Fall 2015 Advising period resumes........................................................... Aug. 17 Residence halls open for FRESHMEN ONLY............................. Aug. 21 Residence halls open for returning students............................. Aug. 22 tudents S U K E r fo stration New Student Days begin........................................................... Aug. 23 Classes begin............................................................................. Aug. 24 Web Regi . eku.edu at www. e t . i t s c b e e r w KU Di he EKU ck on E on to t ge, cli a p 1. Log . e m o dashes) m the h ID – no ow. 2. Fro N U K n E i g r o you ck L (Enter 3. Cli User ID mber). r u e n t n t E i g 4. d Menu. N (6-di I P r e cial Ai t n a n i F 5. En n. s and ck Logi Service 6. Cli tudent S n o . k c it Term tion. 7. Cli ck Subm i egistra l R . c s k e , c s r i s o l a r f 8. C Drop Cl registe ch. ode). ck Add/ ss Sear wish to ccess C A u o n 9. 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Mak o o pr e at a ox is l n tion by b o c m—this e r e s s o h e F T s e s s cla ted. cour ister e selec or your ust reg ose the you hav ister f . You m g 15. Cho b g e a n r the r l i o t f u a s o i x y d the bo ure an class l d that t h e c t d e o n l b e a LINK m a n m eco ill be lick i equire w c r e o s r t It is r e e s h d s t cla ’t, ually ll nee e: Some you don der. Us —you wi Not o consi lab! If ogether t t e s h e e t s m e i . r h t t hrs for t box fo s and 0 credi ent day and the he have 0. e differ t b om of t s lecture t o y t m a o m b d There o the t itle an t l l e o h r t ERROR! in s), sc ill be e box(e “LAB” w k in th c i l c reen. . u R er yo Drop sc EGISTE class! 16. Aft he Add/ click R t r your d o o n t f a k d n c e a r ee b e r t c u s s rs” and o i o take y LY reg dd Err L A l U l F n i S o w S i E t s C UC gistra 17. Thi T YOU S der “Re IFY THA cated ayed un l p s VER i . s is lo d n sectio n error o ors are s i r u t r t a E a r t t S the regis ted in of all lis mplete. ription c s e d e is co l l u ul d f e h A c our s k. , until y the bac classes 12-17, on s r your p o e f t s d . e e t r l a e u e Menu. t d p s e e i h R 18. turn to our sc e ave reg y R h t k u n c o i i y r l p e e, c 19. Onc able to schedul will be of your . p e o l t u d you e e th nt Sch oll to ters e Stude l b 20. Scr a t e compu n . i played d at th ose Pr s e o i t h d a C c e o . b l 1 2 ill g are edule w ! printin 22. Sch ine too ns for o i t c u oks onl r o t b s t n x I e t . 23 your lab. eserve in the u can r o y , r e emb 24. Rem Last day to register for or add/drop full-semester classes....... Aug. 30 (Dropped classes do not appear on transcript) Holiday – Labor Day – University offices closed........................ Sept. 7 Holiday – Fall Break............................................................... Oct. 12-13 Great Journeys Begin Here. Last day to withdraw from the University................................. Nov. 15 Thanksgiving holiday begins at 9:00 p.m. ........................... Nov. 25-27 (Evening classes will meet Nov 24) Classes resume........................................................................... Nov. 30 Classes end.................................................................................. Dec. 5 Final exams begin........................................................................ Dec. 7 Final exams end......................................................................... Dec. 12 Commencement exercises 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. .............................Dec. 12 Final grades are due at 1 p.m. .................................................. Dec. 14 Spring 2016 Holiday - University offices closed.............................................. Jan. 18 Advising period resumes............................................................ Jan. 19 Residence halls open.................................................................. Jan. 22 Classes begin.............................................................................. Jan. 25 Last day to register for or add/drop full-semester classes........ Jan. 31 Last day to “withdraw” from the University............................... Apr. 17 Spring break begins......................................................................... TBA Classes resume................................................................................. TBA Classes end................................................................................... May 7 Final exams begin......................................................................... May 9 Final exams end.......................................................................... May 14 Commencement exercises 10 a.m. & 3 p.m. ............................. May 14 Final grades due at 1 p.m. ......................................................... May 16 OFFICE OF FIRST YEAR PROGRAMS Whitlock 372, CPO 65 Eastern Kentucky University 521 Lancaster Avenue Richmond, Kentucky 40475 859.622 .2285 www.firstyear.eku.edu 21 Eastern Kentucky University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and educational institution and does not discriminate on the basis of age (40 and over), race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, veteran status, or genetic information in the admission to, or participation in, any educational program or activity (e.g., athletics, academics and housing) which it conducts, or in any employment policy or practice. Any complaint arising by reason of alleged discrimination should be directed to the Equal Opportunity Office, Eastern Kentucky University, Jones Building, Room 106, Coates CPO 37A, Richmond, Kentucky 40475-3102, (859) 622-8020 (V/TDD), or the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC. 20202, 1-800-421-3481(V), 1-800-877-8339(TDD). 2015 n you get e h w o d What to s r o r r E n gistratio Re ntents e of Co l b a T e Guid ntation .......... 1 .............. EKU Orie .. .. .. . . s e l edu ......... 2 ion Sch .............. .. .. .. .. Orientat .. . . ams ........ 3 ar Progr .............. .. .. .. .. . . First Ye n matio ......... 3 r Infor .............. s ir a Transfe f f n A ..... 4-5 & Vetera .............. .. .. .. .. Military .. .. ing.. ........ 6 y Hous .............. .. .. .. .. .. Universit .. ...... ........ 6 1 Card...... .............. .. .. .. .. .. Colonel .. ........ ........ 7 ervices.. uchers.. o V k Dining S o o B ......... 8 kstore & .............. .. .. .. .. EKU Boo .. .. ...... ......... 8 Safety.. .............. .. . . n io Campus t a port ......... 9 & Trans ting........ s e T Parking & ess ... 10-11 ic Readin es.......... ic v r e Academ S ting .........11 Accoun .............. .. .. .. .. .. Student .. t en ... 12-13 Employm .............. .. .. .. .. .. Student .. ........ ... 14-15 l Aid...... .............. .. .. .. .. Financia .. .. ing.... ic Advis inars Academ ss Sem e ....... 16 c c u S .............. .. .. .. s Student ie it mun ........17 ing Com p............ O o & Learn C g & ........17 ounselin .............. .. .. .. .. Career C .. .. es.... ......... 18 g Servic mation.. r o f n Tutorin I rar ........ 19 y Regist .............. .. .. .. .. Universit .. .. ...... ..21-23 tion........ .............. .. .. .. .. .. Registra .. n...... Cover gistratio .... Back .. .. .. .. .. Web Re .. dar.... 15 Calen 2015-20 Request an override BY NAME. Read any Registration Error Message carefully. Look under STATUS. This will tell you which specific override you require. If you receive an override you MUST hand enter the CRN(s) into the boxes at the bottom of the Add/Drop page, and then chose SUBMIT CHANGES. in Here. the n Program is to aid in tio ta ien Or ity rs ive Un stern Kentucky The mission of the Ea oviding useful to the University by pr s lie mi fa eir th d an ents transition of new stud atmosphere We seek to create an t. en llm ro en se ur co prior to and timely information ces and ll highlight many servi wi ide gu is Th U. EK nnection to of excitement and a co ientation day. completion of the Or ul sf es cc su te ita cil programs and help fa ERROR MESSAGE DEFINITION SOLUTION CLOSED SECTION Section is full – no seats available. Choose a different section. OR It is possible to ask the department chair for a Capacity Override. However, the chair may say “no.” CLASS RESTRICTION Course is restricted to specific students based upon the number of earned hours as of the last semester completed at EKU. See DegreeWorks audit for the number of hours you have completed. Select a different course. OR You may request a Class Restriction Override through the dean’s office of the college offering the class. CLOSED SECTION – X This section is cross listed with another section and both sections meet in the same room. That room is now FULL. Choose a different section. OR It is possible to ask the department chair for a Capacity Override. However, the chair may say “no.” SECTION NOT AVAILABLE FOR WEB ADD/DROP The section has been cancelled. The department is no longer offering this specific section. Choose a different section. COURSE STATUS DATES NOT WITHIN RANGE FOR PART OF TERM That registration activity is no longer available at this time. It is too late to add this course to your schedule. It is possible to add a course late, but this requires a completed request form (Request for Late Enrollment) including instructor, department chair and dean’s signature. CORQ_SUBJECT COURSE NUMBER REQ (example: CORQ_ELE 446G REQ) One or more separate courses may be required to be taken at the same time. These courses are called co-requisites. (See course description in catalog.) Register for co-requisites by clicking the desired CRNs and then submit together; or place the CRNs in the boxes at the bottom of your Add/Drop page and submit together; or you may request a Co-Req Override from the department chair. DUPLICATE COURSE You are already in that section, or have dropped that section, either way it already exists on your schedule. Check the registration status for that section. If you have dropped it you will see, “Dropped by Web.” To get back into the class, go to “Add/Drop Classes,” then next to that CRN click the drop box, and select “Re-register dropped course.” Click submit button. “Reregister Dropped Course” from the drop down registration menu. Do NOT re-enter the CRN into one of the boxes at the bottom of the Add/Drop page. LEVEL RESTRICTION Course is restricted to a specific level (Graduate or Undergraduate). Undergraduate students wishing to enroll in graduate courses need special permission from the Graduate School Office. Permission is granted in the form of a Level Restriction Override. LINK ERROR A1 REQUIRED (or A2, or B1 or B2, etc) This course requires the simultaneous registration in both a lecture and laboratory section. You have tried to register in a class without the corresponding lab or lecture section. Register for both the lecture and one of the linked labs simultaneously. Often linked labs are listed directly underneath the lecture classes. Submit the CRN for the lecture and linked lab at the same time. FIELD OF STUDY RESTRICTION Class is restricted to specific majors. Special permission and a Field of Study Override (sometimes referred to as Major Restriction Override) must be obtained from the department chair. MAXIMUM HOURS EXCEEDED Registration exceeds the maximum number of hours allowed for that student for that specific semester. Permission to register for more hours must be obtained from the dean of the student’s major. PROGRAM RESTRICTION This section is restricted to students in specific programs. Change your major to that program. OR Contact department and request a Program Restriction Override. PRE-REQ and/or TEST ERROR Class requires a pre-requisite or a specific test score. (See course description in catalog.) Pre-requisite and/or a specific test must be completed before you are allowed to register. OR You may request a Pre-Requisite Override from the department chair. REPEAT LIMIT EXCEEDS HOURS This is a message warning that the student has enrolled in the course at least twice before. The student must obtain a Repeat Limit Override (from the Dean’s office of their major) or the Registrar will drop them from the class. The student will be emailed by the Registrar’s Office. TIME CONFLICT WITH (CRN XXXXX) The section is conflicting with another section already on the student’s schedule. Select a section that meets at a different time. OR Student may request a Time Conflict Override from the department chair. (see “STATUS”) ys Beg t Journe Grea An override for a section does NOT register you into that section. An override only gives permission to register. After you have been given an override you must go online and add the class by typing the Course Registration Number (CRN) into the box located at the bottom of the Add/Drop screen. You may need more than one override. You will need a specific and separate override for each registration error. 22 come visit the REGISTRATION EXPERTS. Having Registration problems/questions? Call or Registrar, Whitlock, Room 239, (859) 622-2320. Our office exists just to help you! Office of the 23 2015 Orientation Schedules Schedule Student Orientation ng, 1st Floor Lobby -In – Whitlock Buildi 8–9:30 a.m. .......... Check e representatives lleg Co -College Showcase – ation & orm inf are available to provide answer questions. -Campus Tours nal ProgramsWelcome & Informatio .... ..... 9:30–11 a.m. onnell Hall Whitlock Building, O’D ientation Leaders – rning Meeting with Or 11–11:30 a.m. ........... Mo Various Locations ll Building & Showcase – Powe 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. .... Lunch available are es ativ Department represent s. to answer question ientation Leaders – noon Meeting with Or ... 1 p.m. ................. After well Building, Lobby Meet your leader at Po Various Locations ising & Registration – 1:30 p.m. ............... Adv ilding, 1st Floor Lobby eption – Whitlock Bu ion. 3:30 p.m. .............. Rec guests at the recept Meet your family and you leave today! EKU Bookstore before Be sure to visit the entation Schedule Family & Guest Ori nd bby Building, 2 Floor Lo eck-In – Whitlock Ch .. ..... ..... are . a.m ves ati :30 8–9 – College represent -College Showcase ions. est qu r we information & ans available to provide -Campus Tours ational Programs Welcome & Inform ... ..... ..... 9:30–11 a.m. O’Donnell Hall Whitlock Building, Program - rning Family & Guest 11–11:30 a.m. ............. Mo ell Hall onn O’D Whitlock Building, ll Building we Po – nch & Showcase 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. ...... Lu are available to ves ati ent Department repres answer questions. ilding turn to Whitlock Bu 1 p.m. ...................... Re Program - est Gu & ily Fam ternoon 1:10 p.m. .................. Af O’Donnell Hall Whitlock Building, st ilding, 1 Floor Lobby tion – Whitlock Bu cep Re .... ..... ..... . . . 3:30 p.m at the reception. Meet your students EKU Orientation Le aders work throug hout the year to as sist new students they begin their EKU as college career. Thes e students are your peers. They will si next to you in clas t ses, participate in many of the same organizations on ca and possibly live ne mpus xt to you in the re sidence halls. Thes e students are invol in a variety of activ ved ities and academic programs. Their ro le is to guide new students through the process of Or ientation, including registering for clas answering questions ses, and providing suppor t for the entire fami ly. You will see these students again in August at Colone l Camp and New St udent Days where they w ill help make your Staff transition to college s m ogra easier. Get to know ler ar Pr them because they e Y h Mil t t will be a great e s B r i i F Lor resource for you to ullins r, Dr. day and in the futu o t c e son B r i re. Remember, l l Di A r, I, GREAT JOURNEYS tant dinato s r i BEGIN HERE at Or s o s o A -C ientation TODAY! ative inistr ns te, -Admia Hopki socia s A Elis e fic nts, or Of sista an s A -Seniey Stull n io cGow entat Cas & Oriell, Kelly M e t a u -Gradca Blackwurray Bec ffany M & Ti 1 First Year Programs The Office of First Year Programs provides Orientation services and facilitates many educational and social programs for new students and their families. For more information about these programs, please visit our website at www.firstyear.eku.edu. Colonel Camp 2015 First Year Programs is launching its 9th annual Colonel Camp! This camp will be available to incoming first year students from August 8-11. The four-day, three-night program will give new students the opportunity to participate in a variety of bonding and leadership experiences with other first year students while learning about EKU and a variety of extracurricular activities. Camp participants can move in early and get a jumpstart on building friendships. www.firstyear.eku.edu/Colonel-Camp New Student Days 2015 The 15th annual New Student Days (NSD) kicks off on Sunday, August 23, 2015, and continues throughout the first weeks of classes. The mission of New Student Days is to help students transition to EKU, learn about campus services and activities, and meet other new students. NSD allows new students (transfers and freshmen) to join together and participate in a variety of academic and social events. NSD is required for all new students and is incorporated into the curriculum of the Student Success Seminars. www.firstyear.eku.edu/nsd EKU Reads Program The EKU Reads program provides new students with a common introduction to academic life at EKU. Each fall, EKU engages in a discussion of a book through a variety of first year classes. First year English classes often adopt the book, and many other faculty members feature the book in their classes. Students receive the book free if it is used in their class. Approximately 2,300 students will participate this year. www.firstyear.eku.edu/eku-reads EKU Family Programs The Eastern Family Network was established during the summer of 2000 to get parents and other family members involved with EKU and in their individual student’s educational process. Today there are nearly 7,500 families involved in the Eastern Family Network. By informing parents and family members about campus happenings, we hope members are better equipped to support and understand as their student experiences the joys and challenges of college life. The Eastern Family Network sponsors several projects and events throughout the year, including the EKU Family Guide, Campus Link Newsletters and Family Weekend. www.familyweekend.eku.edu Family Weekend 2015 Eastern Kentucky University invites you to Family Weekend, September 25-27, 2015. There will be events of interest to all, including sporting events, novelty family activities, a picnic with the President, golf at Arlington Country Club and more! Join us for a weekend of fun and captivating activities with the entire family. Seize this opportunity to truly experience the EKU community. Additional information about Family Weekend will be sent to the permanent address of all EKU students this summer. www.familyweekend.eku.edu 2 Transfer Information Eastern Kentucky University welcomes transfer students from other accredited colleges and universities. Eastern Kentucky University awards credit in transfer for undergraduate courses completed at colleges and universities accredited by the following regional accrediting agencies: • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools • Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools • North Central Association of Colleges and Schools • New England Association of Schools and Colleges • Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges • Western Association of Schools and Colleges Determination of Course Equivalencies When an acceptable transfer course, which has never been evaluated before, is presented to EKU for consideration, EKU records the course as acceptable for credit but unevaluated. The Transfer Center forwards the course description to the appropriate academic department for review and consideration. The academic department determines whether to award an exact equivalency, a subject/discipline elective, or a generic free elective depending on course content and learning objectives. In some instances the department will request that the student provide a syllabus in order to evaluate the course. The academic department or Transfer Center can recommend that a course be considered for general education applicability even if an exact equivalency is not awarded. Students wishing to appeal the evaluation of transfer credit should consult with the Student Outreach and Transition Office. KCTCS Students with AA, AS Degrees or General Education Certification KCTCS students who transfer to EKU with an AA or AS degree earned since May 1995 at a KCTCS institution or whose transcript is stamped “General Education Certified” will be deemed to have met all EKU general education requirements with the exception of those specifically needed for a student’s major. Students with applied degrees (AAS) from KCTCS institutions will NOT be general education fully certified at EKU unless a notation is included on their transcripts from the sending (KCTCS) institution. For more information visit www.soto.eku.edu/transferstudents. Military & Veteran Affairs The Office of Military and Veterans Affairs is your Reception Station at EKU. We are located in the Burnam House at 317 Lancaster Avenue, next door to Irvine McDowell Park. Make us your first stop on campus! Some things to remember: • To utilize your GI Bill education benefits, you will need to fill out the Veterans Online Application (VONAPP) at www.vabenefits.vba.va.gov/vonapp/main.asp. • The VONAPP can take up to 6-8 weeks for processing, so it is important to do this as soon as possible to avoid a delay in your benefit payments. • All military, veteran and dependent students must complete an electronic Course Enrollment Form at www.va.eku.edu/course in order to initiate the processing of their claim to the VA for payment. This should be done every semester after registration. Remember - Course Enrollment Form = Money $$$ • To receive credit for Military Service, please see the Military and Veteran Affairs Office to fill out a form for your Joint Service Transcript to be requested. For more information, or if you have questions, please stop by the office, or call (859) 622-2345. We look forward to seeing you at EKU! 3 Housing Welcome to EKU Housing! We look forward to providing you with convenient and comfortable living accommodations. As one of the largest residential programs in the Commonwealth, we are proud to offer a variety of housing options and services at an extremely affordable cost. We hope that you will find the following information helpful and easy to use. Our website offers even more information, including views of rooms in each residence hall, room dimensions and other important facts. Visit the website at www.housing.eku.edu. What is Provided Each residence hall room is furnished with two single beds, two desks, two desk chairs, two dressers, two closets, window blinds, one mini-refrigerator, two computer hookups, one cable TV hookup and one wastebasket. All residence halls also have wireless internet access throughout each building. Students must provide their own coax cable. We encourage students to contact their roommates to discuss what each person is bringing to campus. What to Bring Most Important Items You are encouraged to make your residence hall room as comfortable and attractive as you wish. Some of the most important items to consider bringing are: •Twin-size linens (extra-long) •Towels and washcloths •Toiletry items •Pots, pans or other cooking utensils •Cups, plates and silverware •School supplies •Laundry detergent and •Coat hangers quarters for laundry •A bath/shower caddy and flip flops •Plastic storage containers •Alarm clocks •Power strips (surge protectors) NOTE: Closet space is limited; please plan accordingly Decorating Decorations for your residence hall room could include the following items: •Curtains •Photographs •Plants •Posters •Small rug or carpet remnant •Floor lamp (halogen lamps must have a guard in place) While you cannot damage the room with nails, paint, etc., you may use things such as tacky putty or double-sided adhesive tape to hang items on walls. Permitted Appliances and Electronics To make your stay more convenient, you are encouraged to bring appliances such as: •Hairdryers •TV •DVD player •Stereo •Video gaming system •Coffeemaker (with auto shutoff) What NOT to Bring Some items not allowed for safety and health reasons: •Hot plates •Toaster ovens •Deep fryers •Electric frying pans •“George Foreman” grills •Sandwich makers • Pop-up toasters •Candles •Electric heaters •Animals (except fish) • Any type of gun or weapon Helpful Hints Here are several suggestions to make the moving-in process easier and more enjoyable. Before leaving home: •Make a packing list and check it. •Put all official paperwork into a file or large envelope to bring with you. •Coordinate with your roommate what to bring. •Remember, you don’t have to bring everything on your first trip. You will be home soon and can pick up any missed or needed items. •Remember to give friends and family your new address. On Move-In Day Residence hall check-in begins at 8 a.m. on August 21 (for first year students participating in Move-in Mania Weekend). New students may sign up for Move-in Mania by either completing the sign up card you will receive at Orientation OR by going to www.housing.eku.edu and following the links for Move-in Mania. Students will be assigned specific move-in time periods prior to their arrival. Letters will be sent to all students with their assigned times, move-in day parking information, maps to the halls and other pertinent move-in day information. We ask students and their families to arrive at their residence hall within their allotted time period on move-in day to allow for smoother on-campus traffic and shorter check-in lines in each hall. Here are some things that will help you enjoy your move-in experience: • Have patience and keep a sense of humor. Many people will be checking in and traffic may be heavy. The more patience you display, the better. • BRING A DOLLY to assist with moving. • Check the weather forecast for rain. • Wear comfortable clothing. • Meet and talk with your Residence Hall Coordinator and Resident Assistant (hall staff for the building). Safety and Security All residence halls are equipped with access control entry systems. Students must enter through and unlock the front doors of their building with a key fob provided to them at check-in. You will also need to swipe your student ID through a reader at the front desk, so you should carry your key fob, room key and ID with you any time you leave your residence hall. Here are a few suggestions of things to help keep yourself and your belongings safe: • Consider insurance options – possibly renter’s or your parents’ homeowner’s. • Engrave your EKU student ID number on personal property such as TVs, bicycles, stereos, etc. • Lock your residence hall room door whenever you leave your room. For answers to frequently asked housing questions go to www.housing.eku.edu/future-residents-faq. 4 5 Colonel 1 Card Required Meal Plans University Card Services provides students with a variety of services regarding their EKU student identification card, the Colonel 1 Card. This identification card is used for meal plans and Colonel Cash. Colonel Cash may be used at laundry facilities in the residence halls, EKU Bookstore, and participating off-campus merchants. In addition, EKU has partnered with Higher One for refund disbursements and to add optional banking solutions. University Card Services is responsible for issuing new and replacement identification cards. The Office will troubleshoot any issues that students may have with their card or on-campus accounts associated with their card. For questions related to Higher One accounts, students may call the Colonel 1 Card customer support line at 800-815-5448. Students, faculty and staff may purchase meal plans and add funds to their accounts in the University Card Services Office. The Colonel 1 Card allows students access to the following: •Athletic events •University library facilities •Check cashing •Campus recreation •University sponsored events •Student health services The Colonel 1 Card has three different accounts associated with the card: • Colonel Cash - A prepaid account that can be used at EKU Dining Services locations and participating off campus merchants www.colonelonecard.eku. edu/participating-colonel-cah-merchants, the EKU Bookstore and laundry facilities within residence halls. Balances on this account will carry over from year-to-year. • Meal Plans - EKU Dining Services has several different meal plans to accommodate students’ needs. Meal plans can be used at any EKU Dining Services location. Please check with EKU Dining Services regarding terms and conditions associated with meal plans. Please note that EKU Dining Services follows the same refund schedule, for full term, which is outlined by the University. (See refund policy above.) EKU’s Colonel Compass www.colonelscompass.eku.edu lists all important dates and deadlines associated with each term. • Optional Flex - A prepaid account that can be used at any EKU Dining Services location. Please check with EKU Dining Services regarding terms and conditions associated with this account. EKU Dining EKU Dining Services offers students a wide variety of dining options designed to fit your individual dining style. Students can dine in our all-you-care-to-eat restaurant, the Fresh Food Company, as well as enjoy a variety of restaurants and shop in our on-campus convenience stores. Meals Signing up for a meal plan gives you a better value and convenience. You can use your meals in the Fresh Food Company, where you will experience world cuisine as well as traditional Kentucky favorites, and at Stratton Café for certain combos. Meals can also be used as “Meal Exchange,” meaning you can exchange one Fresh Food Company meal for specific meals in the Fountain Food Court from Sunday – Thursday, 8 p.m. - 2 a.m. Flex Dollars 6 The other part of the meal plan is Flex Dollars that give you even more convenience and options. Flex Dollars can be used in all restaurants and convenience stores on campus. Flex Dollars transfer from fall to spring semester but expire at the end of the spring semester. For more information, please go to www.ekudining.com. All freshmen residents who have not completed one full fall and spring semester are required to purchase a Residential Meal Plan. For upperclassmen and commuter students, meal plans are optional. However, many purchase meal plans to help manage the money they spend on food in a safe and economical way. Students may sign up for meal plans via their EKU Direct Account under the “Student Services” section. For questions concerning meal plans or to see a list of plans, visit www.ekudining.com or contact the Colonel 1 Card Office at www.colonel1card.eku.edu or (859) 622-2179. Bookstore The Barnes & Noble @ EKU Bookstore in the Keen Johnson Building is your one stop shop for textbook RENTALS and officially licensed EKU apparel. RENTING your textbooks at B&N @ EKU can save you 30% to 80% off new book pricing! Visit us online at www.shopeku.com to reserve your books for the upcoming semester and get first choice on USED RENTALS. You may also order through EKU DIRECT by choosing Student Services and Financial Aid, Registration and Order Your Books Online. Whether you are looking for rental books, used books or eTextbooks, we have all the options. See a bookseller for all the details about rental and digital books—with all these options, there’s never been a better time to save on books! Online textbook orders for each semester can be picked up at the Barnes & Noble @ EKU Bookstore beginning the week before classes start. Let us do the searching and packing for you—all you do is the pickup. You may also choose convenient home delivery via UPS. When the semester winds down, return your rentals back to the campus bookstore and sell any other books you may have for up to 50% cash back. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! In order to use incoming student financial aid to purchase books, you must first be authorized to receive a Book Voucher. How do Book Vouchers work? To summarize, if you have enough financial aid funds remaining after the funds are applied to all your other expenses, you may qualify for a voucher. Book Vouchers Those students who will be receiving enough financial aid to cover all their cost of attendance (tuition, housing and meal plan) and still have additional funds left over are eligible to use those funds to pay for books by using a Book Voucher. Book Vouchers are used at the EKU Bookstore and can be requested from your EKU DIRECT account. All students wishing to purchase their books on account MUST have a voucher to do so. Only those students who are eligible for financial aid and have signed a Title IV Authorization form can request a book voucher. The voucher program is active starting two weeks before the first day of class for any given term. The program ends two weeks after the first day of classes. The value of vouchers is dependent on the amount of financial aid available. They are given in increments of $250, $500 and $750. The student can choose the amount of the voucher offered if he or she prefers a lesser amount. For students relying on the book voucher program to purchase books, he or she should complete a FAFSA for the upcoming year as soon as possible but no later than July 1 to receive books for the fall semester. After completing the FAFSA it is also important that students verify in EKU Direct that the Financial Aid Office is not requesting additional paperwork. 7 Campus Security The University strives to provide our students with a safe environment. For your safety we provide: • A campus-wide shuttle service • Residence Hall Card Access System allowing • Blue light emergency phones placed throughout controlled entry by residents only, as well as a the campus linked directly to EKU Police call box located at the entry of each hall for • Escort service provided by the EKU Police visitors to contact a resident for entry and Department escort within the building • Well-lighted walkways for students going to class, the library and other facilities on campus at night Public Safety The Department of Public Safety provides a wide range of services to keep the University community safe and secure. These services include: • Police Department • Emergency Management • Environmental Health and Safety EKU police officers provide 24-hour patrol of campus buildings, parking lots, residence hall exteriors and campus grounds. Patrol is by motor vehicle, bicycle and on foot. Visit us at www.police.eku.edu. Student Parking How to Register for a Student Parking Permit Online 1. Go to www.eku.edu, and login to EKU Direct. 2. Click on “Vehicle Registration.” 3. Select the correct permit type from the drop down menu and click “Continue.” Developmental Education The Developmental Education and Academic Readiness Program at EKU helps students achieve academic success by developing or enhancing skill level proficiencies for lifelong learning. Students must demonstrate basic skill proficiencies in the areas of reading, writing and mathematics as determined by ACT, SAT, KYOTE, COMPASS or EKU placement test scores. Students identified as needing additional help in these basic skill areas are required to enroll in developmental-level college readiness courses designed to improve academic skills. Students are responsible for having ACT, SAT, KYOTE or COMPASS scores sent to and on file at EKU. Students needing developmental or college readiness coursework are required to enroll in the specified courses during the first and each subsequent semester of enrollment, excluding summer, until all developmental or college readiness requirements are completed. Students are given two consecutive attempts to complete each developmental need, and must complete all required developmental courses by the end of the term in which the 45th attempted credit hour is attained, including developmental hours. Withdrawal from a developmental course counts as one semester of university enrollment toward the attempted completion of a developmental requirement. For more information, please see our website www.developmentaleducation.eku.edu. Success First! Eastern Bridge and Summer Bridge Programs The Eastern Bridge program is a high school-to-college transition program for students admitted under the Success First initiative. It is designed to support students throughout college with classes and services that help them on their journey to earning a degree. The program provides students with resources such as advising, academic support and a dedicated mentor at the University to answer questions and address problems that students may encounter. For more information, please see our website www.developmentaleducation.eku.edu/eastern-bridge or call (859) 622-8860. The Summer Bridge program for Success First admits is designed to give students a head-start on their freshman year by completing college-readiness courses, if needed, as well as completing credit-bearing courses. For Summer Bridge information and an application, please go to www.developmentaleducation.eku.edu/summerbridge or call (859) 622-8860. 4. Select your primary vehicle from the registered vehicles list and click “Purchase Permit.” After purchasing a permit for your primary vehicle, you may go to Parking Home (found at the top left of each page). Click on “Register Additional Vehicle.” Select or add the additional vehicle and click on “Purchase Permit.” You will need to follow this procedure for each additional vehicle you wish to register. To purchase a motorcycle permit click on “Parking Home” (found at the top left of each page). Click on “Purchase Permit.” Select the correct motorcycle from the registered vehicles list and click “Purchase Permit.” If your motorcycle is not on the registered list you will need to scroll down and click “Add A Vehicle” and fill in all the vehicle information. Remember the license plate number and/or letters need no spaces. Select the correct vehicles by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the vehicle descriptions and then click “Purchase Permit.” Credit-By-Examination 5. If you need to register a different vehicle or if your license plate has changed, you will need to scroll down and click “Add A Vehicle” and fill in all the vehicle information. Advanced Placement (AP) Scores 6. The confirmation page of your parking permit purchase is not a temporary permit or a receipt of payment. If you come to Parking & Transportation to pick up your parking permit, you will need to bring a picture ID and your EKU ID number. Your parking permit will automatically be charged to your account. If you have a change of vehicle and/or license plate number after you have registered for your permit, please contact Parking & Transportation at (859) 622-PARK or by emailing parking@eku.edu (please include your EKU ID number). 8 Academic Readiness & Testing Students may attempt to earn academic “credit-by-examination” in certain undergraduate courses by demonstrating exemplary knowledge attained through educational experiences other than university instruction. Students may earn college credit through the Advanced Placement Program (AP) in high school, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB) in high school, College Level Examination Program (CLEP®) and EKU departmental examinations. The conditions that apply to “credit-by-examination” courses are outlined on the Academic Testing website at www.testing.eku.edu. When you come to campus for Orientation and course scheduling, be sure to tell the advisor you have taken AP, CLEP® or IB tests. If possible, bring a copy of your scores with you. This information will be used in planning your first-semester course schedule. If you have questions concerning the “credit-by-examination” program, please contact the Office of Academic Testing at (859) 622-1281 or www.testing.eku.edu. What to do with your AP (Advanced Placement) Scores… • Make sure you have your AP scores sent to the Office of Academic Testing through the College Board. • Score reports need to be official, so if you did not request that your scores be sent to EKU at the time of your exam, go to http://apstudent.collegeboard.org/takingthe exam/score-reporting-services to make the request. EKU’s college code with the College Board is 1200. • AP exam credit equivalencies are listed at www.testing.eku.edu/advanced-placement-programapp or in the 2014-2015 Catalog. • Remember, AP scores from May exams are not available until early to mid-July. Questions? Call the Academic Testing Office at (859) 622-1281, email us at academic.testing@eku.edu, or stop by the Whitlock Building, Room 340. 9 Student Accounting Services The Department of Student Accounting Services provides students with a variety of convenient methods to make payments on their EKU Account. Payments can be made online by credit card or e-check or by mailing checks or money orders to Student Accounting Services in the Whitlock Building, Room 210. Checks should be made payable to Eastern Kentucky University and should include the student’s identification number. Payment on accounts is generally due at the end of the month. Bills not paid in full by the required due date are subject to a late payment fee of 10 percent of the account balance due, up to $25 per month. Student Accounting Services will send a monthly billing notification via EKU email to all students who have an outstanding account balance. The statement is sent during the first week of each month. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that his/her account is paid in a timely manner, even if a monthly billing statement is not received. The student may view his/her account online at any time by going to www.online.eku.edu. The hours of operation are: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday Installment Payment Plan Eastern Kentucky University students may choose to pay their eligible charges for fall and spring semesters using an Installment Payment Plan (IPP). Eligible charges are items such as current-semester tuition, class fees, housing, meal plans, parking permits and professional liability insurance. This installment option allows the student to make payments during the semester. Twenty-five percent of all current-semester eligible charges plus all remaining charges must be paid by the first installment payment due date. The remaining payments are required on the next three installment due dates. There is a nonrefundable Installment Payment Plan activation fee of $25. The fee is due with the second installment payment. To enroll in the IPP, students: 1.Log in to your EKU Student Web Account 2.Click on “Student Services & Financial Aid” 3.Click on “Installment Payment Plan” 4.Read and click “I agree” to the terms indicated 5.Make the required 25% payment by the due date of each term 10 Past-Due Accounts Students with past-due accounts will not be allowed to register until the account balance is paid in full. Students unable to pay the past-due account in full may visit the Student Accounting Services office to inquire about payment arrangements. Returned Checks All returned checks are subject to a $25 fee. Title IV Authorization Under current federal regulations, EKU cannot accept federal financial aid as payment for non-institutional charges, such as parking and bookstore charges, unless the student signs a Title IV Authorization form. This authorization form may be found on our website at www.studentaccounting.eku.edu or may be obtained in person at the Student Accounting Services office. This form will also be available on your Orientation day. Students Seeking Employment Students can find current on-campus job opportunities at https://jobs.eku.edu. Students must apply online and after being selected for a position, can go to Jones 203 to submit required documentation to work on campus. There are two categories of employment: Federal Work Study and Institutional Employment. Federal Work Study may be available to eligible students who have made an application for financial aid and are enrolled for a minimum of six hours for the semester. Institutional Employment is available to any student who has not applied for financial aid or does not have eligibility for Federal Work Study. Institutional student employees must be enrolled a minimum of 12 hours per semester. Positions vary and are updated frequently so students should check back often. Most pay minimum wage. Students who are interested in gaining employment off campus in local and surrounding counties can receive assistance through the Part-Time Job Placement Program. To enroll, students may contact the Center for Career and Co-op. All students employed on campus are paid via direct deposit every two weeks based on the actual number of hours worked. Students are allowed a flexible work schedule and are able to schedule their work hours around their class schedule. For more information, please contact the Human Resources Department by calling (859) 622-5094 or e-mailing human.reseources@eku.edu. The office is located in the Jones Building, Room 203. 11 Financial Aid What is Financial Aid? Financial aid helps fund your college education by supplementing contributions from you and your family. Aid is awarded in the form of grants (which do not have to be repaid), loans (which must be repaid) and work study. Financial aid starts with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). EKU will use the information provided on the FAFSA to determine what types of aid your family is eligible to receive. You can complete a FAFSA online at www.fafsa.gov. Do I have to complete the FAFSA every year? Yes. You must complete the FAFSA each academic year. You should apply as soon as possible after January 1st each year. Renewal of your financial aid package depends on your academic grade progress and completion of credit hours. Should I apply for aid if I probably will not qualify? Yes. The application is free and some types of aid, such as loans and Parent Plus Loans, are available regardless of income. When will I receive information about my financial aid award? If all requirements have been completed, financial aid award letters will be mailed to incoming freshmen beginning in April. Your award letter will give you instructions on how to view/accept/decline your awards through your EKU Direct account. How do I get my student loans to disburse to my account? If you were awarded a student loan, you will need to complete Entrance Loan Counseling and sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN). You may complete both of these requirements at www.studentloans.gov. You need to have your FAFSA PIN number to complete both the entrance counseling and the MPN. First-time freshmen must wait 30 days (federal regulation) from the first day of class for their loans to be applied to their EKU account. Students must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours to receive a loan. What happens if my FAFSA is selected for verification? Each year, the Department of Education randomly selects a percentage of students for a process called verification. If you are notified that you have been selected for verification, you will not receive your financial aid award package until after the verification process is completed. Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) processes all of EKU’s verification files. If you have been contacted by KHEAA to complete verification paperwork, you will need to respond to them as soon as possible. You may complete those requirements online at www.kheaa.com. 12 How do I receive my KEES money? The Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship is awarded to students who have graduated from a Kentucky high school. If you are eligible for the KEES scholarship award, you will be notified by the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority. KEES funds are typically placed in your student account one month after the first day of class each semester. KEES monies can be used to pay for any charges that you may have at EKU. If you have questions regarding your KEES award amount you may review your status online at www.kheaa.com or by calling KHEAA at 1-800-928-8926. When will my EKU scholarship be applied to my account? If you have received an EKU merit scholarship it will be applied to your account approximately a week before the first day of class. How do I have a non-EKU scholarship sent to the university? If you are receiving an outside scholarship, the EKU Financial Aid Office must count this scholarship as part of your financial aid award. All outside scholarship checks may be mailed to the EKU Student Accounting Office; 521 Lancaster Avenue, Whitlock CPO 60, Richmond, KY 40475. Who do I need to contact if I have a special circumstance or questions about my financial aid? You can contact or visit the Office of Student Financial Assistance and ask to speak with a counselor to discuss your circumstances. The phone number for the EKU Office of Student Financial Assistance is (859) 622-2361 and the office is located at Whitlock Building, Room 251. How many credits are required to receive financial aid? Generally, students must be enrolled at least half time (6 undergraduate credit hours) in required coursework to receive most types of federal and state financial aid. What is the loan limit for a freshman? A freshman dependent student loan limit is $5,500 for the academic year – students will receive half of this amount in the fall semester and the other half in the spring semester. How does my parent apply for a PLUS loan? Your parent must “Request a Direct PLUS Loan” online, submit to a credit check and sign a PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN) at www.studentloans.gov. The parent borrower must have a federal PIN number (apply www.pin.ed.gov) in order to apply for a PLUS loan. What if my parent is denied a PLUS loan? You may contact our office to request an additional Unsubsidized Loan of $4,000. How do I contact the EKU Student Financial Assistance Office? The office phone number is (859) 622-2361 and the office hours are Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m; Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Website: www.finaid.eku.edu. Email: finaid@eku.edu. 13 Academic Advising As a part of Orientation, you will print a DegreeWorks worksheet. This is an outline of the course requirements for your chosen major. If you are an Exploratory (undecided) or College Readiness student, your worksheet will only reflect the general education requirements. During Orientation, you will meet with an advisor who will assist you in creating your course schedule for the upcoming semester. After meeting with an advisor, if needed you can receive assistance in registering for your classes for the next semester. Following the Orientation date, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your academic advisor. Their names and contact information can be found on your DegreeWorks worksheet located in EKU Direct (the University’s computer-based student information system). You will need to meet with your advisor a minimum of two times a year regarding course scheduling. In preparation for the spring semester, you should meet with your advisor in October. In preparation for summer/fall semesters, you should meet with your advisor in March. If you have any concerns or issues regarding University academic policies or processes throughout the semester, please feel free to contact your advisor. For specific fall, spring or summer registration dates, refer to the Colonel’s Compass, www.colonelscompass.eku.edu. The University Advising Office serves Exploratory and College Readiness students and is located in the Whitlock Building, Room 347. The office has full-time professional advisors available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday to assist undecided students. Visit us at www.advising.eku.edu or call (859) 622-2276. General Education The purpose of the general education program at EKU is to promote learning that is central to intellectual pursuits, enabling students to make informed choices about matters of public and personal significance. The general education curriculum is a required component of any bachelor’s degree program. It consists of course requirements in broad areas referred to as “elements.” Associate degree programs have slightly different requirements. The complete general education program and requirements are outlined in section four (General Academic Information) of the Eastern Kentucky University Undergraduate Catalog. This catalog can be viewed online at www.undergradstudies.eku.edu/catalog. Course Load The typical course load for first-semester students is 12-16 hours. Students enrolled in two or more developmental courses are limited to 12 hours. The maximum load for students is 18 hours unless approval is provided by the dean of the college of the student’s major. The final selection of courses and the total course load will vary for each individual student. Factors such as the student’s academic background, job/family responsibilities, etc., should be considered when making final course selections. Students taking 15 hours per semester will stay on track in most programs to graduate within four years, which is highly encouraged by EKU. Class days are listed using the following abbreviations: M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday 14 F = Friday S = Saturday U = Sunday Tips for Academic Success Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes meet for 50 minutes each period. Tuesday-Thursday classes meet for 1 hour and 15 minutes each period. Evening classes usually meet once or twice a week from 1800 - 2045 (6 p.m. - 8:45 p.m.). Other class meeting times are clearly indicated in the schedule bulletins. Most classes are scheduled during the following time periods: Monday-Wednesday-Friday (MWF) 0800 - 0850 0905 - 0955 1010 - 1100 1115 - 1205 1220 - 1310 1325 - 1415 1430 - 1520 1535 - 1625 1640 - 1730 (8 a.m. - 8:50 a.m.) (9:05 a.m. - 9:55 a.m.) (10:10 a.m. - 11 a.m.) (11:15 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.) (12:20 p.m. - 1:10 p.m.) (1:25 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.) (2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.) (3:35 p.m. - 4:25 p.m.) (4:40 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.) Tuesday-Thursday (TR) 0800 - 0915 0930 - 1045 1100 - 1215 1230 - 1345 1400 - 1515 1530 - 1645 (8 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.) (9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.) (11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.) (12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.) (2 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.) (3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.) • Go to class! Arrive early and stay for the whole period. • Sit in the front of the classroom. • Pay attention and take notes. • Participate in class discussion. • Make at least two friends in each class that you can count on to take notes in case you have to miss. • Get their phone numbers and call them before the next class to find out what you missed. • Review material each night after class. • Do not procrastinate! Study in advance of quizzes, midterms and finals. • Turn in all assignments on time. Give yourself enough time to do multiple drafts and to check your work. • If you have free time between classes, do not go back to your room. Find a place on campus to study. • See your professor during office hours. They take note of students who are trying to succeed. • Establish regular study hours. Build time into each day for studying. • Keep a calendar or planner for organization. Write down due dates and exam dates for each class. • Write down registration deadlines. Academic Resources Academic Advising: www.advising.eku.edu Have a question about declaring or changing a major? Need assistance with course planning? Struggling in a course and need advice? • Contact the University Advising Office • Whitlock Building, Room 347: (859) 622-2276 Academic Testing: www.testing.eku.edu Do you have AP credits? In order to get credit for these you must have all AP test information sent to EKU within your first 30 hours of EKU enrollment. • Contact the Academic Testing Office • Whitlock Building, Room 340: (859) 622-1281 Tutoring Schedule: www.tutoring.eku.edu Helpful resources to ensure your academic success at EKU. Undergraduate Catalog: www.catalogs.eku.edu Locate course descriptions, University policies, program information, contact information for all University departments. DegreeWorks Audit: www.registrar.eku.edu/links/degreeworks Learn the requirements for your specific program! Your DegreeWorks audit shows completed and remaining courses needed for graduation and is used for advising and registration purposes. Colonel’s Compass: www.colonelscompass.eku.edu Find important advising and registration dates, guides to registration, important calendars with deadline information. EKU Student E-mail Account: www.it.eku.edu/support/email Please check regularly! This is considered official, secure communication at EKU. 15 Student Success Seminars As a new first-year student at EKU, you will enroll in a Student Success Seminar during your first semester. This course will introduce you to academic and student life at EKU and equip you with the tools necessary to be successful in college. The specific course you are assigned will depend on whether you have declared a major. All full time first-year students are required to enroll in and successfully complete a Student Success Seminar during their first semester at EKU. Student Success Seminars are a requirement for graduation. If you are undeclared or are majoring in psychology you will take: GSD 101 – Foundations of Learning (3 hours) This course provides foundational knowledge and skills in critical and creative thinking, introduces students to academic and student life at EKU, and includes a unit on major and career exploration. GSD 101 fulfills the one hour Student Success Seminar requirement and provides two additional credit hours of electives. If you have selected a major other than psychology, you will take one of the College-Specific Student Success Seminars (1 hour) below: ASO 100 – Arts & Sciences Majors Only HSO 100 – Health Sciences Majors Only BTO 100 – Business & Technology Majors Only JSO 100 – Justice & Safety Majors Only EDO 100 – Education Majors Only HON 100 – Honors Students Only Learning Communities During the fall 2015 semester, undeclared students will be pre-enrolled, as seats are available, into the First Year Courses learning communities. Students in a learning community take two or more classes with the same peer group, which builds stronger social and academic connections, and provides support for your college success. Additionally, by participating in a learning community, you will be encouraged to make connections between the knowledge, skills and content of the courses in which you are enrolled. Involvement in a learning community also helps in developing critical thinking and communication skills. FALL 2015 OPPORTUNITIES The Student Success Seminar for undeclared students (GSD 101) is paired with one of the following General Education courses to form learning communities: • CMS 100 – Introduction to Human Communication • ENG 101 – Reading, Writing and Rhetoric • PSY 200 – Introduction to Psychology By participating in a First Year Learning Community, students are made aware of the relationship between the success skills they are developing in their Student Success Seminar and the application of these skills in other courses. Students will also be provided with opportunities to engage with peers and the faculty of their learning community both in and outside of class time. To be eligible for a GSD learning community students must be: • First-year students with fewer than 30 transfer hours • Have a major of undeclared or psychology • Be college ready in English and reading Career Counseling Seminar (GCS 199) The Career Counseling Seminar (GCS 199) is highly recommended for any student who is uncertain of what major to choose, i.e. students who have not declared majors or students who have declared majors but still have uncertainty about whether or not the major is suitable for them. In the course, trained counselors help students identify their interests, abilities, personality traits and values that are pertinent when choosing a major or career direction. Students learn about various careers of interest, as well as strategies on how to make effective career decisions. The course is eight weeks, and students receive one hour of academic credit. Center for Career & Co-op EKU’s Center for Career & Co-op offers career counseling appointments to assist students with career decision making, exploring career options and actively planning for a co-op, internship, part-time or full-time employment. The center’s staff is available by appointment for personalized assistance (career-coop@eku.edu). Major & Career Exploration The staff at the Center for Career & Co-op utilize career assessments to provide students with “best fit” career/major options relating to their interests, personality, strengths and values. For students that have a career direction or major in mind, we provide the most up-to-date information on what opportunities and career paths are available with their major, supply and demand in Kentucky and nationwide, salary ranges, potential employers and destinations of past graduates. Part-Time Job Program The Part-Time Job Program gives students the opportunity to obtain part-time, temporary and summer employment with local and regional businesses. Students who participate in the program gain real-world experience in the workforce while networking in the community. The Part-Time Job Program is open to all currently enrolled EKU students. Co-op and Internships EKU has the first accredited co-op program in the state of Kentucky. The Center assists students in résumé development and the application process for co-op and internships. Students gain real-world experience through hands-on opportunities in their career field available with employers nationally and internationally. Both co-op and intern students receive academic credit for their work assignments. In addition, many students are offered full-time or part-time positions through their co-op or internship employers. Job Search Preparation The Center for Career & Co-op staff offers individual appointments, workshops, online tools and other resources to help students with career and job search preparation. These areas include résumé and cover letter writing, tips on job search strategies, professional dress, dining etiquette, interviewing skills, and application to graduate and professional schools. Connecting with Employers The Center for Career & Co-op assists students in identifying and connecting with potential employers through job/career fairs, on-campus interviews, individual appointments, online tools and other resources. C3 Career Express is our easy to use online system that gives students and alumni access to jobs postings and employers targeting EKU students. Tutoring Services Trained tutors are ready to work with you at more than a dozen locations on campus! Visit www.tutoring.eku.edu for information on the following: • Tutoring in specific subjects • Available academic workshops • Tutoring center locations • Other study resources • Tutoring center hours Questions? Email: tutoring@eku.edu • Phone: (859) 622-8860 • Facebook: EKUTutoring Center Name Subjects Locations Website Math/Stats Lab Math, Statistics Wallace 342 www.mathtutor.eku.edu Noel Studio Communication, Projects Composition, Research Crabbe Library www.studio.eku.edu GURUs Variety - including content areas, study skills, test preparation, homework help, questions about campus, etc. Ask us anything! Tech Commons; Library; Whitlock Building www.gurus.eku.edu Content area locations are available for history, chemistry, physics, accounting, biology, health sciences and computer sciences! Go to www.tutoring.eku.edu for more information. 16 17 Registrar’s Office Colonel’s Compass This online publication provides students with important academic policies, procedures and dates, including the last day to add/drop a class or receive a tuition refund. The Compass covers summer, fall and spring terms. Students can view the Compass online at www.colonelscompass.eku.edu. Registration Agreement As soon as you register for classes, you enter into a financial agreement with EKU. If unforeseen circumstances prevent you from attending classes, you MUST withdraw yourself from your courses. If you fail to do this, you will be billed for your classes and you will receive failing grades in those classes. The quickest way to withdraw from classes is to use your EKU Direct account online. You may also send a letter instructing the EKU Registrar to withdraw you from the semester. This letter should be addressed to the EKU Registrar and MUST include your EKU ID number and signature. The withdrawal will be effective the date the letter is received by the Registrar. By doing this before the first week of classes you will ensure you receive a full tuition refund. A full tuition refund will NOT be given if your withdrawal is received by the Registrar after the end of the first week of classes. Registration Eastern Kentucky University has an online course registration system which can be accessed through a student’s EKU Direct account. EKU Direct also allows students to access information on housing, grades and financial aid. At Orientation, after being advised, you will log in to your EKU Direct account. When you leave Orientation, you will have a printout of your class schedule listing the courses you are enrolled in, the days and times of the courses, and the classrooms where the courses will meet. Online Class Schedule To view a complete list of courses offered for an upcoming semester, go to www.eku.edu. Select the “Class Schedule” link under the “Toolbox” header. From the Class Schedule search page, you can choose the criteria for your search by using the scroll bars and highlighting your choice for each section or typing in the information where appropriate. You are not required to enter a choice for every section, but be sure to choose a subject, course number and the campus you plan to attend. Enrollment Verification The National Student Clearinghouse is the official contracted agent by EKU to produce student enrollment verifications. Students obtain their official verification fast & free through their EKU Direct account. The Registrar’s Office does not complete or sign individual forms to verify enrollment. However, if you utilize the National Student Clearinghouse and have difficulties printing the certification form, you may contact the Registrar’s Office by phone at (859) 622–2320, by email at registration@eku.edu, or in person at Whitlock Building, Room 239. There are also detailed instructions on the Registrar’s website at www.registrar.eku.edu/enrollment-degree-verifications. FERPA The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA governs access to and the release of information from those records. Notice to students regarding the rights and restrictions placed upon the maintenance, inspection and release of student records is published annually in the Undergraduate Catalog and the University Handbook for Students. Additionally, all EKU students are informed of their FERPA rights each year during the fall semester through an email notification sent to their official EKU email address. Students may use Web-4-Parent to authorize access to another party. For more information on FERPA, please visit www.registrar.eku.edu/ferpa. Web-4-Parent In accordance with FERPA, students can give written permission authorizing an individual to have guest access to their academic and financial information in EKU Direct. Guest access is “view only” and does not enable the guest to make any changes to the student’s information. Only the student can approve access and may choose to limit or revoke access at any time. Before a student is able to use Web-4-Parent they must complete the Web-4-Parent Authorization form and return it to the Registrar’s Office (Whitlock 239), either in person or via an email attachment from their EKU email account. In compliance with Federal regulations, the Registrar’s Office is not able to accept an authorization form if it is mailed or returned by anyone other than the student. Forms signed by a parent or guest user will not be accepted; forms can only be accepted if completed and signed by the student. The authorization form may be picked up from the Registrar’s Office. For more information please visit www.registrar.eku.edu/web-4-parent. 18 19 Notes 20 Gre at J eys ourn ere. in H Beg
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