CREATION CARE SUNDAY APRIL 19, 2015 9:00 & 11:00AM As of January 2015, we are now a certified “Earth Care Congregation” by our denomination, the PC(USA), recognizing our efforts to care for God’s good creation. TRANSFORMING LIVES THROUGH THE LOVE OF JESUS CHRIST Welcome to First Presbyterian Church! We are so glad that you are here. We hope that joining us for worship today will nurture your heart and transform your mind. Here at First Pres our mission is transforming lives through the love of Jesus Christ, that simple and that challenging. We realize we need each other and commit to pray for each other. We reach out in love and compassion to a world in need, and we know we are a work in progress. If you are new to First Pres, we hope you will join us again and consider attending any of our mission, fellowship and education opportunities. If you would like to learn more about us, please fill out the visitor information on the “rose card” in the pew rack, and place it in the offering plate. You are also more than welcome to contact any of our pastors over the phone or by email. God's peace to you today. Rev. Jeff Lehn, Rev. Dr. Youngsoo An, and Rev. Arianne Lehn (contact information on inside back page) † Those who are able please stand Large print hymnals are available; please ask an Usher. PRELUDE 9:00am Morning Has Broken settings by Richard Proulx 11:00am Shall We Gather at the River? setting by Bradley Sowash As the Prelude begins, we invite you into a period of quiet reflection as we begin our preparation for worship. TOLLING OF THE HOUR †CALL TO WORSHIP One: Come, let us dwell in God’s shelter. All: Let us dwell in God’s work of art. One: Come, because the earth is the Lord’s, All: And God’s earth is our home. One: We live in God’s world; we are not alone. All: We share this life with the heavens and the earth, with the waters and the land, with trees and grasses, with fish, birds, and animals, with minerals and creatures of every form, and with all our brothers and sisters. One: God is good and everything God makes is good. All: Let us worship God! †HYMN No. 664 Morning Has Broken BUNESSAN CALL TO CONFESSION One: As image-bearers of God, we are called to live in loving communion with all creation: meeting our needs, loving our neighbors and stewarding the earth. God relies on us to maintain the well-being of the world. Yet often we neglect our call. Let us confess our sin and seek God’s forgiveness and renewal. PRAYER OF CONFESSION All: God of all creation, you loved us into being, yet we often flee our rightful place in your creation. We confess that we exploit the gifts you place around us and dominate the richness of the natural order. Forgive our greedy grasping. We confess our part in the devastation of our planet home, mirrored in the violence of cities, and the brokenness of hearts. Forgive and restore us, O God. Remind us of other ways to live and of a place called home, where creation reflects your goodness and each thing lives in balance with all others. Come and find us, set us right again, and take us home. Amen. ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS One: Someday, somehow and someway God will be all in all, righteousness and peace will flourish, everything will be made new, and every eye will see at last that our world belongs to God! Friends, believe the good news of the gospel: a world renewed by God one small step at a time. All: Thanks be to God! Amen. †GLORIA PATRI No. 581 Glory Be to the Father Henry W. Greatorex All: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen. †PASSING OF THE PEACE One: The peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you. One: As we gather, we remember we are God’s beloved children. Let us greet each other in the peace of Christ while saying, “God loves you!” WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please sign and pass the friendship pad to those in your pew.) CHILDREN’S MESSAGE 11:00am Please join in singing Jesus Loves Me as the children come forward. (After the Children’s Message, children will meet their teachers at the back of the Sanctuary for Sunday School) BUCKET COLLECTION 11:00am MISSION TESTIMONY - Earth Care Congregation Patty Griest †HYMN No. 713 Touch the Earth Lightly TENDERNESS †AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (from Psalm 148) All: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his host! Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord, for he commanded and they were created. He established them forever and ever; he fixed their bounds, which cannot be passed. Praise the Lord from the earth, you sea monsters and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and frost, stormy wind fulfilling his command! Mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars! Wild animals and all cattle, creeping things and flying birds! Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all rulers of the earth! Young men and women alike, old and young together! ANTHEM 11:00am I Am One With the Spirit Traditional/arr. Bradley Sowash I will trust in the Spirit, ‘til I die. I will trust in the Spirit, I am one with the Spirit ‘til I die. Brother will you trust in the Spirit, ‘til you die? Brother will you trust in the Spirit, You are one with the Spirit ‘til you die. Sister will you trust in the Spirit, ‘til you die? Sister will you trust in the Spirit? You are one with the Spirit ‘til you die. I’m gonna treat my neighbor right ‘til I die. I am one in the Spirit ‘til I die. I will trust in the Spirit, ‘til I die. I will trust in the Spirit, I am one with the Spirit ‘til I die. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. SCRIPTURE READINGS Leviticus 20:13 and 1 Corinthians 13:1-7; pages 107 and 175 One: This is the Word of the Lord. 11:00am Carole Slater All: Thanks be to God! SERMON Is Same-Gender Marriage Christian? Rev. Jeff Lehn OFFERING 9:00am For the Beauty of the Earth 11:00am For the Beauty of the Earth setting by Wayne L. Wold setting by Neil Harmon †DOXOLOGY No. 606 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow OLD HUNDREDTH All: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen. †PRAYER OF DEDICATION All: Gracious God, bless all we offer you this morning, the bounty of your good creation— ourselves, our time and our possessions. Give us the wisdom to care your earth, our home. Help us to act now for the good of future generations. Help us to become instruments of a new creation, founded on the covenant of your love. Amen. †HYMN No. 14 For the Beauty of the Earth †CHARGE AND BLESSING DIX †CHORAL RESPONSE The Peace of the Earth Be With You Guatemalan Folk Melody The peace of the earth be with you, the peace of the heavens too; The peace of the rivers be with you, the peace of the oceans too. Deep peace falling over you. God’s peace growing in you. †POSTLUDE 9:00am Thine Is the Glory 11:00am Praise and Thanksgiving setting by Emily Maxson Porter setting by Dale Wood *Anthem note: This morning’s anthem, I Am One With the Spirit is a preview of one of the pieces that will be sung on the Bradley Sowash concert this afternoon. This piece is based on the African-American Spiritual, “I Will Trust in the Lord” which is based on Psalm 37: 3 (Trust in the Lord and do good; so you will live in the land, and enjoy security). Bradley Sowash arranged the spiritual and gave it the title “I Am One With the Spirit” and it was published in 2004. Sowash is a composer, creative pianist, recording artist, author and educator. Come back at 4:00 to hear him play his sacred jazz piano arrangements and play his anthem accompaniment with the choir! Scripture reading for today Leviticus 20:13 and 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 Lectionary readings for Today Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4; 1 John 3:1-7, Luke 24:36b-48 Lectionary readings for Next Sunday Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23; 1 John 3:16-24; John 10:11-18 IN MEMORIAM Karen Ann Bock November 19, 1949—April 14, 2015 A member of First Pres for 26 years. SUNDAY, APRIL 19 ASSISTING IN WORSHIP THIS MORNING Greeters: 9:00am Larry & Brenda Stoneburner; 11:00am Lea Powers and Dick Florea Ushers: 9:00am Larry & Brenda Stoneburner; 11:00am Wendell Cree, Chair; Dave Beer, Justin Etchison, Deb Ward Liturgist: 9:00am Jane Gastineau Organists: 9:00am Kathryn A. Miller; 11:00am Dr. Chelsea Vaught Chancel Choir Accompanist: 11:00am Kathryn A. Miller Chancel Choir: 11:00am (soprano) Christa Cook, Mary Cree, Natalie Drummond, Jenniffer Etchison, Joan Jackson, Mary Jo Meyer, Marianne Platt, Sandy Shearer, Sherrie Steiner; (alto) Nancy Archer, Jane Beer, Kathie Bishop, Virginia Coats, Pat Doerr, Kathy Miller, Mary Jane Ormerod, Fran Page, Marj Sapp, Jill Therrien, Mary Winters; (tenor) Robin Memmer, Scott McMeen; (Bass) Otto Behrens, Richard Eble, Gene Laughlin, Jim Mergenthal, Dan Michnay, Kip Ormerod Chancel Flowers are given in loving memory of Charles H. and Lillian S. Fish, Dr. Ida B.S. Scudder and Charles S. Fish by William Fish. Children’s Worship Bags, red for Ages 3-6, black for Ages 7-12, are available in the Narthex. Children join their families for the beginning of 11:00am worship, and exit the Sanctuary after the Children’s Message. Their Sunday School teacher will walk them to their classrooms. Hospital Visitation and Clergy on Call Schedule: Rev. Jeff Lehn will be on call during the week of April 19. Deacons will assist with hospital visits on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. An Elder of the Month is available for a time of private conversation or prayer after each Worship Service. April Elders of the Month are Suzanne Echtenkamp, 492-4142, and Jim Lobsiger, 637-0795. Let Us Rejoice with You: If you would like to allow our church family to rejoice with you as you celebrate a landmark anniversary or birthday, please send the information to Cindi Odle, 426-7421 x112 or at least two weeks before the event. Welcome Baby Ministry: We are excited to provide new families with meals, support from other moms and small gifts from the church. If you are pregnant or adopting, please contact Jennifer Shaw, 426-7421 x127 or Hearing Assistance: Our Chapel and Sanctuary are equipped with the “Hearing Loop” system. Please set your hearing aid to the “T-coil” or “telephone” setting to access the system. If you do not wear hearing aids, but would like to hear more clearly, ask an usher for a loop headset. The Welcome Table in the Narthex is a place for us to greet visitors to our church. Elders staff the table on Sunday mornings, but we encourage each of you to introduce yourself to visitors. Be a friendly face in a sea of strangers; please wear your name tags. Our clergy are off on Mondays, with the pastor on call being available for emergencies. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the Church Office, 426-7421. TODAY Parish Art Exhibit Gallery Reception following the 11:00am service. New Officer Training - 12:30pm in the Parlor. First Music Series Presents Bradley Sowash, 4:00pm featuring the FPC Chancel Choir on two pieces Bucket Sunday is Today! All coins collected go to sponsor Njoroge Peterson through World Vision. THIS WEEK The Deacon Board will meet in the Session Room April 21st at 5:30pm. Celebrate Earth Day at First Pres, April 22 ▪ 12:00pm - Join Jeff & Arianne for Prayer Walk downtown from 12:00-12:30pm (starting at Plymouth Congregational Church, 501 W. Berry) ▪ 4:30pm - Workshop for Green Teams featuring Patricia Tull, A.B. Rhodes Professor Emerita of Old Testament at Louisville Seminary. ▪ 5:30pm - Soup and Salad Supper, Parlor, no reservations required, free will offering accepted ▪ 6:30pm - Book Review - Inhabiting Eden by Patricia Tull, Room 303 Family @ First, Wednesday, April 22, 5:30pm - Cookies and Canvas. Reservations are required and limited to 30 painters. On-lookers welcome! $20 each to paint. Dinner 5:30-6:00 ▪ Painting 6:15-8:15 ▪ Ages 8-102 can paint. There is childcare available by reservation for ages 0-8. RSVP by tomorrow in office or Parents Night Out, Thursday, April 23 - Drop your children off at the church at 5:45pm and join us at JK O'Donnell's for an adult dinner! Please RSVP in the office or with Jennifer Shaw at 426-7421 x127 or by April 21st. First Pres Theater Presents NUNSENSE beginning this Friday! It runs April 24 - May 10; Fridays and Saturdays in the Theater at 7:30pm and Sundays at 2:00pm. Preview this Thursday only at 7:30pm; all seats are $10 at the door. No presale. Purchase tickets at Full-time students can see NUNSENSE for free with reservation. NEXT SUNDAY Special Handbell Prelude played by our very own handbell choir beginning at 10:45am. Jubilee Sunday recognizes those who have been active members of First Presbyterian Church for 50 years or more. New Jubilee members will be recognized during the 11:00am service, and a light lunch will be served in McKay Hall following the church service. Reservations may be made by calling the Church Office, 426-7421, or signing the reservation sheet in the Church Office by Monday, April 20. UPCOMING & ONGOING Summer at First Presbyterian Church - Please note that we will not be changing worship times this summer. Our schedule will stay as it is: 9:00am Chapel Service, 10:00am Christian Education and 11:00am Sanctuary Worship. HOME HOSTED DINNERS FIRST THEATER - Treat yourself to a sumptuous meal in a private home in the warm company of a few other theater lovers, and support FPT at the same time. This year’s cast of hosts are: April 25 - Dinner Veterans Linda Kirby and Jerry Hertenstein, featuring Prime Rib with dinner music provided by our own Chelsea Vaught May 2 - Dinner Becky Coar and Nancy Kartholl May 3 - Early Dinner Dinner at Grandma’s - Luci Foltz, 4:00pm (only 4 spots left) Each seat is $50 and you can sign up in the Church Office. Because of the generosity of our hosts, all proceeds go directly to FPT. Questions, contact Jill Therrien at Write-a-Will Day, Monday, May 4, 3:30 - 7:00pm Thought about writing a will but not sure where to start? Who to call? How much it will cost? If so, we have a great opportunity for you. Please join Church member Stephen Adair, an attorney with Beers Maller Backs & Salin, who will be assisting FPC members in making a simple will or codicil to an existing will on Monday, May 4. He is volunteering his services without charge providing it is a simple will or document containing a bequest (gift in any amount) to First Presbyterian Church or any other charity. The private consultations will be held at the church and scheduled between 3:30 - 7:00pm. Please call the church Financial Office, 426-7421 Ext 116 or 111, in advance to secure a 30-minute appointment. First Pres Talent Show, Wednesday, May 13 We had so much fun at last year’s talent show we have decided to make this a yearly event! The talent show will be held on May 13th at Family @ First. It's not too early to start planning your 2-4 minute act! Let Jennifer Shaw know if you would like to be added to the program, 426-7421 x127 or 3rd Annual Golf Fundraiser to Support North Korean Refugees, Sunday June 7, 2:00pm The Korean congregation is excited to invite all First Pres members to join them in supporting North Korean Refugees by participating in the annual golf outing at Riverbend Golf Course. The cost is $75 per player which includes golf, cart, lunch and fellowship. It will be a scramble format, individuals or teams are welcome. Contact Ken Lee at (310) 560-4505 or Mike Shim at (260) 739-2679, if you would like to play or volunteer. First Pres Book & Gift Shop has copies of Bob Burton's book, The Cadmus Project, for $11.00. New Children’s Program at 10:00am - Our own Renee Schaller is teaching Liturgical Dance during this session. This will be a fun and unique opportunity for your children (ages 4 - grade 5) to learn a new type of worship while having fun at the same time! This program will end with a performance during worship on Mother’s Day. OTHER EVENTS Spring Ahead 2015, May 3 - May 31. As you may recall last year’s Spring Ahead initiative included walking around the world as a congregation. We did this to not only improve our physical health, but to prepare our bodies and minds to be more in line with receiving the word of Jesus Christ. We are excited to announce that we will launch Spring Ahead 2015, Sunday, May 3. This year will be a one month focus that will not only include exercise, but nutritious meal planning options as well. More details to come. FPC Hunger Relief Mission to Provide Fresh Vegetables to Food Pantries - Needs Volunteers & Sponsors The HRM is trying something new this year. In addition to the canned and boxed foods it already supplies to our local food pantries, they plan to provide some fresh vegetables from a garden here at FPC. After learning about the successful mission of growing food from Presbyterian Churches in Ohio, they wanted to try something similar here at FPC. The Day School has graciously agreed to help care for the garden. We are going to use Grow Boxes ($29.95 each) for this project and are asking members of the congregation to sponsor and/or care for additional boxes, beyond what we are currently planning. If you would like to get involved or have questions, please contact Beth Marks at (260)312-7555 or More information about Grow Boxes can be found on the internet at Arianne Lehn’s Final Sermon at First Presbyterian will be Sunday, May 3. Please join us for a reception in appreciation of Arianne’s extraordinary talents and dedication during her time as Associate Pastor. The reception will begin immediately following the 11:00am worship service. Visiting Nurse Needs Volunteers - Visiting Nurse, a locally-based non-profit hospice and palliative care provider, is looking for volunteers to visit patients in area nursing facilities, visit with patients in the home setting, and assist in Hospice Home. Volunteers are needed to help serve patients in Allen and the surrounding counties. Drop-in information sessions will be held on Thursday, April 23 from 3:00 - 4:00pm at 5910 Homestead Road, Fort Wayne. For additional information, please call Ann Blue, Volunteer Coordinator at (260) 435-3222 or Moved Recently or Traveling? Our wish is to stay connected with you and keep you current with the church happenings. If your contact information has permanently changed or you’re temporarily going out of town, please contact Beth Grueb, 260-426-7421 x101 or bgrueb@firstpres-fw. THE SESSION Moderator: Rev. Jeffrey T. Lehn Clergy: Rev. Dr. Youngsoo An, Rev. Arianne Lehn Clerk of Session: Jean Linville, Assistant Clerk: Suzanne Echtenkamp Youth Adviser 2014-2015: Nickolin Byer Class of 2015 Suzanne Echtenkamp James Ehlich David McCants Sally Swihart Marcie Weissner Kwangheui Williams Class of 2016 Robert Beatty Lucinda Foltz Thomas Foltz Marjorie Sapp David Scott Carole Slater Class of 2017 Bohyung “Ken” Lee Jim Lobsiger Cindi Odle Susanne Rowe John Ruble Jeff Slater THE BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator: Wendell Cree Secretary/Treasurer: Sandy Shearer Class of 2015 Yoon Jin Cho Wendell Cree Roger Goodland Kaye Lobsiger Marcia McKibben Sarah Savage Cynthia Scott Jill Therrien Stan Volz Anita Wolfe Frank Wright Class of 2016 Kathie Bishop Annelie Collie Victoria Davis Xian Chun (Maggie) Gu Diane Gumbert Carolyn Krebs Edith McMahan Mary Jo Meyer Harmony Patterson Sandra Shearer Deborah Ward Class of 2017 Kathy Adair Mary Campbell Kwangbong “Sam” Choi Judy Hayhurst Darlene Kaye Ae-Sook Kim Kathryn Miller Sandy Niles Jeff Noggle Carol Offerle Marianne Platt Jerry Winters THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FOUNDATION OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Richard W. Florea, President; (open), Vice President; Marsha W. Heller, Secretary; David A. Lundy, Treasurer Term ending 2016 Stephen L. Chapman Marsha W. Heller Scott J. Longardner Jeffrey S. Slater Term ending 2017 H. Allen Boyd John A. Hurley Carolyn A. Krebs Walter H. Nollen Term ending 2018 Stephen W. Adair Richard W. Florea Ron Kohart Jeffrey T. Lehn CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASSES CLASS LOCATION AGES LEADER(S) CURRICULUM 10:45am12:30pm Nursery Rooms 101 & 103 Newborn to 3 years church volunteers & youth Toys and Joys 10:00-10:45am 210 age 4 to Grade 5 Renae Schaller Liturgical Dance Jennifer Shaw Exploring the New Testament 10:00-10:45am 209/212 Grades 6-12 10:00-10:45am 306 Adults Andrea Amstutz The Bible Speaks 10:00-10:45am Session Room Adults Jeff Lehn Credo: We Believe 11:00am12:00pm 200 Age 3 to Grade 5 Sunglim Shin KLM Sunday Class 11:15am12:15pm 206 Age 3 to Kindergarten rotating volunteer leaders “Whirl” 11:15am12:15pm 207 Grades 1-2 rotating volunteer leaders “Whirl” 11:15am12:15pm 210 Grades 3-5 Mary and Sarah Larocque “Whirl” FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 300 West Wayne Street † Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802 Contact us by phone at 260-426-7421 Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm M-F; 9:30am - 12:30pm, Sundays Our clergy are off on Mondays, with the pastor on call being available for emergencies. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the Church Office. Pastor on call, April 19-25, Rev. Jeff Lehn FIRST PRES BOOK & GIFT SHOP: 260-426-7421 x110 Book & Gift Shop hours: Sundays, 10:30-11:00am and 12:00–12:30pm Wednesdays & Thursdays, 11:00am-1:30pm FIRST GALLERY - EXHIBIT FPC Parish Art Show Now through June 7, 2015 Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm, M-F; 9:00am-1:00pm, Sundays FIRST THEATER - PERFORMANCE Nunsense, April 23 - May 10 Box Office hours during season: 11:00am - 2:00pm W-F and 1 hour prior to performances. Order Theater Tickets online at 260-422-6329 or FIRST MUSIC - 2015 SEASON Bradley Sowash - TODAY Sunday, April 19 ▪ 4:00pm in the Sanctuary (free will offering) MISSION CO-WORKERS SPONSORED: Mr. Mark Hare and Ms. Jenny Bent, Haiti and the Dominican Republic Rev. John McCall, Presbyterian Church of Taiwan Rev. Leonel Pech, Amistad Cristiana, Fort Wayne, Indiana STAFF DIRECTORY Rev. Jeffrey T. Lehn, Pastor/Head of Staff or Ext. 107 Sondra Mergenthal, Food Services Coordinator or Ext. 126 Rev. Dr. Youngsoo An, KLM Associate Pastor or Ext. 105 Kathryn A. Miller, Assistant Organist or Ext. 137 Rev. Arianne Lehn, Associate Pastor or Ext. 106 Cindi Odle, Communication Director or Ext. 112 Christi Campbell, Box Office Manager or Ext. 121 Bill Patterson, Maintenance Mechanical Technician or Ext. 144 Norma Christon, PT Administrative Assistant or Ext 120 Marj Sapp, Director of Day School Ministry or Ext. 108 Jo Furr, Financial Assistant or Ext. 111 Jennifer Shaw, Dir. of Children, Youth & Family Ministries or Ext. 127 Danielle Gonzalez, Office Manager or Ext. 102 Bob Sutton, FPT Technical Director or Ext. 130 Beth Grueb, Administrative Associate or Ext 101 Shannon Timmons, Head of Housekeeping or Ext. 104 Rev. Bill Haworth, Ex. Dir., Smock Sr. Adult Ministries or Ext. 131 Dr. Chelsea Vaught, Director of Music or Ext. 137 Thom Hofrichter, Managing Artistic Director or Ext. 103 Lisa Yarian, Financial Manager or Ext. 116 Mary Lynn McIntyre, Smock Administrative Sec. or Ext. 132 We who are staff members and congregation members know how important it is for our weekday work to be performed accurately. Something you tell us on Sunday can be forgotten by Monday, so please follow up any Sunday morning conversations with staff with a phone or e-mail reminder, or leave a written note in the Church Office. Thank you. Visit our website: www. Like us on Facebook: CHURCH CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK 9:00am 9:45am 10:00am 11:00am 11:15am 12:00pm 12:15pm 12:30pm 1:00pm 4:00pm 5:00pm 9:00am 1:00pm 1:30pm 3:45pm SUNDAY, APRIL 19 Worship Service, CH Nursery, 101, 103 Chancel Choir warm-up, SB, MR KLM Choir practice, 201 Christian Education Classes, see Education Box Worship Service, SC KLM Worship, CH KLM Sunday Class, 200 Children’s Sunday School, 206, 207, 210 KLM Fellowship, FH Gallery Reception, GL New Officer Training, PR KLM Choir practice, CH Music Series: Bradley Sowash, SC Youth Group, YL MONDAY, APRIL 20 Day School Chapel Service, CH Connection Group (L. Foltz), SR 3B Fitness, MH Study Connections—Rising Stars, PR TUESDAY, APRIL 21 Prayer Day: John McCall, Mission Co-worker, Taiwan 9:30am Clergy Prayer meeting, CH 10:00am Staff Meeting, SR 11:00am Staff Worship Planning, SR 5:00pm Communication Committee, Parlor 5:30pm Deacons meeting, SR WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Prayer Day: Mark Hare & Jenny Bent, Mission Co-workers, Haiti & the Dominican Republic 9:30am Women’s Bible Study, SR KLM Bible Study, 304 10:30am Everyone A Neighbor Day, MH 5:00pm Foundation Meeting, SR 7:00pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, MR 7:30pm Nunsense performance, TH 8:00pm Chancel Choir Spring Party, PR FRIDAY, APRIL 24 9:00am Newsletter Assembly, SDR 10:30am Presbytery Mtg. Planning, SR 1:30pm 3B Fitness, MH 7:30pm Nunsense performance, TH 10:00am 7:30pm SATURDAY, APRIL 25 (set-up) Jubilee Sunday, MH Nunsense performance, TH SUNDAY, APRIL 26 9:00am 9:30am 9:45am 10:00am 10:45am 11:00am Jubilee Sunday Worship Service, CH Handbell Choir Warm-up, MR Nursery, 101, 103 Chancel Choir warm-up, SB, MR KLM Choir practice, 201 Christian Education Classes, see Education Box Handbell Choir Prelude Worship Service, MH KLM Worship, CH KLM Sunday Class, 200 Children’s Sunday School, 206, 207, 210 KLM Fellowship, FH Jubilee Celebration Reception, MH KLM Choir practice, CH Nunsense performance, TH Youth Group, YL Prayer Day: Presbyterian workers in the Middle East 10:00am Table Talk I, SR 1:30pm 3B Fitness, MH 2:30pm Table Talk II, 306 4:30pm Earth Day Workshop & Supper, PR 5:00pm Family@First, MH 5:30pm Handbell Choir Rehearsal, 201 6:30pm Earth Care Book Review, 303 7:00pm KLM Wednesday Worship Service, CH 11:15am 12:00pm 12:15pm 1:00pm 2:00pm 5:00pm BGS - Book & Gift Shop CH - Chapel CL - Chapel Lounge FH - Fellowship Hall FO - Front Office GL - Gallery KLR-Kitchen lower level MR - Music Room NX- Narthex, SC OS - Offsite PG - Playground PO - Pastor’s Office PR - Parlor SB - Sanctuary Balcony K2 - Kitchen, 2nd floor LB - Library LE - Lobby Elevator LN - Lobby North MF - McKay Foyer MH - McKay Hall MK - Main Kitchen SC - Sanctuary SDR - Small Dining Room SR - Session Room TH - Theater THS - TowneHouse YL - Youth Lounge(209, 212)
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