MONA VERMA MAKHIJA (March, 2015) 724 Fisher Hall Max M. Fisher College of Business The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 292-8692 2310 Hoxton Court Columbus, OH 43220 (614) 538-8549 email: EDUCATION: Doctor of Philosophy in Business, 1990 University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School of Business Major: International Business Master of Public Policy & Administration, 1982 University of Wisconsin-Madison The LaFollette Institute of Public Policy & Admin. Major: Public Policy and Administration Master of Business Administration, 1981 University of Wisconsin-Madison Major: Management Bachelor of Arts, 1978 University of Wisconsin-Madison Major: Psychology RESEARCH INTERESTS: International strategy/ international business: global strategies, management of multinational firms, cross-national differences in firm structures and strategies Institutional differences across national contexts: governmentbusiness relationships; political risk analysis Organizational issues: structure and control mechanisms; knowledge management EXPERIENCE: Professor of International Business, 2012-present Area Editor, JIBS (June 2013-June 2016) Fisher College of Business The Ohio State University 1 Associate Professor of International Business, 2005-2012 Fisher College of Business The Ohio State University Assistant Professor of International Business, 1999-2005 Fisher College of Business The Ohio State University Assistant Professor of Strategy, 1991-1999 Katz Graduate School of Business University of Pittsburgh PUBLICATIONS: Morris, S., Zhong, B., and Makhija, M. 2014. Going the distance: getting employees to expand their knowledge reach within the MNE. Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming. Song, S. and Makhija, M. 2014. International investment decisions under uncertainty: Contributions of real options theory and future directions. Journal of Management and Organization, forthcoming. Song, S., Lee, S., & Makhija, M. 2014. Operational hedging in foreign direct investments under volatile and divergent exchange rates across countries. Journal of World Business, forthcoming Young, S. and Makhija, M. 2014. Firms’ corporate social responsibility behavior: An integration of institutional and profit maximization approaches. Journal of International Business Studies, 45: 670-698. Song, S., Makhija, M. and Lee, S. 2014. Within- and acrosscountry flexibility of foreign direct investments under uncertainty. Global Strategy Journal, 4(2): 127-142. Turner, K. and Makhija, M. 2012. Reconsidering the role of the individual in the information processing perspective. Strategic Management Journal. 33: 661–680 Lee, S. and Makhija, M. 2009. Is international flexibility valuable during an economic crisis? Strategic Management Journal. 30, 5: 537-555. Lee, S. and Makhija, M. 2009. The effect of domestic uncertainty on the real options value of international investments. Journal of International Business Studies. 40: 405-420. Lee, S. and Makhija, M. 2008. The value of real options investments under abnormal uncertainty: The case of the Korean economic crisis. Journal of World Business. 43, 1: 16-34. 2 Song, S., Makhija, M. and Lee. S. 2008. A comparison of switching and growth options in foreign direct investments. Academy of Management Proceedings. p.1-6. Lee, S., Makhija, M. and Paik, Y. 2008. The value of real options investments under abnormal uncertainty: The case of the Korean economic crisis. Journal of World Business, 43(1): 16-34. Turner, K. and Makhija, M. 2006. The role of organizational control systems in managing knowledge. Academy Management Review. 31, 1: 198-217. Makhija, M. and Shenkar, O. 2005. National contexts and the metanational perspective. Advances in International Management. JAI Press. Makhija, M., Ben-Zion, U. and Harel, G. 2005. Elscint and the Medical Imaging Industry.” In Peng, M., Global Strategy. Thomson-Southwestern Publishing. Makhija, M. 2004. The value of restructuring in emerging economies: The case of the Czech Republic. Strategic Management Journal. 25, 3: 243-265. Makhija, M., Ben-Zion, U. And Harel, G. 2004. “Elscint, Incorporated and the Worldwide Medical Imaging Industry.” In O.Shenkar and Y. Luo, International Business. Wiley Publishers. (textbook). Makhija, M. 2003. Comparing the Resource-Based and MarketBased views of the firm: Empirical evidence from Czech privatization. Strategic Management Journal. 24, 5: 433-452. Makhija, M. and Stewart, A. 2002. The effect of the institutional environment on perceptions of risk: A comparison of planned versus free-market managers. Journal of International Business Studies. 33, 4: 737-757. Makhija, M. and Williamson, S. 2000. The globalization of U.S. industries. In Gavin Boyd and Thomas Brewer (eds.), Globalizing America: The U.S.A. in World Integration. 2000. Makhija, M. and Stewart, A. 1998. An analysis of risk-taking perceptions of managers in formerly centrally-planned versus freemarket economies. Advances in International Management, JAI Press. Received the ANBAR Citation of Excellence in management research. Makhija, M., Kim, K. and Williamson, S. 1997. Measuring globalization of industries using a national approach: Empirical 3 evidence across five countries and over time. Journal of International Business Studies, 28, 4: 679-712. Makhija, M. and Ganesh, U. 1997. The relationship between control and partner learning in learning-related joint ventures. Organization Science, 8, 5: 508-528. Received the ANBAR Citation of Excellence in management research. Makhija, M. 1993. Government intervention in the Venezuelan petroleum industry: an empirical investigation of political risk. Journal of International Business Studies, 24, 3: 531-556. Fogel, D., Makhija, M. and Zebrakovsky, K. 1994. The Czech Management Center: Institution building and organizational design. In Daniel Fogel (ed.) Managing in Emerging Economies: Cases from Czechoslovakia (Volume I). Denver, Colorado: Westview Press. TEACHING: Graduate and Undergraduate Courses Taught: International Strategy 857 (international elective course at the MBA level, Fisher College of Business). International Business BA 555/BUSMHR 2000 (core course at the undergraduate level, FCOB) International Institutions 4021 (core course for IB majors, FOCB) Emerging Markets Field Study 808: Brazil, Argentina, and Ethiopia (international elective course at the MBA level culminating in 2-wk trip to the foreign country, FCOB) International Business Environments 856 (international elective course at the MBA level, FCOB) Strategic Management/Management Policy 799 (core course at the graduate level, KGSB) (core course at the undergraduate level, FCOB) Competing in a Global Environment (core course taught early in the KGSB MBA program, integrates strategy and international business concepts). Managing Strategic Performance (core course taught late in the KGSB MBA program. Deals with strategy implementation issues. In this course, student teams work on actual projects for local companies). MNC Operations in the Global Economy 4 (international elective course at MBA level, KGSB) The Management of Strategic Alliances (international elective course at MBA level, KGSB) Organizational Analysis (core course at MBA level, KGSB) Doctoral Research Seminars Taught Advanced Seminar on International Strategy Seminar on Organizational Learning International Business: Current Topics International Business Theories Coordination and Control in Firms Multinational Firms and Management Information Systems Multinational Firms and Host Government Relations Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures DOCTORAL STUDENT-RELATED ACTIVITIES: Advisor for Kiran Awate’s dissertation on international alliances, knowledge transfer and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. Advisor for Ting Xiao’s dissertation on knowledge linkages and innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. Advisor for Anastasia Bailey’s dissertation on the effects of social capital on immigrant entrepreneurs’ opportunity identification. Advisor for Susan Young’s dissertation on international corporate social responsibility. Advisor for Charles Stevens’ dissertation on political risk effects on firms’ international investments. Advisor for Sangcheol Song’s dissertation on real options value of international investments. Advisor for Seung-hyun Lee’s dissertation on real option value of Korean firms’ investments. Advisor for Karynne Turner’s dissertation on control mechanisms and knowledge flows. Served on Comprehensive Exam and Dissertation Committees for following students: Anastasia Bailey, 2012 5 Chris Sutter, 2011 Bijuan Zhong, 2010 Susan Young, 2009 Suresh Singh, 2009 Mary Davis-Ajami (Pharmacy), 2009 Charles Stevens, 2007 Sancheol Song, 2006 Nilesh Khare, 2006 Naga Damaraju, 2006 Qi Zhou, 2004 Yi Jiang, 2004 Yuanyuan Zhou, 2003 James Lee, 2003 Yan Chen, 2002 Seunghyun Lee, 2000 Karynne Turner, 1997 Cynthia Miree, 1996 Oran Alston, 1996 Sundeep Rustagi, 1996 Paulo Flor, 1995. Kwangsoo Kim, 1994. Usha Ganesh, 1993 Susan Key, 1992 Supervised following doctoral research projects: Kiran Awate’s paper on “Testing Agency and Strategic Rationales for CSR” Anastasia Bailey’s paper on “Expatriates and Knowledge Management in MNEs” Sangcheol Song’s paper on “The Effect of Learning on Firms’ Real Options Strategies” Yi Jiang’s dissertation paper on “International IPOs and Institutional Uncertainty.” Karynne Turner, "The Relationship between Control and Learning for Auto Industry Line Workers" for Strategy Research Workshop seminar. Kwangsoo Kim, "The Effect of Culture on Joint Venture Performance," for Strategy Research Workshop seminar. Usha Ganesh "Control Systems in International Joint Ventures,” for Strategy Research Workshop seminar SERVICE ACTIVITIES: 6 Director of Fisher’s PhD Program, 2013-present Department Coordinator of PhD Program, 2012-present Faculty Advisor, Business Strategy Society Invited speaker for Mount Leadership Society (spoke about international institutional differences), 2010 and2011. Invited speaker for various organizations, including Office of International Trade, Ohio Department of Development, Columbus Council for World Affairs, and others. Labor Standards Task Force (approximately 40 hours), 2009. Served as graduate school representative for doctoral defenses in Psychology, Social Work, History and Agricultural Economics. Served on FLAS Grant Committees 2001-present for Latin American Studies and/or East Asian Studies. Invited speaker for Asian Students Association (spoke about India as an emerging economy) in January, 2009. Acting academic director of the International Programs Office (and CIBER) during 2006. Invited speaker for the Human Resources Club in the College of Business (spoke on HR challenges in India) in Fall, 2006. Graduate Faculty representative for dissertations in Sociology (Spring, 2005), Psychology (Spring 2004), and Social Work (Spring 2003). Invited speaker for Diversity in Business Organization (spoke on China and India’s globalization) in Fall, 2004. Invited speaker for doctoral seminar in the College of Engineering (spoke on issues relating to R&D and U.S. international competitiveness) in Spring, 2004. Invited speaker for Asian Students in Business, an undergraduate organization, (spoke on Transition of Planned Economies) in Fall 2003. Organized a Fisher College of Business Conference on Organizational Controls in a Global Context, February 2002. Sponsored by CIBER. Served as graduate school representative for doctoral defenses in Psychology, Social Work, History and Agricultural Economics. Served on committees relating to the PhD, masters and undergraduate international business programs at FCOB. 7 Keynote speaker for Ohio Chamber of Commerce in March 2001, on globalization and international trade developments. Served as coordinator for the KGSB SEO (Strategy and Organizations) research seminar series for faculty and doctoral students. Served on the International Policy Committee at KGSB, 1994-1997. Served on the Computer Policy and Usage Committee, 1992-93 and 19931994. Served on the Marketing Committee for the new MBA curriculum brochure, Summer 1994. Served on Course Development committee for "Competing in Global Environments" for Fall 1994. EDITOR/EDITORIAL BOARD: Area editor, Journal of International Business Studies, June 2013-2016. Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of International Business Studies, 2006-2013. Member of the Editorial Board, Management and Organization Review, 2009-present. Member of the Editorial Board, Advances in International Management, 1998 to 2005. MEMBERSHIPS: Academy of Management Academy of International Business Strategic Management Society HONORS/AWARDS/SKILLS: Pacesetters Award for Excellence in Research, 2006. Designated as Fisher Research Fellow, 2012-2013 Designated as Fisher Research Fellow, 2011-2012 Best Reviewer Award, Journal of International Business Studies, 2013. Best Reviewer Award, Journal of International Business Studies, 2011. Best Reviewer Award, Journal of International Business Studies, 2010. 8 Received Fisher Summer Research Funding, 2008 to 2014. Awarded Global Competence Award, 2012-4, to study the innovationinternationalization relationship for small firms. Awarded FCOB Grant, 2004, and the Dean’s Summer Research Fellowship, 2003, in support of my research on control systems and knowledge flows. Awarded Global Competence Award, 2002-3, to study the relationship between organizational controls and organizational learning in international auto supplier firms. Awarded Global Competence Award, 2000, to study institutional differences in managers’ decision making in the U.S., Korea, Chile and India. Awarded Institute for International Competitiveness Grant, 1996, to study control and learning in the auto industry. Awarded International Business Center Course Development Grant, 1995, to further develop international content for strategic alliance elective for MBAs. Awarded International Business Center Research Grant, 1993-4, to study and collect data on Czech managers' risk-taking behavior. Member of PSI CHI Honor Society Awarded AIIS Grant (jointly funded by Smithsonian Institute and National Science Foundation), to study managerial behavior in government-owned business organizations in India. Reading, writing and speaking ability in 3 languages (French, Spanish and Hindi) REVIEWER FOR SCHOLARLY JOURNALS: Administrative Science Quarterly Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review Strategic Management Journal Journal of International Business Studies Organization Science Organization Studies Advances in International Management Academy of Management Academy of International Business 9
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