May 16th Horse Show - Fleet Equestrian Center

Current 12 Month
Negative Coggins
Required (Bring to
registration booth)
Location: 2142 Hicklin Bridge Rd Edgemoor, SC 29712
Open to the Public
Find us on Facebook for Show Updates.
Contact: Margaret Fleet Phone: 803 517 4563
Email –
Web - Academy Show Start Time 9am / Open Show Start time Not before 11:30am
00. Lead Line and Walk Only $5
(10 and under – can run class at any
time during the morning)
Riding Lesson Student Division
1. Equitation Walk Only
2. Pleasure W/T
Riding Lesson Student Division
3. Under Saddle W/T
4. Equitation W/T
5. Pleasure W/T
Riding Lesson Student Division
6. Under Saddle W/T
7. Equitation W/T
8. Pleasure GAYP
Riding Lesson Student Division
9. Under Saddle W/T/C
10. Equitation W/T/C
11. Pleasure W/T/C
Riding Lesson Student Division
12. Under Saddle W/T/C
13. Equitation W/T/C
14. Pleasure W/T/C
Riding Lesson Student Division
15. Under Saddle W/T/C
16. Equitation W/T/C
17. Pleasure W/T/C
Riding Lesson Student Division
18. Under Saddle W/T/C
19. Equitation W/T/C
20. Pleasure W/T/C
Open Show Will not start before 11:30am
Cross Rails –No Division
For Class 21 - Rider cannot enter 22-27.
21. Beginner Cross Rails 6”
2 jumps
(5 or less jumping rounds for rider or horse)
22. Beginner Cross Rails 12” 4 jumps
(10 or less jumping rounds for rider or horse)
23. Open Cross Rails 12”
6 jumps
Hunter Over Fences – No Division
24. Hunter Over Fences 18”
25. Hunter Over Fences 18” Handy
26. Open Hunter O/F 2’
27. Open Hunter O/F 2’ Handy
Walk –Trot, Jog, or Rack Division - Open
28. Walk -Trot -Jog -Rack Pleasure
29. Walk -Trot -Jog -Rack Under Saddle
30. Walk -Trot -Jog Pattern
Novice Horse or Novice Rider Division
English and Western Division - Open
34. English & Western Pleasure - W-T-C
35. English & Western Under Saddle W-T-C
36. English & Western Pattern W-T-C
Youth English & Western Division 17 & under
37. Youth Equitation W-T-C
38. Youth Under Saddle W-T-C
39. Youth Pleasure W-T-C
English Challenge Division – Open
(non-gaited horse English saddle only)
(10 or less shows for the novice –
will split Youth/Adult as needed)
40. Hunter Under Saddle
41. Horse Swap Class
42. English Championship Challenge
31. Novice Horse Walk Trot Pleasure
32. Novice Horse GAYP
33. Novice Under Saddle W/T/C
43. Bareback- GAYP
44. Never Won A Blue Ribbon
All Divisions -The RIDER carries all points per back number.
-Champion & Reserve Ribbon Awards for each division.
-Must ride a full 3 class division to be considered for championship titles)
-Ties will be broken for Champion & Reserve placement by the judge
-Enter as many or as few classes per division, that you wish to ride in.
-Only one Champion and Reserve Winner per division, even when split.
-Overall High Point Champion and Reserve Champion For the Entire
Show calculated from all points per back number.
Reminders *TENTS & CHAIRS are welcome around the arena.
*Secure Western Hats to head please.
Show fees: $8 per class $60 up to 10 classes $75 unlimited classes
Patterns for equitation & jumping are available at the registration table.
Classes Open to all breeds & seats, gaited & non-gaited, unless otherwise stated.
*Show Dress is Not Required - wear weather appropriate schooling dress for your division
***All riders Under 18 are required to wear a safety helmet***
* Mark a “Kicker’s” tail with RED RIBBON!!!
* Concessions Available on Site: Drinks, Chips, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, BBQ, Fixings, Dessert
9 AM show is for Fleet Equestrian Center Students. The arena is available for warm up in the morning before and after the Academy Show. /