Newsletter - Five Pines Ministries

Visit our Website at or call 269.471.1396 for camp information.
Five Pines Ministries
Non-Profit Organization
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Permit #100
Berrien Springs, MI 49103
6597 Smith Rd.
Berrien Center, MI 49102
(269) 471-1396 (269) 471-7563 (FAX)
6597 Smith Road  Berrien Center, Michigan 49102 (269) 471-1396 
Update on the Tower Project
By Michael Holets
Reaching Out, Challenging Youth, Changing Lives through Jesus Christ
We are coming to the summit! (Climber’s talk that we are close to
finishing this project.) Goliath the Giant is nestled in snow and sporting
a snow-covered roof. In October, the 5,000-pound metal roof, topped with
a lightning rod, was finally raised by crane to top off the 65-ft tower. We
all held our breath. It was certainly a sight to see.
Currently, we still need some electrical work to be done;
emergency lighting inside, lights for the upper deck and
spotlights for the outside of the tower. Also, we are ordering
belay equipment and hand holds, with the bolts and t-nuts that
will attach them to the tower. The company we are purchasing
the holds from has designed four different routes per side and
will be hanging them for us. This will make installation both
faster and safer. We will also have a couple of volunteer work
crews come in to clear and groom the area around the tower to
prepare it for our grand opening which should be in the early
spring. A date for the grand opening will be announced once all
the final aspects are confirmed. Weather is a big player in this
process. One thing that I have learned is that God is in control of
this project and His timing is perfect.
In This Issue . . .
Update on the tower
Josh Martin Memorial Fund
Annual fundraising banquet
Be a Five Pines counselor this summer!
And more . . .
Any interested volunteers, please call
the office at (269) 471-1396.
Are you ready to be used by GOD in the summer of your life?
God, be a world changer, love children, and dig
Do you have a passion to . . . servedeep
in your personal relationship with God?
Do you think it would be awesome to spend your summer . . .
Impact kid’s lives in a real and profound way.
growing and learning how to serve Christ, maturing
in your walk with the Lord, and participating in a
great summer of fellowship growing into deep
Develop forever relationships with other counselors.
Do you have a passion for children to know Christ?
Be a five pines camp counselor this summer!
Basic requirements:
Be a student who will be in the ninth grade or older and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Volunteer to serve with the HANDS work crew program and as a counselor in one or more of our camps.
Complete application with references, interview with Five Pines staff, and participate in a week-long orientation.
Winter 2015
Five Pines Ministries
If you are age 17 or older and have counseled in the past, consider spending an amazing
six weeks serving as a paid core group leader in our senior counselor program.
Well, not quite . . .
but it is time to think about scheduling summer camp!
Summer is a time for fun, adventure, new experiences, friends, and
growth. At Five Pines, we bring all of those things to your kids … and
more! Watch them as they come home full of stories, tired from their
day of camp craziness, and telling you about all the new things they
learned. Our focus is using the different elements of the camp day
to teach about God’s truths and how they apply to your child’s
life. We desire for each of them to grow in their walk with God as
they are growing out of last year’s school clothes! Check us out
and register online at
We can’t wait for SUMMER!!!
What’s New?
We are very excited to announce that our new web site is now
online! The new responsive site replaced our old one in late
January, so check us out at
The pool table in the activity center loft got a makeover. We replaced the felt on the table (along
with the felt on the bumper pool table rails) and it looks brand new. It gets lots of use in the winter and everyone is enjoying it!
The Berrien County Road Commission informed us that within the next year Smith Road will be
paved! They have started to clear trees for this upcoming project, resulting in truckloads of wood
chips for us which will be used to enhance our camp. We already used some for the tubing hill
walk-up to battle the mud and ice. Thank you BCRC!
Josh Martin
February 7, 1983 August 31, 2014
Annual Fundraising Dinner
Josh Martin grew up going to Five Pines. You could say that he always kept us on our toes, especially
Jim and Judy Scofield’s. He definitely made his life an interesting and exciting place. Over the years,
Josh attended summer camp, traveled with our backpack trips, and developed a huge heart for the ministry. The Josh Martin Memorial Fund was established to honor his life as husband, son, brother, grandson,
friend, and past Five Pines camper. Donations made to this fund are used towards "Goliath the Giant"
climbing tower project. The tower will empower communities to grow stronger kids within an environment
which allows them to experience personal growth and know God's love; just as Josh experienced here
with us. We would like to thank all those who gave to this fund honoring Josh’s life, so that kids of all ages
will challenge themselves, get out of their comfort zones, and climb the giant of a tower.
Richard & Maxine Anderson
Brian Arend
Richard & Marilyn Bartz
Michael Berry
Dennis & Deedra Boehm
Lucas & Shannon Brown
Patrick & Susan Collins
Diana Deitrich
Michael & Judy Dospoy
Barry & Diane Favorite
Kaliegh Fowler
Aaron Gast
Eric & Jean Gaviglio
John & Elizabeth Griesbaum
Joseph & Patricia Harding
Emma Healey
Robert Heyn
Eric & Tiffany Jackson
Mark Johnson
Becky Kliss
Sharon Kniola
Marilyn Krieger
Brenda Layne Lancaster
Jill Lesauskis
Elizabeth Mahler
Shawn Martin
Robert & Vicki May
Linda McDowell
O.H. & Virginia Mittelberg
Stuart & Patricia Needles
Susan Newcomer
Brian & Loretta Nitz
Larry & Joan Nye
Gabe & Pam Ozse
Clint & Regina Payne
Nancy Poelker
Susan Schalon
Tom Schroeder
David & Deborah Slavicek
EmmaLeigh Smith
Beverly So
Kerry & Vickie Toner
Diane Trulone
Norma Wakefield
Joy Woods
Kenneth Anderson
Amanda Bammann
Ron & Trudy Bartz
Mike & Linda Birochak
Thomas & Hilde Boozer
Patricia Carson
Dewayne & Rhonda Crippin
Paul & Karin Dilcher
Allyn & Mary Jo Ernst
Donald & Beth Fiskars
Jina Fritz
Don & Jule Gast
Scott Geiger
Keith & Jan Griffin
Deonda Harmon
Gordon & Dorothy Heidenga
Larry & Muriel Holben
Gary Jannert
Ronnie Kahl
Mick & Cindy Klug
Dave & Bonnie Kosovovich
David Krosschell
Jan Lausch
Everett & Sylvia Little
Jeannine Marks
Matthew Martin
Keith & Sandra McClintock
Jimmy & Louise McLean
Alan & Carole Mumaw
Leslie Nelson
Jane Nichols
Tim & Teri Nitz
Constance Oliver
Dave & Sue Pagel
Chris & Renee Peddie
Elden Portice
Marcella Schalon
James & Judy Scofield
Milt & Terri Sluder
Maggie Smith
Ed & Patricia Steinke
Ned Totzke
Elizabeth VanCampen
Karla Warnock
Jason Yoder
You’re invited
Five Pines Ministries’
to be our guest at the
Carriage House
Five Pines Ministries
In Honor of Josh Martin for the tower project Given By:
Robert Allen
Sadie Antosz
Judy Barricklow
Pamela Bender
Gregg & Kim Blanchard
Emily Bromagin
Larry & Karen Coffey
Kerri deBest
Linda Dokter
Thomas & Patricia Eversole
Kenneth & Misty Flowers
Beverly Gast
William & Marion Gathright
Glen & Pam Greiffendorf
Sarah Hadley
Doris Hart
Joe & Gerri Hercik
William & Greta Hurst
Rick & Barb Johansen
Guy & Gayla Kerby
Terri Knight
Elise Krieger
Nicholas LaFlex
Lynn Lerke
Heidi Lull
Larry & Nancy Martin
Beth Mathieu
Cynthia McDowell
Lisa Miller
Eric Needham
Jeff & Robyn Neumann
Thomas Nitz
William & Carol Nutt
Doug & Debbie Ott
Naon Paul
Scott & Mary Ellen Pluss
Steve & Wei Wang Salisbury
Larry & Patricia Schrader
Gary & May Sisson
Jeff & Carrie Smith
Mildred Smith
Mary Jo Tomasini
Homer & Tammy Trecartin
Christine Wadley
Jennifer Wolf
Thursday, March 26, 2015
6:00 pm
David & Beth Antosz
Robert & Darlene Barnhurst
Julie Belanger
Bill & Gretchen Blakely
David & Sandy Boyle
Dominic & Margrit Ciaravino
Don & Kathy Damron
Brian & Julie Dokter
Eric & Deborah Eversole
James & Julie Fitchuk
Ron & Mickey Gallert
Gregory Gast
Willodean Glupker
Michael & Debra Gulino
John & Karen Harner
Scott & Nancy Hendrix
Michael & Kelly Holets
Brien Jenkins
Ernest & Sandra Keirnan
Kenneth & Karen Klug
Richard & Jan Krajniak
Gary & Diane Kurek
Robert & Shellie Lawrick
Ryan & Maryann Loveing
John & Angela Martin
Jake & Julie Martin
Michael & Jessica McDonnell
Donald & Judy Miller
Bruce & Midori Needham
Marilyn Nelson
Arnold & Ruth Nitz
Jeffrey & Judy Noel
Doug & Jean Ott
Edward & Sheryl Paloucek
Lisa Pfeil
Kimberly Rojics
Randy & Wanda Schmidt
Beryle Silvernale
Kerrie Smith
Jeffery & Janet Smith
Amanda Terry
Brooke Totzke
LuAnn Vancampen
Anne Williams
Timothy & Kathleen Young
Advantage Installations, Baroda Area Business Association, Digital Vapor Den, Gordon Food Service, Honor Credit Union - Stevensville Branch,
Israelite House of David, Lakeside Family Church, Laurel Daniel Oil Paintings, Misfit Up Steel Crusader MI Crew, and Round Barn Winery
6597 Smith Rd, Berrien Center, MI 49102
Fundraising Dinner
There will be an opportunity for you to support the ministry of Five Pines through a matching funds financial gift.
Come experience a full dinner with us as we provide an opportunity for you to hear about many of the
ways the ministry has touched lives throughout our community. This is an opportunity to learn more,
hear our passion for kids, and experience Five Pines’ hospitality with incredible food and warm fellowship. And, as always, you will be given the chance to participate by supporting the mission that we all
love so much. This year, we are pleased and excited to announce that we will again receive matching
money for the fundraiser banquet. This very generous challenge gift allows us to multiply donor dollars
for the camp. We are inviting friends of the ministry to take advantage of this opportunity to impact
lives for Christ. Our hope is to raise $40,000 towards camp. We are so grateful for the many people
who continue to believe in the ministry of Five Pines and have so generously supported the staff and
the programs with their finances and prayer.
Please RSVP to Mike Emerson by e-mail at or call (269) 471-1396.
Given by:
In honor of:
Neil Martin
Justin, Jeremy, and Christy
Given by:
In honor of:
Susan Newcomer
Don & Jule Gast, Jeannine Marks, & Michael Pallas
THANK YOU! Thank you to our seasonal part-time staff and volunteers who have helped with the
demand of groups and weekend public tubing and skiing. Brian, Julie, Tim and Nate
Dokter, Keegan Cripps-Downey, Joe Ferrier, Jackson Glanzer, Ramsden Holets,
Larry Holben, Larry Martin, Andrew Newcomer, Susan Newcomer, Madalyn
Reneberg, Alex Porter, Johnny Reneberg, and Jim Scofield have been wonder ful
additions to our winter work force. We had multiple groups every weekend, and many
weeknights with night tubing, birthday parties, corporate outings, church youth groups,
boy scouts, girl scouts, and gatherings of families and friends.
A big thank you to each of you for all your hard work!
Prayer Requests
* Praise for a productive and safe winter program
* Pray for a successful summer camp program.
Camper registrations * Counselors called to serve * Fruitful summer camp presentations * Camp readiness
Staff positions to be filled * Safe summer for campers * Hearts and minds ready to receive God’s Word.
* Pray for staff as we prepare to open “Goliath the Giant”.
* Pray for a safe and productive spring MAX program, as kids come to experience team-building, tall trees, and ropes.
* Pray for the Merriam Christian Chapel youth group as they come for a work week during spring break.
* Pray for God’s continual provision as we concentrate on our mission of reaching youth for Christ.