Prayer List April 27, `15 (1)

First Reformed Church of New Brunswick
Weekly Prayer List
Prayer for the Week
Lord, every day you restore, strengthen, and comfort
us through your presence in Word and in Spirit. You
guide us in the paths of your righteousness for your
name’s sake. And you employ us in your
transformation of this world. Thank you, Lord, for
being such presence in my life. I pray in Jesus’ name.
Picture of the Week:
Muslim students from
Rutgers volunteering
on April 24 in our church.
In Thanksgiving
For Julius Fekete recovering well after long spinal surgery,
and for his transfer into rehab.
For our consistory and congregation as we prayed
yesterday in support of this week’s deliberation at the U.S.
Supreme Court regarding the freedom to marry.
For good progress of Dina’s Dwellings. Much of the subfloor
for the ground floor is now finished.
Those Facing Special Events & Uncertainty:
For Marlana’s friend Hanna who is being deployed to
For Pine Grove Nursery, its children, parents, and teachers,
as school leadership, parents and alumni/ae have decided to
clopse the school.
For all members of our congregation who face special
challenges in their lives that prevent them from regular church
For Healing and Trust in God:
For Nick Falgiano, a school mate of Ben Berman. Nick suffers
from cancer.
For Elma Koskoski, the sister-in-law of a former neighbor of
Bruce Bothwell. Elma is suffering from heart disease after
failed surgery.
For Siegfried Pabst, an uncle of Pastor Hartmut. Siegfried
suffers in the final stage of cancer and is in hospice care.
For Jonathan Friedinger, Peter Connolly’s best friend.
Jonathan is suffering from pancreatic cancer.
For Victor Baniak, who suffers from stage-3 colon cancer.
Victor is an uncle of Marie Knox.
For Joey Ruiz and his family that God may give them strength
to prepare for Joey’s surgery.
For Joey’s father Eduardo Ruiz suffering from broken ankle.
For Claudia Epstein, Aunt of Heather and Dan Epstein who
continues to fight cancer.
For Ismael, the almost four-year-old son of Nelson and Edna
Rodriguez, members of the Refuge Church on our premises. Ismael
suffers from kidney failure.
For Henrike Reinmuth, a cousin of Pastor Hartmut. Henrike
continues to receive very aggressive cancer treatment.
For Susan Falco, a mother in the family of Susan Kramer-Mills,
suffering Stage IV colon cancer.
For Our Elderly and/or Homebound Members:
For Irene Bailey, Jane Parker and Mary Jane Gianos as the cope
daily with the challenges of advancing age. May their faith be a model
to us all!
For Ethel Salamone at the new Parker Home in Monroe.
Anna May Mariano, Marie & Wilbur Washington. We are grateful
for their many contributions to the church throughout their lives and
the example they set for many. We are also grateful for the example
Picture of the Week:
they set in how to deal with the advance of old age.
For Those Who Grieve:
For everybody who goes through the anniversary of the death of a
loved one during this week.
For anyone grieving because of the pending death of a loved one.
In the New Brunswick Classis, Denomination, and Beyond:
For our sister church in Middelburg, South Africa, for its Pastor
Molehe, and that their ministry may prosper.
For the churches of our Classis and especially the former members
of the now closed church of Long Branch. We include in our prayer
the Reformed Church of South River as it goes through leadership
transition, and the Willingboro Reformed Church as it is currently led
by a Classis-appointed Consistory.
Concerns from Around the World:
For the victims of the earthquake in Nepal on April 25.
For the victims of the war in Yemen.
For the victims of the refugee catastrophes in the Mediterranean
For everyone suffering from ISIS as it destroyed Nimrud, the ancient
city in Iraq.
That the truce in Ukraine may last.
For all victims of the so-called Islamic State, especially in Tunisia
on March 18 and in Yemen on March 20.
We pray also that hate against Israel may cease in the world.
For the orphans of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.
The mission of this Prayer List is to encourage prayer
throughout the week. Please post it, wherever you like to
pray. If there are any changes, please notify Pastor
Hartmut via email:
Prayer requests will be honored for 2 weeks
unless the request is renewed.