FLEET TOWN COLTS SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 2015/2016 SEASON The Fleet Town Colts Management Committee has reluctantly taken the decision to change the registration fees for the 2015/16 season across all age groups. Having maintained registration fees for the past three seasons, even though our costs in the past couple of years have risen, it has now become necessary to make an increase in subscriptions. Indeed, there is continued expectation that our costs will continue to rise during next season. Each of the Town and Parish Councils that we are working with, continue to revisit their own pricing structures, particularly for pitch hire and pitch maintenance. Furthermore, our pitch requirements for the 2015/16 season continue to increase with additional 11v11, 9v9, 7v7, and 5v5 teams, therefore forcing us to source more pitch facilities. We continue to benchmark our fees against other local football clubs and feel that our subscription fees still offer excellent value for money in terms of the kit, equipment and playing facilities that are provided. Subscriptions: £170 for Youth Section (U11 age groups and upwards). £155 for Junior Section (U7 to U10 age groups). £3 per session (+ £50 subscription in January 2016), which remains at the current rate. Sibling discount remains unchanged at £10. Discount/penalty structure (these dates will be strictly enforced): Payments received between the end of the 2014/15 season and 30/06/15 - £15 discount. Payments received between 01/07/15 and 31/07/15 - £10 discount. Payments received between 01/08/15 and 31/08/15 - £5 discount. Payments received between 01/09/15 and 31/10/15 - full subscription rate. Payments made AFTER 01/11/15 - £15 surcharge. Payment of Subscriptions: If you wish to take advantage of the discounts offered, payments should be forwarded directly to Jim Mulcahy and not to managers, so that the funds are received by the due dates shown above. Payment via cash or cheque is acceptable, together with accompanying details of the player’s full name and squad he/she belongs to and season 2015/16. CHEQUES TO BE MADE PAYABLE TO FLEET TOWN COLTS FC. If writing by cheque, please ensure that the player’s details are copied on the reverse of the cheque. Also, be aware that if a manager receives a parent’s cheque, but does not pass it on in time, the discount will be forfeited. Mailing address as follows: Mr J Mulcahy. 169, Tavistock Road, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 4HG. Any queries? Contact Club Secretary, Chris Arnold at secretary@fleettowncolts.co.uk Fleet Town Colts Youth FC is a non-profit making youth and junior football club affiliated to the Hampshire Football Association (No: MYA01005). Members of the Surrey Primary League & North East Hants Youth League. Fleet Town Colts Youth FC is proud to have been awarded The FA Charter Standard Award for excellence in provision of grassroots football in the community. Page 1 of 1
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