Fisherville Post May 2015

Fisherville Post
May 2015
School website:
What a spectacular Time!
We really liked Mono
Cliffs because there were a
lot of activities, like high
ropes, archery, lacrosse,
pond study, digital photography and study of the
There were a lot of nice
staff there too. The food
was tasty and the chef
cooked very well, and we
also liked the snacks they
Our school enjoyed the
Mono Cliffs outdoor education centre. At the dorms
students were taught to
save electricity and water.
Mr. H. Kaplan
At every meal students
followed a simple rule,
“Take only what you will
eat and eat what you take”
All leftovers were put into
the waste bin and students
were challenged to keep
their waste under 0.9 kg
Office Administrator
Ms. S. Baldesarra
By Marina 7C
knowledge about the signifiicant impact humans
have on nature and the
We studied insects and
animals that we weren’t
familiar with. Generally
speaking, we had a wonderful time there.
By; David & Switenia 7B
We had fun
collecting bugs
Mr. P. Chang
Ms. L. Davy
Mono Cliffs as per 7A
...You’re away from home and
have a huge sleepover with
your friends By: Rhu
Makes you get out of your comfort zone and bond with your
friends. By: Ray Neil
A fun experience getting closer
to friends, meeting new people
and doing new things. By: Abigail
Overall it was a very exciting
experience. By: Edie
At Mono Cliffs we would
do about 2-3 activities each
day. We did pond study
which required that we
look for animals such as
frogs, tadpoles and leeches.
For our evening program
we did orienteering. Numbers were hidden around
the park and we had to find
them using maps. At night
we sat around the campfire
and played games, sang
songs and roasted marshmallows.
By Laura 7C
School Council Chair
Ms. Rahiumikhamemeh
School Phone
Upcoming Events
*Inspiration Conference—May 28th
*Family, Fun Night– May 28th
*Grade 6 parent visit—June 3rd
* Grade 8 Grad Trip - June 11th
*Grade 8 Grad—June 22nd
*Summer School at Wilmington—
June 30th—July 24th
SuperCouncil Conference
On Friday May 1st Abigail, Daniel and I went to the Super
Council Conference. It was really
amazing because it was a completely different experience than
a regular student council meeting. Students from many regions
in TDSB gave speeches and then
we had to vote for who we wanted to be on the Super Council.
After the Super Council elections, we had elections for the
same positions, but at the district
level. The difference was that
as we are located in area “A,”
only students from our district
could run. One amazing thing
was that Daniel, a student from
our school actually ran as a
candidate. Unfortunately he
didn’t win but he put in a tremendous effort and it was
By: Ritikaa 7B
Fisherville Post
Page 2
Summer School
Registration forms are available in the office or you can
phone 416-395-2180 to obtain further information
about this program.
Summer school will be offered at Wilmington Elementary School from June 30 –
July 24th, 8:30—11:30 each
Earthquake Relief Fundraising
For the last few weeks under the leadership of Mr.
Doray staff and students
have contributed funds to
send to Nepal to help out
with the disaster relief effort. We are proud to say
we have collected $420.00
for this worthy cause. Great
job to all who contributed!
This evening will commence
with a BBQ in the courtyard,
after which participants will
select various activities and
workshops to attend for the
remainder of the evening.
The Gauss Mathematics
Contest, organized by the
University of Waterloo, as
an enrichment activity for
Students of Grade 7 and 8,
Wednesday, May 13, 2015.
Palcitsky and Jiwan ParkCongratulations go to all
participants, especially to
the top scoring students.
The top three ranking contestants in Grade 7 were:
Arshia Sargazi, Edie Annenkov and Sabrina Modoran.
The top three ranking contestants in Grade 8 were:
Family Fun & Fitness Night
On Thursday May 28, 2015
from 6:00—7:30 Fisherville
will be hosting a Family Fun
Fitness Night. All parents,
students and community
members are invited to attend.
Gauss Contest
Skills Challenge
Volleyball, basketball,
soccer, badminton
Making smoothies
Community Awareness
Stretching Techniques
Mind and Body Health
On May 13th, selected students from classes 7A, 7B,
7C and 7D took part in John
Polanyi Collegiate Institute's
Annual Skills Challenge.
Students had a wide variety
of activities to chose from,
such as, soccer, dance, robotics film production, photography, cooking, hairdressing and so much more!
Natalie and Madison from
7A placed second in hairdressing and Lola, Paola,
Matt, Daniel and Ben from
7B won third place in soccer.
Thank you to Mr. Njini and
Mr. Doray for organizing this
wonderful trip!
Once we arrived, we were
given an instructions as to
how the activities would
work. Once all of our activities were finished, awards
were given out. The fear of
not placing went through all
our minds, I’m sure.
Community Booths
Public Health
Philippine Connection
Be sure to join us for this exciting event.
Grade 8 Graduation
Ceremony—5:00 pm
Location—School cafeteria
Reception—7:00 pm
Location—Paradise Banquet Hall
Grade 8 Graduates only