extreme Left Wing would prefer to tell a “story about race,” which highlights angelic Black males such as Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. The Far Left does not want to have a “conversation about race,” revealing what Black males have done to, say, the following three White people in South Carolina in just six months of 2011. Their lives were also either taken or traumatized in horrific tragedies. In spite of what some might say, their stories are just as important to “race in America” as the likes of Michael Brown or Freddie Gray. Again, the Far Left denies that White people have legitimate grievances about being victimized by Black-on-White crime and believes that discussion of this subject should be treated as taboo. Instead, the Far Left wants the American media to promote its chosen narrative of Black victimization, when the facts show the reverse is true. In ter ra cial crime is over whelm ingly Black-on-White. For instance, during June 2011, 18-year-old Carter Strange, shown here in hospital, was nearly beaten to death by a group of “youths” (as the media usually have it when they are Blacks). This happened in Columbia, S. C. Four months later in Charleston, five-yearold Allison Griffor was shot and killed while sleeping alone in her bed dur ing a home invasion. Again, none but the local media took notice, but even these dared not “profile.” Two months later in Kershaw, still in South Carolina, Beverly Hope Melton was followed and chased by a Black male who knocked her vehicle off the road, abducted, raped and beat her to death with a baseball bat, CNN gives months of notice to the tragic deaths of thugs and criminals like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray. Dylann Roof was “radicalized” by this anti-White double standard: why so much attention to Trayvon, Brown and Gray but not to, say, Carter Strange, Allison Griffor or Beverly Hope Melton? Alternate media matter Treating the value of White lives as a radioactive subject brought Dylann Roof to burn with a sense of injustice. The Far Left wants to chill discussion of legitimate issues. As the besieged police retreat from the streets and fanatics morph into lone wolf spree killers, oddly enough the toll will fall primarily on Black lives. All Lives Matter. Yet, however long the Left honors the memory of such “martyrs” as Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, there will be those on the Right who will remember Carter Strange, Allison Griffor and Beverly Hope Melton. 2 The First Freedom — Southern Poverty Truth Center — July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 HERE’S WHAT WAS IGNORED OR MISREPORTED ELSEWHERE: U. S. puts all its eggs in one basket: the military “Be assured that if this new provision [the 14th Amendment] be engrafted in the Constitution, it will, in time, change the entire struc ture and texture of our government, and sweep away all the guarantees of safety devised and provided by our patriotic Sires of the Revolution.” – Orville Browning AS AMERICA’S military commanders (those who haven’t retired early rather than flex the ZOG’s ageing muscles nonstop) threaten everywhere, Rothschild banking Nations are facing deflationary pressures. China, working with the governments of the United Kingdom and other European powers, has moved further to boot multiple New World Order-controlled institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank completely out of Asia, another sign of declining United States financial power. NOISE. The New York Times tells us “Iran continued its ‘terrorist-related’ activity last year and also continued to pro vide broad mil i tary sup port to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, the State Department said June 19 in its annual report on terrorism. The State Department’s assessment suggests that neither the election of President Hassan Rouhani nor the prospect of a nuclear accord with the U. S. and its negotiating partners has had a moderating effect on Iran’s foreign policy in the Middle East.” RUSSIAN security firm Kaspersky Lab disclosed recently that it had been hacked, noting that the culprits, believed to be from Israel, had penetrated its network since sometime last year. The company allowed those attackers seemed intent on studying its antivirus software and finding ways around the software on buyers’ machines, thus avoiding detection. A STRING of “charities” – Cancer Fund of Amer ica, Can cer Sup port Services, the Breast Cancer Society and Children’s Cancer Fund of America – have turned out to be manipulative frauds run by a family of con artists. The cash they raised for cancer patients actually went to pay for their personal luxuries instead – Disney World trips, jet ski outings, new cars, college tuition and luxury travel. “BAD Iran. Bad Iran!!!” – Official White Horse Souse Thus (ahem) whatreallyhappened.com: “Ever notice that when Iran supports Syria’s government, it is terror, but when the U. S. supports the hired mercenaries trying to overthrow Syria’s government, it is called ‘Nation-building’ and ‘bringing the people Democracy!’ I am concerned about this announcement coming as it does on the heels of Israel’s testing radioactive dirty bombs in the Negev.” Getting things backwards TRUCK convoys formed by Russia’s Emergencies Ministry have delivered a total of over 38,000 tons of humanitarian aid to the Donbas region since mid-August 2014. Now Russia’s Emergencies Ministry is preparing the 31st humanitarian aid convoy to east Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics known as the Donbas region, a ministry spokesman said on June 24. “The convoy will deliver to the Luhansk and Donetsk regions foodstuffs, medicines, essential supplies and other items re quired for the res i dents of Donbas,” the spokesman said. WORRIED about the strengthening of Greece’s ties with Russia, Washington is secretly “convincing” Germany and its partners in the European Union to agree with a compromise in settling Athens’ debt, The Financial Times has reported. FACEBOOK founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan announced last month that they would donate $5 million for scholarships to 400 “undocumented” Bay Area students. THRONGS flocked into Athens on June 21 to call on the ruling Syriza party to stand up to international creditors and reject further austerity measures. In the second mass demonstration that week, thousands of protesters chanted “No to the euro!” and “The people will not be blackmailed!” AFGHAN officials said security forces repelled a Taliban attack on the parliament building June 22, prompting evacuation of lawmakers as they prepared to review the nomination of that country’s new defense minister. In other words, the people there are trying to take their Nation back from its U. S. puppet rulers. DISPUTING China’s rising presence in the region, the United States Pacific Command has stationed more than 1,200 special forces troops across the Asia-Pacific sphere along with its latest advancements in weapons technology, reports the Beijing-based Sina Military Network. The First Freedom I thoroughly enjoy reading your excellent paper. In the spirit of Christ, White survival, Nationalism and White pride worldwide, keep up the good work! PETER MALLEN Kent, England I recently received my third issue of your publication and like it very much. I wasn’t born in the South but sure am glad I’m here now! KAREN POST Dickinson, TX SUBSCRIBE TODAY! NEW READERS r $5 for 6 issues __________________ RENEWAL r r r r $25 for 1 year $50 for 2 years $75 for 3 years $100 for 4 years ________________________________________ NAME ________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP ________________________________________ PHONE EMAIL ________________________________________ CHURCH/SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION CLIP AND MAIL TO THE FIRST FREEDOM P. O. BOX 385, SILVERHILL, ALABAMA 36576 Challenging a Zionist-controlled mediacracy to tolerate the truth Sec. of the Interior (1867) BAN the U. S. Capitol’s monument to Thomas Jefferson? Yes, said leftist Don Lemon June 24 on CNN. See page 3. Scalawag of the Month Judy Alves The Ft. Myers, Florida, News-Press saw fit to publish this June 15 diatribe: The “states’ rights” goal of the Civil War, the ‘right’ Gen. Lee fought for, was to enslave, beat, whip, rape, buy and sell human beings in order to preserve the wealthy lifestyle of slaveholders. Depicting Lee in military regalia in a forum of American government is repugnant. The fact that he was appreciated as a gentleman is not the message of the portrait. He is dressed for his defense of human trafficking. Additionally, there is no acceptable analogy to our revolutionary slaveholding forefathers who at worst were reluctant hypocrites in their pronouncement of “every man is created equal” as they fought for freedom from colonial rule. The Gen. Lee portrait needs to go. – Judy Alves, Fort Myers Lack of Knowledge Dear Judy Alves, You have obviously been sadly misled by our rewritten history. There are no facts to support your claim that General Lee fought “to enslave, beat, whip, rape, buy and sell human beings in order to preserve the wealthy lifestyle of slaveholders.” In fact, Lee set his inherited slaves free before the war. He was against slavery, so why would he fight to promote it? On the other hand, your glorious General Grant kept slaves until after the 13th Amendment was passed. That was the amendment that freed the slaves, which was not passed until eight months after the war was over. Since you are greatly lack ing in true his tor i cal knowledge, please allow me to enlighten you a little. The war was not about slavery, not because I say so, but because the U. S. government said so… On July 22, 1861, the U. S. Congress passed a joint resolution stating the purpose of the war: “Resolved…That this war is not being prosecuted on our part in any spirit of oppression, not for any purpose of conquest or subjugation, nor purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or established institutions of those States, but to defend and maintain the supremacy The First Freedom Self-government begins at home Speech and religion were already ours back when FDR named “four freedoms.” But he would whip hunger, fear and oppression, abstaining forever from Europe’s wars. When politicians lie, the State bites off what only individuals can chew. It’s time we recovered those powers not delegated. Editor: Olaf Childress Editorial faculty: Nancy Hitt, Christine Miller, Donald Sullivan, Valerie Protopapas and Ingrid Rimland Zündel. Correspondents: Mark Anderson, Bill Ebb, Lloyd Caperton, Chris DeHuff, Jason Gerhard, Bill Ivy, John Kaminski, John Peeples and Carolyn Yeager. Telephone: 251-945-5130 Email: editor@firstfreedom.net Website: www.firstfreedom.net Correspondence about subscriptions or changes of address should be addressed to The First Freedom, P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576. of the Constitution and all laws made in pursuance thereof and to preserve the Union, with all the dignity, equality and rights of the several States unimpaired; and that as soon as these objects are accomplished the war ought to cease.” General Lee was a great Christian leader of his people who was defending his homeland from an illegal invasion by the despot Lincoln. Lincoln’s army looted, raped, burned, and murdered the civilians of the South. When the Confederate soldiers wanted to retaliate in kind, General Lee would not allow it. – Jeff Paulk, Tulsa, OK Seriously, now A man sees a sign in front of a house: “Talking Dog for Sale.” He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the back yard. He goes there and sees a black mutt just sitting. “You talk?” he asks. “Yep,” the dog replies. “So, what’s your story?” The mutt looks up and answers, “Well, I discovered this gift while pretty young and wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA about my speaking, and in no time they had me jetting from one country to the other, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, since no one figured a dog could be eavesdropping. “I was one of their most valuable spies eight years running. But the jetting around really tired me out, and finally, not getting any younger, I decided to settle down. “So, signing up for a job at the airport to perform undercover security work, mostly wandering near suspicious characters and listening in, I uncovered some incredible dealings there and was awarded a batch of medals. “Had a wife, a mess of puppies, and now I’m just retired.” The man is dumbfounded. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog. The owner says, “Ten dollars.” The guy gushes, “This dog is amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?” The owner replies, “He’s such a liar. He didn’t do any of that stuff.” Periodicals postage paid at Foley, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The First Freedom, P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576. SUBSCRIPTIONS: C. S. A. and U. S: For one year (12 issues) send $25 to above address. Domestic subscriptions: Send $25 check, money order, (Federal Reserve Notes or one silver dollar at own risk) for next 12 monthly issues anywhere in C. S. A. and U. S. by bulk mail or $48 in a first class envelope. Inmates may pay with postage stamps. Foreign subscriptions: Canada $53, other foreign destinations $77. Payable in U. S. dollars or other instruments readily convertible thereto. Self-government begins at home. Let patriotism, in obedience to God, emancipate our imprisoned heritage! Join this nonprofit newspaper and help de-program the brainwashed population. Except for copyrighted articles, anyone may reprint or quote The First Freedom in whole or part; just give full credit and address. We may carefully edit submitted manuscripts to fit space and style sheet without changing meaning; prefer email; publish only the writer’s name, city and State but need address and phone verification. Signed articles by contributors do not necessarily represent The First Freedom’s views. These are expressed in editorials. — First things — The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 3 Thomas Jefferson on politics and government Here is some historical wisdom from one of our greatest Founding Fathers. Pray for its rediscovery. 19. Separation of Powers: Federal and State he Federative Prin ci ple was the mechanism introduced by the Founders that made possible a republic spread over a vast continent. In addition, by dividing gov ern men tal power into co-equal, independent responsibilities, each branch of government might serve as a check on the other and thus prevent either one from undermining the safety of the public liberty. “Our country is too large to have all its affairs directed by a single government. Public servants at such a distance, and from under the eye of their constituents, must, from the circumstance of distance, be unable to administer and overlook all the details necessary for the good government of the citizens; and the same circumstance, by rendering detection impossible to their constituents, will invite public agents to corruption, plunder and waste.” –Thomas Jefferson to Gideon Granger, 1800. ME 10:167 “While smaller governments are better adapted to the ordinary objects of society, larger confederations more effectually secure independence and the preservation of republican government.” –Thomas Jefferson to the Rhode Island Assembly, 1801. ME 10:262 “The extent of our country was so great, and its former division into distinct States so established, that we thought it better to confederate as to for eign affairs only. Every State retained its self-government in domestic matters, as better qualified to direct them to the good and satisfaction of their citizens, than a general government so distant from its remoter citizens and so little familiar with the local peculiarities of the different parts.” –Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:483 “I believe the States can best govern our home concerns, and the General Government our foreign ones.” –Thomas Jefferson to William Johnson, 1823. ME 15:450 “My general plan would be, to make the States one as to everything connected with foreign Nations, and several as to everything purely domestic.” – Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787. ME 6:227 “Distinct States, amalgamated into one as to their foreign con cerns, but sin gle and independent as to their internal ad min is tra tion, reg u larly organized with a legislature and governor resting on the choice of the peo ple and enlightened by a free press, can never be so fascinated by the arts of one man as to sub mit vol un tarily to his usurpation. Nor can they be constrained to it by any force he can possess. While that may paralyze the single State in which it happens to be encamped, [the] others, spread over a country of two thousand miles diameter, rise up on every side, ready organized for de lib er a tion by a con sti tu tional leg is la ture and for ac tion by their governor, constitutionally the commander of the militia of the State, that is to say, of every man in it able to bear arms.” –Thomas Jefferson to A. L. C. Destutt de Tracy, 1811. ME 13:19 “It is hoped that by a due poise and partition of powers between the General and par tic u lar gov ern ments, we have found the secret of extending the benign bless ings of re pub li can ism over still greater tracts of country than we possess, and that a subdivision may be avoided for ages, if not forever.” –Thomas Jefferson to James Sullivan, 1791. FE 5:369 T PUT IT BACK Your “representatives” – forbidden by the Southern Puberty Lechery Center, a federal Affirmative Action Apparatchik and those new voting machines to display such reminders in a building full of judges, lawyers and politicians – have banished the Ten Commandments from Alabama’s Supreme Court now for months. 142 The basis of separation “Our cit i zens have wisely formed themselves into one Nation as to others and several States as among themselves. To the United Nation belong our external and mutual relations; to each State, severally, the care of our persons, our property, our reputation and religious freedom.” –Thomas Jefferson: To Rhode Island Assembly, 1801. ME 10:262 “The States in North America which confederated to establish their independence of the government of Great Brit ain, of which Vir ginia was one, became on that acquisition, free and in de pend ent States, and as such, authorized to constitute governments, each for itself, in such form as it thought best. They entered into a compact (which is called the Constitution of the United States of America), by which they agreed to unite in a single government as to their relations with each other and with foreign Nations, and as to certain other articles particularly specified. They retained at the same time each to itself, the other rights of independent gov ernment, comprehending mainly their domestic interests.” –Thomas Jefferson: Declaration and Protest of Virginia, 1825. ME 17:442 “The radical idea of the character of the constitution of our government, which I have adopted as a key in cases of doubtful construction, is, that the whole field of government is divided into two departments, domestic and foreign (the States in their mutual relations being of the latter); that the former department is reserved exclusively to the respective States within their own limits, and the latter assigned to a separate set of functionaries, constituting what may be called the foreign branch, which, instead of a federal basis, is established as a distinct government quoad hoc [to this ex tent], acting as the domestic branch does on the citizens directly and coercively; that these departments have distinct directories, co-ordinate, and equally independent and supreme, each within its own sphere of action.” –Thomas Jefferson to Edward Livingston, 1824. ME 16:23 “Nor is it admitted... that the people of these States, by not investing their federal branch with all the means of bettering their condition, have denied to themselves any which may effect that purpose; since, in the distribution of these means, they have given to that branch those which belong to its department, and to the States have reserved separately the residue which belong to them separately. And thus by the organization of the two branches taken together, have completely se cured the first ob ject of hu man association, the full improvement of their condition, and reserved to themselves all the faculties of multiplying their own blessings.” –Thomas Jefferson: Declaration and Protest of Virginia, 1825. ME 17:444 “To the State governments are reserved all legislation and administration in affairs which concern their own citizens only, and to the federal government is given whatever concerns foreigners or the citizens of other States; these functions alone being made fed eral. The one is the do mestic, the other the foreign branch of the same government; neither having control over the other, but within its own department. There are one or two exceptions only to this partition of power.” –Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 1824. ME 16:47 “I con sider the foun da tion of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That “all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor pro hib ited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people.” [X Amendment] To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specifically drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.” –Thomas Jefferson: National Bank Opinion, 1791. ME 3:146 “The States supposed that by their tenth amendment, they had secured themselves against constructive powers.” –Thomas Jefferson to William Johnson, 1823. ME 15:450 “The true theory of our Constitution is surely the wisest and best, that the States are independent as to everything within them selves, and united as to everything respecting foreign Nations.” –Thomas Jefferson to Gideon Granger, 1800. ME 10:168 “The best general key for the solution of questions of power between our governments is the fact that ‘every foreign and federal power is given to the Federal Government, and to the States ev ery power purely domestic.’ I recollect but one instance of control vested in the Federal over the State authorities in a matter purely domestic, which is that of me tal lic ten ders. The Federal is, in truth, our foreign government, which department alone is taken from the sovereignty of the separate States.” –Thomas Jefferson to Robert J. Garnett, 1824. ME 16:15 “To draw around the whole Nation the strength of the General Government as a barrier against foreign foes; to watch the border of every State that no external hand may intrude or disturb the exercise of self-government reserved to itself; to equalize and moderate the pub lic con tri bu tions that while the req uisite ser vices are invited by due re mu ner a tion, noth ing be yond this may exist to attract the attention of our cit i zens from the pur suits of use ful industry, nor unjustly to burden those who continue in those pursuits – these are the functions of the General Government on which you have a right to call.” –Thomas Jefferson to Amos Marsh, 1801. ME 10:293 “The pres er va tion of the gen eral government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad, I deem [one of] the essential principles of our government, and consequently [one of] those which ought to shape its administration.” –Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural Address, 1801. ME 3:321 Separate responsibilities “It has been so often said, as to be generally believed, that Congress have no power by the [Articles of] Confederation to en force any thing; for ex am ple, con tri bu tions of money. It was not nec es sary to give them that power expressly; they have it by the law of na ture. When two par ties make a compact, there results to each a power of compelling the other to execute it.” –Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 1787. ME 6:227 “I like much the general idea of framing a government which should go on of itself, peace ably, with out need ing con tin ual recurrence to the State legislatures.” –Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1787. ME 6:386 “The States should be left to do whatever acts they can do as well as the General Government.” –Thomas Jefferson to John Harvie, 1790. FE 5:214 “It is of immense consequence that the States re tain as complete au thor ity as pos sible over their own citizens. The withdrawing themselves under the shelter of a foreign jurisdiction is so subversive of order and so pregnant of abuse, that it may not be amiss to consider how far a law of praemunire [a punishable offense against gov ern ment] should be re vised and modified, against all citizens who attempt to carry their causes before any other than the State courts, in cases where those other courts have no right to their cognizance.” –Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 1797. ME 9:424 “[Regulating] the condition of the descriptions of men composing a State... certainly is the exclusive right of every State, which nothing in the Constitution has taken from them and given to the General Government. Could Congress, for example, say that the non-freemen of Connecticut shall be freemen, or that they shall not emigrate into any other State?” –Thomas Jefferson to John Holmes, 1820. ME 15:250 NEXT: Relation of State to Federal Jewish Atrocities against the Palestinians Complete history of the Jewish conquest of Palestine. Originated as a Communist State, assassinated those who defended Palestinian rights, used terror to drive them from their homes, under today’s murderous military rule. 25 photos, 56 pages, $8 PPD. Truth at Last Books P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061 4 The First Freedom — Media bypass operation — July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 Europe betrays own interests to serve those of the U. S. By Bryan MacDonald B rt.com significant. Schmidt remains ac tive in Ger man public life – he is the publisher of Die Zeit – and is still a frequent television guest, of ten cig a rette in hand, at the age of 96. He remarked last year that Russia’s reunification with Crimea was “completely understandable” and that U. S.-led sanctions y slavishly following Washington’s line on Rus sia, Eu rope’s lead ers are essentially sticking pins into voodoo dolls of them selves. It’s as point less as it is ri dic u lous. If America were hand-picking European leaders, it’s doubtful that they could select as subservient a crew as now dominate the E. U. There’s nobody comparable to Charles de Gaulle or Willy Brandt in sight. In fact, there’s not even a Jacques Chirac. So depressing is the current situation that you’d even pine for a second rate Thatcher impersonator. At least there’d be a few fireworks. In stead, we have Angela U. S. President Barack Obama and Germany’s Chancellor Mer kel, Da vid Cameron and Angela Merkel attend a working dinner at a G7 summit at the Francois Hollande on the hotel castle Elmau in Kruen, Germany, June 7, 2015. front line. When the White House suggests were “nonsense.” He also warned that they they jump, the only question they seem to were symbolic and would “affect the West have for Washington is, “how high?” At as much as the Russians.” present, their leaps are so impressive that Despite the fact that Schmidt they’d give Ukraine’s leg endary pole vaulter Sergey Bubka a run for his money. has probably forgotten more The last time Eu rope’s top play ers about diplomacy than Merkel, se riously as serted their in de pend ence from the U. S. was in 2002 when Gerhard Hollande or Cameron will Schroeder and Chirac campaigned against ever know, they chose to George W. Bush’s illegal invasion of Iraq. ignore his wisdom. However, Their brave stance was com pro mised by Britain’s Tony Blair who bent over Fillon’s eyes are wide open. backwards to play the role of poodle to his “Europe is not independent. American master. The Polish, who should …The U. S. is drawing us [the have known better, also participated in the E. U.] into a crusade against unlawful offensive. Following the initial barrage, other fringe European States like Rus sia, which con tra dicts Estonia, Latvia and Albania, desperate to the interests of Europe,” he curry favor in Washington, got involved. told the BFMTV channel. The rather more influential Italy and Spain Fillon didn’t restrict his criticism to also briefly con trib uted forces be fore swiftly withdrawing. Since the august stand of Schroder and Chirac, Europe’s autonomy has collapsed. Germany is in the grip of the pro-American The E. U. has renewed sanctions CDU/CSU and France’s Gaullists have against the Crimea and Sevastopol given way to Francois Hollande’s insipid until June 2016. Socialists. Hollande has shown signs of a By Taras Litvinenko willingness to challenge Washington’s sputniknews.com diktat but seems incapable of asserting France’s once-proud swag ger. Gal lic he European Council has officially hauteur has been exchanged for callow extended economic sanctions against the diffidence. Crimean Peninsula and city of Sevastopol un til June 23, 2016, ac cord ing to a Lambs replacing lions communique published on June 19. France’s former Prime Minister (from The Crimea and Sevastopol, which has a 2007-12) Francois Fillon spoke last month special status within the region, became of his despair at Paris’ new-found meekness. subjects of the Russian Federation on Nicolas Sarkozy’s former right-hand man March 21, 2014, after more than 96 percent claimed that the U. S. is drawing European of Crimea voters had backed the motion to States into a “crusade” against Russia, rejoin Russia in a referendum held on which goes against Europe’s own interests. March 16. While Fillon is merely stating the obvious, But the West refused to recognize results the fact that such a recent powerbroker is of that referendum and imposed economic speaking publicly indicates the level of sanctions against Crimea in 2014, which included a ban on investing in its economy and restrictive measures targeting Crimean individuals and companies. Russia policy; the Gaullist also laid into American activities further afield. He noted that Washington pursues “extremely dangerous” policies in the Middle East that the E. U. and European States have to agree with. The ex-PM further accused German intelligence of spying on France “not in the interests of Germany but in the interests of the United States.” A dangerous world As Fillon was speaking in Paris, Sergey Ivanov – the head of Russia’s Presidential Administration – was warning in Moscow that the mutually ruinous sanctions game be tween Rus sia and the E. U. is set to continue. “As far as we know the recent G7 summit has prolonged sanctions against the Rus sian Fed er a tion. There fore it’s logical for Russia to prolong its countersanc tions,” Ivanov stated. Of course, Russia was excluded from the old G8 last year which served to deny Moscow and the American-led West a valuable forum to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and British Prime Minister David Cameron. discuss their differences. What we now see is a race to the bottom. Europe and Russia tearing themselves apart – undermining decades of carefully built bilateral relations – while the puppeteers in Washington barely suffer at all. All this current needless tension is destroying jobs and businesses across the European Union and the Russian Federation and is of no benefit to either party. Can we tell the dancer from the dance? Meanwhile, the U. S. is the big winner. By launching a massive propaganda campaign accentuating a non-existent Russian threat, they have scared eastern European States to such an extent that they now open up their territory to the American military without question. At the same time, Europe’s fringe Nations watch helplessly as their nascent economic recoveries are stymied by a counter-productive sanctions game with a major market. The big question now is whether it is conceivable that Europe will ever again act independently in its policy towards Moscow. The portents look grim. Cameron, while dis tracted by Scot land and his country’s E. U. membership, has recently received a new five-year mandate, giving him plenty of space to pro mote U. S. interests in Europe. Merkel is midway through a four-year term and unless her CDU party replaces her (very unlikely) or she resigns (not implausible), the Chancellor will probably be re-elected for a 4th term in two years’ time. Of course, eventually somebody will break ranks. Most likely the French, when Hollande is almost certainly booted out of office in 2017. Nevertheless, that gives Washington two more years to wreak havoc in Europe. By then, permanent damage will probably have been done to the European economy and the continent’s relations with its giant Eurasian neighbor. At the same time, America, while pulling the strings, will remain unharmed. Towards the end of his life, de Gaulle observed: “I have tried to lift France out of the mud. But she will return to her errors and vomiting, I cannot prevent the French from being French.” If he were around today, he’d surely say “Je te l’avais dit.” Not “democracy” if they vote the wrong way T Anti-Russian sanctions can cost the E. U. up to $114 billion – Austrian study “As stated by the European Council on 19 March 2015, the E. U. contin ues to condemn the illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol by the Russian Federation and remain committed to fully implement its non-recognition policy,” the communique read. Earlier on that day, a source told RIA Novosti that the E. U. economic and finance ministers had approved the decision of the European Council to extend the existing sanctions against Crimea. Cultural genocide unfolding in Dixie Vandals are hitting Confederate monuments all over the South. By Hunter Wallace occidentaldissent.com Former French Prime Minister Francois Fillon de spair in Eu rope. Older, ex pe rienced politicians and diplomats from Henry Kissinger to Helmut Schmidt have lashed out at recent Western policy towards Russia previously, but Fillon is contemporaneous to the present kingpins. And that is very Order extra copies of The First Freedom Help your friends shed the scales from their eyes! See coupon at bottom of page 24 Y ears ago, I warned that the American Left’s cultural genocide agenda was no different from ISIS or the Taliban in its ferocity, and now we are witnessing an unprecedented attack on all monuments “The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert it self, though it may be at an other time and in an other form.” – Pres i dent Jef fer son Da vis and symbols of Southern and Confederate heritage. When the Tom Wat son statue was removed from the Georgia State Capitol in 2013, I made a point to travel to Atlanta to stand against it. At the time, I said that I would be back when they came for the other monuments on the Capitol grounds. Last August, I traveled to Ole Miss when Confederate Drive was renamed because I felt it was important to do so. If I had not made other plans, I would have been in Union Springs last month to protest the assault on Confederate graves. This must be what it felt like to witness the Bolshevik Revo lution in Lenin’s Russia or the Cultural Revolution in Mao Zedong’s China. An ugly spectacle is un folding across the South, as craven Republican politicians acquiesce to radical de mands and ven er a ble and his toric monuments come under sustained attack be cause of the crazed ac tions of a lone fanatic. Not content to dump buckets of ice on the heads, hordes of vandals who look like extras from Mad Max: Road are burning Confederate flags. The mobs that burned down Baltimore and Ferguson are gathering in our streets to plot their next move. Ominous There are too many new developments to track. Walmart, Amazon, E-Bay and Sears are outlawing Confederate merchandise. Mainstream conservative websites such as Breitbart and National Review have condemned the Confederate flag. Don’t even bother contacting your Republican representatives. None of those cowards will be of any assistance to you. Let’s hope this doesn’t escalate into violence against the White community. — Southern Culturalism — The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 5 Let us salute the flag On the nobility of motives By Fred Reed fredoneverything.net A aaagh! Enough. I keep reading that I should Honor Our Troops. On airline flights, I am asked to applaud Our Young Men in Uni form. Why, for God’s sake? What have Our Troops done for me except cause me great embarrassment, cost money better spent on anything else, and kill millions of people that I have had no interest in killing? For this I am to thank them? No, they don’t have noble motives. Men join the military because they need a job, because they want money for college or because they are bored or want to prove their manhood or go to exotic places and get laid. Basic training, jump school, being a tank gunner or doing nocturnal scuba insertions are much more appealing to a young man than selling fan belts at the NAPA outlet. Patrio tism? “Love of country” is an after-market add-on, good for a drink or a pat on the back at the Legion – nothing more than an ex pres sion of the pack instinct that makes men in all places and times join in groups to fight other groups. The pack instinct is why tribal warfare is continual among primitive peoples, why war, oth er wise in ex pli ca ble, re mains incessant between modern countries. It is why the gangs of young males in Chicago mirror military hierarchy, with territory to be expanded or defended, with leaders and insignia (e.g. black and gold jackets for the Latin Kings), with hand signs to signify identity and loyalty. It is why people join screaming mobs in political conventions, why they become wildly emotional over foot ball teams con sist ing largely of convicted felons who have nothing to do with the city. Dr. Jekyll and Colonel Hyde The pattern of loyalty inward to one’s pack and hostility outward toward other packs explains the peculiar morality of the military (and of most other people). A Marine colonel will be at home a good neighbor, civic-minded, honest, cut the grass and help old ladies across the street. Come a war and he will mercilessly bomb any city he is told to bomb and, after killing he doesn’t care whom on the ground, he will go to the officers’ club where there will be high-fives and war stories. We must not notice this, or the other feral dogs will turn on us. If you say that soldiers are morally indistinguishable from Mafia hit-men, you will arouse outrage – but there is no difference. A soldier who has never heard of Vietnam or Iraq goes when ordered to kill Vietnamese and Iraqis, and duly kills them. Guido and Vito, who have never heard of Hyman Blitzschein the store-owner who is behind on his protection payments, break Hyman’s leg when ordered to. What is the difference? Morality is always a very thin veneer on top of the deeper savagery of the pack. Militaries encourage this savagery. From Joshua onward until very recently, armies reg u larly put cit ies to the sword, and generals allowed their troops to sack and rape, rewards for good service. For those un fa mil iar with such things, “putt ing cities…” meant killing every living thing within. Nothing new A graphic description of torture and murder routine in the Thirty Years War would have most readers retching. Today this sort of thing, when exposed, is held to be in bad taste. Only the United States engages openly in torture (put “Abu Ghraib) In Google images), but others do it. Of course, much depends on who is doing what to whom. When the Germans bombed London, the English thought it barbaric. Later, when they were bombing German cities, it was a form of heroism. The Rape of Nanjing was hideous, while the frying of Hiroshima was not. Killing everyone in a city of a hundred thousand by hand would be very bad PR, but burning them to death from above is a cause for congratulations. An effect of the pack in stinct is the suppression of cognitive dissonance. If one noticed that a woman campaigning for sexual abstinence was pregnant with her seventh child, that person might notice the contradiction. Patriots, or the American variety anyway, cannot notice that Our Boys, and Our Girls, are committing the routine atrocities that armies normally commit. Call it cognitive indifference. Keeping things clean American atrocities are always Isolated Incidents. An Isolated In ci dent is busi ness-as-usual that is detected by the press. Thus torture is best avoided by restricting coverage. It is de rigueur to speak of our boys fighting to defend America and our way of life, and to speak of their sacrifices. In the Fifties TFF writer Richard Noegel traveled to Yorktown, Virginia, to this spirit was exemplified by see the arrival from France of an exact replica of the Hermione, Su perman jump ing out of a the French frigate that brought General the Marquis de la Fayette to America in 1780. The ship was built entirely by hand, window, while the voice-over using 18th-century tools and construction methods. For the full intoned, “Truth, justice, and the story in words and pictures, go to “GASSAR” (Georgia Society, American way,” then thought to Sons of the American Revolution”), and on the home page, click “Articles.” On the drop-down, click “Hermione Replica.” The be related. ship was built exclusively with donations from the people of Actually, soldiers are more France. She arrived at Yorktown, first stop on her American sac ri ficed than sac ri fic ing. tour, on Friday, June 5, 2015, shown here. Precisely how killing Afghan goatherds would want to do anyway. pro tects the United States is not clear: Ageless jingoism careful students of geography have argued that Afghanistan is somewhere else. The Loyalty to a small band of warriors is evidence does seem to support this. easily transferred to an abstraction such Today, the motives of wars are usually as country or religious faith. Witness the disguised so as to be palatable. It has been fervor of Moslems today, or the enthusiasm said that the British fought for empire, for Christianity of illiterate Crusaders in the French for la gloire de la France, the the eleventh century who knew little of Russians to steal watches from the wounded Christianity and certainly didn’t follow its and the Amer i cans for vague moral moral precepts. Being swept up in a Cause abstractions. Thus Washington fights to rid gives an appearance of meaning to a life Iraq of a cruel dictator, while supporting otherwise devoid of such. The flags, the many oth ers as cruel; fights to in still hurrahs, the rhythmic thump-thump-thump democracy, as if anyone anywhere cared of hundreds of boots, the solidarity – these whether Afghanistan were democratic; reinforce the pack instinct, and recruiters and to protect the world from nonexistent and politicians know it. WMD. And so a coal-miner who hates the coal Licensed gangs company, hates suits and liberals and the The dog-pack instinct is most intense in rich and Blacks and homosexuals and the elite outfits, SEALs and Force Recon knows he is being exploited and doesn’t and Special Forces, with tightly-bonded really like anybody at all except local small groups – the focus of males – working friends, will discover unexpected loyalty together. Powerful, free-floating hostility when the Japanese bomb Pearl. characterizes these, and patriotism gives And now, let’s hear a huzzah for Our them a cover story for doing what they Boys. SPLC teaches intolerance for real men This Southern Nationalist police officer was fired for refusing an order to renounce his beliefs. By Marcus Cicero occidentaldissent.com A White Man who refuses to back down despite pressure from all sides. We would do well to follow the example of this hero when the time comes. Previously, Majority Rebellion reported on the story of Josh Doggrell, one of two Anniston, Alabama, police officers placed on administrative leave, following an SPLC hit piece on their membership within the League of the South. Word has now come forth that Mr. Doggrell, a nineteen-year veteran of the force, has been unconditionally terminated from his position after explicitly staying true to his pro-White, pro-South, Nationalist beliefs. Despite knowing of his involvement with the League throughout the long years, new management within the city of Anniston felt as if the time had come to prostrate before the altar of the United States federal government, which seeks to extinguish any views that differ from the idea of a twisted, atheistic, sexually-deviant, multicultural empire. Doggrell is sued a statement, which brings chills up one’s spine due to its commitment and moral resolve. “For years, my affiliation with the League has intermittently come up at my job. I have told them if ever it came to it, I would choose the League over my job. The previous police chiefs were supportive. This one was not. And the new city manager became openly hostile upon his ‘discovery’ this week. “Friday afternoon the carrot was dangled by internal affairs. Would I be willing to ‘flush’ the League entirely in order to save my job? The answer was a swift no. Three hours later, my termination was announced. Nineteen years, my salary, my benefits and my retirement are gone. I’m not looking for sympathy, but I do ask for support. “And I’ve gotten it. I am humbled and grate ful for the prom ises of sup port, including financial, I have received. I think I have a good case, and I am planning to take this to court. If anyone wishes to donate to the legal defense, the Pay Pal email is grace4doggrell@aol.com. “God is still on His throne. His will I accept. Pray His hand guides me and protects my family. In tough times, you find out who your friends are. I am proud to be a Southern Nationalist and a member of the League of the South.” While other al leged “Na tion al ists,” throughout mainly the internet sphere, frequently alter their belief system, and switch worldviews as if they were informal party clothes, Lt. Doggrell has stood firm since his entry to the League two decades ago, and demonstrates to us a model for how we should conduct ourselves in daily life. Information contained in the above statement is provided in order to facilitate some real-life activism to aid a man who has sacrificed much for the Cause he wholeheartedly believes in. Any sort of financial and/or moral support to Mr. Doggrell would go a long way during the coming bat tles to re ceive jus tice and compensation for his loss. May God stand with him and his family through this difficult time. From the Wine Press: A Tale of War (1913) By Alfred Noyes They were cleanly groomed. They were not to be bought. And their cigars were good. But they had pulled so many strings In the tinseled puppet-show of kings That, when they talked of war, they thought Of sawdust, not of blood; Not of the crimson tempest Where the shattered city falls: They thought, behind their varnished doors, Of diplomats, ambassadors, Budgets, and loans and boundary-lines, Coercions and re-calls; Forces and Balances of Power; Shadows and dreams and dust; And how to set their bond aside And prove they lied not when they lied, And which was weak, and which was strong, But – never which was just. Yet they were honest, honest men. Justice could take no wrong. The blind arbitrament of steel, The mailed hand, the armored heel, Could only prove that Justice reigned And that her hands were strong. For they were strong. So might is right, And reason wins the day. And, if at a touch on a silver bell They plunged three Nations into hell, The blood of peasants is not red A hundred miles away. 6 The First Freedom — Politrix — July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 Political theater: starring Rand Paul and the NSA By Gregory Kay E gregmkay@yahoo.com veryone is all in a tizzy over Rand Paul – over how he alone stood up to the NSA and his own party in order to filibuster a renewal of the so-called “Patriot Act,” and single-handedly killed the infamous spying provisions saving all of us from their warrantless tyranny and thus proving himself alone among the Republican candidates electable material for the oval office. Well, as the old Irish joke goes, “Ah, it would be a grand thing, if only it were true.” Or, to quote from the less-desirable part of town: “You been played, sucker!” And the play you saw was pure political theater, nothing more. In case you think I’m being too harsh on poor little open-borders Rand, ask yourself this one ques tion. What ex actly did he accomplish? Simply this: instead of the NSA collecting your records, the phone company does it for those spooks. Low theater I repeat; under this new bill, the equally misnamed “USA Freedom Act” (the name alone, like “The Patriot Act” or “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” should be enough to tell you it’s a load of hogwash propaganda), the NSA is spared the expense and manpower of collecting the information itself, and now simply has its pet “secret judges” from “secret courts” issue more “secret orders” telling the phone companies to provide it for them. Not really much difference, is there? That’s because you just watched another episode of the long-running soap opera called “Political Theater,” with Rand Paul in his first lead role as The Loyal Opposition, pro vid ing a safety valve to release some of the public ire while actually changing nothing of substance; he can’t, even if he wanted to, because the kind of power that came from the Patriot Act is something the United States Government is not about to give up, regardless of what anybody says. Despite their legendary incompetence (a good bit of it illusory, just play acting for the public in this charade), knowing that knowledge is power, they understand its use and consider what they got from the Patriot Act much too valuable to surrender without a real fight. All of this has little to do with security or fighting terrorism; the Patriot Act has never stopped a single terrorist act. Instead, its value among our enemies – and danger to ourselves – lies in opportunies for their gaining ever more money and power. For starters, even though they collect information on everyone, the NSA could care less about most of us, our email and Facebook rants, except to get a general feel of things, a finger-in-the-wind of public opinion for government psychologists and psy-ops people who adjust the political screenplay accordingly, on an as-needed basis. Our information is still valuable to them, however, in two ways. First, selected information of illegal (as opposed to criminal, which in American is not always the same) activities is funneled to local police departments that, in turn, make up some excuse to get a warrant or do a “random” stop and search. This makes cops look good, and they come to depend on that information from the Feds; so that, when Uncle Sam wants a favor, those who should be at the epicenter of protecting us from wrongful government oppression will instead jump right in on its side. Secondly, your personal information – even if it is just metadata as they claim – is of great monetary value to marketers in corporatist America. If you don’t believe it, look at Facebook and Google. There is quite a bit of evidence suggesting that the NSA either sells its data to big business or, perhaps more likely, trades it for corporate information wanted or when getting others to do research for them in certain sensitive cases which gives Uncle Sam “plausible deniability.” Actors guild This is not the only way the Patriot Act works with businesses, of course. Recent leaks have shown that one of its primary functions is industrial espionage, stealing trade secrets and business information from foreign companies and either selling or trading that to companies and investors here, thus assuring their continued backing in the process. This is a lucrative carrot for business and law enforcement, but, of course, with every carrot there comes also a stick. While the Feds may not be interested in you personally, they’re very interested in certain others: politicians, judges, public officials, organizational heads; and business leaders, foreign or domestic, be they friend or foe. These are the ones whose personal data you can bet your bottom dollar is the most eagerly sought and compiled by the NSA. The human comedy Think about it; all of us have something to hide. In most cases, it’s just something potentially embarrassing; maybe you like to surf porn or have strange tastes in sex, maybe you drink a little too much or smoke a little weed, or perhaps you once made a politically-incorrect comment (à la Paula Deen). Usually it’s not that big of a deal, but, at the same time, you’d just as soon not have it become public knowledge, right? Sometimes, though, it really is a big deal, one that involved deviant and criminal activity, often of the worst kind. Either way, since even ordinary embarrassment can be the death knell for people in power and lead to their public humiliation, loss of jobs, and divorce for those farther down the food chain, that information provides a pretty strong lever to move them any way their manipulator wants them to go. All the world’s a stage Did you ever wonder how Uncle Sam gets so many people to go along with so many wrong-headed ideas, and why so many people suddenly decide on retiring “to spend more time with the family”? Easy; it’s called “blackmail.” The Feds do it, the NSA facilitates it, and Rand Paul puts on a dog and pony show to help fool the sheeple into believing the problem has been taken care of so we can go back to sleep and not actually try dealing with it. Stay tuned for the next thrilling episode of Political Theater: Obamatrade. Fast-track authority – a race to oblivion By Ellen Brown “L ellenbrown.com et the jury consider their verdict,” the King said, for about the twentieth time that day. “No, no!” said the Queen. “Sentence first – verdict afterwards.” “Stuff and nonsense!” said Al ice loudly. “The idea of having the sentence first!” “Hold your tongue!” said the Queen, turning purple. “I won’t!” said Alice. “Off with her head!” the Queen shouted at the top of her voice. – Lewis Carroll, Al ice’s Adventures in Wonderland Back to the unreal world Fast-track authority was being sought in the Senate last month for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), along with the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) and any other such trade agreements coming down the pike in the next six years. The terms of the TPP and the TiSA are so secret that drafts of the negotiations are to remain classified for four years or five years, respectively, after the deals have been passed into law. How can laws be enforced against people and governments who are not allowed to know what was negotiated? The “14th Amendment” wasn’t ratified! It’s not the law! Get this 32-page booklet What every cat is discovering lately into the paws of our kittens for under 50¢ per adventure. Read it and you’ll see why we’re copy-catting the enemy’s entreaty, “From each according to his ability…” 10 for $10… PPD 100 for $20… PPD 50 for $15… PPD 200 for $30… PPD Mention this ad The First Freedom Order them today: P. O. Box 385 Silverhill, AL 36576 The TPP, TiSA and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (or TTIP, which covers Europe) will collectively encompass three-fourths of the world’s GDP; and they ultimately seek to encompass nearly ninety per cent of GDP. Despite this enormous global impact, fast-track authority would allow the President to sign the deals before their terms have been made public, and send implementing legislation to Congress that cannot be amended or fil i bus tered and is not sub ject to the constitutional requirement of a two-thirds treaty vote. Huh?! While these deals are being negotiated, lawmakers can see their terms only under the strictest secrecy, and can be subjected to criminal prosecution for revealing those terms. What we know of them comes only through WikiLeaks. The agreements are being treated as if they were a matter of grave national security, yet they are not about troop movements or military strategy. Something else is obviously going on. The bizarre, unconstitutional, blatantly illegal nature of this enforced secrecy was highlighted in a May 15th article by Jon Rappoport, titled “What Law Says the Text of the TPP Must Remain Secret?” He wrote: § It seems like a case of mass hypnosis. . . § Members of Congress are scuttling around like weasels, claiming they can’t dis close what’s in this far-reach ing, 12-nation trade treaty. § They can go into a sealed room and read a draft, but they can’t copy pages, and they can’t tell the public what they just read. § Why not? § If there is a U. S. law forbidding disclosure, name the law. § Can you re call any thing in the Constitution that establishes secret treaties? § Is there a prior treaty that states the text of all treaties can be hidden from the people? Israel Not A Democracy By Norman F. Dacey, author of the best seller, “How To Avoid Probate.” Studies Israel’s laws which make it a Marxist dictatorship. 70 pages, $8 PPD. Truth at Last Books P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061 To Congressmen who say they cannot reveal what is in a treaty that will adversely affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people, Rappoport says: § Wrong. You’re lying. You can reveal se cret text. In fact, it’s your duty. Otherwise, you’re guilty of cooperating in a RICO criminal conspiracy. A corporate coup d’état What’s going on was predicted by David Korten in his 1995 block buster, When Corporations Rule The World. Catherine Austin Fitts calls it a “corporate coup d’état.” This cor po rate coup in cludes the privatization and offshoring of the judicial function delegated to the U. S. court system in the Constitution, through Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions that strengthen existing ISDS procedures. As explained in The Economist, ISDS gives foreign firms a special right to apply to a se cre tive tri bu nal of highly paid cor po rate law yers for com pen sa tion whenever the government passes a law to do things that hurt corporate profits – such things as discouraging smoking, protecting the environment or preventing a nuclear catastrophe. Arbitrators are paid $600-700 an hour, giving them little incentive to dismiss cases. The secretive nature of the arbitration pro cess and the lack of any requirement to consider precedent give wide scope for creative judgments – the sort of arbitrary edicts satirized by Lewis Carroll in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Sentence first To date, the highest ISDS award has been for $2.3 billion to Occidental Oil Company against the gov ern ment of Ec ua dor over its ter mi na tion of an oil-con ces sion con tract, al though the termination was apparently legal. Under the TPP, however, even larger and more unpredictable judgments can be anticipated, since the sort of “investment” it protects includes not just “the commitment of capital or other resources” but “the expectation of gain or profit.” That means the rights of corpo rations extend not merely to their factories and other “capital” but to the profits they expect to receive. Just the threat of a mas sive damage award for impairing “expected corporate profits” could be enough to discourage prospective legislation by lawmakers. The Trade in Services Agreement adds additional barriers to proposed legislation. TiSA involves 51 countries, including ev ery ad vanced econ omy ex cept the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). The deal would liberalize global trade in services covering close to 80% of the U. S. econ omy, in clud ing financial services, health care, education, engineering, telecommunications and many more. It would restrict how governments can manage their public laws, and it could dis man tle and pri vat ize State-owned enterprises, turning those services over to the private sector. It would also block the emerg ing trend to re turn pri vat ized services to the public sector, by limiting or prohibiting governments from creating or reestablishing public utilities and other “uncompetitive” forms of service delivery. Time to wake up It seems that the TPP, TTIP and TiSA are not about the sort of “free trade” that would free local businesses to sell abroad. They are about freeing international corporations from the government regulation necessary to protect the economy, the people and the environment. They are about preserving pri vat ized mo nop o lies and pre venting competition from the public sector. And they are about moving litigation offshore into private arbitrary tribunals – the sort of tribunal that might have lost Alice her head, if she had not awakened from her bizarre dream. American Free Press is the weekly newspaper out of Washington, DC, that rose from its ashes when they shut down The Spotlight. Tired of waiting a whole month for TFF to arrive? Subscribe to this also-truthful tabloid, 52 issues crammed into 47 weeks of the year plus six free issues of Whole Body Health for $59. American Free Press 16000 Trade Zone Avenue Unit 406 Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 — Human gullibility — The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 7 Trade treaties, mega-corporations, worldwide socialism By Jon Rappoport “T activistpost.com he ever-emerging popular image of socialism: a humane government colossus controls the means of production for the benefit of the people; and share-the-wealth at all levels of society comes alive. This is political theory for children in a condition of arrested development – for example, college students and Hollywood actors who long for lunch at the White House.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) I use the loaded word “socialism” in the headline, because it’s important to understand that globalism is a form of socialism. That may not sit well with some people, because they believe in the socialism team and think that team is against globalism. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s about time they woke up. Globalism was born out of the triumphs of cutthroat capitalists such as Rockefeller and international bankers like Rothschild and Warburg. These men made a decision quite natural for them: “By hook and by crook I’ve acquired my fortune; now I want a monopoly; I want to cut out the competition; I want empire; therefore, I have to control governments; I want to make governments more powerful, so by controlling them I control society.” What better way to make governments more powerful than by forming a long-term (criminal) collaboration with mega-corporations, including major banks? Governments plus giant corporations. Does that equal socialism? You can quibble and say corporations are re ally in charge and there fore this isn’t socialism. Call it oligarchy. Call it runaway capitalism or the corporate state. This collaboration among governments, mega-cor po ra tions and bank ers is the triangle. It’s the engine of control. It grossly limits freedom. It claims, through propaganda, that its “government wing” is for the people. That’s utter nonsense, of course. Other way around Today’s socialists believe government is the answer to the control of society by big money and big greed. That’s a delusion. The governments are on the side of big money. Socialists also like to say governments are weak sis ters in the pocket of the corporations, and therefore the governments must become stronger. Another dangerous fantasy. The last time I looked at America, for example, the government had an extensive mili tary, a diz zy ing number of spy ing agencies and a gigantic Justice Department that could make arrests and put criminals on trial. If that’s weak, what’s strong? Who are the major money men of Wall Street the U. S. government has thrown in prison? Who are the mega-corporate thugs the government has sent away for life terms? The government is firmly in bed with the corporations. Committed. Purposefully. All the trade treaties – GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA, the TPP, etc. – are ba si cally instruments of the government-corporate collaboration. They strengthen corporations and they strengthen the de facto global Order extra copies of The First Freedom Help your friends shed the scales from their eyes! See coupon on page 24 Let’s roll! management system, which is government on a far larger scale. Securing monopoly requires controlling governments and making them more and more repressive in order to put populations under control. It makes per fect sense, if you’re a billionaire or trillionaire sociopath. When I say “Globalists controlling governments,” I’m talking about a partnership, and if one partner, equipped with armies, spies and prosecutors, surrenders to the other partner, that’s a form of extreme cowardice. Just one example: the current globalist TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) negotiation is secret, as are the details of the treaty. But any legislator in any of the 12 member nations could step out of the shadows and communicate everything he knows about what’s in the treaty…if he wanted to. In the U. S., a sen a tor might, at the extreme, spend a night in jail for violating Executive Branch regulations on classified data. He would also spark a much needed Constitutional crisis, and he would become a popular hero. But no; so far, no U. S. Sen ator or Congressman has dared to spill all the beans. Surrendered power Of course, when government surrenders its powers long enough (since roughly 1913 in the U. S.) and globalists/socialists are brought into one key gov ern ment position after another, up to and including the Presidency, the corruption runs very, very deep. Does this sound like a benign State that wants to do everything it can to help the people? Does this sound like “heraldic socialism” determined to build a peaceful and fair society? Right now, President Obama is running around in a panic, trying to put together enough congressional votes to pass the TPP. Does that sound like a man who wants to rescue the American people from the mega-corporations? The so-called clas sic def i ni tion of socialism: government controls the means of pro duc tion. Just change that a bit: government, in criminal collaboration with mega-corporations, controls the means of production. Split hairs if you want to; but it’s a distinction without a difference. Tweedledee and Tweedledum George Bush the Elder (globalist), who briefly served as CIA di rec tor and as a director of the Council on Foreign Relations (Rockefeller/globalist powerhouse), ran for a second term in the White House against neophyte Bill Clinton (globalist). Under ordinary circumstances, there was no way Bush could have lost. But it was globalist vs. globalist, a distinction without a difference. There are still hope-and-change people out there who wonder how their man, Obama, could be supporting Monsanto. They haven’t gotten the memo yet. Obama is a globalist, Monsanto a mega-corporation. GMO crops? Roundup? The health dangers of GMOs and pesticides? Irrelevant. None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Gary Allen, 1971: “…most of us believe socialism is what the socialists want us to believe it is – a share-the-wealth program… Here in the reality of socialism you have a tiny oligarchial clique at the top, usu ally numbering no more than three percent of the total population, controlling the total wealth, total production and the very lives of the other ninety-seven percent. “…If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men pro mot ing so cial ism be comes no par a dox at all. In stead it becomes the logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs.” The trap In America, untold numbers of young college students are being conscripted into the illu sion of gov ern ment-as-sav ior. Matriculating on the basis of government student loans, hav ing to go deep into debt to pay back those loans, these young peo ple are al ready wards of the State. For them, the only question is: how can they minimize the interest on the loans? Otherwise, they see government and its support of politically correct behavior and speech as conditioning mechanisms leading to “a better world.” This is Pathetic Mind Control 101. As part of this po litical cor rect ness, the students are taught to rail against big corporations, never realizing their adored Mommy-Daddy Government is an active partner in crime with the corporations. “Reform government. Make government better. Make government more responsive to the people.” This is like hoping to stage a con ciliatory dialogue with a T-Rex in Jurassic Park. Socialism – the nightmare it represents – is the premier vehicle for those super-rich men who have limitless political goals that add up to population control. The au thor of three explo sive col lections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit from the Matrix, and Power Outside the Matrix, Jon was a candidate for a U. S. Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for thirty years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern and other newspapers and magazines in the U. S. and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. Iceland recovers fast after jailing banksters By Claire Bernish A theantimedia.org fter Iceland suffered a heavy hit in the 2008-2009 financial crisis, which famously resulted in convictions and jail terms for a number of top banking executives, the IMF now says the country has managed to achieve economic recovery – “without compromising its welfare model,” which includes universal healthcare and education. In fact, Iceland is on track to become the first European country that suffered in the financial meltdown to “surpass its pre-crisis peak of economic output” – essentially proving to the U. S. that bailing out “too big to fail” banks wasn’t the way to go. No sympathy for scoundrels Iceland is beautifully, yet unfortunately, unique in how it chose to handle the disaster. It simply let the banks fail, which resulted in defaults totaling $85 billion – lending ample justification for the prosecution and conviction of bank executives for various fraud-related charges. The decision seemed shocking at the time, but the gamble has obviously paid off. Choosing a different route, the U. S. bailed out the banks and let executives off the hook by levying fines that ultimately ended up being paid by the corporations – meaning the executives ostensibly responsible for the mess got off scot-free. “Why should we have a part of our society that is not being policed or without responsibility?” special prosecutor Olafur Hauksson said after Iceland’s Supreme Court upheld the convictions for three bankers – and sentenced them to between four and five and a half years each. “It is dan ger ous that some one is too big to investigate – it gives a sense there is a safe haven.” Hauksson, a police officer from a small fishing village, ended up taking the role of special prosecutor after being urged to do so when the first announcement to fill the position drew no applicants. The Icelandic Parliament even aided the prosecution’s effort by loosening secrecy laws to allow in vestiga tion with out the hin drance of requiring court orders. Decisive and holding Six of the seven convictions that ended up in Iceland’s Supreme Court have been upheld, and five cases were scheduled for the top court as of February. An additional four teen cases ap pear likely to be prosecuted. By contrast, the animosity Amer i cans felt to ward their larg est financial institutions after the bailout has grown bitter. After the banks pled guilty in May for manipulating global currency and interest rates, the court imposed a paltry fine of $5.7 billion – which won’t even go to the people most affected by the fraud. Ice land’s suc cess ful pros e cu tions and economic recovery remain the subject of envy for Americans. Shortly, however, Iceland’s economic health will be put to the test. Strict capital controls that were applied when banks were circling the drain six years ago will now be loosened, allowing for eign in vestors – whose assets have essentially been frozen since then – to take their business elsewhere. To prevent a possible repeat crisis, the finance minister announced a 39% tax for anyone choosing to do so. “The danger is capital flight and a consequent fall in the value of the krona,” explained University of Iceland economics pro fessor Thorolfur Matthiasson. “That would be tantamount to October 2008, bringing back bad memories for ordinary people and possibly making most businesses un sus tain able due to bal ance-sheet prob lems.” Though many are nervous, there is still cautionary optimism since Iceland has certainly weathered the storm before. 8 The First Freedom — The awakening — July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 What’s it gonna take? Wake up America before it’s too late! Latest U. S. statistical map E leven States now have more people on welfare than they do employed! During May 2015, the Senate Budget Committee reported that in fiscal year 2014, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U. S. household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support. What’s the problem with that Jews and Their Lies By Martin Luther, founder of the Lutheran Church. Condemns Jews for undermining the Christian faith. Says their “Talmud” (bible) preaches hatred for Christ. 49 pages, $8 PPD. Truth at Last Books, P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061 much support? Well, the median household in come in America is just over $50,000,which averages out to $137.13 a day. To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for a 40-hour week, while the average job pays $20.00 an hour. Furthermore: There are actually two messages here. The first is very interesting, but the second is absolutely astounding, and explains a lot. A recent “Investor’s Business Daily” article provided very interesting statistics from a sur vey by the United Na tions International Health Organization… Percentage of men and women surviving a cancer five years after diagnosis: U. S. 65% England 46% Canada 42% Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who received treatment within six months: U. S. 93% England 15% Canada 43% Percentage of seniors needing a hip replacement who received it within six months: U. S. 90% England 15% Canada 43% Per cent age re ferred to a med i cal specialist who see one within one month: U. S. 77% England 40% Canada 43% Num ber of MRI scan ners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people: U. S. 71 England 14 Canada 18 Percentage of seniors 65 and over, with low income, who say they are in “excellent health”: U. S. 12% England 2% Canada 6% And now… for the last statistic: Socialized Health Insurance? U. S. NO England YES Canada YES Spy agency had online “conformity” and “obedience” plans rinf.com included not only “suspected terrorists” and “crim i nals” but also dip lo mats, journalists and activists. With never-before-seen documents accompanied by new reporting on June 22, The In ter cept’s Glenn Green wald and An drew Fishman are offer ing a more in-depth look than ever into how a secretive unit of the U. K.’s GCHQ surveillance agency used a host of psy cho log ical methods and online subterfuge in order to manipulate the behavior of individuals and groups through the internet and other digital forms of communication. According to the reporting, the latest documents, which were leaked to journalists by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, demonstrate how the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG), a unit of the signals intelligence agency Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), is involved in efforts against political groups it considers “extremist,” Islamist activity in schools, the drug trade, online fraud and financial scams. Though its existence was secret until last year, JTRIG quickly developed a distinctive profile in public understanding after documents from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that the unit had engaged in “dirty tricks” like deploying sexual “honey traps” designed to discredit targets, launching denial-of-service attacks to shut down internet chat rooms, pushing veiled propaganda onto social networks and generally warping discourse online. Digital stalking Among the most troubling revelations is a 42-page internal JTRIG memo that de scribes in de tail how the elite unit developed, maintained, and apparently sought to ex pand its “sci en tific and psychological research into how human thinking and behavior can be influenced” in order to increase its ability to “manipulate public opinion” via online tools like email, social media, video, discussion forums and other platforms. Greenwald and Fishman argue JTRIG’s self-documented exploits are most notable because of “extensive use of propaganda methods and other online tactics of deceit and manipulation” that are not only reserved for “suspected foreign enemies” or criminals as the agency continues to claim, but have also been used against other groups and in di vid u als that the agency deems threatening or “politically radical.” As Common Dreams reported back in February of 2014 – when the existence of JTRIG was first made public – the GCHQ has used the unit to de velop and de ploy a com plex se ries of “dirty tricks,” “propaganda” and “false flag” operations designed to spy on selected targets that Jewish Atrocities against the Palestinians Complete history of the Jewish conquest of Palestine. Originated as a Communist State, assassinated those who defended Palestinian rights, used terror to drive them from their homes, under today’s murderous military rule. 25 photos, 56 pages, $8 PPD. Truth at Last Books P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061 Conspirators Included in the new JTRIG memo is this detailed look at the manipulative online tactics developed by the group. As shown at left, the reporting also highlights this internal memo’s focus on “manipulation” and how the GCHQ hoped to foster both “conformity” and “obedience” among those targeted. Wanted Thinkers Survivors The First Freedom is spreading “hate!” whine those who misapprehend us survivors. It’s really out of pity that we try so hard to de-program the brainwashed. Order a box of 100 extra copies for $35 or $40 on page 24 and help distribute the truth. Yemen forces take control of Saudi bases presstv.ir The Yemeni army, backed by popular committees, has seized control of a number of Saudi military bases in the province of Jizan, even as Riyadh keeps pounding the impoverished Arab Nation. According to media outlets, on June 21, Yemeni forces managed to capture three Saudi military sites in the area of al-Jaberi in the southwestern region. The Yemeni forces also set fire to two Saudi military vehicles in the attack on Saudi military bases. Hired guns prove worthless Yemen’s al-Masirah TV reported that Saudi forces collectively abandoned their positions and fled the area as a result of the Yemeni attack. Reports said earlier in the day that at least one Saudi soldier had been killed and five others wounded in a separate Yemeni retaliatory attack in Jizan. Reports over the past days have shown a surge in border clashes between Saudi ground forces and Yemeni fighters. The advance by Yemeni forces comes as Saudi Arabia continues to target Yemen with deadly aerial attacks. Saudi fighter jets pounded the town of Saqayn in the northern Yemeni province of Sa’ada in Riyadh’s latest onslaught on the This April 13, 2015, file photo shows Saudi military vehicles patrolling three months earlier near the border with Yemen close to the kingdom’s southwestern city of Jizan. Arab coun try June 21. There was no immediate report of casualties or damage. Relentless air strikes Saudi aircraft also bombarded a mosque in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, the previous day, killing at least four people. At least five people, including women and children, also lost their lives in a Saudi air strike on a residential area in Yemen’s central province of Ma’rib. Riyadh has been bombarding areas across Yemen since March 26 without any mandate of the United Nations (UN) and with the aim of undermining the Houthi Ansarullah movement as well as restoring to power fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, who is a staunch ally of the Al Saud regime. Rupert Colville, spokesman for the U. N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said on June 16 that in excess of 1,410 Yemeni civilians, including 210 women, have been killed and a further 3,423 have suffered injuries since Saudi Arabia started its military campaign against Yemen. Nicaraguans protest controversial canal presstv.ir Thousands of Nicaraguans have staged a protest rally in a central city to voice their anger at a government decision to give the go-ahead to the controversial construction of a canal through their lands. On June 13, around 15,000 protesters, mainly farmers whose lands lie on the waterway’s planned route, gathered from across the country in the central Nicaraguan city of Juigalpa. The demonstrators shouted “No to the canal,” waving Nicaragua’s national flags during the rally. Ground was broken last De cember on the con struction site of Nicaragua’s Interoceanic Grand Canal, which is aimed at cutting a transportation passageway between the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean. However, the digging will not begin until 2016. Banksters hire Dragon Lady The Managua government has awarded this massive, $50 billion canal project to the Chinese firm of Hong Kong Nicaragua Peasants march against the construction of an inter-oceanic canal in the city of Juigalpa in central Nicaragua on June 13, 2015. Development (HKND). The waterway, which is scheduled for completion in 2019, is expected to rival the Panama Canal farther south. It crosses Lake Nicaragua and runs through some 40 villages. Farmers and native peoples living on the canal’s route, however, oppose the project, arguing that it will disrupt life along a 280-kilometer (175-mile)-long corridor. The project is expected to displace some 30,000 people. — The awakening — The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 9 “Cookies lady” Nuland starts another jolly revolution whatreallyhappened.com Police brutally disperse a rally in the capital of Armenia. Western and Ukrainian media write that Armenia is experiencing another “revolution of dignity.” A fifth column is working inside the government. The protests started after authorities had raised tariffs on electricity, a request by the Electric Networks of Armenia (subsidiary of Russia’s OAO Inter RAO UES). The State Commission for Regulation of Public Services raised the price per kilowatt of electricity by 6.93 drams (about 5.7 rubles, vs. the previous 4.8 rubles, or 42 drams). These new tariffs take effect on 1 August. The information war against JSC Electric Networks of Armenia reflects an assertion that the company has accumulated a debt worth $250 million due to inefficient and even criminal management. It was said that the company wanted to lay the burden of debt onto Armenian taxpayers. Members of the Armenian National Congress stressed that the lion’s share of the debt of the company expanded the shadow budget of the country several times the size of Armenia’s State budget. To crown it all, it is Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan who controls the shadow budget, ANC claims. Victoria Nuland brings ideas Their statement says all of Armenia’s problems can be solved by overthrowing the government. “The regime will become weak and impotent, if society consolidates and starts fighting it,” representatives of the Armenian National Congress said. This looks like those revolutions in Ukraine and other post-Soviet States, does it not? Armenia’s Energy Minister accused the Russian company of embezzlement. Does the Armenian government condone theft? “Such a government” must resign, and it will happen, unless the President rethinks his cabinet. Obviously, a fifth column is conniving here. Active work was launched soon after cookie lady Victoria Nuland paid a visit to Yerevan. Paul Craig Roberts, formerly with the Reagan administration, said that Nuland had visited Armenia to organize a coup there; Armenia would be similar to what happened in Ukraine in 2014. The goal of funding NGOs there is to put people in the streets and buy politicians. Armenia would be destroyed to become a vassal State. Afterward comes Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. In all of these post-Soviet countries, Washington wants to build its army bases, Paul Craig Roberts said. The cookies lady Interestingly, just a day after Nuland’s visit, the Armenian government finally approved the sale of all those Vorotansky hydro-electric power plants to U. S.-based ContourGlobal. The deal was evaluated at $180 million. Ukrainian general switches sides A member of Kiev’s top brass has defected to the Donetsk Republic, and predicts more will follow him. hungarianambience.com I ntroducing himself as Major General Aleksandr Kolomiyets, this chief analyst of the Ukrainian armed forces and assistant to the Ukrainian defense minister says morale in the Ukraine military is low and he has switched sides for moral reasons. He has announced that he is now working with the forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic. “I am the Ukrainian Armed Forces Major General Aleksandr Kolomiyets. My latest posts are chief analyst of the Ukrainian armed forces as assistant to the Ukrainian defense minister,” the man said at a news conference at the Donetsk news agency loyal to this self-proclaimed republic. Kolomiyets had previously spent 19 years as the chief enlistment officer in the Donetsk region. “I am going to work for the good of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” Kolomiyets (not to be confused with oligarch Igor Kolomoysky) announced. The defector says he took his family out of the Ukrainian capital because fearing repercussions from officials. He also claims a lot of people in the Ukrainian military want to switch to the military. They do not understand the orders they are given, to kill civilians. We are going to see that, by autumn, everything will change.” He added that morale is very low in the Ukrainian army: “All the officers, generals that understand the criminal nature of the authorities’ actions, do not want to fight.” Kiev responds self-proclaimed republic’s side, including officers. According to Kolomiyets, hundreds have already abandoned Kiev. “Look at who is actually fighting. Only the volunteers from nationalist squads,” the defector said at the news conference. There is growing dissatisfaction with the commanders, Kolomiyets said. “Soon, there is go ing to be un rest within the Mean while, the press sec re tary of Ukraine’s General Staff told Ukrainskaya Pravda newspaper that Kolomiyets was discharged from the army in 2012 due to incompetence. “He could not handle the post of the army’s top analyst,” the paper quoted the press secretary as maintaining. “Besides, he traveled to Russia as a private [individual]. Military men are supposed to inform their commanders about such visits, but he broke the rules.” Kolomiyets, if it is him, is not the first Ukrainian official to have switched sides in the conflict that has been tearing the country apart for over a year now. Prior defections include the head of the Lugansk customs office, an officer of the Ukrainian foreign intelligence office and a member of staff of the Ukrainian embassy in France. ZOGistas drooling over prospects for another big one Response Force (NRF) to 30,000 or 40,000 troops,” he said, add ing that the fi nal decision on the number would be taken up later in Brussels. On June 13, the New York Times ran an article saying that the Pentagon could store “battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other heavy weapons for as many as 5,000 American troops in several Baltic and Eastern European countries.” The Pentagon will provide weapons, aircraft and forces for NATO’s “rapid response” to its own provocative actions in Eastern Europe. T rt.com he U. S. aims to send special operations personnel, aircraft and weapons for NATO’s rapid reaction force based in Europe, says Defense Secretary Ash Carter. Washington’s new contribution could result in increasing U. S. forces in Europe. Washington will contribute intelligence and sur veil lance ca pa bil i ties, spe cial op er a tions forces, lo gis tics, trans port aircraft and a range of weapons, Carter announced June 22 in Münster, Germany, after meeting with defense ministers from Germany, Norway and the Netherlands. Under the plan, those contributions are to include precision joint fire capabilities ranging from land-based artillery to air support or naval firepower. However, he did not specify the number of troops that would be stationed or where they would come from. Carter added that he planned to discuss the U. S. contributions to NATO’s rapid reaction force in Europe during his visit to Brussels later that week. Military/industrial complex The new contributions could mean an increase in U. S. forces in Europe, unnamed defense officials told AP and Reuters. “We do so because the United States is deeply committed to the collective defense of Europe,” Carter said. NATO has been beefing up its forces in its eastern member States to counter what alliance commanders have repeatedly dubbed “Russian aggression in Ukraine.” Following a NATO summit in Wales in September 2014, the alliance members agreed to create a rapid 4,000-strong force in Europe ready to be deployed within 48 hours. “Noble,” as in Iraq, Syria, etc. However, the initial number of troops planned to be deployed has grown tenfold in less than a year. On June 22, SecretaryGeneral Jens Stoltenberg announced that the Spearhead Force might reach 40,000 troops. “NATO defense ministers ... [will] make a decision to further increase the strength and capacity of the 13,000-strong NATO This came as the Spearhead forces were conducting their initial military exercises codenamed “Noble Jump” in Poland. The drills involved about 2,000 soldiers and some 500 pieces of hardware, including tanks, jets and helicopters. Russian President Vladimir Putin, in turn, announced plans to further strengthen his coun try’s stra te gic nu clear armed forces. On June 23 Putin stated that in 2015 Russia’s strategic forces will be getting over forty new intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). “If someone threatens our territories, it means that we will have to aim our armed forces accordingly at the territories from where the threat is coming. How else could it be? It is NATO that’s approaching our borders, not like we are moving anywhere,” Putin said at a joint media conference with Finland’s President Sauli Niinisto the same evening in Moscow. Despite the increase in NATO’s military presence near the Russian border, Carter stated on June 22 that the alliance is not seeking a “cold, let alone a hot war with Russia.” NWO “But make no mistake: we will defend our allies, the rules-based international order and the positive future it affords us all,” he added speaking in Berlin. Senior Colombian rebel leader killed presstv.ir Colombia’s military has killed a rebel as well as illegal mining are widespread. The rebel commander was also wanted for the hijacking of an Avianca passenger commander of the county’s second largest left ist guer rilla group, the National Liberation Army (ELN). The Colombian government said on June 14 that Jose Amin Hernandez, also known as Marquitos, was killed dur ing combat in Segovia municipality in the northwestern province of Antioquia. “The rebel known as Marquitos, leader of the ELN’s Dario Martinez front and a member of This picture, taken on February 27, 2000, shows members of its National leadership, has been the National Liberation Army (ELN) of Colombia in a rural road in Sarare, Colombia. killed. Congratulations, armed forces,” President Juan Manuel Santos said plane with nearly fifty people on board in 1999. in a message posted on Twitter. Having about 2,500 guerrillas, the ELN The army issued a statement describing the death of the ELN’s front leader as a is the sec ond big gest re bel group in Colombia. It has been fighting against the “decisive blow” to the rebel group. Ac cord ing to the gov ern ment, government for more than 50 years and has Hernandez was the commander of 13 ELN not entered the ongoing peace talks with units in the provinces of Antioquia and Bogota. The Co lombian gov ern ment and the Bolivar, where drug and arms trafficking coun try’s larger guer rilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), started peace talks in 2012. The negotiations between the two sides in the Cuban capital, Havana, have so far pro duced par tial agreements on several issues, including ending the drug trafficking that has fueled the conflict. But the two sides have not clinched a final deal yet. Over 200,000 people have been killed in the Colombian conflict, which has also up rooted more than six million since FARC launched its activities in 1964. Head of the Colombian delegation Humberto de la Calle (L) and Cuban guarantor of the peace talks Rodolfo Benitez shake hands before a press conference at the end of the 37th cycle of the talks between the Colombian government and FARC, at Convention Palace in Havana, June 4, 2015. 10 The First Freedom — Uncertainties — July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 Gun grabbers always grabbing for emotionalism The President gets it wrong once again – guns are actually saving lives. By Erich Pratt gunowners.org Just hours after the tragic shooting in a South Carolina church, President Barack Obama resumed his fanatical war on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners. “Now’s the time for mourning and for healing, but let’s be clear – at some point we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,” Obama said. Really? Has the Pres ident forgotten just some of the foreign massacres that have taken place during his presidency – shootings that claimed far more lives than the nine which were tragically lost in South Carolina? How about: § The attacks from earlier this year – which began at Charlie Hebdo in Paris and continued for 48 hours around the region – that resulted in 17 people being murdered; § Or the Anders Breivik murders in Norway in 2011 where 77 people were murdered – 69 of them with firearms; § Or the Derrick Bird shootings in Cumbria, England that left 12 people dead in 2010. In each of these cases, the armed perpetrators ignored strict gun con trol laws in acquiring and carrying their weapons. One of the biggest problems with this South Carolina church is that the potential victims were disarmed by law. In the Palmetto State, a concealed carry permit holder can carry in places of worship with permission from a church official. Unfortunately, the pastor was an anti-gun activist. As a State senator, the Pastor had voted against concealed carry. But the President completely misses all of this. He ignores the fact that this was yet another example where a massacre took place in a Gun Free Zone. “We don’t have all the facts, but we do know that, once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to in flict harm had no trou ble getting their hands on a gun,” Obama said. To the contrary, armed civilians have actually prevented several mass shootings from occurring – and some of them in churches. Consider: This past New Year’s Eve, a Florida pastor prevented a possible mass shooting at his church – and saved the lives of several men, women and children – when he used his firearm to incapacitate a shooter. Change In the President’s home city of Chicago, an Uber driver used his concealed firearm this year to stop a gunman who was firing into a crowd of people. The Assistant State’s Attorney Barry Quinn praised the Uber driver for “acting in self-defense and in the defense of others.” In March, police credited a concealed carrier with saving several lives, including those of children, in a Philadelphia barber shop. Replying in kind And in years past, attempted massacres were brought to a screeching halt at churches in South Africa and Colorado, solely because there were concealed carriers in the service who were able to shoot back against armed thugs. No wonder that almost 90% of police in America believe that the way to reduce casualties in mass shootings is to allow citizens to carry firearms concealed. The President would blame an inanimate object – the gun. But that just deflects blame away from the real culprit: gun control policies that leave people defenseless in the face of evil perpetrators who are never effectively prevented from acquiring weap ons. Erich Pratt is the Director of Commu ni cations for Gun Own ers of America, a grass roots lobby representing more than one million gun owners. A storm of bloodshed in the 33rd degree By Michael Hoffman D www.revisionisthistory.org ylann Storm Roof was shown in the national media with a Confederate States of America license plate on June 18, the day which began with the breaking news that the U. S. Supreme Court had upheld the ban on Confederate license plates by the State of Texas (as far as those plates being issued by the State itself). Coincidence? A “Texas Masons” license plate complete with the Square and Compass symbol, is officially issued by the Texas department of motor vehicles. Matter over mind Roof’s heinous killings occurred on the 33rd degree of north parallel latitude in Charleston, South Carolina, headquarters of the most powerful Masonic body in the world, the Scottish Rite. Coincidence? Other news media have reported that Mr. Roof has in the past taken the psychotropic drug Xanax. (He was facing felony drug charges prior to the massacre he perpetrated.) Was he drugged during his shooting spree? The Establishment media don’t ask, and they also don’t ask why he was n’t tested for drugs or al co hol being present in his system when he was apprehended. Many other youths who initiated massacres (Kip Kinkle and the Col umbine High kill ers for ex ample) were under the influence of a hypnotic pharmaceutical drug when they committed their crimes. The New York Times issued a graph on June 18 purporting to show that Black people are the chief victims of hate crimes in the United States, but these statistics are cooked. It is very difficult to have Black on White crime officially listed as a hate crime. Such crimes are too often dismissed as non-racial, random violence. An inanimate object is taking some of the blame for the murders. If Roof had killed those nine Black peo ple with an automobile would the media be filled with questions concerning “How did he get the car?” And “What can we do to keep cars out of the hands of people like Roof?” Certainly not. But because he killed with a gun that piece of iron is being scapegoated. Calls for “gun control” are simply a means for disarming poor people and people who do not have “connections.” Millionaires, lawyers, judges and the “connected” will always have gun permits, even in States with the tightest “gun control,” or they can afford bodyguards who will have permits. The politically correct issues here are racism and gun control, and the suppressed issues are mind control pharmaceuticals and Manchurian candidates. Writer Michael Hoffman initially concluded this article with, “Wish me luck: I’m giving a speech this weekend at a ‘historically’ White church. Only, unlike those unfortu nate unarmed Black victims of this mur derous de gen er ate, the con grega tion I will be ad dress ing in north Idaho will not be quite so vul ner a ble.” Thousands of Hondurans call for president’s resignation Presstv.ir Thousands of Hondurans have taken to the streets of the capital, Tegucigalpa, to call on Pres i dent Juan Orlando Hernandez to quit over an alleged corruption scan dal in his elec tion cam paign. Ac tiv ists said 30,000 people turned out on June 19 for the fourth weekly demonstration in a row and Protesters march in the Honduran capital city of Tegucigalpa on then marched toward the June 19, 2015, to demand the resignation of President Juan Orlando Hon du ran pros e cu tor ’s Hernandez. holding torches, flags and signs, with one office. of them reading, “If media do not speak, Chanting “JOH out!” – referring to the we will give the details.” president’s initials – the protesters were “We are here because we are outraged,” AFP quoted Rafael Alegria, an opposition member of the National Con gress of Honduras, as saying. Weekly rallies kicked off on May 30 in the wake of accusations that during the 2013 campaign, Juan Hernandez’ ruling National Party received about $90 million of over $300 million that had been skimmed from the country’ public health system. The president, denying any wrongdoing, played down the graft scandal and pledged to punish anyone found guilty of misusing funds, emphasizing that investigators would “get to the bottom of all this.” Earlier that week, prosecutors charged Congress Vice President Lena Gutierrez with fraud, falsification of documents and crimes against public health as part of a President Juan Orlando Hernandez probe into the corruption scandal. Over the previous month, people had staged similar demonstrations in several cities across the Central American country, demanding the resignation of the president as well as several Honduran prosecutors for failing to conduct a proper investigation into the case. Neo-cons imagine they’re winning the Great Game The U. S., allows one official of Russia, wishes to see his country just cease existing. presstv.ir T he head of Russia’s Security Council has lashed out at the United States for mobilizing the world against the so-called “Russian threat,” saying that Washington would like to see Russia cease to exist as a country. Nikolai Patrushev said on June 22 that Washington’s policy since the start of an armed conflict in east Ukraine has been to put Russia on the level of an international threat, somewhat like ISIL Takfiris and the Ebola virus. Russia and the West have been at odds over the armed conflict in Ukraine. The United States and its al lies in Eu rope accuse Moscow of having a major hand in the crisis. Russia denies the charges. Wise to our ZOG Patrushev said the U. S. has committed a “political mistake” by initiating the crisis in Ukraine, which he Russian President Vladimir Putin (R), accompanied said was just a pretext to by Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev weaken Russia. “They would like very much to see in Ukraine and maintaining its sovereignty Russia cease to exist as a country,” he told and territorial integ rity, but their main Rus sian-lan guage Kommersant daily, target is Russia. adding that U. S. officials have no interest “All they need is to apply pressure on Russia and this is exactly what the U.S. is doing,” Patrushev said, adding that such a policy has forced the European countries to follow suit and impose economic sanctions on Moscow. Lapdogs European Union flags fly outside E. U. headquarters in Brussels. “If it were not for the U. S., [Europeans] would not pursue such policies,” he said, stressing that Washington enjoys a “massive” influence over politicians and heads of States in Europe. Earlier that day, a statement said E. U. foreign ministers had agreed at their recent meeting in Luxembourg to extend the Ukraine-related sanctions on Russia until the end of January 2016. — Change — The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 11 Russia and China: Watch out Moody’s, here we come! The Zionist NWO credit agencies are finally getting competition. By F. William Engdahl journal-neo.org O ver the past approximate quarter century of so-called economic globalization, Wall Street’s ability to be the home of the only dom i nant “global” rat ing agen cies to bestow ratings on the credit-wor thi ness of the world has been one of the most effective weapons of financial warfare in the Wall Street arsenal. They rate Nations as well as private corporations. Now an answer to the Moody’s-Standard & Poor’s-Fitch U. S. rating monopoly is coming. Not from the E. U., where it is long overdue. It is coming from Russia and China, as so many bold and challenging initiatives of late. Today, despite repeated financial crises where the New York Big Three credit rating agencies either failed or acted with clear political bias to rate, a virtual global monopoly is held by Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings. The “Big Three,” as they are called, issued 98% of all credit ratings in the United States and roughly 95% worldwide. That’s influence, brother. The sys tem that the most important banks of Wall Street developed after 1944 to make New York the world financial center and the dollar its reserve cur rency had sev eral wellcon ceived fac ets to it. Af ter 1945 it was the fact that the U. S. Federal Reserve held some 70% of the world’s monetary gold so that the dollar was then “as good as gold.” The Nations of defeated Europe scrambled to get every possible dollar to buy American machinery and goods for postwar reconstruction. The Marshall Plan was explicitly drafted to use U. S. taxpayer dollars to extend loans to the recovering European economies, almost $12 billion in the period 1948-1951 that was used to buy essential goods like U. S. wheat and Rockefeller American oil and to buy U. S. machine tools, back when America was world leader in machine tools, to reconstruct factories and housing. House of cards The Dollar System that I describe in detail in my book, Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century (Der Untergang des DollarImperiums), has been at the center of the power of the Wall Street Money Trust (as it once was correctly named) and the American oligarchs ever since they created the Bretton Woods Treaty in 1944. Now that same dollar system is facing an existential crisis and the power of those same oligarchs to increase their power through wars everywhere – wars financed by the savings of other Nations such as Germany, or Japan or China or Russia – is threatened as never before. To survive they are unleashing global financial sanctions wars against countries like Syria, Iran, Russia; currency wars and now a de facto “rating war.” After the defeat of Germany and the Axis powers in 1945, the families who controlled the banks of Wall Street and of Wanted Thinkers Survivors The First Freedom is spreading “hate!” whine those who misapprehend us survivors. It’s really out of pity that we try so hard to de-program the brainwashed. Order a box of 100 extra copies for $35 or $40 on page 24 and help distribute the truth. Lower Manhattan – Chase Bank, Citibank, or Morgan Stan ley, Lehman Broth ers, Merrill Lynch – built a de facto empire in which, according to the rules they imposed on a defeated world including a bankrupt Britain, would be based on the supremacy of the U. S. dollar in the world. In 1945 it was easy to get a defeated Europe to agree to a Bretton Woods Gold Exchange Standard in which all currencies would be fixed to the U. S. dollar and the dollar alone fixed to gold at $35 an ounce, where it then remained until the system collapsed in August 1971 when Nixon abandoned gold-dollar convertibility. By then Europe was booming with modern reconstructed industry and the USA was becoming a rustbelt. France and Germany demanded U. S. gold bullion instead of inflated dollars, and U. S. gold reserves were vanishing. After 1971, the dollar flooded the world unfettered by gold reserve requirements and U. S. military might during the Cold War forced Japan, Western Europe and others including OPEC to accept constantly inflating paper U. S. dollars. From 1970 until about 2000 the volume of dollars in the world had risen some 2,900%. Because the dollar was the world “reserve currency” needed by all for trade in oil, goods, grains, the world was forced to swallow a de facto mammoth inflation after 1971. A corrupt rating monopoly The es tab lished New York credit agencies would play a strategic role in this post-1971 dollar system. During the 1970s the U. S. Gov ernment’s Securities and Exchange Commission, charged with over sight of bond and stock mar kets, issued a ruling giving the then-dominant New York credit rating agencies – Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s (and later Fitch Ratings) – a de facto guaranteed monopoly in an unregulated market, when they ruled that only “Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations” would be qualified to issue appropriate ratings, i.e., only Moody’s and S&P. Corruption was made endemic to the U/ S. ratings game and Washington was party to the dirty deal. Cancerous cupidity By the end of the 1970s, using the vast amount of OPEC “petro-dollars” from the two oil price shocks in 1973 and 1979, New York international banks, using London, began to loan to the rest of the world to finance imports of oil and other essentials. The New York credit rating agencies, previously primarily rating U. S. corporate bonds, expanded into the new foreign debt markets as the largest and only established rating agencies in the new phase of dollarization and globalization of capital markets. They set up branches in Germany, France, Japan, Mexico, Argentina and other emerging markets much like the U. S. Big Five accounting firms. During the 1980s the rating agencies played a key role in down-rating the debt of the Latin American debtor countries such as Mex ico and Argen tina. Their ratings determined if the debtor countries could borrow or not. Financial market insiders in London and New York openly spoke of the “political” rating agencies using their de facto monopoly to advance the agenda of Wall Street and the Dollar System behind it. Then, in the 1990s, the New York rating agencies played a decisive role in spreading the “Asia Crisis” of 1997-98. With precise timing of its downgrades they could worsen the panic because they had been suspiciously silent right up until the first sign of crisis. The result was that the thenAsian “Tiger” economies of Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia for the first time were forced to submit to destructive IMF conditionalities, whose ultimate result was a massive export of capital from Asia into the U. S. dollar bonds that created the “Clinton” prosperity. Before the 1997-98 Asia Crisis, dollars were flooding into the Tiger economies to invest. After it, some $200 billion a year according to a Bank for International Settlements estimate, flowed in the reverse direction into U. S. Treasury bonds, pushing U. S. interest rates way down and feeding the dot.com stock bubble. Fixed game Curiously, when it came to its own back yard, such as with rating the Texas energy giant Enron in 2001, the largest postwar U. S. corporate bankruptcy, the rating agencies were strangely blind. They gave Enron best ratings right up to the last minute. Moody’s and friends did the same with their ratings of “sub-prime” U. S. real estate bonds – so-called mortgage-backed securities in the first seven years of the new century. They gave out the highest AAA ratings right up to the outbreak of the panic in March 2007. They did so even though signs of crisis were everywhere in what was a brazen conflict of interest, as Wall Street mortgage bond issuers themselves, under the bizarre rules of the U. S. rating game, paid the raters to rate them. Rating agencies were earning a new windfall in prof its by rating the new as set-backed securities and had no interest in “taking away the punchbowl just when the party was really getting hot.” Nor did Alan Greenspan at the Fed for that matter. Notably, until the present, the Big Three U. S. rating agencies have been virtually un reg u lated. They need not fear le gal action for their ratings, even if politically biased, since the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that ratings were simply an expression of the agencies’ informed opinions, protected as “free speech” under the First Amendment. Only in 2006 was even a pre tense of legislation, the deceptively-named Credit Rating Agencies Reform Act of 2006, passed by Con gress and had no vis ible effect deterring the rating agencies. The reform was purely cosmetic to convince the electorate that the Wall Street-owned Congress was doing something to prevent a repeat of the crisis. In the Greek sovereign debt crisis, just as E. U. governments were about to finalize a deal to stabilize the Greek government’s bond debt, in April 2010 Standard & Poor’s (S&P), suddenly downgraded Greek State debt by three full levels to “junk” rating, which forced most pension funds around the world to liquidate the bonds, sending Greek interest rates to more than 10%. That rat ing act cre ated the Euro crisis. It also saved the falling U. S. dollar, the heart of the Wall Street-U. S. TreasuryFederal Reserve Dollar System. E. U. rating failure The blatant political timing of that April 2010 S&P Greek downgrade convinced many E. U. governments of the urgent need for a truly independent European Rating Agency. Notable is the inability of the E. U. to act on that and some seven years after the outbreak of the financial crisis of 2007-8. The E. U. has done nothing to defend its own sovereign interests with an independent credit rating authority. In April 2012, the attempt to devise a European credit rating entity that, unlike the U. S. model, would not be financed by the governments or companies receiving the ratings, died for lack of support and due to subtle pressure from Washington by all informed accounts. Washington and Wall Street don’t easily give up such strategic monopolies. The raters threaten Russia Now the U. S. is trying to use the rating agencies to drive Putin’s Russia to the precipice of sovereign default. On the eve of Christmas, December 23, 2014, as most of the world was decorating Christmas tree or buying gifts, Standard & Poor’s, the same rater that triggered the April 2010 Greek crisis, announced there was “at least a fifty percent chance” that Russia would be lowered to junk within 90 days. S&P would issue its rating at end of January, they said. On January 12, Fitch, the smallest of the Big Three U. S. raters, joined S&P with the same downgrade one notch above junk. Moody’s Investors Service ranked Russia one step higher than S&P and Fitch. In April, as Washington’s U. S. Treasury financial warfare against Russia began, S&P lowered the Russian sovereign debt rating one level in April to BBB-. In short, the New York rating cartel holds a Sword of Damocles over Russia. Junk rating would force international pension funds and investment institutes to dump Russian State bonds just as in the Ruble default crisis of 1998, a crisis where U. S. hedge fund billionaire George Soros played a key nasty role and reportedly made a killing. Notably, the same Soros today is shouting from the rooftops and in OpEd articles in the major financial media that E. U. and U. S. and other governments must urgently come to the res cue of Ukraine and not allow a default that would hurt private Ukraine bondholders. Soros is also beating the drums for war against Putin’s Russia. Market rumors are that Soros op por tu nisti cally bought a huge amount of cheap Ukrai nian bonds, con fi dent that the E. U. would come to the rescue. They haven’t. Now the old fox shows signs of panic. On January 13 he went to Kiev to meet Ukrainian billionaire President Petro Poroshenko. In Kiev Soros stated, “Ukraine is struggling to protect not only itself, but also Europe [sic!]. Thus, Europe should help Ukraine implement reforms necessary for the country.” E. U. Commission President Juncker triggered Soros’ panic on December 17 when he announced no new E. U. money to bail out Ukraine was forthcoming for at least the next two years. The E. U. had other fish to fry, he said. So much for the Febru ary 2014 E. U. rosy promises of billions in financial support to the coup re gime they and Wash ing ton il le gally installed in Kiev with their hollow offer of an E. U. Associate Member status. Russia and China act Unlike the politically impotent E. U., however, Russia today is not the Russia of the corrupt Yeltsin era of the late 1990s. Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi have agreed to create their own international credit rating agency and it plans to open for business this year, 2015. The Universal Credit Rating Group (UCRG) plans to begin official independent ratings in 2015 to challenge the Moody’s, S&P and Fitch ratings monopoly, according to RusRating Managing Director Aleksandr Ovchinnikov. The new agency will be based in Hong Kong. Interestingly, there is a third equal partner to Russia and China in UCRG. In addition to China’s Dagon Credit Rating Agency and Russia’s RusRating, the U. S.- 12 The First Freedom — The Great Game — July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 based independent Egan-Jones Ratings is partner in the new UCRG. Each member will hold an equal share in the venture, with an initial investment of $9 million. In effect, three already well-established national independent rating agencies form the new UCRG joint venture. It is a serious challenge to the New York Big Three mo nop oly. Rarity Egan-Jones Ratings Company, also known as EJR, founded in 1995, is a very interesting partner for Russia and China raters. It is unique among U. S. nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs) for being wholly investorsupported, not client-financed, eliminating the gross conflict of interest of the Big Three. On April 5, 2012, Egan-Jones was the first rater to down grade the credit ranking of the United States. In addition Egan-Jones was also the first to downgrade WorldCom and Enron. The UCRG was officially created in June 2013 and has since been finalizing its business structure. Ovchinnikov added that, “When the issue of creating an agency alternative to the ‘Big Three’ was raised, we in fact offered a project that was ready to be launched and was supported by the governments of Russia and China.” He explicitly pointed to the bias of the U. S. Big Three raters to be overly “generous” to U. S. and E. U. clients while being biased against developing or emerging countries such as the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Now with an independent credit rating agency, a $100 billion BRICS Infrastructure Bank and strategic local currency agreements in place, Russia and China, Brics for Brics, are establishing the architecture to a genuine alternative to the destructive neo-colonial IMF and World Bank and the Jewish Atrocities against the Palestinians Complete history of the Jewish conquest of Palestine. Originated as a Communist State, assassinated those who defended Palestinian rights, used terror to drive them from their homes, under today’s murderous military rule. 25 photos, 56 pages, $8 PPD. Truth at Last Books P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061 tyranny of the Wall Street dollar system. The year 2015 will indeed by interesting. Poor Mr. Soros might have to look for another job. F. William Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer. He holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.” Keep your money, Soros Two rt.com se nior law mak ers from the Commu nist Party cau cus have asked Russian prosecutors to use the recently introduced law on “undesirable” foreign groups against George Soros’s Open Society organization. “The anti-Russian activities of Soros’s foundation must be recognized as undesirable be fore they as sume the destructive forms that we could observe in Ukraine, Georgia and other countries,” MPs Valery Rashkin and Sergey Obukhov said, appealing to the Prosecutor General. The Communist leaders claimed that the Open Society NGO had conducted “per sistent anti-Russian activities for decades” and that it happened both in Russia and in other countries. They said that the group was allegedly promoting hatred against Russians in Ukraine and also launched some “proxy subversive operations” in the Russian Federation. In particular, the two MPs blamed George Soros’s NGO for the destruction of the Russian education system, manifested in the much-criticized system of single State exams for schoolchildren as well as underfinancing of schools and institutes. The Law on Un de sir able For eign Groups that came into force earlier last month charges the Prosecutor General’s Office and Foreign Ministry with the task of creating an official list of “undesirable foreign organizations” and outlawing their activities in the country. The main criterion for putting a foreign or international NGO on the list is “a threat to the Constitutional order and the defense capability or security of the Russian State.” “Judeo-Christians,” are you totally blind, deaf and dumb? Meet the REAL Israeli Defense Force: the U. S. Congress. Israeli gears By Jeffrey St. Clair counterpunch.org It started as a rather melancholy Friday afternoon in the West Bank. Nothing unusual. Just another funeral for a promising young man who died much too young. Under the implacable shadow of the Wall and in the rifle sights of Israeli soldiers, more than 200 mourners walked down the cobbled street toward the old cemetery in the village of Beit Ummar. Some shouted angrily at the soldiers, condemning Israel for yet another senseless death. The funeral was for a college student, Jafaar Awad, who slipped into a coma and died only two months after being released from an Israeli prison, where his serious illness had festered untreated for months. Awad was only 22 when he died, as have so many other Palestinian prisoners, from medical neglect at the hands of Israeli jailers. Sadistic As his family huddled around his grave, the IDF launched a dozen tear gas canisters toward the mourners, scattering the stunned group ing. Then au to matic weap ons fire strafed the crowd, bullets hitting more than a dozen people, including Jafaar’s cousin Ziad Awad. Ziad was struck in the back, the bullet piercing his spine. He was rushed to the Al Ahli Hospital in Hebron, where he died of his wounds. Ziad was only 28 A few hours after Ziad’s murder at the hands of Israeli snipers, the IDF issued a terse statement saying that Israeli soldiers fired on the crowd of mourn ers af ter people where seen throwing stones. I’m surprised the IDF even felt compelled to issue a justification for a kind of killing that has be come rou tine: kids were throwing stones, skipping rocks, jumping rope, blowing bubbles, tossing dirt on an open grave. They had no option but to shoot. Tragic The Palestinians have no redress for these daily acts of butchery: no court to go to judge the legitimacy of shootings, no venue to seek compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering or lost work days, no avenue to find a measure of justice for the slain. How much loss, misery and humiliation are one people expected to endure? The Israeli State has never been more vi o lent, the blood toll of Pal es tin ian civilians never so high. In 2014, the Israeli military and security forces killed more than 2,300 Pal es tin ians and wounded another 17,000. That’s the worst carnage since 1967, when the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza intensified in the wake of the Six Day War. During the height of the last Israeli rampage in Gaza last summer, more than 500,000 Pal es tin ians were displaced from their homes. And, according to a recent U. N. Report titled Fractured Lives, more than 100,000 of them remain homeless. Detentions of Palestinians inside Israeli prisons are also on the rise. As of the end of February of this year, more than 6,600 Pales tin ians were be ing held in Israeli prisons and IDF detention centers, the most in five years. So the gears of the killing machine grind on with impunity, each slaughter only serving to embolden more killing. accounts for more than half of all U. S. military aid worldwide, is enough to satiate Israel’s thirst for new weaponry. Even as Israel repeatedly sabotages U. S. policy across the region, Obama has described the U. S. aid package as “sacrosanct.” In this light, the annual subornment of Israel, which totals about a third of the nation’s arms budget by the U. S. begins to Sadomasochistic partnership Who will stop them? Certainly not the Israeli State’s principle financial investor. For the most vigorous Israeli Defense Force, unblinking in its vigilance, unfaltering in its loyalty, is the U. S. Congress. There is a savage synchronicity to an alliance between one nation that drone strikes weddings and another that shoots ups funerals. Each year Congress drops a cool $3 billion on Israel. Even in chambers ruled by fiscal tightwads the only real debate is whether this lavish dispensation, which look less like a subsidy to a client State than protection money paid to a gangster organization. It should come as no surprise that two of Benjamin Netanyahu’s most fer vid American dis ciples, Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton, both gradu ated from Harvard Law, where they incubated in the Zionist hothouse of Alan Dershowitz. Yet, Cruz and Cotton aren’t outliers. Indeed, there is scarcely a micron of daylight between the positions of Ted Cruz and Elizabeth Warren, the Athena (to HRC’s Medea, I suppose) of the progressives, when it comes to defending the scandalous behavior of Israel. Indeed Warren, like many other lib er als, seems to work over time to demonstrate her unrivaled fealty to the Jewish State. Robots The vaunted Israel Lobby scarcely even needs a lobbyist anymore. These days the new members of con gress arrived preconditioned to demonstrate their devotion to the Israeli cause. They don’t need to be bribed with PAC money, courted with hookers or blackmailed with indiscrete cellphone photos. When Israel assassinates an Iranian scientist, uses chemical weapons in Gaza, tortures prisoners, murders a young American peace activist, enfilades a burial party or is caught spying on the American president, the congress will leap in unison to its defense – no questions asked, no questions answered – and dispatch another check to Tel Aviv. In the face of the world’s lon gest running war crime, the American capital stands inert, an ethical void, its halls packed with the political equivalent of GMOs. Pass the Round-Up. Jeffrey St. Clair is editor of CounterPunch. His new book is Killing Trayvons: an Anthology of American Violence (with JoAnn Wypijewski and Kevin Alexander Gray). He can be reached at: sitka@comcast.net. “Athens does not need help from the IMF” presstv.ir The Greek minister of State says his country does not need more help from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Europe would be better off without the U. S.-based institution. Nikos Pappas’ remarks came ahead of a summit meeting of the European Union to determine whether Greece would remain in the eurozone or leave the bloc. Unwanted “I am one of those who think that the IMF should not be in Europe. I hope we find a solution without its participation,” Pappas, who is close to Greek Prime Min is ter Alexis Tsipras, told the daily Ethnos on June 21, AFP reported. The minister added that Europe “has no need” for the Washington-based IMF, because its agenda shows that it “is not at all European,” and Europe “can continue without it and its money.” The IMF was asked by the E. U. to intervene and help rescue Greece at the end of 2009, when the debt-ridden country was no longer able to borrow on international Greece’s Minister of State Nikos Pappas markets. The E. U. was supposed to provide 240 billion euro in loans to Greece in exchange for drastic austerity measures and reforms implemented by the Greek government. However, E. U.’s role in saving the crisishit country was to end at the end of June 2015, while IMF was expected to continue its involvement up until March 2016. During the past nine months, bailout talks between Greece and its international lenders – the IMF, the European Central Bank and the European Union – have been in a position of deadlock over the payment of the last tranche of Greece’s bailout, which amounts to 7.2 billion euros. The Greek government argues that continuation of the bailout should be aimed at helping the country’s devastated economy without enforcement of additional austerity measures. “The agreement should be of a type and timeframe so that it would re store con fi dence,” Pappas told the Greek news pa per, add ing, “It should n’t be short-term which would only lead to further uncertainty.” Wheeler dealers According to the terms of the bailout deal with international lenders, Greece had to make a 1.6-billion-euro payment to the IMF at the end of last month, while another 6.7-billion-euro payment is due to the ECB in July and August. Greek officials had previously announced that their country would not be able to make those payments. Economic analysts have been warning for a long time that Greece’s default on its debt to international creditors could trigger a cascade of events which might lead to Athens’s exit from the eurozone, the move known as Grexit. — The Great Game — The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 13 Russia weathers sanctions: $5.4 billion deals at St Pete rt.com Worth $5.4 billion, 205 contracts were signed at annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum SPIEF-2015, completely refuting the idea of Russia’s economic isolation. This compares with 175 deals signed at the 2014 event, worth $7.4 billion said Anton Kobyakov, executive secretary of this year’s SPIEF organizing committee. This year, some 10,000 representatives from 120 countries visited the so-called “Russian Davos,” an “unprecedented” interest in the event, Kobyakov stated. About 2,000 journalists were accredited to cover the Forum – a record for the Forum’s 19-year history, he said. The Forum’s events were attended by top officials coming from Greece, China, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Iraq. SPIEF was also attended by eight former heads of State, some 200 CEO-level executives of foreign companies and 1,500 of their Russian counterparts. “The results of the forum tear to shreds the time-worn the sis of the al leg edly efficient, [severe] isolation of Russia from global development processes,” Kobyakov said. A Russia-Greece gas deal estimated at €2 billion to construct the Turkish Stream pipeline across Greece was probably the most remarkable deal struck at the forum. The so-called “Nord Stream 2.0” gas agreement between Gazprom, Shell, E.ON and OMV was another major deal at the Forum. They signed a memorandum of intent to lay two additional gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea, with a capacity of 55 billion cubic meters per year. It will follow the route of Nord Stream, bringing Russian gas to European consumers. BP acquired a 20 percent stake in one of Russia’s largest oil and gas fields in Eastern Siberia, which belongs to Rosneft subsidiary Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha (Taas). The de posit cur rently pro duces about 20,000 barrels of oil per day. BP’s share in the project is estimated at $750 million. In 2014, a total of 7,590 representatives of foreign delegations from 73 countries attended the Forum. Saudis to offer Putin a deal he can’t refuse? journal-neo.org It is reported that Saudi Arabia has sent a delegation to Moscow for the purpose of once again attempting to lure Russia away from its current interests in the Middle East, and into line behind Riyadh and its underwriters in Washington. Puppet State However, vacillating in the past between toothless threats and absurd promises of lavish economic deals, the Saudis have accomplished only one thing in their recent string of diplomatic maneuvering, that is, to tele graph im mense weak ness and desperation ahead of their next visit. Indeed, if on Earth there is one Nation that needs Russia the most, it might be Saudi Arabia. Conversely, however, if ever there was a Nation Russia would be wise enough never to do business with, it would also be Saudi Ara bia. A client-State of the British and then American empire, it has of late allowed itself to be used as an intermediary in an increasingly dangerous proxy war in volv ing Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, and, to a certain extent, Lebanon, Egypt and even Libya. Per fidious chameleons While un doubt edly the U. S. State Department staff explained at length how Washington would never allow anything to happen to their favorite regional autocracy, the war Riyadh started on Washington’s behalf in Yemen is now slowly creeping over the borders into Saudi territory, and the weap ons and fight ers emerg ing on that bat tle field may yet link up with long-simmering tensions in eastern Saudi Arabia. To the north, Saudi Arabia has actively contributed to the destruction of Iraq and Syria, and, on the African continent, Saudi Arabia has played a role in destabilizing both Egypt and to a far greater extent Libya. Should the tides turn in any of these theaters of war, the temptation for those victimized by Saudi Arabia’s meddling to in turn help fuel chaos upon the Arabian Peninsula will be overwhelming. To say that Saudi Arabia is a Nation in need of friends is an understatement, and Riyadh might finally have realized that Washington sees its “favorite” autocracy as it does all other client-States, expendable. However, so sociopolitically, economically and geopolitically disfigured from its role as chief regional facilitator for Washington and Lon don’s agenda, it may have left itself with no alternatives. The “Deal” Saudi Arabia has done much to destroy its neighbors in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), but it also has played a role in applying pressure on States well beyond, some States that hold significant in flu ence through out the re gion. This includes Russia. In fact, Saudi Arabia’s role in destabilizing and destroying the MENA re gion is part of a larger geopolitical gambit aimed at Moscow, among others. In the past, the Saudis have both lavished with promises of wealth and threatened Moscow with outright terrorism, in order to pressure Russia to abandon its allies in Damascus, Baghdad and Tehran. It was reported by the London Telegraph in its article, “Saudis offer Russia secret oil deal if it drops Syria,” that: Saudi Arabia has secretly offered Russia a sweeping deal to control the global oil market and safeguard Russia’s gas contracts, if the Kremlin backs away from the Assad regime in Syria. It also stated, in addition to the offer, that there was as well an implicit threat: As-Safir said Prince Bandar pledged to safeguard Russia’s naval base in Syria if the Assad regime is toppled, but he also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi if there is no accord. “I can give you a guarantee to pro tect the Win ter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us,” he allegedly said. Prince Bandar went on to say that Chechens operating in Syria were a pressure tool that could be switched on an off. “These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role in Syria’s political future.” Clearly, Saudi Arabia’s lack of reliable allies stands for good reason. Bandar’s gloating about Riyadh’s role in creating and controlling some of the most vicious terrorist organizations on Earth confirms what has been reported elsewhere across both the alternative and even mainstream press. It also confirms that while Washington, Lon don and Brussels dis in ge nu ously wring their hands about the threat of “Islamists,” they are allied closest with the very Nation responsible for this same threat. Why Putin can refuse Russia’s resurgence as a global power is underpinned not on Saudi oil or the lack of terrorism in the Caucasus region, but instead underpinned by its growing relationship with other members of the BRICS association as well as other Nations throughout the developing world who are quickly gaining ground versus traditional global power brokers. New compact Brazil, India, China and South Africa have all found themselves on the receiving end of similar pressure from Washington and London, though arguably to a lesser extent. Their combined economies and populations provide a market Russia has been incrementally transitioning to serve, out side of the con fines and ex tor tion imposed upon it dealing with the West. Like wise, other Na tions across the developing world are increasingly aware of this shift ing bal ance of power and are seeking ways out of compromises they previously made to placate such foreign interests as would otherwise eviscerate their Nations like they’ve done to Libya, Syria and Iraq. Additionally, despite the pressure of sanctions and Saudi Arabia’s oil pricefixing, Russia has attempted to continue reaching out to European Nations in the hopes of working around derailed pipeline deals and other disruptions intentionally created and aimed at Moscow. Russia has done this with varying degrees of success, all while cultivating a policy of National self-reliance. The Eu ro pean Un ion it self is also suffering under the sanctions imposed on Russia, ironically, and many Nations have at tempted to un der mine or circumvent these sanctions in order to secure for themselves the ben efits Brussels and others would gladly forfeit on their behalf to pursue their own agenda. In reality, Russian President Vladimir Putin can say “no” to Saudi Arabia’s wheeling and dealing specifically because it is not Russia that needs Saudi Arabia, it is Saudi Arabia that in fact needs Russia. Riyadh’s role as Washington’s proxy in the Middle East and even as a means of leverage on the greater global stage has led it to the edge of a cliff. This is a cliff Washington itself will inevitably fall over, but it will not do so until its proxies have pushed over first. Considering these realities, it may be time for Riyadh’s delegation to Moscow to put aside the empty threats and equally empty promises, and talk about a real path forward. Riyadh’s, not Moscow’s future may depend on it. Morales slams U. S. coups, dictatorships presstv.ir as world peace when calling on the E. U. to come up with social programs to fight poverty. Bolivia’s President Evo Morales has blasted the U. S. for still relying on military coups and dic ta tor ships to impose its policies in the world, saying that his country is doing much better after having cut off Washington’s meddling. Describing Washington’s current policy as one of “military expansion,” the Latin American president said on June 14 that the U. S. continues to use tactics such as government coups and military dictatorships to impose its policies “in the pursuit of geopolitical interests.” Mo rales made these re marks in an in ter view with RT’s Span ish-lan guage chan nel in Brussels, wh ere he was attend ing the E. U.-CELAC summit of European, Latin American and Caribbean leaders. No Jews wanted “Everything is well in Latin America,” Mo rales fur ther em pha sized, add ing, “Bolivia is showing significant economic growth due to the fact that we have gained political independence. The U. S. no longer governs our country through its embassy and doesn’t make decisions for us.” He also slammed the U. S.-based International Monetary Fund (IMF) for dictating its economic policies on Nations through its loan programs, indicating that Bolivia no longer allows the Fund to set economic policies for his country. “The IMF doesn’t decide for us in the Tired of it Bolivian President Evo Morales Morales has been a strong critic of Washington’s policies, particularly with regards to Latin American Nations. U. S. relations with Bolivia deteriorated further in 2013 after the grounding of a passenger plane carrying Morales in Vienna. While heading home on a flight from Moscow in July of that year, several E. U. Nations closed their airspace to his plane on the suspicion that former contractor of the American NSA spy agency Edward economy sector,” he said. Morales further called on European Nations to rid themselves of U. S. political domination as well as IMF’s economic “dictates.” “I would want to conclude an alliance with Europe to free ourselves together from [U. S.] impe rial domi nance and its neocolonial men tal ity, which seeks hegemony,” said Morales, urging Europe “to get rid of the U. S. political influence” and “economically free yourselves from the International Monetary Fund’s dictates.” During the inter view with Bolivian President Evo Morales (C) is welcomed to the E. U.-CELAC Summit in Brussels by European Commission RT, the Bolivian president also President Jean-Claude Juncker (L) and European Council underlined that he is “very sorry President Donald Tusk (R), June 10, 2015. that, instead of freeing themselves from the Snowden – wanted in the U. S. on spy shackles of the North American Empire, charges – was on board his jet. some coun tries con tinue to live in its Bolivia then blamed the U. S. for the submission.” grounding of the presidential plane, and He went on to highlight the significance Morales threatened to shut down the U. S. of social equality, saying it is as important embassy in La Paz. 14 The First Freedom — 150 years of subjugation — July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 Censored details of the Southern Holocaust themselves fully justified in hanging U. S. President Abraham Lincoln and his entire high command for violations of the laws of war – specifically for waging war against noncombatant civilians. In a moment of candor, Sherman wrote Grant: “You and I and every commander must go through war justly chargeable with crimes.” Here continues the untold story of our Southern Holocaust, truths the court historians agree never to mention, facts untaught in “public education” centers. By John Peeples firstfreedom.net M ajor General W. T. Sherman and his army eventually reached its destination at Goldsboro, North Carolina, on 27 March 1865 after their rapine to (and from) the sea was completed. He then met with fellow war criminals Grant and Lincoln at City Point on the James River, where Sherman regaled them with his exploits, writing in his personal memoirs later that Lincoln had wanted to know all about those marches and particularly enjoyed stories about the bummers (as the looters were called) and their foraging activities. For Sherman had famously promised that he would “make Georgia howl” with his March to the Sea. (That he did, and South Carolina as well.) After the war Sherman announced, “Now the truth is we fought the holiest war ever fought on God’s earth”: the same rhetoric warmongers in Cesspool, DC, mouth today. Other war criminals U. S. General Phil Sheridan laid waste the Shenandoah Valley on 24 September 1864. Further evidence that waging war on civilians was an integral part of Lincoln’s strategy lies in the burning of Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley that autumn. Finally the Confederate forces had been pushed out of the valley by the Federal arsenal’s overwhelming power when General Grant ordered Sheridan to make one more trip down the valley pillaging, plundering and burning everything in sight: “Carry off stock of all descriptions, and Negroes, so as to prevent further planting.” Anything that could not be con sumed was to be destroyed. The land was to be devastated, Grant ordered, so that crows flying over it would need to pack their own lunches. “If this war is to last an other year, we want the Shenandoah Valley to remain a barren waste.” The valley was to be turned into “a desert” and its residents rendered homeless. “General Hunter has already started the job, having burned the Virginia Military Institute among other things.” Grant was careful to inform Sheridan of the political imperative of his mission: If his soldiers should be defeated in the Shenandoah Valley, that bad news could cause Lincoln to lose the November 1864 election, and the Democrat Party was then inclined to work out a peace agreement. (Sherman had understood this as well in his Atlanta Campaign.) So that was to be avoided at all costs. As Sheridan stated it, “The defeat of my army might be followed by the overthrow of the party in power,” and lead to “the complete abandonment of all coercive measures.” Sheridan and his 35,000-man infantry plus three divisions of cavalry (roughly 15,000 troopers) faced no military forces at all (except for a few pockets of guerrilla fighters), and proceeded to terrorize the women, children and elderly of the valley in Shermanesque fashion. Reporting from the town of Woodstock, Virginia, Sherman informed Grant on 6 October 1864 that his army had “destroyed over 2,000 barns full of flour, wheat, corn and hay along with farming implements; over 70 mills filled with flour and wheat; destroyed all of the OLD SOUTH GENERAL STORE AND PAWN SHOP Weogufka, AL CSA 35183 (256)249-9100 $1.75 lb. Farm Raised “You Catch” Catfish Guns · Tools Confederate Electronics Shirts, Caps Jewelry Belt Buckles All 6 flags Knives · Ammo · Bumper Stickers · Beverages · Tobacco Building erected in 1853 Lloyd Caperton @ Facebook – CapeCSA1@aol.com Treasurer, Alabama League of the South Cash Loans Pawn · Buy Sell · Trade Part 5 Never forget! Wanton destruction of all means for civilian survival down the Shenandoah Valley factories of cloth; killed or driven off every animal, even poultry that could contribute to human sustenance. Nothing should be left in the Shenandoah but eyes to lament the war.” Grant received a communique from General Sheridan dated 11 October 1864 noting “…guerrilla parties… are becoming very formidable… I know of no way to exterminate them except to burn out the whole country” (OR vol. 43 pt. II pg. 340). He used the term exterminate rather than the normal military parlance, defeat, in referring to local Southern resistance. He would burn out the whole country, but who will feed the civilian population when his army has destroyed all tools and seeds? Starvation results from such a scorched earth policy! General Sheridan received a letter from Sherman advising, “I am satisfied that the present class of men who rule the South must be killed outright rather in conquest of territory… a great deal of it yet remains to be done… Therefore, I shall expect you on any and all occasions to make bloody results” (OR vol. 45, pt. II, pg. 622). In letters sent home Sheridan’s troops referred to themselves as “barn burners” and “destroyers of homes.” One soldier wrote that he had personally burned more than sixty private homes to the ground and opined, “It was a hard-looking sight to see women and children turned out of doors at this season of the year.” A sergeant in Sheridan’s army, William T. Patterson, described the burn ing of Harrisburg, Bridgewater and Dayton in Virginia: The work of destruction is commencing in the suburbs of the town. …The whole country around is wrapped in flames, the heavens are aglow with the light thereof… such mourning, such lamentations, such crying and pleading for mercy, I never saw nor never want to see again. Some were wild, crazy, mad, some cry for help while others throw their arms around Yankee soldiers necks and implore mercy. Abraham Lincoln, “Malice toward none …Charity for all” spokesperson, wrote a letter to General Sheridan on 27 October 1864 declaring “…my personal admiration and gratitude for the month’s operation in the Shenandoah Valley” (OR vol. 43, pt. I, pg. 62). Genocide Abraham Lincoln believed that might makes right and that he could ignore the Constitution, international law, common standards of morality and decency as long as he held the upper hand militatily and as long as he could continue confusing the public (sheeple) with legal gobbledegook and his well-honed rhetorical talents. His chief generals, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and others, followed that lead by blaming their carefully planned war of aggression on civilians and even God. Neither Lincoln nor his generals ever admitted any share of responsibility for all that bloodletting, as they were the victors who wrote its history. There can be no question nor doubt at all among truthful researchers regarding the fact of Lincoln and his top generals having violated international law during their war of 1861. Moreover, had the Confederate army won, a victory putting them instead in position to bring their opponents before some sort of tribunal, they would’ve found Abraham is responsible for the deaths of over one million Americans! The new estimate of battle deaths (both Confederate and Union forces) is 750,000 or more; civilian deaths 250,000! And that death figure becomes higher as we look beyond 1865 to the war’s second phase, for those Union forces remained in occupation of our country until 1877. The Confederate States of America suffered “Reconstruction” under martial law during a dozen years. State-created famine, inept and corrupt practices of military officers, poverty, a dictatorship of expropriation and disease claimed yet further premature deaths in the wake of Lincoln’s 1861-65 war. A REAL holocaust What was experienced by our Southern fore bears re mains a story little known and almost never told by “po lit i cally-cor rect” historians. They do not go there. Yet Dr. Allan Nevens (1890-1971), a researcher more worthy of the name who does, equates the organized Dr. Allan Nevens devastation that was experienced all across our South with similar prop erty losses during the worst chapters of the two world wars. The Southern holocaust is a relatively unknown story that must be told, for here was the completely organized devastation which involved extensive loss of life by fire and the wanton slaughter of civilians. Never forget, throughout the South it was a relentless war of extermination – by fire and sword, then at last starvation! Such is the legacy those invaders left behind them, recounted almost exclusively as of today in the Official Records – yet largely hushed up: so many facts of death and destruction. Understanding at last the enormity of those acts against Southern civilians, we should ask why monuments are not raised or museums built in sacred memory of our 250,000 forebears who died of starvation, disease and murder brought about by the Federal invader! NEXT: “Reconstruction” War between brothers or satanic invasion? By Joseph Jones K firstfreedom.net arl Marx published The Communist Manifesto in 1848, the same year which saw a rash of Communist revolutions in Europe. These revolutionaries, identified as 48ers, are not to be confused with the gold rush 48ers. Their revolutions proving unsuccessful, they had to, as the cliché has it, Get out of Dodge! – Dodge representing anywhere else; just leave, pronto. They boarded a transport to take them to what was once upon a time known as the land of the free and the home of the brave, where gaining control of the 1860 Chicago Republican Convention. Their nominated man got elected by a 39% plurality. 61% were opposed but they didn’t count. His was the political persuasion of Federalist Alexander Hamilton, favoring a powerful central government, the Federalists having morphed into the Whigs and the latter then becoming the Republican Party. Their man was unrepresentative of the working class as Marx had described him; he was rather a lawyer for one of the largest corporations in America, the Illinois Central Railroad. After taking the oath of office, their man appointed an editor who paid Karl Marx to write a column in the New York Tribune. Marx later sent a letter of congratulations to their man upon his reelection. Some of those revolutionary 48ers were graduates of European military institutions similar to West Point, all of them combat veterans. A historian writes regarding the invaded Confederate States of America: “Many of our boys thought they were fighting Hessians.” No historian this writer has read calls their man a Communist, but, do we or do we not think that “Birds of a feather flock together” expresses something akin to fact? A recently-published historian residing in their man’s home State, having ancestors on both sides of that war which had greater casualties than any of our establishment’s others, titles him “the greatest tyrant of the 19th century.” I’ve read four historians who state that their man’s war was a religious war. Some of them get denominational on the subject. One wrote: “When all is said and done it was hatred for the Church that caused the French Revolution. The throne had to be destroyed because it protected the altar.” Their Marxist’s obsession: “When all is said and done it was hatred for Southern Christianity that caused Lincoln’s War to destroy the South, as it was the Christian altar.” Which brings to mind another popular saying: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” A public meeting was announced to be held at the Bath County, Virginia, Public Library, where an out-of-State university professor would speak on the Civil War. I attended and, during the Q and A session, introduced my argument that the conflict under discussion had been a religious war. As the meeting ended, two groups formed; one around the speaker and another joining this writer, myself becoming the speaker. My opponent told his group I was wrong because both North and South had fought as Christians. He forgot about those wars dividing Christians called the Reformation and the more recent struggle these same denominations had engaged in across the Atlantic. Did this doctor of history think they kissed and made up when crossing the water? How far was Jamestown from Plymouth Rock? A lot farther then than it is today. Reconstruction remains just another pound of flesh demanded by the Communists. — Points of law — The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 15 Waivers: The question regarding their legality By Floyd Harshman M firstfreedom.net ost people find reading legalese both dry and boring. So did I before becoming a “guest” of the federal government over the issue of marijuana. Seems farming is not the proud vocation it once was. Nothing like having one’s freedom taken away to change his attitude about such a mundane thing as the law. Like the vast majority of defendants – 96 percent in the federal system and 94 percent in our fair States – I opted to take “the deal.” That is, I pleaded out to a fixed prison term instead of taking my case to a jury and risking the government’s wrath. As every defendant learns, the government has a nasty habit of giving those citizens who exercise their constitutional right to a jury trial exorbitant prison sentences. And, despite laws (federal, no less), against this practice, the judges in our “justice” system still routinely do exactly that. So we “plead out,” guilty and innocent alike. This is why America has more innocent citizens behind bars than ever before in its history. Fear. Fear of the government. tests, only one of which will suffice for me – and others – to swim free. No judicial tyranny Validity Test A. We have a fundamental principle of law that says the courts shall not enforce a bargain where one party has unconscionably taken unfair advantage of the necessities and distress of the other. Confer Lonergau v Buford and Snyder v Rosenbaum. A plea deal amounts to a contract based upon a bargain between parties. Knowing defendants such as myself are in “distress” omissions. Thus, these two entities utilize such waivers to hide their liabilities. But, does this legally remove that responsibility for negligence, to say nothing of criminal collusion? No, it does not. It is a fundamental principle of business law that liability waivers do not actually remove liability. While it is a common practice to use waivers in business – like the movie theaters printing on the back of each ticket “No responsibility for any lost or stolen item inside the building or out on the parking lot” – that does not in fact free the company’s responsibility to provide a an attractive “deal,” viewed analytically. But, can the government legally enter into such a contract as removes a citizen’s constitutional rights? Can the government legally deny that citizen his constitutional rights even if the latter signs under duress “a waiver” of those rights? Can a court, as the obvious beneficiary of such a waiver, ignore the conflict of interest herein and support a government prosecutor’s move to reduce the citizen’s constitutional rights? No! I don’t think so! Our constitutional rights are inviolable, and most especially by a government calling itself legitimate. Efficiency of the lure My plea agreement, like 99.9 percent of all such coercions, contained a “waiver of appeal” clause. Basically, this prevents one from exercising his constitutional right to further defend himself no matter what. We are, in effect, trading our rights to “due process” and “petition of government for the redress of grievances” for whatever the government promises us. That bait varies often, but the waivers seldom do. Rarely does the defendant ask himself why the government is so insistent that he waive his constitutional rights… until it’s too late. Only then does he realize how the system has duped him. It’s a bit later, after the fear they’ve instilled in us recedes, that our rational brains kick back in. But, as I have said, by then it’s too late. You see, our judicial system is flawed. There are errors in almost every case, if you’ll just look. Errors by the prosecutor, errors the court makes, those committed by our own defense attorneys. Errors, errors, errors, everywhere errors. The government and courts know this, thus their insistence on these waivers and why they manipulate the defendant into accepting their offer of a plea agreement. They don’t want anyone to get off that hook and swim away. Well, this fish wants off the government’s hook. Original American justice A fully-informed jury would decide not only the merits of a case but the law which resulted in the defendant’s arrest, and our runaway government doesn’t want to see any panel of citizens go there these days. To get a fair jury trial, I must overcome – that is, invalidate – the waiver I’ve signed, which looks entirely possible since these plea agreements fail three different validity As it was constituted and thus vulnerable, the prosecutor moves in for full advantage and “unscionably” uses that intimidating power, punishing us with these waivers, depriving defendants of their constitutional rights. If it’s a true bargain, both parties must meet as equals, especially in an adversarial legal system. The two arguments must get equal consideration or the system cannot work correctly. Chief Justice Abbott wrote: “But if one party has the power of saying to the other, ‘That which you require shall not be done except upon the conditions which I choose to impose,’ no person can contend that they stand upon anything like an equal footing.” Morgan v Palmer Chief Justice Cockburn was even more blunt: “Where the one person can dictate, and the other has no alternative but to submit, it is coercion.” Atkinson v Denby Defendants like myself (indigent) are nowhere near equal to the government in America’s legal arena. Fearful of exercising our right to jury trial because of the court’s practice of punishing us for doing so, we take their “deal” and its waiver. Because the government is using fear to gain an advantage, this is illegal. It’s coercion – a form of psychological coercion. Validity Test B. A second questionable aspect of waivers is that they’re used as instruments of liability reduction. As I’ve said, both government prosecutor and the courts themselves know that many – if not most – criminal cases contain actionable errors which they are directly or indirectly responsible for because of their actions and What has evolved safe environment for its patrons, since it is still 100% responsible for any negligence or criminal act on the company’s part or that of its employees. Thus such a waiver is invalid. Business Law 101. Fishing without a license It’s no different with the courts. It’s not lawful for them to “waiver away” liability for their actions and omissions. In fact, the courts should be held to a higher standard than a mere business. Courts deal in rights and lives, not entertainment or consumer goods. They are responsible for providing us citizens with an impartial setting that protects our rights and lives. The courts are to insure that every accused is on an equal footing with the government in order for a fair adversarial system to function the way it should. In short, these waivers within the plea agreements are invalid because one cannot waive responsibility for his actions. If it were otherwise, no doubt many a criminal type would waive all guilt for his actions. Validity Test C. The third aspect of this controversy is by far the most important, namely, the constitutionality of waiving an accused’s rights along with the court’s and government prosecutor’s responsibilities. A “waiver of appeal” becomes a contract between a defendant and his government that happens to benefit the court, whereby defendant gives up his constitutional right to due process which precludes petitioning the government for redress of grievances, etc., in exchange for a prison sentence, not Our rights are not commodities to be sold, bought or traded. The Constitution states that no person can be “deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.” Certainly our rights extend to the lengthy and exhausting appeal process implemented by Congress. The federal government prosecutors and courts apparently believe so, as due process is the primary target they have focused on removing. Obviously defendants remain constitutionally entitled to their due process rights even after conviction. All attempts to remove these rights – our rights! – are both repugnant and unconstitutional. Illegal catch It has been established that a statute or rule may be held constitutionally invalid as applied when it operates to deprive one of a protected right. What are court rules which allow the implementation and use of these “waivers of appeal” that, when applied, operate to deprive individuals of protected rights? This makes such court rules which allow waivers invalid and unconstitutional. In conclusion, this practice of coercing “waivers of appeal” is unethical because it allows the government to take advantage of its stronger bargaining position. It’s also unenforceable since waivers cannot legally reduce the government prosecutor’s – or court’s – liability. And, finally, it’s illegal because it removes constitutional rights from American citizens in violation of the laws of the land. This fish has just spit the angler’s hook out of his mouth. Crimean government gaining respect This Austrian group recognizes Crimea as Russian and wants out of the E. U. mid-dnr.ru Austrian political movement Civil Initiative Homeland and Environment has stated again it intends to hold a referendum for Austria`s getting out of the “dictatorial and centralistic European Union.” Apart from that, advocates oppose anti-Russian sanctions and consider the Crimea`s return to the Russian Federation to be absolutely legal. Yours for a donation of your choice to help us with our outreach. Soaring Eagles Studios and Gallery 2869 Hatcher Mountain Road Sevierville, TN 37862 Portent They proclaim their Austrian political movement Civil Initiative Homeland and Environment is determined to conduct a referendum on that country`s withdrawal from the Eu ro pean Union, as the Kurier journalist Margareta Kopajnig informs us. Members of the movement are planning to collect one hundred thousand signatures and, on the basis of this, introduce a bill in the National Council of Austria. Explains the head of Civil Initiative Homeland and Environment Inge Rauscher, “We have no rights in the E. U.; the whole E. U. is a tool of confidence with dictatorial features and centralism. Discontent “It’s destroying our farmers, ecology, employment, and denying us neutrality – all this from the European Union,” she emphasized. And, in Rauscher`s opinion, Crimea`s reunion with Russia is absolutely legal from the point of view of international law and corresponds to the right of peoples on self-determination. Civil Initiative is very much opposed to sanctions against Russia. But, as the Kurier journalist underlines regarding social opinion poll data carried by the Austrian community on European policy, only 20-25% of Austrians support withdrawing from the E. U. It is worth noting, however, the writer repeated, that Sevastopol and the Crimea returned to Russia after a referendum in which the majority of peninsula citizens voted for a withdrawal from Ukraine and reunion with Russia. On March 16, 2014, 96.77% of Crimean citizens and 95.6% in Sevastopol voted for entrance into the Russian Federation. 16 The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 — The International Jew — German television exposes Holocaust lies A courageous woman’s historic broadcast has shocked Germany. endzog.wordpress.com I n one of the most amazing events to oc cur in oc cu pied Ger many since the Sec ond World War His to rian Ursula Haverbeck made his tory in a de fi ant interview in which she openly trashed the very basis of the lie upon which all modern European social democratic States have been built. The elderly historian brought into question the moral integrity of all Western political parties and academic institutions, exposing the official account of the Second World War and the Holocaust for the lie it was on a television station which is the second largest in the world after Britain’s BBC. Millions of surprised Germans sat on the edges of their sofas and gasped as, for the first time in their lives, the truth about the Second World War was brought into their living rooms when the second largest broadcaster in the world took the risk of being shut down for the illegal offense of transmitting Holocaust denial by the criminal transnational Jewish financial occupation regime. Ursula Haverbeck ARD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland – Consortium of public broadcasters in Germany) is a joint organization of that country’s regional public-service broadcasters. It was founded in 1 9 5 0 i n We s t G e r ma n y t o represent the common interests of the newly de cen tral ized postwar broadcasting services – in particular the introduction of a joint television network. No small platform ARD is the world’s second largest public broadcaster after the British Broadcasting Corporation, with a budget of €6.3 billion and 23,000 employees. The budget comes primarily from the license fees every household, every company and even every public institution like city governments are required to pay. For an ordinary household the fee is currently €17.98 per month. Households living on welfare don’t have to pay the fee. The fees are not col lected di rectly by the ARD, but by the Beitragsservice (formerly Gebühreneinzugszentrale GEZ), a common organization of the ARD member broadcasters, the second public TV broadcaster ZDF and Deutschlandradio. The biggest single source of Holohoax pro paganda in mod ern times is Jewish Hollywood. Most people’s views of the Second World War are formed by watching Order extra copies of The First Freedom Help your friends shed the scales from their eyes! See coupon on page 24 their movies and the Jewish propaganda documentaries on Jewish-owned or -run channels such as the History Channel, National Geographic Channel or the BBC. Rethinking the unthinkable Why were Jews put in camps in the first place? Af ter In ter na tional Jewry declared war on Germany and initiated international boycotts of her products and called for sabotage and terrorism by Jews in Germany against the German State, Germany’s leader hesitated to respond. Finally after a major act of terrorism by Jewish and commu nist agents known as Kristallnacht he decided to place all Jews in camps and send them to Palestine. The agreement between Germany and Theodor Herzl as head of the Zionist movement for and Talmud. For this plan it was essential that all major Western Nations who were pursuing a policy of financial independence from the Jews must be destroyed in order to merge them into the transnational Jewish Banking System. International Jewish agents began a process that would turn Germany’s demands for the territories stolen from her after the first world war into a world war which would ensure once and for all Jewish world financial control. This plan was outlined in a Jewish book which called for all Germans to be sterilized in order to exterminate them. administered offshore by Israel but one can see in every interview with a “Holocaust Survivor” just how wealthy and luxurious the circumstances are in which they live. Employment opportunity There is a huge and lucrative “survivor” sector for any Jew willing to lie before the camera for large fees, and a considerable number of Jews make vast sums of money by traveling around to schools, writing books, giving TV interviews etc, lying about “how evil” the Germans were. In fact this whole concept of the psychopathic, murderous Nazi is entirely a creation of the Jews who ran their wartime propaganda, newspapers, movies and newsreels and have con trolled the me dia, ed u cation, Hollywood and most recently the computer gaming industry since after the war. Much of the money for reparations or “Jew ish se cu rity” is in fact spent on What is a Plutocracy? Jews to travel to Palestine was (in order to create the Holohoax) refused by Lord Victor Rothschild, the British government minister responsible for Palestine, so that the Jews then became stuck in the camps and became factory workers during the war. This was the terrorist event which caused Germany to put the Jews in camps ready for transportation. What was the New World Or der pledged to the Jews? The British government, same as the U. S. government, had fallen under the sway of the vast power of International Jewish Finance. In other words men like Churchill and Roosevelt (both of whom were Zionists with Jewish heritage) agreed in effect that the world would now be run economically and socially in the interests of Jewish finance. This was the beginning in the West of what is now increasingly known as “White genocide,” a process which had gone on in Jewish Bolshevik Rus sia through mass mur der and cre ated famines which by the end of Jewish Bolshevik Com mu nism in the So viet sphere had killed 100 million White Christian Russians and Slavs. However, in the case of the West today it takes the form of deliberate extermination of the White race by using mass third world immigration into White Nations and White Nations alone to remove the one people whose intelligence and power stand in the way of world Jewish conquest: the Jew World Order and one world government demanded in the Torah A Plu toc racy is ei ther an individual Plutocratic State (as all Western Nations are today) or a one-world Plu to cratic government (which these States are be ing moved to wards) where the people are ruled by an elite or ruling class whose power derives solely from their wealth. Once the war started it became impossible to do anything but use the Jews as factory workers in the huge industrial and manufacturing plants surrounding AuschwitzBirkenau in Po land. The Germans did their best to keep the inmates healthy and busy at work, but, towards the end of the war, the allies de lib er ately bombed the routes to the camps so that little food or medicine could reach them. In those very wet and marshy areas of Poland ticks spread the disease of typhus to the inmates so that when the al lies ar rived at the camps, with Hollywood film crews on standby having cinematic special effects such as “human skin” lampshades, South American shrunken heads and supposed human soap, huge heaps of the bodies of inmates including Jews were piled up away from the housing of the healthy prisoners. And so the planned Holohoax was all set up. Truth about Auschwitz Who is really being genocided here? A quick guide to what Auschwitz was really about will discover how the Jews present Auschwitz to the world. Auschwitz-Birkenau and other camps now lie debunked. Just who are these “Holocaust Survivors” that manage frequently to appear on television, at lectures and making YouTube videos, lying about those camps and defaming the German people? Af ter the war the Ger man gov ern ment was forced to begin a process of paying out billions of dollars to “Holocaust Survivors” as reparations. And a Holocaust Survivor is any Jew who can prove having resided in Europe (even in countries outside the Reich like Britain) during the war. No one really knows how the money is dis trib uted because it is keeping the story going by, for example, multiple daily robo-uploads of videos to YouTube from their computer-generated channels, or endlessly sponsored expensive Ho lo caust events, or to fund gangs of violent Jewish and Marxist antifa street thugs across Europe and the United States with names like Hope Not Hate or Unite Against Fascism, all of whom are never under any circumstances paid for by the Jews themselves but by White people’s taxes through gov ern ments and area councils. Added to this, countless millions are paid by every Western government to the Jews for all sorts of reasons, tens of millions to keep up the camps, build vast lavish Holocaust Museums, many of whose exhibits are either from the Jewish-run Gulags of Bolshevist Russia or just props from the Jewish-run antique trade or clear photographic fakes. As an ex ample of this ex trav agance, British Prime Minister David Cameron, who is a direct descendent of Moses, even as he cut services to the poor and for mobility for disabled children before the 2015 British general election, granted 21 million pounds (fifty million dollars) for the protection of Jewish schools and synagogues – even though they were under no greater threat than churches and non-Jewish schools. What is the truth about “The Final Solution” libel? What did Himmler refer to in his Posnan speech, if not a policy of killing the Jews? The quote from the October 4, 1943, Himmler Posnan speech usually cited as evidence that the Nazis were attempting to — The International Jew — exterminate the Jews is debunked af ter a brief introduction by the world’s leading expert on Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich where she explains on her radio show about Heinrich Himmler’s faked Posen Jewish extermination speech. July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 17 Those evil, lying, Marxist, anti-White, anti-German nuns have blasphemously turned Auschwitz into a major place of Catholic pilgrimage – like the genuine shrines of Lourdes and Fatima – and perform such fraudulent acts as burning candles on the ovens in the crematorium where people who died of natural causes or disease were cremated, gathering Christian visitors to say rosaries with them to pray for the “victims.” Let’s bring ’em into the light But what of Anne Frank? Another one debunked Written seven years after the subject’s death, Anne Frank, the diary of a young girl came out: a forgery compiled by Anne Frank’s father following WW II. In 1959 a Swedish journal called Frida Ord revealed that Anne Frank’s father had contacted a Jewish novelist named Meyer Levin to craft much of the dialogue found in this supposed diary. French professor Robert Faurisson also invested a great deal of time looking into the matter, only to find that a teenage girl could not have created such a remarkable literary masterpiece. Most glar ing of all is the fact that segments of this “diary” were written in ballpoint pen – not to mention with two completely different styles of handwriting – one of Levin, and the other by Anne Frank’s father. Ballpoint pens, although invented in 1931, were not available on the market until after WW II ended, making it impossible for Anne Frank to have written her original draft using such an instrument. Even Jews were sus pi cious of the diary’s legitimacy because, being raised in the Jewish faith, Miss Frank’s supposed memoirs fail to mention Passover, special holidays and most other Jewish religious issues. It appeared this “Jewish” girl had The First Freedom little or no concern about anything Jewish at all.” Anne died of typhus during the war and not gassing as the Jews claim. Evil Angels of Auschwitz The Polish communists had long been worried by the beautiful theater that the Germans had built for the Jews. For some time they just kept it closed to the public, but nevertheless it was an inconvenience to their narrative of the history of the camp. When Zionist-infiltrated Rome elected a Polish Marxist and part-Jewish pope, they arranged with him to dispatch a group of Vatican II Sect nuns to manage the building – portraying this as a ghoulish way of Christianizing the Holohoax. These nuns will not allow anyone to enter the building to capture images of the theater. Even many Jews themselves, familiar as they were with the dark side, sensed the Satanic in these voyeuristic shroud-chasers and objected to their presence. Before he passed away the Polish Pope had turned all the Polish camps into shrines to the lies of the Holohoax. Ten extra copies of The First Freedom (specify which issue) are yours for $15 PPD anywhere in C.S.A. or U.S., plus – if you want them, ask – one sheet containing 80 of these labels in Confederate red, white and blue. New subscribers! Get 6 If you issues of rebel news for $5 to TFF, PO Box 385 de sire a Silverhill, Ala. 36576. few extra labels, they’re $1 per sheet of 80, PPD. Where to put them? Inside books, on the literature and envelopes you pass out, any old place that comes to mind. Let’s roll! 18 The First Freedom — Animal farm — July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 Secretive, would-be world rulers connive again At Bilderberg 2015 the overrepresentation of Jewishness was unsurprising. By Benjamin Garland dailystormer.com Bobby, a reader of Daily Stormer, took the time to research the Jewishness of this year’s Bilderberg event and posted his findings in a comment on our previous article on that subject. I found this worthy of its own article, so below is his comment in full, with a few very slight editorial changes. * * * * * went through the 2015 Bilderberg attendee list in detail. Here’s every member who’s either Jewish or strongly connected to Jews either through marriage or lifelong work: Achleitner, Paul M. – Most probably German Jew. Looks extremely Jewish, here he is attending a conference held in a German Jewish community center: I individuals and groups such as “American Crossroad” and “Restore Our Future.” Guriev, Sergei – A Russian traitor and a Rothschild agent, works closely with international Jewry. Escaped Russia when he was being investigated by the Russian intelligence. Being anti-Putin, he strongly criticized Putin’s crackdown on Jewish oligarchs in Russia, and is possibly Jewish himself. Halberstadt, Victor – Dutch Jew. Hampel, Erich – Austrian Jew. Hoffman, Reid – American Jew. Ischinger, Wolfgang – German Jew. Jacobs, Kenneth M. – American Jew. Hmmmmm… Rocca, Gianfelice – Most prob ably Ital ian Jew (looks ex tremely Jew ish, unknown ethnicity). Rubin, Robert E. – American Jew. Sadjadpour, Karim – Most probably an Iranian Jew. Is very anti-Iran, pro-Israel, and has previously joked about a global Jewish conspiracy. Schmidt, Eric E. – Strong Jew ish connections, close friend of Shimon Peres, unknown ethnicity. Scholten, Rudolf – Most probably an Austrian Jew, extremely pro-Jew. Sevelda, Karl – Most prob ably an Austrian Jew (looks very Jewish). Sutherland, Peter D. – Chairman of Goldman Sachs In ter na tional, strong Jewish con nections. As the U. N.’s (Bilderberg) special representative for migration, he told the E. U. that the group should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member States. Wallenberg, Jacob – Strong Jewish connections, his family used to “save Jews” from the Holohoax. Alleged richest man in Sweden. Weber, Vin – Strong Jewish/Neo-con connections, is a member of Neo-con PNAC. Wolf, Martin H. – British/Austrian Jew. Wolfensohn, James D. – Australian Jew with strong Rothschild connections. Zoellick, Robert B. – German Jew, on the board of Goldman Sachs, a Neo-con. Monti, Mario – Un known eth nicity, former VP of Goldman Sachs. This picture says it all: Some pigs more equal than others No comment. Maher, Shiraz – Seems to be an Arab guy work ing for Jews. He has worked on destabilizing Israel’s neighbors and is extremely anti-Iran, anti-Russia, and proJew. Pos sibly the guy re spon si ble for reporting on the latest news on ISIS. Mathews, Jessica T. – American Jewess, granddaughter of Jewish banker Maurice Wertheim and great-grand daugh ter of Henry Morgenthau Sr. Michel, Charles – Unknown ethnicity but looks very Jewish. The nose doesn’t lie: Kenneth Jacobs is head of the International Jewish Merchant Banking Group Lazard. Jew or just a Jew lover? You de cide! (He certainly does look pretty Jewy.) Agius, Marcus – Ancestry has strong Jewish links. Married into the Rothschild family. Altman, Roger C. – Most probably Jew ish (Jew ish last name, no eth nic information available). Applebaum, Anne – American Jew. Baird, Zoë – Married to a Jewish lawyer. Bernabè, Franco – Used to work for Rothschild investment bank, looks Jewish himself. Bronner, Oscar – Austrian Jew, born in Man da tory Pal es tine af ter Hit ler’s expulsions. Döpfner, Mathias – Winner of 2014 ADL International Leadership Award, clearly a Shabbos Goy. Jäkel, Julia – Strong Jewish connections, her husband Ulrich Wickert is recipient of multiple Jewish awards. Johnson, James A. – Was married to a Jewess, on the board of Goldman Sachs, possibly half Jewish himself. Juppé, Alain – Most probably French Jew. Looks ex tremely Jew ish, highly supportive of any and all Jewish causes, this picture should say it all: Whatcha wearing, buddy? Cute hat, Juppé. Karp, Alex – American Jew. Kepel, Gilles – Most probably French Jew (looks Jewish, has dedicated his life to attacking Islam). Kerr, John – Most probably Scottish Jew, looks very Jewish: Munroe-Blum, Heather – Married to Jew Len Blum. H. R. H. Prin cess Beatrix of the Netherlands – Her family owns a large part of Royal Dutch Shell along with the Queen of England and the Rothschilds. Perle, Richard N. – American Jew. Petraeus, David H. – Strong Jewish connections, worked with Jews all his life, current chairman of KKR Global Institute owned by Jews Kravis and Kohlberg. Reisman, Heather M. – Canadian Jew. Out of 134 members on that list, 21 are confirmed, well-known Jews, another 11-12 are most probably Jewish (I just wasn’t able to find confirming information online despite strong evidence), and finally another 24 have strong Jewish/Rothschild links either through marriage or business. Rest assured the rest of the members are all 100% kosher. We’re talking about between 20-25% ethnic Jews. 45% either Jew or directly connected/related to Jews. 95-100% ADL/ Bnai-Brith certified Kosher. Keep in mind that Jews are only 2% of the population in the West and less than 0.2% worldwide. Many of the non-Jews are merely Shabbos Goyim who are on the Jews’ payroll. The Jews need experts on various issues and from different parts of the world – they can’t rely only on fellow Jews to do all the grunt work. Also worth noting is that many of the Gentiles with no apparent connection to Jews are mem bers of var i ous se cret so ci et ies. Clowns in ties and beanies The secretive annual Bilderberg conference looks to the future but is stuck in the past. Mathias has been a very good goy. Elkann, John – Italian Jew. Federspiel, Ulrik – His family helped the Jews during WWII, married to a Jew. Feldstein, Martin S. – American Jew. Ferguson, Niall – A Neo-con, worked with Jews all his life, and his wife is the recipient of multiple Jewish awards. By Charlie Skelton Kissinger, Henry A. – German Jew. Kleinfeld, Klaus – Potentially Jewish or half Jewish (Jewish last name). Kravis, Henry R. – American Jew. Kravis, Marie-Josée – Wife of Jew Henry Kravis, on the board of the New York Fed, possibly Jewish herself. Kudelski, André – Most prob ably Polish Jew (Jewish last name, looks Jewish). Levey, Stuart – American Jew. Leyen, Ursula von der – Unknown ethnicity but this picture says it all: Two of the many pro-Jew books written by the sickening, rabid Zionist Niall Ferguson. Fischer, Heinz – Married to a Jew, spent a year volunteering at a Kibbutz in Israel. Fresco, Louise O. – Dutch Jew. Griffin, Kenneth – Wall Street insider with strong Jewish/Neo-con connections. Funder and supporter of Israeli mafia boss Rahm Emanuel and various other Neo-con The Guardian guardian.co.uk Jew? Maybe. Maybe not. At a Jew Holohoax memorial. And the next one: D isturbing news has emerged that a bullet was fired at a po lice he licop ter during this year’s Bilderberg conference. Who would do such a thing? It turns out the people who would do it are the police. The bullet was fired accidentally, admits a government spokesperson, by a member of Austria’s elite EKO Co bra counterterrorism squad: the rifle went off when the officer was climbing into the helicopter. Luckily, no one was hurt, one helicopter slightly injured. That’s a relief, although it begs the question: what on earth is a crack anti-terror unit doing flying helicopter patrols around Telfs with live ammo and the safety off? Last time I looked we’re in the Tyrol, not Vietnam. It seems appropriate that the single act of violence perpetrated towards police at Bilderberg 2015 was the direct result of their crazily heavy policing. In fact, the only injury the police received the entire time was when an officer sprained his lips from go ing “brrrm brrrm brrrm” while sitting in their redundant armored personnel carrier and pretending to drive it. The police won’t spend money on a much-needed press accreditation center here, but they’re happy to splash out on an armor-plated snowplough. What a joke. Scouting around In the wake of the conference, at the bar of the Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol, I chanced upon a lingering delegate, the Portuguese media mogul Francisco Pinto Balsemão. In my terrible Portuguese I asked him whether he’d had a productive conference – uma conferência útil – and he replied in English: “We always do.” I managed one more question before being bustled away by hotel staff. “Do you think next year you might hold a press conference, like in the old days?” Senhor Balsemão smiled, and replied in Portuguese. “Talvez,” he said. Perhaps. After the conference, Barroso seemed jubilant. His grin spoke volumes as he sprang from his car at the airport. He beamed and waved at the cameras, and I thought for a moment he was going to punch the air like at the end of The Breakfast Club. He looked like the cat that got the — Orwell’s 2015 — An armored personnel carrier sits in the woods during the Bilderberg conference. cream, then decided the cream was boring, and drank a bottle of champagne instead. He seemed a charming man, but tired. He was lingering, I suspect, because this was his last Bilderberg as a member of the steering committee, and he was savoring the memories of power. In the runup to this by extension, the merger of human and machine intelligence. Thiel’s ticket to immortality. At Bilderberg this year, the executive chair man of Google, Eric Schmidt, brought along two of his top people to lead a session on AI. It might seem an odd fit for Bilderberg, but over the last few years the big shift within the group has been towards new media and new technology. Artificially Intelligent Schmidt and Thiel both sit on the group’s steering committee, as does Craig Mundie of Microsoft and Alex Karp, the billionaire CEO of data analytics company Palantir, who was Thiel’s roommate at Stanford Law School. Bilderberg has reached out to Silicon Valley; it’s grap pling with AI. Look ing forwards to the future, always with an eye to what’s valu able. If Bilderberg is to sur vive, and stay in flu en tial, it has to merge with this new technology. It knows it can’t be left behind. And here’s where I worry for the future of Bilderberg. Inwardly, the group seems able to adapt to new technology, but what about the relationship between the group and the technology being used by the news media? It’s not the 1950s any more: you can’t just “have a quiet word” with half a dozen editors and keep a story out of the papers. You’ve got to deal with reporters like Dan Dicks and Luke Rudkowski, with their instant uploads and cameras hanging off every rucksack strap. You’ve got bloggers and citizen journalists, activists with Instagram accounts. News articles José Manuel Barroso year’s conference, the Portuguese press had reported how Balsemão had nominated his fellow countryman, José Manuel Barroso, the former European commission president, to replace him on the steering committee. And midway through the proceedings, the official website was changed to show the switch in names. Typical Bilderberg clowns Rather less forthcoming than Barroso was the investment banker James Wolfensohn. When asked by reporter Dan Dicks whether he’d had a good conference, Wolfensohn said: “I wasn’t there… I didn’t attend.” Which is a pretty rubbish answer to give to the press when you’ve just stepped out of a V12 Mercedes with a massive “B” sticker in the front window. Emerging from the next limo along, with a soft whir from its cyborg limbs, the remarkably lifelike Peter Thiel 3000 checked its scanners for threats, then made its way out towards its private jet. The founder of Paypal and director of Facebook is cur rently pour ing money Bilderberg meets in Tyrol The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 19 The chairman of the Bilderberg Group, Henry de Castries, head of AXA, decides whether or not to speak to the press. with comments sections and buttons to share them on social media. The news just doesn’t work the way it used to. Thiel will tell you that, if no one else does. Equally anach ro nistic is the heavyhanded po lic ing: the check points, the armored snowploughs, the harassment, the helicopter patrols with itchy-fin gered cops. The obstinate refusal to engage in proper press relations. It’s just a physical extension of Wolfensohn’s “I wasn’t there … I didn’t attend.” A denial of reality, a denial of change: and it’s no kind of long-term strategy. It’s like George Osborne keeping his head down, dodg ing the cameras, and half-pretending he’s not been at Bilderberg, then eventually declaring the three days of meetings in his transparency data with the two words: “general discussion.” More is required of Osborne, and more is required of the group in general. For its own sake as much as ours. So will the Bilderberg group take a deep breath, move forwards, and give us more in 2016? In the words of Senhor Balsemão … talvez. Liberalitis sufferers showing improvement And now they have decided that free range parents letting kids play outside alone is not neglect. activistpost.com P olice and Child Protective Services in Maryland had twice removed the Meitiv children, 10 and 6, from their parents for child endangerment because they played alone at a nearby park. The generation that grew up as latchkey kids is today being called “free range” parents if letting the children play outside unattended. And they were being charged with neglect. But now it’s been reported that CPS has cleared parents Danielle and Sasha Meitiv of a second case of neglect. They were cleared of wrongdoing in their first case less than a month earlier. No harm ever befell the children except when they were kidnapped by overzealous authorities and kept away from their loving parents. Sanity returns Due to the outrage caused by this case, the Mary land De part ment of Hu man Re sources was forced to is sue a new statewide policy saying “children walking or playing outside alone is not neglect and does not warrant the intervention unless the children are in danger or at risk.” More good news Bowing to strong public pressure about the right to buy and drink raw milk, the New Zealand government has unveiled new rules which permit farmers to sell this most basic, probiotic rich and nutritious of foods directly to consumers. Direct farm sales there include home deliveries of raw milk to both rural and urban consumers, paving the way for the return of the beloved milkman. 200 Syrian refugees return from Turkey Peter Thiel into anti-ageing research, as part of his “immortality project.” He says: “I believe if we could enable people to live forever, we should do that. I think this is absolute.” (Of course, he’s not the only Bilderberger with an eye on immor tal ity. Da vid Rockefeller, the godfather of the group, turned 100 during this year’s conference – it’s thought he joined the event via the huge screen they have set up in the main conference room. And Henry Kissinger is 92. He would have died years ago but Death is too scared to knock on his door.) Back in 2006, Thiel was a co-founder, with Ray Kurzweil, of the Singularity Summit. Kurzweil is a famous futurologist, transhumanist and currently a director of engineering at Google. By “sin gu lar ity” is meant the shift towards smarter-than-human technology: the era of non-biological intelligence and, T presstv.ir he first group of Syrian refugees has returned from Turkey to their homes in the bor der town of Tal Abyad, which was recently retaken from the ISIL Takfiri terrorists. Risking it Nearly 200 men, women and children on June 17 entered Syria after passing the Turk ish bor der post at Akcakale in Sanliurfa Province. The Syrian refugees said they prefer going back home to remaining refugees in another country. “It’s not so good here... It’s not like home. We want to spend our holy Ramadan in our homeland. We have been looking forward to it,” said Mahmoud, a farmer, referring to the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, which was due to begin that week. Fahriye, a 40-year-old housewife, also Wanted Thinkers Survivors The First Freedom is spreading “hate!” whine those who misapprehend us survivors. It’s really out of pity that we try so hard to de-program the brainwashed. Order a box of 100 extra copies for $35 or $40 on page 24 and help distribute the truth. Kurdish YPG fighters hold their movement flags near the Akcakale crossing gate between Tur key and Syria at Akcakale in Sanliurfa Province, June 15, 2015. Syrians fleeing the war pass through a broken down border fence to enter Turkish territory, near the Akcakale border crossing, June 14, 2015. said she was returning home despite fears over the U. S.-led coalition bombings and possible ISIL attacks to once again take over Tal Abyad. “I’m returning, I left my husband there. But I’m still very afraid of the bombs, how would someone not be afraid of bombs?” she said. Fighters from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) and their allies managed to recapture the strategic town the pre vi ous day af ter sev eral days of fighting against ISIL terrorists. The clashes have forced over 23,000 people from their homes. The latest gains of the Kurdish forces against ISIL came months af ter YPG fighters succeeded in pushing the militants from the Syrian city of Kobani. Important victory Tal Abyad’s recapture has dealt a major blow to the ISIL ter ror ists, who have used the town for illegal oil sales, and for smuggling foreign militants and supplies into Syria. Retaking Tal Abyad from the terrorists also cuts a main ISIL supply line to the Syrian city of Raqqa, controlled by the extremist militants. 20 The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 — MLK Boulevard — The 1898 Wilmington, North Carolina, coup d’état By Lt. Colonel Donald Sullivan (Ret) A aloe910@aol.com lso known as the massacre or the race riot of 1898, it began on November 10, 1898, and continued for several days. It is considered a turning point in post-Reconstruction North Carolina politics. The event is credited with having ushered in an era of severe racial segregation and the dis en fran chise ment of African-Americans throughout the Southeastern United States. It happened when nearly 2,000 White Dem o cratic Party insurgents overthrew the “legitimately” elected local government and attacked the only Black newspaper in the State along with persons and property in Black neighborhoods, killing an estimated 15 to more than 60 victims. Change In 1860, before the so-called Civil War, Wilmington was majority Black. Numerous slaves and free Blacks worked at the port, in households as domestic servants and in a variety of jobs as artisans and skilled workers. After the Battle of Fort Fisher, which the Union won in January 1865, Wilmington was taken by Union troops in February, after they had worked their way through Confederate defenses up the Cape Fear River. With its victory in the Battle of Wilmington, the Union completed its blockade of major Southern ports. The Confederate General Braxton Bragg had burned tobacco and cotton stores before leaving the city. With the end of the war, freedmen in many States left plantations and rural areas for towns and cities, not only to seek work but to gain safety by cre at ing Black communities without White supervision. Tensions grew in Wilmington and other areas because of a shortage of supplies; Confederate currency had no value; and the South was impoverished at the end of the long war. Federal constitutional amendments had abolished slavery, and granted citizenship and voting rights to freedmen. Adults and children were pursuing education. Freedmen were eager to vote, tending to sup port the Republican Party of Lincoln that had achieved their freedom.* Red Shirts rise In North Carolina, State and local races were close, with Republicans winning most of the offices. Their ascendancy to power can be traced to granting the franchise to freedmen; plus the successful formation of a biracial coalition of freedmen, recent Black and White migrants from the North (carpetbaggers), White Southerners who supported the Union and Reconstruction (scalawags); and the fact that members of the CSA army were denied the vote. Many White Democrats had been embittered since the Confederacy’s defeat, and most veterans were armed. Insurgent veterans joined the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), which started in Tennessee but soon had chapters across the South. It generated considerable violence at elections to suppress the Black vote, and Democrats regained control of the State legislature in 1870. After the KKK was sup pressed by the fed eral government through the Force Act of 1870, new paramilitary groups arose in the South. By 1874, chapters of Red Shirts, a paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party, had formed in North Carolina, helping Wade Hampton gain election in 1874 by suppressing the Black vote. A Republican governor was elected in 1876, before the end of Reconstruction and withdrawal of federal troops from the South. In the years that followed, Wilmington, then the largest city in the State with 10,000 residents, had a majority-Black population * Lt. Col. Sullivan is relying here on Wikipedia’s slant for much of this report, but bear with him. – ed. including numerous Black professionals and a rising middle class. Unlike in many other jurisdictions, Blacks in Wilmington gained positions as members of the police force and fire department, as well as elected positions. In 1871 Demo crats re gained control of the State legislature. After 1875, the White Democratic campaign to reduce voting by freedmen was helped by the Red Shirts. The group had started in Mississippi in 1875, and chapters arose in both the Carolinas. In the same period, some 20,000 White men in North Carolina belonged to rifle clubs, who comprised other para mil i tary groups. Al though Democrats dominated State politics after 1877, both Blacks and Whites continued to participate in politics and, in the 1890s, the Populists appealed to many former Democratic voters. In the 1894 and 1896 elections, North Carolina’s Populist Party supported fusion candidates in an alliance with the bi-racial Republican Party. They won enough votes to gain control of the State government and were known as the Fusionists. Governor Daniel L. Russell, elected in 1896, was the first Republican elected since 1877. The Fusionists passed a law increasing the franchise for both Blacks and Whites by decreasing property requirements. In the 1898 election, the Democratic Party regained control at the State level, partly due to widespread vio lence and intimidation of Blacks by the Red Shirts, which suppressed Black voting. They ran a campaign of regaining White supremacy. Be cause Wilmington was a Black majority city, its election of city officers was followed statewide. On November 4, 1898, the Raleigh News & Observer noted that: The first Red Shirt parade on horseback ever witnessed in Wilmington elec tri fied the peo ple to day. It cre ated en thu si asm among the Whites and consternation among the Ne groes. The whole town turned out to see it. It was an enthusiastic body of men. Otherwise it was quiet and orderly. Despite the Democrats’ inflammatory rhetoric in support of White separatism and the Red Shirt armed display, voters elected a Fusionist government to office in Wilmington on November 8. The mayor and 2/3 of the al der men were White. Democratic Party White separatists, led by Alfred Moore Waddell who as incumbent had lost his congressional seat to Daniel L. Russell (now governor) in 1878, had organized a secret committee of nine. This committee had planned to replace the gov ern ment if the Dem o cratic Party candidates lost. During the election campaign, Whites had criticized Alexander Manly, owner and editor of Wilmington’s Daily Record, the State’s only Black-owned newspaper, and wanted to close him down. Many news pa pers state wide had pub lished pictures and stories implying that AfricanAmerican men were sexually attacking White women in Wilmington. Manly denied such charges, saying the stories represented consensual relationships and suggested “White men [should] be more protective of their women against sexual advances from males of all races.” White separatists pub li cized his words as a cat a lyst for violence against the Black community. The ultimatum After the election, Whites created a Committee of Twenty-Five, all separatists, and pre sented their de mands to the Committee of Colored Citizens (CCC), a group of politicians and leaders of the African-American community. Specifically, the Whites wanted the CCC to promise to evict Manly and his brother Frank, a co-owner of the paper, from the city. They gave the CCC a deadline of November 10, 1898, to respond. When Waddell and the Committee had not received a response by 7:30 AM, he gathered a large group of White businessmen and veterans at the Wilmington Light Infantry (WLI) armory. By 8:00 AM, Waddell led the armed group of 1,000-1,500 men, organized in military for ma tion, to the Daily Re cord office, where they destroyed the equipment and burned down the building. By this time, the crowd had swelled to nearly 2,000 men. Whites, too, can get testy Manly along with many oth ers had hidden or fled Wilmington for safety. Waddell tried to get the group to return to the Armory and disband, but he lost con trol, and the armed men turned into a mob. Whites rioted, attacking Blacks throughout Wilmington but especially in Brooklyn, the majority-Black neighborhood. The small patrols were spread out over the city and continued until nightfall. Walker Taylor, of the Secret Nine, was authorized by Governor Russell to command the Wilmington Light Infantry (WLI) troops, newly returned from the Spanish-American War, and the federal Naval Reserves, taking them into Brooklyn to quell the “riot.” They intimidated both Black and White crowds with rapid-fire weapons and killed several Black men. Whites drove the op pos ing po lit ical and business leaders from the town. The estimated number of deaths ranges from six to 100, all Blacks. No Whites were reported dead, although some were wounded. Hundreds of Blacks fled the town to take shelter in nearby swamps. After the violence settled, more than 2,100 Blacks left Wilmington, per ma nently leaving it a White majority city. Waddell and his men forced the White Republican Mayor Silas P. Wright and other members of the city government (both Black and White) to resign. (Their terms would have lasted until 1899). They installed a new city council that elected Waddell to take over as mayor by 4:00 PM that day. City residents’ appeals to President William McKinley for help to recover from the widespread destruction in Brooklyn were met with no response. Reconstruction II Waddell and his team were formally elected to city offices in March 1899. More importantly, that year, the Democraticdom i nated State leg is la tors passed a con sti tu tional amend ment de signed to exclude Black voters. It required voters to pay a poll tax and pass a liter acy test (administered by Whites) to register to vote, both mea sures that in prac tice discriminated against Blacks and ignorant Whites. When Democrats had first proposed the measure in 1881, The New York Times estimated that 40,000 Black men would be disfranchised by such action in North Carolina. Although the legislators appeared to infringe on the Black’s voting privilege, the U. S. Su preme Court had re cently upheld similar measures in a challenge to Mississippi’s 1890 constitution. Democrats in other Southern States also worked to reduce the Black vote with disfranchising laws or constitutions following Mississippi’s. Once that was done, Democrats passed laws imposing racial segregation of public facilities. Essentially they imposed mar tial law on Af ri can Americans in North Carolina, setting an example that had influence beyond the State’s borders. It took another six decades and passage of federal laws in the mid1960s for these accomplishments to be rudely undone, not by the strength of arms but by the unwillingness of 20th century Whites to defend their honor and their land. It took the “New Democratic Party” president’s “Great Society” in the 1960s to give African Americans their civil rights in North Carolina and other Southern States, with the protection of the federal military. In 1900, a second “White supremacy” political campaign cemented the Democrats’ domina tion in the State; they elected Charles B. Aycock as governor. Party agitators used photos suggesting “Negro domination” to raise fears and tensions. The crude strategy, plus the constitutional amendment, had sharply reduced AfricanAmer i can vot ing, and the Demo crats controlled the legislature and governor’s office. The night before the election, Waddell spoke: “You are Anglo-Saxons. You are armed and prepared, and you will do your duty… Go to the polls tomorrow, and if you find the Negro out voting, tell him to leave the polls; and, if he refuses, kill him, shoot him down in his tracks. We shall win tomorrow if we have to do it with guns.” A future for Whites The Democratic Party won by a landslide. Hugh MacRae was among the nine conspirators who planned the insurrection of 1898. He later donated land outside Wilmington to New Hanover County for a park, which was named for him. He included a restriction in the deed for the park which denied Blacks access to it to protect it from the future ravages of a Black populace. In the park stands a plaque in his honor that does not mention his role in the 1898 insurrection. A descendant of his contributed to the 1998 centennial commemoration and is included in its “Founder’s Circle.” This same descendant lifted the deeded ban on Blacks using Hugh McRae Park. His name is Hugh McRae II, and he is a disgrace to his grandfather. I played in that park as a child, and my grandchildren play there today. They know its history well and know that I am proud of the courage and determination shown by our an ces tors from my home town in November of 1898. From my vantage point it appears life was far more peaceful for both Blacks and Whites before the era of the “Civil Rights Movement” than it is now. Few have noticed, but it only took fifty years for the agen das of the Demo crats and Republicans to switch sides. Most Democratic voters didn’t even notice the switch for 40 years or so, and Republicans still don’t get it. Now, the Democrats have put a “Black” man in the White House “till death do us part.” Go figure. Council of Conser vative Citizens I t has been brought to the attention of the Council of Conservative Citizens that Dylann Roof – the alleged perpetrator of mass murder in Charleston last month – credits the CofCC website for his knowledge of Black-on-White violent crime. This is not surprising: The CofCC is one of perhaps three websites in the world that accurately and honestly report Black-onWhite violent crime and, in particular, the seemingly end less in cidents in volv ing Black-on-White murder. The CofCC website exists because media either “spike” such stories, or intentionally obscure the race of Black offenders. Indeed, at its national convention some years ago, the Society of Professional Journalists adopted this tactic as a formal policy. The CofCC is hardly responsible for the actions of this deranged individual merely because he gleaned accurate information from our site. We are no more responsible for the actions of this sad young man, than the Olin Corporation was for manufacturing the ammo misused by Colin Ferguson to mur der six Whites on the Long Is land Railroad in 1993. The CofCC does not advocate illegal activities of any kind, and never has. I would gladly compare our membership’s honesty and law-abiding nature against that of any other group. – Earl Holt III, President, CofCC — More profiling — The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 21 Mexico deporting more Central Americans than the U. S. govtslaves.info United States, the wait for court dates and fi nal de cisions on their cases can take several years because of a backlog of more than 449,000 cases already pending in immigration courts. According to the U. S. Department of Justice, there were about 41,920 requests for asylum in 2014, not all from Central Americans. About 49 percent of requests processed that year were granted. Mexico now deports more Central American migrants than the United States, a dramatic shift since the U. S. petitioned Mexico for help a year ago with a spike in illegal migration, espe cially among unaccompanied minors. Between October and April, Mexico apprehended 92,889 Central Americans. In the same time period, the United States detained 70,226 “other than Mexican” migrants, the vast majority from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Too few minutemen That was a huge reversal from the same period a year earlier, when the wave of migrants and unaccompanied minors from Cen tral Amer ica was build ing. From October 2013 to April 2014, the United States apprehended 159,103 “other than Mexicans,” three times the 49,893 Central Americans detained by Mexico. The difference is Mexico’s new Southern Border Program, an initiative that included sending 5,000 federal police to the border with Gua te mala and more bor der and highway checkpoints. Raids on migrants in creased and au thor i ties fo cused on keeping migrants off a northbound freight train known as “The Beast,” on which many have suffered mutilation injuries. Neither U. S. nor Mexican immigration officials responded to requests for comment on the change last month, though officials in the past have said it is aimed at reducing dangers facing migrants. “Mexico is doing the dirty work, the very dirty work, for the United States,” said Tomas González, a Franciscan friar who runs the “72” shelter for migrants in Tenosique, a town in the southern Mexico state of Tabasco. In the past, Mexican migration officials looked the other way as thousands rafted across the river at the border and then climbed onto freight trains north. In 2014, more than 46,000 unaccompanied minors from Central America crossed into the United States, leading the U. S. government to turn to the governments in Mexico and Central America to try to stanch the flow. Mexico has proved the more efficient in de por ta tions, which is al ready caus ing con cerns among hu man rights groups about the new tactics. Not facilitating invasion In most cases, Mexico holds migrants only long enough to verify their nationalities and quickly bundles them aboard buses to take them back to their home countries. “The time that for eign ers re main in immigration (detention) centers depends only on the speed with which the authorities of their (home) countries confirm their nationality,” Mexico’s National Immigration In sti tute said in an email re sponse to questions from the Associated Press. Maureen Meyer of the Washington Office on Latin America think tank, which noted the dramatic change in a report last month, questions the speed Mexico is using. “What we have heard continuously in the past year is that migrants are being so rapidly deported that even some that might have wanted to re quest some type of protection, or who would have been eligible for some type of humanitarian visa because they had been victims of crime in Mexico, haven’t had that opportunity,” Meyer said. By comparison, when immigrants are caught crossing the U. S. border illegally, the process of being sent home can take anywhere from hours to years. Mexican Nationals are often repatriated quickly – sometimes the same day they are caught – while migrants from other countries often spend at least a few days in U. S. custody before being flown back to their country of origin. Less resolved The deportation process can take much longer if an immigrant seeks asylum or if the person is a child traveling alone. For those immigrants who fight to stay in the Mexico grants only a tiny number of asylum requests. The latest figures, covering a nine-month period from January to September 2014, show only 1,525 people, the majority of them Cen tral Americans, requested asylum or refugee status, with only one-sixth – 247 – granted. U. S. officials did not answer questions regarding the amount of U. S. funding Mexico receives for its crackdown on the Guatemalan border, but it is making things tougher for migrants. “It has raised the costs of the trip, it has raised costs for paying coyotes (smugglers) and the (Mexican) authorities that let them through,” said migrant activist González. “It has spurred increases in everything bad – corruption and impunity – everything but human rights.” EDITOR’S NOTE No doubt some of this story is true. However, “human rights” is a code phrase in favor of every other race encroaching upon the White man. E. U. launches military mission to tackle migrant crisis presstv.ir European Union foreign min is ters have ap proved the launch of a military op er a tion to stop hu man traffick ers from bring ing African migrants across the Mediterranean to Europe. Meeting in Luxembourg on June 22, the ministers gave their nod for the new mission to head into its Phase 1, which will see five Migrants sleep under a makeshift shelter on rocks near the sea in the warships, two submarines Italian city of Ventimiglia at the Italian-French border, June 20, 2015. and three maritime patrol aircraft carry “I am impressed by the unanimity out intelligence gathering operations with and speed with which we have put this drones and helicopters in attendance. together,” said E. U. foreign policy chief The Eu ro pean Un ion Na val Force Federica Mogherini. Mediterranean Sea (EU NAVFOR Med) “As the E. U., we are determined to aims to target people smugglers in the con trib ute to save lives, dis man tle the Mediterranean. net works of the smug glers of hu man be ings and ad dress the root causes of migration,” she said. Some 100,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean so far this year, most of them landing in Italy, Greece and Malta. The military mission was decided on back in April, when up to 800 people died as their rickety boat sank. Too little, too late Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini EU NAVFOR Med also envisages two follow-up phases, which require a United Nations Security Council Resolution and Libya’s approval. Phase 2 would see active intervention to board and disable smuggler vessels and arrest the traffickers, while the third stage would extend these actions into Libyan territorial waters and possibly inside the country itself. Crit ics, how ever, in sist that tak ing military action in Libyan waters or halting a vessel flying the country’s flag without an in ter na tional man date would be in violation of international law. EDITOR’S NOTE Stay out of Lybia; you’ve “helped” enough there. Let Europe mind its own business and stop trying to make Africa happy by becoming Africans. Endemic: the explosive temper that can’t control itself newnation.org HOUSTON – The suspect accused of killing his supervisor on June 23 has been arrested in West Texas. He surrendered to Fort Stockton police early the next day. Houston police had been searching for 49-year-old Rodney Jackson since the shooting at 9051 Spikewood in northeast Houston. The victim, 40-year-old Jason S. Yanko, had just told Jackson he was being laid off. Police say Jackson went to his vehicle to get a gun and tried to walk back into the building but Yanko stopped him at the door. “Are you sure?” Jackson asked Yanko before shooting him several times, court documents said. Yanko died at the scene. He was still hold ing Jackson’s termination papers in his hand. Willie Singleton, a driver for the supply company who comes and goes into that gated industrial area almost daily, says he knew the manager and the accused shooter. He opines that this is “Disheartening, because whatever it was it wasn’t worth that. It’s not worth it. Let it go. If you get laid off, you get fired, move on and get you another job. “It may be hard but nothing is fair these days so you go out and do what you have to do to make a living.” One country gets it Even the readers of extremist globalist news sites are supporting Hungary’s plan to erect a fence on the Hungarian-Serbian border. hungarianambiance.com T wo thirds of the readers of globalist news site origo.hu are now backing the government’s plan to build a fence on the Hungarian-Serbian border. The globalist opposition is grieving. Years of hard work to brainwash the Hungarian people hasn’t paid off. The globalist opposition isolated itself by frantically promoting illegal immigration, prob ably to flatter their for eign paymasters. More than twenty thousand readers responded to an online poll asking, “Do you agree with the construction of the fence?” Forty percent of respondents agreed with the government’s plan to build a four-meter-high fence along the SerbianHungarian border. Twenty-five percent of respondents would like to see even a higher fence. Sixteen percent thought that this decision won’t create jobs, and only thirteen percent opposed the construction of the fence unequivocally. 22 The First Freedom — Decision time — July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 Has Washington gone Looney Tunes? Just whose carrot patch do these wabbits think they’re invading? By F. William Engdahl journal-neo.org Given a series of recent speeches by lead ing U. S. officials and actions, the question must be frankly posed: Has Wash ing ton gone col lec tively Looney Tunes? Even as the governments of the E. U. are moving to buck U. S. pressures and ease the sanc tions, the Obama Administration seems intent on marching in the direction of a nuclear confrontation with Rus sia. A s the an cient G reek expression puts it, “Whom the gods would de stroy they first make mad…” The following recent developments fit that pattern quite nicely, thank you. On June 5, Ashton Carter, the neoconservative Obama Defense Secretary, gave clear indications he is prepared to be far more provocative against Russia than his fired predecessor, Chuck Hagel. Carter convened a special meeting in Stuttgart, Germany, of two dozen U. S. military leaders and U. S. Ambassadors in Europe at the headquarters of U. S. European Command. He told them, “We have something that has taken a sad turn recently, which is Russia.” Willing accomplices That in itself was not so notable as were the reports that the neo-con U. S. Defense Secretary “Ash” – which is his nickname, appropriately enough – Carter discussed at the Stuttgart meeting returning U. S. short-range nuclear missiles to European NATO countries to target Russia. On June 7, just two days after Carter’s Stuttgart remarks, U. K. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told the press that the U. K. might again place American nuclear missiles on British soil because of what he termed “heightened tensions” with Russia. The Foreign Secretary said there were “wor ry ing signs” about the in creased activity of Russian forces and that the U. K. would “consider the pros and cons of taking U. S. intermediate-range weapons.” The U. K. Tele graph re ported that Ash Carter was considering unilaterally ab ro gat ing a Cold War-era treaty with Russia’s predecessor, the Soviet Union, and re-deploying nuclear-capable missiles in Europe. Yes and no Britain’s Foreign Secretary Hammond went on to reveal what a psychologist might clinically call paranoid schizophrenia. First he sounded the war drums, declaring boldly, “We have got to send a clear signal to Russia that we will not allow them to transgress our red lines.” The last NATO politician to foolishly talk about red lines was U. S. President Barack Obama in Syria in 2013 and that nearly landed the U. S. in a Middle East conflagration so dangerous that his own generals reportedly threatened to resign. Then, in the next breath, Hammond the tough guy talking about re-station ing U. S. intermediate-range nuclear missiles on U. K. soil, blurts out, “At the same time, we have to recognize that the Russians do have a sense of being surrounded and under attack and we don’t want to make unnecessary provocations.” Does that mean the U. K. will only make “neces sary” prov o ca tions? In deed, the intellectual and moral quality of western Become a distributor Order extra copies of The First Freedom Help your friends shed the scales from their eyes! See coupon on page 24 Let’s roll! NATOmic neo-cons politicians in the last decades has become laughable. Neither Britain nor France, both NATO countries with nuclear arsenals, signed the 1987 INF Treaty, something Moscow at the time vehemently protested. Germans accept missiles In 1983 the German Bundestag agreed to allow the deployment of American Pershing II middle-range nuclear missiles on German territory, at the same time the Reagan Administration announced it was initiating an anti-ballistic missile defense sys tem, later dubbed Star Wars. Both decisions led to a state of extreme military tensions between the Warsaw Pact and NATO until the USA and Soviet Union agreed to sign the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in December 1987 which pro vided for destruction of all middle range weapons on both sides. Significantly, that was one year after Washington and Saudi Arabia deliberately collapsed the price of crude oil to well below $10 a barrel, devastating the Soviet hard cur rency dol lar bud get that was essential to obtain technologies to counter the U. S. Star Wars and other NATO military threats. Now Washington seems to be saying, to quote the words of the great New York Yankees baseball catcher, Yogi Berra, “It’s déjà vu all over again.” But 2015 is not at all the same world as 1983, and the Russian Federation, especially in de facto alliance with China and others, is not the bankrupt Soviet Union of 1983. NATO to take Kaliningrad? It seems that the Pentagon is considering far more mad moves than merely returning mid-range nuclear missiles to Europe. According to hackers who managed to enter the system of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, that tiny Baltic country is getting ready to mil i tarily an nex Rus sia’s Kaliningrad region. It reads like a fantastic rewrite of the 1950s Peter Sellers satire film, The Mouse that Roared, with Lithuania cast in the role of the Duchy of Grand Fenwick, declaring war this time, not on the United States, but on the Rus sian Federation. Kaliningrad is a Russian Oblast today of some 960,000 ethnic Russian inhabitants. It became part of the Soviet Union in 1945, at the Potsdam Conference, when the U. S. and British Governments agreed to the transfer to the Soviet Union of the city of Koenigsberg, renamed Kaliningrad, and the area adjacent to it. Be cause of Wash ing ton’s east ward expansion of NATO after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, Kaliningrad is situated now between NATO members Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea. Because it is the only Russian Baltic Sea port “ice-free” all year round, it plays a vital strategic role in harboring the Russian Baltic Naval Fleet and three Russian air force bases. When the Bush Administration gave notice it was stationing U. S. missiles in Poland in 2007 as part of its upgraded Ballistic Missile Defense deployment, tensions between Moscow and Washington reached a break point, as Russia threatened to station nuclear weapons in Kaliningrad, a threat dropped in 2009 as a response to Obama’s feint, called “reset.” For NATO, using tiny Lithuania today as her proxy to seize Kaliningrad would amount to a declaration of nuclear war against Russia. According to Lithuanian news portal Delfi, the hacked doc u ments of the Lithuanian Defense Ministry reveal that ongoing NATO maneuvers in the region would provide the cover for the surprise attack. Right now some 2,100 soldiers from nine NATO member States as part of the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) are taking part in military exercises in northwestern Poland. Later this summer, NATO’s “Allied Shield” will be also held in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, involving 15,000 troops from 19 NATO member States and three partner Nations including Sweden. Moscow accuses Washington of violating the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty by placing missile defense launchers in Poland and Romania, capable of firing Tomahawk thermonuclear cruise missiles at Russian and Belarus targets. Who violates INF? To cover over the bra zen U. S. INF violations, Ash Carter claims the Obama Administration “suspects” Russia has tested ground-launched cruise missiles with a range that is not allowed by the INF treaty. Testing missiles, even if true, and Washington has produced no proof, is a far cry from deploying nuclear-capable missiles in Poland and Romania and to planning the invasion by NATO of one of Rus sia’s prime military en claves, Kaliningrad. Digging up an old bone The so-called Rus sian INF Treaty violations that are being used as a pretext for Washington to again place intermediaterange missiles in Europe, aimed at Russian targets, were supposedly committed by Moscow in 2008, according to New York Times reports. But it was only in 2013, just prior to their launching Maidan Square protests that led to the Washington coup d’etat in Ukraine, did the U. S. State Department even raise the possibility of a violation. Then it was only in July, 2014 when, according to the New York Times, that U. S. President Obama had written a letter to President Putin accusing Russia of those 2008 testing violations. The leak of the letter at the time, July 2014, fit conveniently with the Obama Administration demonization of Putin’s Russia. The NATO Supreme Commander, U. S. General Philip M. Breedlove, stated in April 2014 that the alleged 2008 Russian “vi o la tion” re quired a re sponse. “A weapon capability that violates the INF, that is introduced into the greater European land mass, is absolutely a tool that will have to be dealt with. It can’t go unanswered.” Little wonder Russian analysts accuse Washington of setting loose a propaganda barrage, blaming Russia for violations, so that they could jus tify re turn ing their nuclear missiles to European NATO and Asia where they would target both Russia and China. Ash plan Mad, heated-up people in Washington, Lon don and else where in NATO are literally playing nuclear “chicken.” Are the Poles, Lithuanians, Germans and British that stupid that they cannot see the larger consequences of the Washington NATO game? Or are they that suicidal? After all, it is they who would become a thermonuclear ash-heap, not the United States, just as it has been the German and other E. U. econo mies which have suffered massively un der U. S.-imposed Rus sia sanctions. How ridiculous this all is. Roaring mad mice streaming out of the cracks in the august edifices of Washington and London and Vilnius, squeaking and running about in a mad frenzy. It’s Looney Tunes rebaked in Washington these days. But Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Tweety Bird and Sylvester the Cat did a better job than these guys. The truth of the “Fourteenth Amendment” By John W. Altman S firstfreedom.net ince there is no valid article in the U. S. Constitution known as the “14th Amendment” – which is the basis of the school integration decision of 1954 and a great deal more mischief such as illegal aliens who cross our borders to have their babies automatically made U. S. citizens – why isn’t it exposed in schools for the usurpation and fraud that it is? Indisputable fact As David Lawrence, editor of U. S. News & World Report, wrote over 50 years ago: “No such amendment was ever legally ratified by three-fourths of the States of the Union as required by the Constitution itself.” What are the brief, tragic facts of the case? In 1868, there were 37 States in the Union. For the passage of an amendment, the approval of 28 States was needed. From the outset, the Congressional proceedings dominated by Radical Republican leaders Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner were rife with corruption and fraud. To begin with, Congress, which had refused the duly-elected Southern representatives their seats in Congress in December of 1865, did not lawfully pass the resolution required for the amendment’s submission to the States. In other words, the amendment was not proposed by two-thirds of a legally constituted Congress by reason of Article V, which provides that “No State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.” But the fact that 22 Southern senators plus one from Jersey had been unlawfully excluded from that body made no differ ence at all to the Radical Republicans. The mood was, as the hate-filled Stevens declared, “We shall treat the South as a defeated enemy.” And that they proceeded to do. As it turned out, when the amendment was submitted, six States outside the South failed to ratify (New Jersey and Ohio had rescinded their ratifications before the final proclamation of approval). Ten Southern legislatures also formally rejected it. So, instead of the 28 States needed for ratification, the assent of only 21 States was obtained. It had failed ratification by a margin of seven States – 25% of the newly “Reconstructed,” “reunited” total! So, how did it “pass?” Knowledgable Southerners know only too well. At the point of the bayonet, the Southern State governments were abolished and replaced by military governments. Then, with the expulsion of all who had served in the Confederate governments or the military, new legislatures were chosen and forced to “ratify,” although no such right to force a State to ratify an amendment is to be found anywhere in the Constitution. Again, there is no legal, valid “14th Amendment.” So why isn’t this taught in the schools by our great professors and teachers of history? Great train wreck In his informative and interesting book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Corstitution (2007), Dr. Kevin Gutzman writes: “The Fourteenth Amendment was never constitutionally proposed to the States by Congress and never constitutionally ratified by the States, and yet today it stands as one of the most significant parts of the American legal system.” Will someone please reprint the article, “There Is No ‘Fourteenth Amendment,’” which appeared in the September 27, 1957, issue of U. S. News & World Report as written by the editor, David Lawrence? It’s easy to read and will greatly facilitate the understanding of what is wrong with our government today. [Maybe later. – ed.] — Bulletin board — SALTY SID of Silver Spring sends seven separate sensational scandal spreadsheets for seven dollars. Sure satisfaction! 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Just $10 per insertion, maximum 50 words, 10¢ each additional word. Please indicate any capitalization or italics desired. The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 OUR CELTIC HERITAGE, by Brig. Gen. Sir Standish G. Crauford, 16 page booklet covers migrations from the Holy Land to England in ancient times. Send $5 to Karl Hand, PO Box 1281, Lockport, NY 14095. THE INTERNATIONAL JEW, by Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, exposes Jews as “The World’s Foremost Problem.” These articles first appeared in the periodical published by the Ford Motor Company, The Dearborn Independent. This is the abridged single volume edition at 231 pages. $14 postal money order to Karl Hand, P. O. Box 1281, Lockport, NY 14095. FREE DVD catalog on global conspiracy, legal sovereignty, reduce taxes and avoid taxes, land patent, allodial title, etc. Over 200 listings plus discounted DVDs and books. Call 800-770-8802, leave name and address. ToolsForFreedom.com . Declare a new era for the National Alliance. After many years of mismanagement and inattention, members are fighting back to save Dr. Pierce’s legacy. Join Dr. Pierce’s brother, Sanders Pierce, and the alliance’s top street activist Michael Weaver along with many others. To learn more about this project and how anyone can get involved, visit us online at: www.narrg.com . 23 David Lee’s BIBLE ERRORS REVEALED and Related Topics. Thirty years research seeking the Truth. Six paper back 8½ x 11 volumes $20 each PPD. Vol. I – 179 pages including Genesis chapter one, Noah’s flood & Khazar Empire. Check or m.o. to SBO 66, Box 05292, Miami, FL 33102. 33-YEAR-OLD Aryan trapped in Florida prison, spent his last FRNs hoping to find friends among likeminded folks willing to reach out to a fallen soldier of our cause suffering behind the walls. Kevin Walsh #d05549 Blackwater C. F. 5914 Jeff Ates Rd Milton, FL 32583 “Unite with Envious Pride 1488” THREE TRUTH TRACTS 1) “Interracial Marriage - Right or Wrong?” Mixed race offspring have lower IQ, goes against nature and Biblical law. 2) “Martin Luther King Holiday Should Be Repealed.” FBI files document his Communist ties. 3) “Kosher Food Tax Raises Food Prices.” Every food item featuring a “K” or “U” imprint has paid a tax to a Rabbi. All three tracts only $1 from: Truth at Last Books P. O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061 Your signed letter with phone number and address is welcome, but will be edited as necessary to fit available space. Send to The First Freedom, P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 or email editor@firstfreedom.net FORD ARTICLES The most valuable public service that The First Free dom has pro vided to its readership has been Henry Ford’s ongoing series of installments on “The International Jew,” effectively transmitted and illustrated. I think that these installments should be re-started soon as possible and published continuously for however long this paper remains in print. BANCROFT W. T. HALL Annapolis, MD I agree with Carl Young of Memphis that TFF should run Henry Ford’s articles again so that new subscribers can read it from the start. I, too, began receiving your newspaper in the middle of that series. So it would be cool if you did “The International Jew” all the way through again. AUSTIN GALLUP Mineral Point, MO While I agree “The International Jew” should be repeated, it might be severely condensed. The invalid predictions should actually be left in, but editorialized so as to illustrate how both Ford and Hitler badly underestimated the Jew threat. ERIC JONES Florence, AL They did indeed show too little “fear of the Jew” and unrealistic hopes for his salvation. But, if not the Khazars, some other Mafia will always defile itself and challenge our will to resist corruption. After a pause we’ll revisit Henry Ford. TWO WORLDVIEWS A bright spot is that Charlestonians told Al Sharpton to stay away. And they have not rioted as they do above the MasonDixon line. Not sure what that means, but the difference between “us” and “them” could hardly be more obvious. And of course the Governor has stabbed the people in the back, but that was certainly no surprise. Yet when the flag was moved from the top of the State House dome to the lawn, the General Assembly made it clear to all parties that that was final. That this “issue” would never be permitted to come up again. So we shall see. My guess is that flags will proliferate on private property, visible from interstate highways. I have to say that it does make me chuckle that “they” simply cannot get it through their thick skulls that we are not going to give this up. But it “fits” when one considers political correctness as an ersatz religion. A cult. Hence the fanaticism; the punishment for her esy, which is always swift and merciless; the uselessness of facts and reason in dealing with these fanatics. Anyway, I say again what I said after Charlie Hebdo: the war has officially started. “Good Lord, deliver us.” RICHARD NOEGEL Augusta, GA Orders for our battle flags are rising. HOMELAND OBSCURITY Mr. Anglin accuses Alex Jones of being a conspiracy theorist [TFF June 2015] and paints a nice picture of the U. S. military. But, together with the U. S. government, it’s all a gruesome and massive criminal enterprise. A U. S. Marine Corps officer has revealed that Operation JADE HELM stands for Joint Assistant Deployment and Execution, Homeland Eradication of Local Militias, initiated by the criminal Pentagon. I am living proof that the U. S. military can be a gruesome criminal enterprise. Read articles in TFF, the December 2014 issue, pages 8 and 9, by Lt. Col. Donald Sullivan. PARMENIO IGLESIAS San Antonio, TX The regulars are grunts doing their jobs. It’s those “special forces,” proud of their desensitized training, the jingoists, that we must beware of. Andrew Anglin will cover these exercises and stay alert to what’s happening, including Waco II where militarized cops murdered those bikers without cause. Let’s not let Alex Jones distract and frighten us elsewhere with a lot of bunko. LINCOLN’S LOONIES Is it mysterious or right on target that the Communist forces in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) were called “the Lincoln Brigade” who opposed the Nationalists? Here was the warmup for WWII, Stalin’s Lincoln Brigade vs. its early Nationalists. JOSEPH JONES McDowell, VA STILL HUSHED UP June 8 is just another day for most Americans. However, for the survivors, families and friends of the crew of the USS Liberty, June 8 is another anniversary of sorrow. On June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty, an intelligence-gathering U. S. Navy ship, was brutally attacked by air and naval forces of the State of Israel, our supposed ally. Fol low ing sketchy news cov er age, details of the attack were hushed up by both governments. Israel claimed their forces mistook the Liberty for an Egyptian ship. Despite evidence to the contrary, the U. S. government accepted this excuse. To date no official investigation has ever been launched by the U. S. Congress or the U. S. Navy. Despite all efforts of survivors, including myself, the U. S. government has never fully investigated the brutal murder of 34 Americans and the wounding of 174 more. All the survivors want is a complete investigation of the incident and a chance to present the truth to the American public. The friends and families of the 34 slain men deserve this. KEN ECKER Wounded Survivor, USS Liberty 111 W. Locust St. Apt. 2 Watseka, IL 60970 815 432-5137 PATHOLOGIC The Yankees seem to love frying their enemies either quickly or slo-mo: Sherman burning cities down, WWI poison gas, Churchill burning Dresden and Hamburg down, nukes over Japan; then radiation, napalm, agent orange in Vietnam and – for slow roasting Iraq – depleted uranium. SIDNEY SECULAR Silver Spring, MD BLACK OPPRESSION The last fifty years have proven how much Blacks hate America’s Caucasians and Caucasian police, as well summarized by Jack Kerwick [TFF June 2015]. Since the Jews brought those Blacks on Jew-owned ships to these shores to work Jew-owned plantations against their wills, it’s only fair that we return them to their homeland of Africa to be looked after by their own people and live under African rule. BETTIE SKINNER Woodford, VA BLACK CONFUSION Chaos, yet again, this time in Baltimore over the death of Negro Freddie Gray, who was a known criminal arrested 22 times. Baltimore is like Ferguson and Detroit – three dysfunctional cities run by Negroes. Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings, just another Black typically lost in a leadership position, gave orders for the police to stand down and “give those who wish to destroy space to do it.” So the helpless police got pelted with bricks, bottles and the like. She added, “Let them loot; it’s only property,” while inviting Al Sharpton to join the fun which he did. Rawlings should resign or be prosecuted. On April 17, Negro thugs (calling them protestors is a misnomer) swarmed into the streets to loot and destroy. They attacked the police, torched patrol cars, houses and stores. As Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, also Black, said, “To the people of Baltimore and the demonstrators [rioters and looters] across America: I heard your call for ‘No justice, no peace.’ To the youth of this city: I will seek justice [rioters and loot ers] on your be half. You’re at the fore front of this cause and, as young people, our time is now.” Mosby should recuse herself; she has conflicts of interest. The U. S. Injustice Department’s Black Attorney General Loretto Lynch announced a wide-ranging investigation into the city of Baltimore’s police – not Rawlings and Mosby. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan had in hand credible evidence of plans by gangs Cribs, Bloods and Black Guerrilla Family to “take out” police. All of this proves that Negroes cannot govern. Just look at some 37 Third World African countries. So God help us Whites when we are the minority in our own! RAY DIVELY Baden, PA WANTED In the mid-1960s a pocket book came out titled None Dare Call it Treason. It had a color photo of an Army officer on the front cover. He may have been the author of that book. If any of you out there have any idea just where the book can be gotten then please do let me know. It was at the time when Vietnam was really heating up. That mess was all about treason at its worst ever. DICK ROGERS P.O. Box 93 Mira Loma,CA Abebooks.com has revised editions of John A. Stormer’s book, or perhaps one of our readers might supply you with a copy of the original. WARRIORS FEW Greetings from Minneapolis where I’m visiting. The people here are pleasantly good-natured Americans, apolitical except for wanting to replace Obama. The local news has a female primary school teacher taking students to a porno shop as part of their sex education. She’s not been tarred and feathered yet, but we can hope. As I’ve said many times, I never hear mutterings or conversations about the demise of America and Western civilization. I’ve just finished a most interesting book, The Occult War, by Dr. Harrell Rhone, full of enlightening quotes and here’s one from 2009 Pravda: “The proud American will go down into his slavery ‘shout a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world how free he really is. The world will only snicker.” Thanks for the best fighting newspaper in America. MIKE BOWER Medford, OR RARE MODERATION In the middle of the night on Friday, June 19, there was a seminar/discussion on TV from Petersburg, Russia, between Amerikano speaking head Charlie Rose and Russian President Putin. Well, Putin took the sails out of that old, stinking Rose, and the latter’s assorted implications of “Russian aggression in Ukraine,” etc. It was a de light to see the calm and controlled Putin relay to the world his hope for peaceful negotiations with countries such as Ukraine, Syria, China and Iran; while letting Rose know that the Syrian people alone have the right to decide the fate of their President Assad, not Russia or our bully leadership. Who do we think we are, telling the world to live in the same manner as our violent and self-indulgent people? Bravo for a forum which exposed the Americano intrigues/revolutions being forged in foreign lands on our taxpayers’ dimes! Most sheeple will not read between the lines, but Putin was saying it even if not blunt enough for many to understand. We is the enemy of peace... Just look at Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, even Egypt. PATRICIA HELLER Louisville, KY 24 The First Freedom July 2015 P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 — Self-government begins at home — American Defense Party’s 2016 campaign kickoff By Olaf Childress editor@firstfreedom.net O ur people are finally discussing what they’ve seen all along, though acting until lately as if no elephant were parked in the room. Ordering that thing to vacate might hurt its feelings and label us as uncaring “humanists” or some such epithet, but it’s less terrorizing these days thank God. So there you have the good news. And now for more on this joyful awakening. We’re getting tougher at calling a spade a spade. Once our mounting voices overthrow the Jewish mediacracy’s outdated lyrics, we’ll sing truer versions of the future. Indeed, there’s a new world coming, and anyone with enough spunk to join us can feel it without half trying. Reviving the war department Acknowledging that all things exist to a purpose, it becomes evident why we few keep ourselves in shape, ever ready to meet challenges, harbingers of opportunities at various forks along life’s road. Ignoring options for advancing this Aryan Nation toward increased virtue, morality, integrity and numbers while defending its inherited spaces, the default mode of inaction finds many a passive, no-elephant-in-the-room “Judeo-Christian” supporting the so-called Neo-Conservatives – which collaboration, whether they’ll admit it or not, is sending young Americans to kill and die, terrifying entire regions of the world with the ZOG’s deceptive wars “on terror.” When did it come to this? The existing state of confusion didn’t begin in our own times. Over one hundred and fifty years ago warmongering Lincoln was locking up dissenting editors. But the bankrollers of his administration and later biographers who would not write sic semper tyrannis if they expected to get published described “Reconstruction” in such glowing terms as today’s “Diversity is our strength,” giving those victors credit for having fought their invasive war against “rebels” “to free the slaves” so that all goyim might be “equal.” How green was our Shenandoah Valley! The bad news is that such chatter about equality comes from Jewish Supremacists whose media munchkins still shove it into juvenile faces. Black CEOs, White boobs, mixed-race and same-sex couplings all get the mediacracy’s nod – whatever stupidity today’s traffic will bear. Good housekeeping Beholden to Jewish campaign financing because it “elected” them, presidents and prime ministers in turn must name only “God’s Chosen” imposters as directors of the International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve Bank, World Bank, United States Treasury, et cetera ad nauseam. We can exile that elephant from our living rooms in the reverse order by which it came, i.e., when taking control of the creature’s nosey proboscis, the media, rather than wrestling with its fiat-currency bulwark. Such a long trunk could never have entered our domain except for the colossus behind it. So we grab onto its sensitive, foremost tip, which The First Freedom P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 ________________________________________ FULL NAME ________________________________________ MAIL ADDRESS ________________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP ________________________________________ REMARKS ð Here’s $25 for a one-year subscription ð $48 for same, but in 1st class envelope ð $40 for 100 extra copies of current issue ð $35 for 100 back issues; prefer_______ ð $20 for 22 extra copies of current issue ð $15 for 10 extra copies of current issue ð $_________as a patron. Keep it going! predictably will trumpet “Anti-Semitism!” and push the monster out; then, not letting all that thick hide go to waste, plaster some outdoor advertising across those expansive ribs and backsides: “With Jews you lose!” The masses always await instructions, cooperating with whomever they perceive as actually in charge. Many people don’t particularly care for involvement, but let’s not get too uppity discussing “the sheeple.” That’s just the way it is. Our White Nation comprises various worldviews, numerous among which perceive no subterfuge in Rodney King’s “Why can’t we all just get along?” Each community defines its level of investigative participation. Those who watch and wait, the nonconfrontational, suffer merely less satisfaction than enjoyed by a Thomas Jefferson or Benedict Arnold at more elevated musings. If the originally European-stocked homelands should go under, it’s all one. So what we’re considering here comes down to who commands the watchers’ and waiters’ attentions. Two opposed forces compete forever in this world, and it was always so. Call them the armies of those who contend primarily for honor on one side and deception at the other. See both leaderships lampooned by that twentieth century cartoon in which they’re trying to influence this undecided fellow who hears a small angel on one shoulder whispering into his ear and a little devil at the opposite side doing likewise. The former we may call positive and the latter negative. Honor wants a constitution of laws which condemns subversive acts; deception would keep every avenue open. Both speak of a lasting peace, knowing the while that what they’re really debating is whether it’s to be international bloodshed and short, nonviolent regroupings without letup or Jeffersonian contentions between ideas as they apply exclusively inside each separate community, State or Nation. Virtue vs. venality Unassailable honor, ever beholden to its heritage and checked by that debt, always seeking our advancement as a people, is less about personal safety and thus wills us to take necessary risks on the way toward a virtuous future; whereas insecure venality, equally aware of its historic place, keeps rearching, ever covetous for more, greater sufficiency, impossible finality – resulting in endless wars by deception and whatever means. Brave men die but once, cowards many times. While the less decisive are content with mundane lives, active antagonists regard each other as whetstones upon which to sharpen their vital wits and resolutions. Honor would call the undecided masses at minimum away from what we may now plainly see is a failed social experiment, i.e., miscegenation, multiculturalism and the equally-absurd search for gratification exclusively in material things. Inconstancy among the if-it-feels-good-do-it befuddled victims of venality, prizing here-and-now physical security above all else, somehow never find it. Two different worldviews Those who don’t play that game know how it works, but newcomers to alternate news experience cognitive dissonance; it’s incompatible with what turns their circles on. They long for love instead of “racism”; acceptance, not “homophobia,” and open borders rather than “xenophobia,” along with other tunes the just-following-orders media munchkins sing to them from all sides. Aryan Nationalists don’t mind being noticed and “labeled,” catching that little quiver in the so-called journalist’s voice when he intones, “Your side lost; get over it!” Sticks and stones may break our bones, but such clichés tell us we’re making good progress. Therefore let’s catalogue, that is, profile, all these innocent White victims of infotainment that we meet – they’re either salvageable or hopeless – then spend our reeducation time and effort wherever that indicates the greatest return on investment. New recruits must hear from the start that we’ve no fixed program and our entire movement is based on the love, acceptance and vigilance which loyal members of any successfully cohesive society pledge one another. It’s not hate for a Nation to study and practice what works best. As things stand, today’s infotainment victims get shocked by fresh deviances from the traditional norms daily, yet insist that each titillating new oddity rhyme with everything the “mainstream” colossus has heretofore supposedly authenticated. Thus they’re turned off by White Nationalists singing a dissonant tune. Facing the reality Which development, painful to recount, is alternate news at its saddest. We’ve lost them. Not each and every one, but far too many of our people are hopelessly beyond redemption. What to do? Get down on our knees and pray for guidance, then perform what that wisdom dictates. So long as even a few stalwarts make themselves seen and heard out on the streets demonstrating, flyering, postering, organizing, shoving literature at the brainwashed masses, it’s just possible that today’s challenge may become Aryan man’s finest hour. For surely he’s the ultimately observant, can do specimen of humankind who sees divine purpose – ab aspera ad astra – in all these tumults, recognizing necessity as the motivational mother of invention, Zionist histrionics notwithstanding. Without that elephant squatting in every Nation’s midst instilling fear, daring any authority to call its bluff until Germany’s Reichsführer and scientists actually did, this world might’ve waited another millennium before Jules Verne’s submarine and Buck Rogers’ extra terrestrial space ship became realities. What this tells us is that false flags and disinformation, no matter how cowardly, are the sine qua non provocations keeping our people wide awake to the Mossadniks’ scheming. We owe them, and vice versa, in a contest without enduring victory, defeat or finality. The adversaries stimulate each other, dividing the spoils (those who labor, pay homage without complaint and await instructions) constantly. Therefore, during our lifetimes let us get busy where we’re most needed, laugh off such silly words as “homophobe,” “racist” and “xenophobe,” ourselves calling the shots much more often rather than letting some munchkin name us reactionaries, a favorite shtik from Bolshevik Jews still on the offensive. Indeed, evil is a prime moving force in the world, defending against which being one’s duty. But action doesn’t have to wait for the enemy to commit such a blooper as we’ll consider here before capitalizing on that mistake. Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant’s Crimson Tide knew “The best defense is a good offense.” And yet we must presently continue on the defensive by pointing out what absurdities the media are flinging our way. Take, for instance, “homophobe.” It’s a non sequitur, since homo means “man,” whom (assuming he’s logical and honest), we’ve no cause to fear, whereas our word “perversophobe” were more correct. Once we’ve forced those Zionist overlords and their puffed-up munchkin team back a few yards, Aryan Nationalists will have gone on the offense and brought to the playing field some better-understood rules. A renewed confederation Grabbing the elephant by its proboscis, we concentrate all available resources on exposing what started as the United States War Department in 1789 and became the Department of Defense in 1949. Our war department must do a J. Bruce Campbell reverse play on words, calling ourselves the American Defense Party while openly stating we’re out to destroy the ZOG. This non-voting political drive is dedicated to ending the disastrous federal system and private central bank, having its sense of identity, camaraderie and communications plus a common declaration and agreement of purpose: an organized “defense” against aggression. Bruce Campbell declares that “America is a presidential dictatorship abetted by a cowardly Congress and a corrupt Supreme Court. It has masqueraded as a democracy and as a republic and as a nation guided by ‘the rule of law.’ But the law is only for us, the people, to obey and be controlled. The lawmakers and law enforcers make and enforce the law on the orders of our deadly enemies… “There are two political philosophies in America. One philosophy is that government is necessary and as such deserves to be voted on and validated periodically… by electing ‘good new people’… But, as we all can see, with untold trillions of dollars of government debt to the private Federal Reserve, Communist China and others, the government is out of control and has been for a hundred years… All of this and much more were made possible by a hundred years of voting … exactly how long it’s been since our elected representatives voted to make the Federal Reserve Act into ‘law’… No more ZOG “A non-voting political party dedicated to the shutting down of the suicidal and catastrophic federal system would give Americans an actual means to unlatch the homicidal parasites from our veins and bank accounts… The new party wouldn’t put people in federal office because we want to do away with the federal government and you can’t do that as a part of government. “The political climate in America is ripe for radical change. The Neo-Cons who took control of the Bush and Obama administrations have brought only chaos and hardship to America and mass death and misery to the peoples of the world. The Neo-Cons have plotted to rule the world for decades, but once in power demonstrated only ineptitude and failure at everything other than destruction. “The American Defense Party would replace the Constitution with Articles of Con fed er a tion – a mod ern ver sion of the original. There would be no central government to enforce the private central bank, both of which would be abolished forever. The one legitimate function of the remaining Treasury Department… would be to create and distribute debt-free currency (Kennedy’s 1963 U. S. Note). That would be one of the first principles of the party platform…” A positive new direction What the world needs now is not love, sweet love, but trustworthy media – that is, responsible White men in control of those physical narrows through which their own daily tradings of ideas, services and things must pass. And, following such reforms, even though meddling into everybody’s business remains none of ours, still, the more alert non-White Nations might study how we’re doing it and act similarly. Today is an opportune time for grabbing that bluffing bulwark aggressively by the nose and – one, two, three – shove! Indeed it’s happening, all across Europe and hereabouts. Just when the Chosenites thought it was safe to produce a Holohoax movie again, nobody’s buying. In today’s information age, neither the revisionists nor those whose eyes we are prying open fear their “hate laws” transparently crafted to bluff White Nationalists out of poking about that elephant over in the corner. For the young European of a hundred generations who loves his inherited space wherever on earth that State be established suddenly realizes the present danger and will perform what such wisdom dictates. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
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