May 2015 newsletter

First Edition
First Presbyterian Church, New Bern, North Carolina
Dear Friends:
In light of the events in my
life these last three months, it is
difficult to know what to say. At
least I know where to begin. In
response to my recent heart surgery that took place at the
mid-point of my “sabbatical,” your
outpouring of love and affection
through the gifts of your intercessory prayers, the beautiful flowers,
the mountain of cards you sent
and the meals you brought to our
home during my ensuing convalescence, have all together been such
that our appreciation – Lori’s and
mine – seems inadequate to fully
express. We can only say thank
you over and over again.
Whitney, Daewon and
Lloyd superbly filled whatever
void I created; I wouldn’t have left
if I imagined anything other. Filling the pulpit between the three of
them (and Vaughn Purnell once in
mid-March) is one thing, carrying
on their respective work at the
same time is still another. By replacing me as moderator of the
congregation and the session,
Whitney had even more on her
shoulders while serving with excellence in both these and other capacities. Pat, Vance, Connie,
Tommy, Louis and Sara continued
their essential tasks in outstanding
ways, soldiering on as usual.
I began half-days starting
Monday April 20th and hope to return to full time starting Monday
April 27th and back in the pulpit
May 3. As some of you have
asked, the Personnel Committee
early on re-named the last three
months as “sick leave” and I’m to
take a real sabbatical some other
time. Let me say I’m a bit gun-shy
at setting out on another one and
if I don’t want to you cannot make
me (!)
Everybody likes a party,
and on Sunday, May 24, Pentecost
Sunday, we are going to have what
is popularly known as, “the birthday of the church.” As is our custom growing into a tradition, on
this upcoming Sunday our Confirmands will testify to the efficacy of
their baptisms through the work of
Christ in their lives and become
adult members of the congregation. Theirs is very much a beginning, as it is for each of us at any
age; the Spirit comes fresh and
new each morning. Nothing is
more life-giving for anyone of us.
Consider what the second
chapter of the Book of Acts tells
us. After the resurrection of Jesus,
the Holy Spirit came upon the
gathered disciples like tongues of
fire. From that moment on, these
early disciples were joined together not just by ties of friendship, family and common purpose,
but by the indwelling Spirit of
God. That day, they became the
Continued on page 2
Join us for Worship!
Sunday Mornings
8:25AM and 10:55AM
Sunday School
Pastor’s Message
Session Notes
Bicentennial Planning
Pilgrimage Outfitters
Music Notes
Care Commission
Youth Group News
Fellowship Comm.
Outreach Commission
Worship Commission
Help Wanted
Joys and Concerns
Daily Lectionary
Library News
Page 2
First Edition
Session Notes
The following is a digest of the Stated Meeting of the Session on April 14, 2015.
• Worship attendance for March 2015 averaged 358
compared with 374 for March 2014. Average Sunday
School attendance was 78 in March.
• The Care Commission’s Annual Congregational Calls
Program has been completed; 22 callers spoke with
399 church members. Those who could not be
reached were contacted by e-mail or with a letter.
• The Christian Education Commission reported that
eight second-graders who had finished the Sacraments Classes received their first communion at worship on March 29. There are Confirmation Classes for
those who will be received into membership on May
Vacation Bible School for 4-year-olds through fifth
graders will be June 15 through 19. Youth mission trip
will be in New Bern from June 29 through July 1.
Middle High Conference at Massanetta is July 7 to 12
and Senior High Conference at Montreat is July 19 to
25. Children’s Sabbath is April 26. Sunday School
Teacher Appreciation brunch is May 31.
• Relay for Life will have a fellowship dinner on April
24. The Reviving Lives Ministry thanked the church
for hosting its fundraiser concert at the J. Murphy
Smith Center.
• Spring Ring and the Fellowship Dinner will be on
May 4 with dinner in the J. Murphy Smith Center and
the concert in the Sanctuary.
• The Session approved support of Child Abuse
Awareness Month by displaying banners and pinwheels near the J. Murphy Smith Center for three
weeks. This support is not for a validated mission of
the Outreach Commission. Validated missions are the
thirty-five missions approved by the Commission for
annual support. Other suggested church-supported
missions must be approved on an individual basis by
the Session.
• Because of the church’s reduction in active membership, the Presbytery of New Hope has reduced the
number of Elder Commissioners to Stated Meetings of
the Presbytery from 3 to 2.
From the Minister
(continued from front page)
living, breathing body of Christ
sent into the world to live in the
bonds of love and to witness to
the good news of Jesus Christ.
The well-known preacher, Dr.
Fred Craddock, asks, “What
would happen to the church if
the Spirit of God were withdrawn? It could stay alive for a
number of weeks, maybe even
months. If you have personality
and a lot of talent and a good bit
of money and some projects and
a few parties, a dead church can
go on for weeks, delaying the
inevitable obituary. The prayer
of the church, ‘Do not take away
your Holy Spirit,’ is what makes
us a church.” (The Softer Side of
Pentecost, Cherry Log Sermons,
p. 69).
The Spirit fills the church
with energy, imagination, intelligence and love. The Holy Spirit
gives us our vision, picks us up
when we fail and restores our
courage. The Spirit sends us out
to be bold witnesses for Christ.
As the Spirit has led us in the
past, we pray that the Spirit will
continue to lead us into the future that God has planned for
us. So we pray, “Come, Holy
Grace & peace,
Page 3
First Edition
by Steve Mabie
On January 7, 1817, a group of New Bern residents, 13
in all, gathered in the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Minor on
Craven Street to organize First Presbyterian Church. The
organizing Minister was Reverend John Knox
Witherspoon, grandson of the signer of the US Declaration of Independence. Today, the Thirteen are commemorated with plaques along the walls of the church
Sanctuary. Their courageous but simple beginning,
nearly 200 years ago, gave birth to our church.
Now, efforts are beginning to plan a year-long observance of our 200 years as a vital faith community. It is a
rich history which we will celebrate, and efforts will be
made to share this joyous commemoration with our
community and friends near and far.
Through Commemoration we learn more about the past,
and embrace the sacrifice of those who have gone before.
Through Celebration we rejoice together in the present
and express gratitude in being a part of this observance.
Through Dedication we humbly acknowledge our part in
providing for the generations that will follow. Dedication
will be expressed through opportunities of faith reflection and financial resource commitment. Dedication is
the statement of this generation of First Presbyterian
Christians to those that follow. Opportunities for giving
will be presented through First Presbyterian Church
Foundation, the church, and through Outreach Dedications.
The wonderful milestone of 200 years for a congregation is to be, thoughtfully, joyfully, and solemnly observed. It is a celebration of God’s enduring grace. It is
an acknowledgement of God’s provision. It is an acceptance of our purposefulness in God’s plans in the future.
To these three thematic areas, the Administration
team is added. This group will look after budgets, logistics, property improvements, and calendar as relates to
the Bicentennial observance.
Pope (Whitney Bayer)
Volunteers will be needed in every aspect of our BicenWe observe the Bicentennial through Commemoration tennial observance. There will definitely be a part to play
Celebration, Dedication
for any member who wishes to be involved. Leadership
for the areas has been selected and has met one time so
far. Those who wish to be involved in the early planning
may contact the leaders listed below. Other service and
There is tremendous interest in looking back and
participation opportunities will unfold as plans are delearning more about the period during which our church
was born. We must have opportunities for FPC members
Leadership and (Staff Advisors)
and friends to learn about the people and period of the
time the church began. We always stand upon the shoul- Co-Chairs FPC Bicentennial Committee – Cille Griffith
ders of others. When we honor those who have gone be- and Steve Mabie (Connie MacLean)
fore, we acknowledge our gratitude for their faithfulness.
We also face our responsibility to strengthen the church Administration Team Co-Chairs – Carole Koi and Jim
Findley (Tommy Hall)
for generations to come. Commemoration will be
marked by events, speakers, and occasions that allow us Commemoration Team Co-Chairs – Lynn Gorges and
to engage with those who have gone before and their es- Chip Chagnon (Bill Hawkins)
sential contributions.
Celebration Team Co-Chairs – Linda Staunch and Bill
Anniversaries and Birthdays are to be celebrated! There
is joy in the achievement of longevity. There is thankfulness for God’s grace and provision for 200 years! Celebration expresses itself in Fellowship and in occasions
that edify and delight. This is the joyful aspect of observing this milestone of our shared life in faith. Music, performing arts, visual arts, and fellowship gatherings best
express the joy we feel as we observe this wonderful occasion! There will be time for all! When we Celebrate
together we learn more about each other, and the unique
gifts each of us brings to the Service of Christ and his
Dedication Team Co-Chairs - Wendy Moeller and Chris
Kelso (Jim Briley)
Marketing and Event Resource – Wendy Stallings
Editor of First Presbyterian Church History – Nancy
Thank-you in advance to everyone who will participate
in the planning and presentation of our Bicentennial activities. Through all our work and celebration together
we hope our church, and our ties to one another, will be
will be strengthened. Please contact any of the folks
listed above to learn more.
First Edition
Page 4
by Rev. Lloyd Griffith
Equipping pilgrims for the spiritual journey
Experiment in the life of early Christian Community
Fifteen adults have recently completed a contemplative retreat to St. Francis Prayer Center just north
of Greensboro, NC. Mimi Dixon, Christa Metzger,
Ann Ocorr, Ann Bustard, John Young, Duane and
Mary Fuller, Ed and Maryann Koffenberger, Stan
Dzimitrowicz, Chip Chagnon, Dean Carzoo, Barbara
Bidwell, Cille and Lloyd Griffith came together for 3
days to be more intentional in our contemplative
We spent much time together in worship and
prayer; we received Holy Communion; we ate all our
meals together; and we shared many common activities. This sharing a common life seemed to open us
more to the presence of God’s Spirit moving in the
quiet place. A feeling of renewal and strength
emerged as we explored walking in this inner light in
our souls. There was a hope and wish to “do it again
next year!”
We are thrilled to announce that April 1st, 2nd,
and 3 have been reserved at St. Francis Prayer Center for 2016 and the BIG invitation is extended for
others to join us. Letters of Intent to reserve a place
on the next Spring Retreat can be picked up at the
Church Office.
Lloyd Griffith
Pilgrim Guide
First Edition
Page 5
Music Notes
by Pat Kerr Rowlett
April was a busy month,
with our Maundy Thursday
service, and big music for
Easter with brass players from
the Marine Corps band. We
really raised the roof! Many of
you commented that you
really enjoyed hearing
them. We will have two trumpet players on Pentecost Sunday, so that will
please many!
Be sure to join us for
Spring Ring on Monday,
May 4, at 6:15 in the
Sanctuary. This will be the
first time in many years that
we have not been in the
Gym. We will have dinner at
5:00 (this is early) in the Smith Center Gym, then
walk over to the Sanctuary for the concert. As the
bell ringers get older, moving all the equipment has
become a major effort, then moving things back immediately after the concert leaves us limp and exhausted! This way even members of the younger
choirs and the audience can help! This is the 27th
annual concert, and we didn't own the Smith Center
until 1995, so there were many years when we were
in the Sanctuary. We hope you'll join us for the
concert if you can't get to dinner.
As we gear up for the summer, I hope you will
express to the members of our choirs of all ages
your appreciation for their singing and ringing-they give up evenings and lots of their time so that
you have beautiful music during our worship services. They do it joyfully, often singing for both services in one morning! They often have spouses and
family members who miss sitting with them!
Yours in Christ,
Pat K. Rowlett
Director of Music
During the month of March, a
committee of Care Commission
volunteers made telephone calls to
the households of our church
family. These calls are part of our
annual effort to update contact information and inquire of concerns
and joys. Reminders shared in
these conversations include the
valuable resource of the church
website ( for bulletins, sermons, newsletters, etc., the
short-term services available
through our Food4U, Prayer Chain
and Helping Hands program
(transportation, caregiver relief,
grocery shopping, odd jobs, etc.).
These can be requested by calling
the church office at 637-3270.
By Patti Fleming
Office directly assures our notification.
Any time you have updates to your
contact information please call/
email the Church Office at 637Please remember, when registering 3270 or
at CarolinaEast Medical Center you
must specifically note
May today find you blessed and a
“Presbyterian,” otherwise our visit- blessing to others.
ing staff will be unaware of your
presence (this is a legal, privacy
restriction on hospitals). Asking
family or friends to call the Church
Page 6
First Edition
Preschool—Room MC 1.24
Through the Bible in Felt (Lukens)
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade—Room MC 2.23
3rd Grade - 5th Grade—Room MC 2.24
Middle & High School —Lighthouse
I Know My Bible ( PC(USA))
Teachers: Mimi Dixon, Nancy Melling, Knox Proctor,
Karen Reed, Kim Avolis (sub)
Men’s Bible Study
Now through May 18th, we are beginning a five week video-based
study by Ann Voskamp called “One
Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully
Right Where You Are”. This study
covers topics like Attitude and
Gratitude, Grace in the Moment,
and Trust: the Bridge to Joy. Please
join us from 7PM to 8:30 Monday
nights in the Session House Parlor.
Please join us at 8AM every Thursday morning in the
Session House Main Room as we continue to study the
story of the Bible by Luke Timothy Johnson.
Spring Schedule
Sundays through May 31
9:40am to 10:40am
Mary Bryan Hollister Class (The Present Word: Acts of Worship), Nancy Chiles/ SHP
Connections (The Thoughtful Christian) Whitney Bayer & Seth Smith, MC 1.27
Deepening Your Devotional Life: Drawing on the Experiences of the Mystics, Dr. Christa
Metzger, Facilitator/MC 2.26-27
Jesus the King: Understanding the Life and Death of the Son of God
(Part II: The Cross - The Purpose of Jesus) by Timothy Keller - Dr. Wendy Moeller, Facilitator/ SHM
Adult Opportunities: Summer Quarter 2015
Sundays 9:40 AM—10:40 AM Beginning June 7
No Need to Sign-Up ~ Just Show-Up!
“Read This Book” also known as "The No Work Book Club” will continue this summer beginning June 7th. If you are interested in leading a session, please contact Brent Schlottman or
Daewon. Each week, we will have various leaders present a book. The lineup of our selected books
and the leader will be printed in the June Newsletter. This class will meet in room MC 2.21.
First Edition
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First Edition
May Youth Group Schedule
May 3 —5:30-7:30pm— (MS) Faith Story; (HS) Favorite
Scriptures (bring a Frisbee golf disc if you have it)
May 10 — 5:30-7:30pm— Praise Night
May 17 — 5:30-7:30pm— Youth Group w/ Centenary UMC
May 24—1:30-7pm— Camp Don Lee
Meet in the church parking lot at 1:30pm to go to Camp Don
Lee for swimming, archery, sailing, canoeing (bring swimsuit,
towel, sunscreen, change of clothes). Parents: pick up at
church at 7pm.
May 30-31 (Sat-Sun) — Camp Out at Church
Meet on Saturday at 6pm in the Session House with your
overnight bag. We will camp out until Sunday morning.
Vacation Bible School—June 15-19 ~ 9am-12pm ~
1. Register online by visiting:
2. Pick up a form in the Church Office, fill it out, and return to the Church Office.
VBS is open to children ages 4 (must turn 4 by June 1, 2015) through those who
have completed 5th grade. Registration will end on June 1.
On May 24th, our SALT Group (3rd-5th grade children) will be
joining the Youth Group as we head down to Camp Don Lee for
its open house. We will meet at 1:30pm in the front church
parking lot by the Church Bus to leave. We’ll return to the
parking lot at 7pm. Dinner will be served at Camp Don Lee so
we’ll eat there before coming back. Swimming, sailing, archery,
canoeing are just a few of the activities offered at the Open House.
A Permission Form must be turned in to Daewon by May 17 if you would like to attend. We must have a
form for each child. Parents & siblings (accompanied by a guardian) are also welcome to attend with SALT
members. All in attendance should bring a towel, swimsuit, change of clothes, and sunscreen.
First Edition
Page 9
First Pres T-Ball Team
Our T-ball team is now playing! Please come and cheer us on at the field located 545 Neuse ROAD near the
National Cemetery in Riverside.
5/4 (M) 6pm—Snack Bar (field far from playground)
5/7 (Th) 6pm—Snack Bar (field far from playground)
5/12 (T) 6pm—Snack Bar (field far from playground)
5/18 (M) 6pm—Joy Corner (field near the playground)
5/26 (Tu) 6pm—Joy Corner (field near the playground)
5/29 (F) 6pm—Joy Corner (field near the playground)
Children & Youth SUMMER Sunday
Senior Recognition Sunday—6/7
Graduating seniors will be recognized at the 10:55am service.
• Vacation Bible School—6/15-6/19
(M-F) - 9am~12pm
We need youth volunteers to be crew
leaders during VBS. Please let Daewon
know if youth can volunteer.
Beginning June 7th, Summer Sunday School will begin with
children in kindergarten through 5th grade meeting in
MC 2.23. We’ll have a same format as last year where we will
read a Children’s Book each week paired with an activity (craft
or game). The class will be led by various adult volunteers. If
any parent is interested in leading a week or two, please speak
with Daewon or Whitney. Selected books and the leaders will
be listed in the June newsletter.
Youth will continue to meet in the Lighthouse in the
summer for Sunday School.
• Massanetta Middle School
Conference– 7/9 – 7/12 (Th-Sun)
Tentatively we’re scheduled to leave
on Thursday at 8am from Church. We’ll
return home around 7pm on Sunday.
• Mission in New Bern –
6/29-7/1 (M-W)
For those youth interested in doing
mission work in New Bern, please let
Daewon know. We will do three days away
from home and be involved in serving at
various organizations in New Bern.
Don’t Forget Mother’s Day May 10
Page 10
First Edition
Fellowship Commission
May Fellowship Dinner for
Spring Ring
Mark your calendar for our 27th SPRING RING on Mon. May 4 at
5:00PM in the JMS Center Gym. A delicious dinner of ham, butter
beans, potato and other salads, and a delightful selection of desserts
will be served, compliments of our fantastic Fellowship Crew. The program will begin in the Sanctuary at approximately 6:15PM, and features
all of FPC’s bell choirs, youth, and children’s choirs. You may call the
Church Office at 637-3270 to let us know you’re coming. We hope to
see you there!
Sundays at 9:40AM
Call 637-3270 to sign up early for our very popular
cruise to Cape Lookout on Thurs. June 4. We’ll be
sailing to the Cape on a 42 passenger catamaran to
some of the most beautiful and pristine beaches in all
of the U.S.
This sailboat is fast and stable, with wide decks for
sunning and ample shaded areas for those seeking
same. On and off access is easy, with only a few steps.
Our first stop will be for those who’d like to take a
swim; wear your bathing suit if you plan to do so. An
on-board fresh water shower is provided for your
après-swim. Also, rest room facilities are there, both
on the boat and at the Lighthouse location.
Next, you can go shelling (a netted bag is provided
for your collection), followed by a sumptuous lunch
(by Beaufort Grocery Company). Our veteran Captain
will provide commentary on the air, sea and land life
we may encounter, including the cape’s famous wild
horses, distant relatives of survivors who swam ashore
Presbyterian Men
by Dick Shelley
from shipwrecks ages ago.
After lunch, we’ll proceed to dock at the Lookout
Lighthouse; walk to the top (a nominal fee) for fantastic vistas of the NC coast (bring your camera!) Baywater swimming at the Lighthouse is perfect: no surf
and crystal-clear waters! Walk the ocean side beach if
you’d like.
The cost of this one-day adventure is $75. additionally, on the bus, we will ask for a (voluntary) donation of $2 per person to defray travel costs. Payment for the catamaran cruise will be made at the
Beaufort dock by cash, check or credit card.
by Jerry Elliott
The First Presbyterian Men of the Church meet the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM at the Golden
Corral in New Bern. Our last meeting of the season will be May 5th where it’s Ladies’ Night! Spouses or significant others are welcome! Bring your choice to hear our speaker, who is our very own Stacey Griffith.
Stacey will review the book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, the story of a woman whose cancer cells
became the first permanently cultured human cell line. This became a signal accomplishment for advancing
medical research. For more information contact Jerry Elliott – 252- 633-2537.
First Edition
Page 11
Presbyterian Women of New Hope Presbytery
Annual Spiritual Retreat at Beautiful Camp Albemarle—May 15 – 17, 2015
Leader: Rev. Whitney Bayer
Theme: “Relaxing and Refreshing”
Friday, May 15, 2015- Registration begins 1:00 pm;
Dinner on your own (a few of us will go out to dinner); Fellowship and games - 7:30 pm.
Saturday, May 16, 2015- Registration 10:00 am
Sunday, May 17, 2015- Closing with worship and communion at the cove, 9:30 am
All women are invited to a weekend at the beach “Relaxing and Refreshing” at Camp Albemarle. Friday,
enjoy the camp or explore Morehead City, Swansboro, Beaufort… Friday night, enjoy fellowship. Saturday
morning, we will enjoy a continental breakfast, morning meditation, rejuvenation stations, crafts and mission
projects. *** If you can only come Saturday, don’t worry. You can check in on Saturday morning. The program begins at 11:00 am. ***
Registration costs: $75.00 includes 2 overnight accommodations, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday
and breakfast on Sunday. (Saturday to Sunday - $50). (Saturday only - $30).
Frequently asked question: “Why would it cost me $30 for Saturday only?”
Facility: $$ (we don’t get it free); Professional and inspiring Leader: $$; Lunch/dinner/snacks: $$;
material for a take-away craft: $$;
Spiritual time away with God? PRICELESS
On April 10 and 11, the New Bern Historical Society held their annual Spring
Homes Tour. Along with beautifully restored historic homes and gardens, several
churches, including First Presbyterian Church were also open for visitors to tour and
view. Our Historian, Jerry Elliott recruited several willing members to be docents
during the viewing times. Over 100 attendees visited the church from out of town as
well as local residents. One of the most frequently asked questions was whether we
held a traditional or contemporary service. One docent answered “Presbyterians
come to church for worship, not to be entertained.” Thanks to these members for volunteering their time:
Betsy Conzelman, Jerry Elliott, Amy Falkenberry, John Falkenberry, Betsy Hillhouse, Bill
Hillhouse, Ron MacLean, Doug Phelps, and Peggy Phelps.
If you aren’t presently in a House Church, you’ don’t know what you’re missing!
Last month, the members of House Church #9 (Jerry & Pam Johnson are the
Leaders) were serenaded by the ever-talented but perhaps a bit shy, Marge
Avery. Marge felt inspired to sing for the group, but felt she would perform better with a stylish bag on her head! It was rumored that a representative from
“The Voice” was in the audience, but that has not yet been confirmed. At her last
press conference, Marge would not divulge if she had signed a contract with the
popular television show. Further information will be forthcoming as it becomes
First Pres has 12 House Churches from which to choose. There’s sure to be a day
and time that will fit your schedule. Please plan to join when they resume this
fall. (You never know what’ll happen next)
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First Edition
Outreach Commission
Reviving Lives Ministry Concert Rocks the Smith Center
by Steve Mabie
A unified Christian community
came together on Saturday evening, March 7th for a benefit concert for Reviving Lives Ministry in
the J. Murphy Smith Fellowship
Center. Approximately 150 people
were in attendance.
Reviving Lives Ministry is a
Faith-Based, 12 Step Addiction Recovery program. The Ministry operates male and female residential
facilities for those combating addiction to drugs or alcohol. In an extremely moving portion of the program, several of the participants in
the recovery program spoke to the
assembled supporters, telling about
the importance of Reviving Lives
Ministry and expressing their
Reverend Robert Johnson of
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church
serves as Chairman of the Board of
Directors of the ministry. After a
greeting and opening prayer, he
introduced Arlene Phillips as Mistress of Ceremonies. Mrs. Phillips
engaged the crowd with great enthusiasm and introduced the Resurrection Singers from First Presbyterian Church as the first per-
forming group. Director Susan
Mabie had selected four songs for
the choir to perform including two
Spirituals. Pianist Craig Emmerich
accompanied the group. Upon ending with the God of Grace medley,
the choir was greeted with a standing ovation!
Agency led by a local Board.
Jeanine Ethridge has recently been
named as Executive Director. The
concert was the group’s first fundraiser. Intermission offered a time
for the Board Members to pass baskets to collect a love offering for the
Following the Resurrection Singers, One Voice of Garber United
Methodist Church performed two
songs. Director Michelle Roy leads
the eight member ensemble. Before
intermission, two choir members
from Ebenezer Presbyterian offered
two songs. Each performing group
was warmly received by the audience.
Following the Intermission, the
audience was treated to the performance of three men’s singing
groups, The New Bern Men’s Fellowship Chorus, the New Sensational Messengers of New Bern, NC
and the New Diamond Jubilees.
The inspiring music literally uplifted the audience – they were
dancing at their seats! It was a
wonderful evening – a good time
doing good work.
Intermission gave Mrs. Phillips
an opportunity to explain a little
more about Reviving Lives Ministry, where she serves as Secretary.
Previously the Ministry was known
in New Bern as Phoenix House. Financial instability during the economic downturn caused Phoenix
House to go out of business. Volunteer Laurie Collier, recruited by
Mike McMillan of RCS, agreed to
lead a new effort. Now Reviving
Lives Ministry is a United Way
Reviving Lives Ministry is supported by the Outreach Commission of First Presbyterian Church
as a budgeted agency. Currently
Henry Martin serves as the Ministry Advocate for the Commission.
The work is ongoing. For more information go to
RCS Needs Your Help
RCS Soup Kitchen
For a number of years, many volunteers from our church have helped
at RCS, with serving a nourishing hot meal to 100 – 200 people one Sunday afternoon each month. That meal has just been discontinued in favor of a hearty Sunday
breakfast. To help begin this new program, First Pres will now provide the volunteers for every 5th Sunday,
and an occasional first Sunday (dates TBA). On those days, our commitment will be from 7:00 to 10:00 or
10:30 AM, therefore allowing anyone to make the late service at church. If you are a regular, an occasional,
or a one-time volunteer there, or if you have never helped out there, PLEASE CALL PRUDENCE WING
(207-457-5535) to discuss it!
First Edition
Page 13
Worship Commission
Communion will be served on the following:
Pentecost—May 24, both services
Trinity Sunday—May 31, both services (by intinction)
Noon Prayer Group
led by Lloyd Griffith
Our Wednesday Noon Prayer Group will be making a special study of silence facilitated by Lloyd Griffith. Using Richard Rohr’s Silent Compassion as
our guide, we will explore the Christian Tradition’s use of silence. It has long
served as a contemplative space inviting pilgrims to be open to encounter the
mystery of the risen Christ in a complex and noisy world. Silence seems to attract deeper meaning and significance, drawing spiritual pilgrims into vulnerability and awareness of a much larger life. All are welcome to join us at noon
on Wednesdays in the Chapel.
Evening Prayer for Eastertide
Ministry Center Chapel Open
Please feel free to visit the Chapel whenever you feel
the need for prayer, reflection and peace. The Chapel
is open Monday thru Thursday, 9AM to 5PM, Friday,
9AM to 1PM.
First Pres is looking for people interested in service to the church and the
community by helping out with the
Memorial Garden Burial Committee.
Candidates will assist in interments
in our campus Memorial Garden. If
you feel the calling to help out, please
see Tommy Hall in the Church Office.
Tommy can be reached by email at or by phone
at 252.637.3270.
led by Lloyd Griffith
This contemplative worship service meets in the
Chapel every Wednesday evening from 5:30 pm to 6
pm. Using silence and solitude enriched with prayer,
hymns, and meditation on the scripture text for Sunday, we seek to deepen, like the first disciples, our understanding of the meaning of Christ’s resurrection
for us. All are welcome any time.
The First Pres Bicentennial Planning Team is looking for a
Correspondence Secretary. The initial work will be building a database of names and addresses of folks who would receive communications about our Bicentennial observance and invitations to various Bicentennial events. In addition to current members, we will
want to share this event with former members and staff, Presbytery
and Synod officials, neighboring churches and community organizations, media outlets, and even interested friends and family. To do
that requires a work of identifying names and addresses, phone
numbers and email addresses. If you have ever managed a wedding
invitation list or you maintain a large Christmas card list, you have
an idea about what is needed! The Correspondence Secretary is a
volunteer position. We will need someone who is familiar with computers and comfortable working in Excel. Hours are very flexible,
( est. 2 hours weekly) and a workspace at the church is being developed now. If you would like to know more about this volunteer role,
contact Steve Mabie, Bicentennial Co-Chair, 252-904-8671,, or Connie MacLean, Church Secretary,
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First Edition
First Edition
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Daily Lectionary for May, 2015
Friday, May 1
Morning: Pss. 96; 148
Evening: Pss. 49; 138
Jer. 31:15–22; Col. 3:1–11; Luke 7:1–17
Saturday, May 2
Morning: Pss. 92; 149
Evening: Pss. 23; 114
Jer. 31:23–25; Col. 3:12–17
Luke 7:18–28 (29–30) 31–35
Sunday, May 3
Morning: Pss. 93; 150
Evening: Pss. 136; 117
Isa. 32:1–8; 2 Thess. 2:13–17
Matt. 7:7–14
Monday, May 4
Morning: Pss. 97; 145
Evening: Pss. 124; 115
Jer. 32:1–15; Col. 3:18–4:18
Luke 7:36–50
Tuesday, May 5
Morning: Pss. 98; 146
Evening: Pss. 66; 116
Jer. 32:16–25; Rom. 12:1–21
Luke 8:1–15
Wednesday, May 6
Morning: Pss. 99; 147:1–11
Evening: Pss. 9; 118
Jer. 32:36–44; Rom. 13:1–14
Luke 8:16–25
Thursday, May 7
Morning: Pss. 47; 147:12–20
Evening: Pss. 68; 113
Jer. 33:1–13; Rom. 14:1–12
Luke 8:26–39
Friday, May 8
Morning: Pss. 96; 148
Evening: Pss. 49; 138
Deut. 31:30–32:14
Rom. 14:13–23; Luke 8:40–56
Saturday, May 9
Morning: Pss. 92; 149
Evening: Pss. 23; 114
Deut. 32:34–41 (42) 43
Rom. 15:1–13; Luke 9:1–17
Sunday, May 10
Morning: Pss. 93; 150
Evening: Pss. 136; 117
Deut. 15:1–11; 1 Tim. 3:14―4:5
Matt. 13:24–34a
Monday, May 11
Morning: Pss. 97; 145
Evening: Pss. 124; 115
Deut. 8:1–10 or Deut. 18:9–14
James 1:1–15; Luke 9:18–27
Tuesday, May 12
Morning: Pss. 98; 146
Evening: Pss. 66; 116
Deut. 8:11–20 or Deut. 18:15–22
James 1:16–27; Luke 11:1–13
Wednesday, May 13
Morning: Pss. 99; 147:1–11
Evening: Pss. 9; 118
Deut. 19:1–7; James 5:13–18
Luke 12:22–31
Thursday, May 14
Ascension of the Lord
Morning: Pss. 47; 147:12–20
Evening: Pss. 68; 113
Ezek. 1:1–14, 24–28b
Heb. 2:5–18; Matt. 28:16–20
Friday, May 15
Morning: Pss. 96; 148
Evening: Pss. 49; 138
Ezek. 1:28–3:3; Heb. 4:14–5:6
Luke 9:28–36
Saturday, May 16
Morning: Pss. 92; 149
Evening: Pss. 23; 114
Ezek. 3:4–17; Heb. 5:7–14
Luke 9:37–50
Sunday, May 17
Morning: Pss. 93; 150
Evening: Pss. 136; 117
Ezek. 3:16–27; Eph. 2:1–10
Matt. 10:24–33, 40–42
Monday, May 18
Morning: Pss. 97; 145
Evening: Pss. 124; 115
Ezek. 4:1–17; Heb. 6:1–12
Luke 9:51–62
Tuesday, May 19
Morning: Pss. 98; 146
Evening: Pss. 66; 116
Ezek. 7:10–15, 23b–27
Heb. 6:13–20; Luke 10:1–17
Wednesday, May 20
Morning: Pss. 99; 147:1–11
Evening: Pss. 9; 118
Ezek. 11:14–25; Heb. 7:1–17
Luke 10:17–24
Thursday, May 21
Morning: Pss. 47; 147:12–20
Evening: Pss. 68; 113
Ezek. 18:1–4, 19–32
Heb. 7:18–28; Luke 10:25–37
Friday, May 22
Morning: Pss. 96; 148
Evening: Pss. 49; 138
Ezek. 34:17–31; Heb. 8:1–13
Luke 10:38–42
Saturday, May 23
Morning: Pss. 92; 149
Evening: Pss. 23; 114
Ezek. 43:1–12; Heb. 9:1–14
Luke 11:14–23
Sunday, May 24
Morning: Pss. 104; 150
Evening: Pss. 29; 33
Isa. 11:1–9; 1 Cor. 2:1–13
John 14:21–29
Monday, May 25
Morning: Pss. 135; 145
Evening: Pss. 97; 112
Deut. 4:9–14; 2 Cor. 1:1–11
Luke 14:25–35
Tuesday, May 26
Morning: Pss. 123; 146
Evening: Pss. 30; 86
Deut. 4:15–24; 2 Cor. 1:12–22
Luke 15:1–10
Wednesday, May 27
Morning: Pss. 15; 147:1–11
Evening: Pss. 48; 4
Deut. 4:25–31; 2 Cor. 1:23–2:17
Luke 15:1–2, 11–32
Thursday, May 28
Morning: Pss. 36; 147:12–20
Evening: Pss. 80; 27
Deut. 4:32–40; 2 Cor. 3:1–18
Luke 16:1–9
Friday, May 29
Morning: Pss. 130; 148
Evening: Pss. 32; 139
Deut. 5:1–22; 2 Cor. 4:1–12
Luke 16:10–17 (18)
Saturday, May 30
Morning: Pss. 56; 149
Evening: Pss. 118; 111
Deut. 5:22–33; 2 Cor. 4:13–5:10
Luke 16:19–31
Sunday, May 31—Trinity Sunday
Morning: Pss. 103; 150
Evening: Pss. 117; 139
Deut. 6:1–9 (10–15)
Eph. 4:1–16; John 1:1–18
First Presbyterian
400 New Street
PO Box 1069
New Bern, NC 28563
Phone: 252.637.3270
Fax: 252.637.4494
Library Notes for May, 2015
by Olivia Peterson, Librarian
Dare To Be True: Living in the Freedom of Complete Honesty by Mark D. Roberts
241 ROB
All of us at First Pres consider ourselves to be honest people – but are we really being honest about that? Roberts delves deeply into the matter of complete honesty, as in steering clear of the little white lies that make our
lives easier and seemingly more polite, for example. He claims that we are all experts in the “practice of spin”
which is “painting things in the best or worst possible light” whichever is more convenient for us. We generally
do this for reasons of self-promotion or self-protection. Roberts asserts that if we are created in God’s image
we should not fear showing a more honest and authentic picture of ourselves to the world. Jesus is our prime
model for living in complete truth and honesty. He did not “spin” even for politeness sake. This daring book
gives us much food for thought in the self-improvement category.
At Peace with Failure: How God Gives Grace to Live Beyond Your Shattered
by Duane Mehl
248 MEH
This book discusses failures and losses and the “bad things that happen to ALL people.” The author, a minister
who experienced failure through alcoholism, tells about his journey and gives insights for dealing with failures
and losses that we all experience at one time or another. When these things happen, we feel off-track, insecure,
that our captain is no longer at the helm. Our reaction is to be more self-reliant, independent. The author suggests that
prayer to, dependence on and openness to God is the answer. He states “God doesn’t like failure or loss but he loves
failed or broken people.” We should “Take Joy” whether God gives us success or God gives us wisdom and strength
through failure or loss. A good book for those times when we flounder in the abyss!
Learn Ancient Greek
by Peter Jones
488.2 JON
If you have ever wanted to become more familiar with Ancient Greek, the language of the New Testament, here is an easy beginner text available in our own library. It has easy-to-read explanatory texts, practice
exercises, humorous cartoons and gives a peek into the ancient Greek world and psyche.