Avaya Call Management System

Avaya Call Management
Avaya Call Management System (CMS) is an integrated
analysis and reporting solution that keeps you in touch with
virtually everything that’s going on in your contact center
from evaluating the performance of a single agent or group
of agents to managing a contact center with multiple
locations worldwide. Working with one or more of your
Avaya media servers and/or gateways, CMS delivers robust
real-time monitoring and historical reporting including Elite
Multichannel information, custom reporting, task scheduling,
exception notification, threshold warning, administration and
configuration, and long term ACD data storage.
Increase the efficiency of
your call center
Optimize performance across multiple
channels. Improve service levels and
increase agent efficiency by monitoring
and reporting response times across
Avaya Aura Call Center Elite systems and
non-voice channels supported by Elite
Multichannel. A simple add-on to your
Elite system, Elite Multichannel enables
response time reporting and monitoring
that can increase agent efficiency for
voice, e-mail, fax, web Chat, SMS text or
social media customer contact.
Manage dynamic call volumes without
adding staff. Monitor and analyze
everything from wait times and average
answer speeds to the percentage by
which abandoned call times have gone
down in the past year. Make a wellinformed decision based on real-time CMS
data to redirect calls on-the-fly or to
redistribute expensive human resources.
Increase performance, minimize costs or
develop new or improved procedures by
leveraging historical data.
Enhance productivity while controlling
costs. Realize a quick return on your CMS
investment. Easy to deploy, CMS helps
maximize the success of marketing and
customer service campaigns. Continue
benefitting from your investment over
time by leveraging historical data to
analyze trends and to establish
performance benchmarks.
Improve customer satisfaction. Deliver
the kind of superior service and support
that enhances customer loyalty by using
CMS data to improve staffing and call
flows. Flexible and scalable, CMS helps
you achieve the service levels you
desire by enabling you to analyze the
performance of a specific skill or agent or
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thousands of skills and agents on up
CMS works with many Avaya
to eight Automatic Call Distribution
Customer Experience Management
(ACD) systems.
applications such as Contact Flow
Analytics, Desktop Wallboard, Agent
Recruit and retain top agents. Attract
Maps, Avaya Workforce Optimization
the best talent by creating an efficient,
and integrates with other third-party
effective, data-analysis-driven
applications such as reporting and
operation and high-quality contact
monitoring packages. It is also part of
center that first-class agents prefer.
the Avaya Customer Experience
Virtualized Environment which allows
Avaya Call
Management System
(CMS) is an integrated
analysis and reporting
solution that helps you
keep in touch with
virtually everything
that’s going on in your
contact center from
evaluating the
performance of a
single agent or group
of agents to managing
a contact center with
multiple locations
Support Business Continuity. Enable
enterprises to leverage their existing
data redundancy for your small single
VMware infrastructure to improve
site or large multisite contact center
resiliency and lower costs by using
by leveraging High Availability and/or
less hardware and deploying
Survivable CMS. High Availability
applications faster. Backup options for
consists of two systems operating in
CMS include tape drives, LAN back-
tandem and, for multi-site contact
up, and Network File Systems (NFS).
centers, Survivable CMS allows a
Prior back-up hardware continues to
back-up site to take over in the event
be supported including customer
of a disaster at the controlling site.
provided tape drives.
Take Action when Thresholds are
Breached. Alarm functions are
available via SNMP MIBs and alarm
detail can be monitored via Secure
Access Link (SAL) or your own
Network Management System (NMS).
Modems sold with previous releases
for alarm purposes can be used with
the current CMS release.
Concurrent supervisor capacity has
been increased from 800 to 1600,
system-wide limits for agent skill pairs
from 150K to 200K (100K per ACD)
and the agent trace limit from 600 to
5,000 agents. The latest CMS release
supports these increased capacities
on the T4 with 64GB memory.
CMS Supervisor
Monitor and manage from
Use a familiar graphical user
interface to access the reporting
and administrative power of CMS via
a PC or Web browser with Avaya
CMS Supervisor. Monitor and manage
in real time from anywhere by setting
alerts for abandoned calls, average
hold time, number of calls in queue,
etc. then respond quickly by
redirecting resources and managing
call spikes to increase agent
productivity. Up to 1600 simultaneous
CMS Supervisor log-ins are supported
depending upon which hardware
platform you choose.
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Contact Center Services
Optimize performance and
Avaya contact center solutions draw
on the expertise of a range of Avaya
experts from strategic design and
road-mapping to platform and system
architecture, implementation and
ongoing support and highly flexible
managed services. We deliver these
services to you through strategic and
tactical contact center solutions
designed to optimize business
operational and performance
management, agent-assisted
operations, automated experience
The CMS Supervisor interface runs in
•identify opportunities for increasing
a Microsoft® Windows® environment
productivity and/or reducing costs
on Windows 2000, Windows XP,
Windows Vista, Windows 7 or thin
•plan effective marketing and
promotional campaigns
client through Citrix™ XenApp 5 or 6.5
with a Windows 2008 server and is
•detect training needs
available in these languages: U.S.
•improve the overall efficiency of
English German Italian Spanish
Brazilian Portuguese European
French Japanese Simplified Chinese
Korean Russian.
contact center operations
•integrate data with mainframebased documents such as sales and
marketing reports
management, social media services,
performance management and
analytics. A leader and innovator in
the communications services
industry, Avaya offers Professional
Services, Support Services and
Managed Services to help make sure
that our contact center solutions are
standards-based and aligned globally
so that you can achieve optimum
performance levels no matter where
your operations are located.
Integrates easily
Avaya CMS Supervisor uses your
existing TCP/IP Ethernet LAN
connections to access the CMS server.
It can be loaded onto your server,
downloaded to networked PCs or
accessed via a Web-based interface,
Helping you track progress toward
your contact center objectives, Avaya
CMS Supervisor includes more than
200 preformatted reports, a free
custom report package and direct
access to CMS data using IBM®
Informix® ODBC and JDBC drivers.
enabling you to:
•analyze call flow
•match agent resources and skills
based on call volume and caller
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Additional Information
Product Manager: Vineet Sood vineetso@avaya.com
Product Marketing: Wendy Mikkelsen wmikkels@avaya.com
ATAC support:
For US, Canada – atac@avaya.com or call 1.888.297.4700 or 720.444.7700
For EMEA – atacemea@avaya.com or call 31.70.414.8099
For CALA – ataccala@avaya.com or call 1.888.297.4700 or 720.444.7700
For APAC – atacapac@avaya.com or call 31.70.414.8099 or 720.444.7700
Submit a request at: https://atac.avaya.com/Technicenter.asp
For more information contact your Avaya Account Manager or Authorized Partner
today or visit us at avaya.com and click Contact Centers.
System Requirements
• The Sun SPARC Enterprise T4-2 server running Solaris
• RedHat Linux 6.4 running on Dell servers
– Dell 620 Low – Intel quad-core, 2.0 Ghz CPU, 8 GB memory, single 300 GB hard disk (no RAID), DVD R/W, 4 10/100/1000 NIC ports, External SAS HBA,
single 495 W power supply, H710i Raid HBA installed but not enabled.
– Dell 620 Mid – Intel quad-core, 2,0 Ghz CPU, 16 GB memory, four 300 GB hard disks in RAID 10 configuration, 4 10/100/1000 NIC ports, External SAS HBA, single 495 W power supply, H710i Raid HBA, RAID 10 enabled.
CMS Supervisor Windows Client Requirements
Citrix XenApp 5 or 6.5 with Windows 2008 server (for thin client) or the following for
desktop deployment:
• Pentium® II or compatible 233 MHz (minimum) or 500 MHz (recommended)
or higher processor
• 64 MB RAM (minimum), or 256 MB or higher (recommended)
About Avaya
Avaya is a global
provider of business
collaboration and
solutions, providing
unified communications,
contact centers,
networking and related
services to companies
of all sizes around
the world. For more
information please visit
| avaya.com
• Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista Enterprise,
and Windows 7.
• 50 MB disk space
• CD-ROM installation (unless Avaya CMS Supervisor is launched from a server)
• LAN connectivity—Winsock 1.1 or later compliant network TCP/IP protocol stack
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