Congresses, Conventions, Seminars, Incentive travels, Events, Out of beaten tracks ! Structure Destination Plus is a trademark of the independent agency C&V Voyages created in 1995 and whose main shareholders are Jean-Pierre Cahana and Thierry Verbrugghe. Destination Plus is a « Meeting-Incentive-Congress-Events » (MICE) agency. Specialized in custom solutions for any type of business or touristic event. With over 30 years of experience, the management team has built its philosophy around a global approach on customer issues, its expertise in international incentive travels and its creativity. C&V Voyages also manages the brand To contact us Address: 58, rue Saint Lambert - 75015 Paris Phone number: +33 (0)1 56 08 37 37 Fax number: +33 (0)1 56 08 37 38 E-mail: Legal form: SARL Capital : 30 489.80 euros License number: IM 075 10 0032 – C&V Voyages Financial Guarantee: Association Professionnelle de Solidarité du Tourisme Professional Civil Liability Insurance: ALLIANZ IARD - Contract n° 86286571 DESTINATION PLUS® Communiquez par le voyage et l’événement ! Our ambition : to make you live exceptional moments and create a unique project that suits you! Thierry Verbrugghe Co-founder and Partner Jean-Pierre Cahana Co-founder, Managing Director and Associate Marie-Laure Cahana Executive Assistant Charlène Champeau Project Manager Caroline Kutner Project Manager Stéphane Varis Marketing Director and Sunydale Co-founder Our business TO MAKE IT HAPPEN : We plan trips for you by being faithful to your personality, a unique experience for your customers, your employees, your sales representatives, etc. TO SHARE : Through these different events, a real social bond is created, this is an opportunity to gather and to mobilize everyone around a common project. TO REVEAL : We stage your ambition and your capital. We are the developer of your talent DESTINATION PLUS® Communiquez par le voyage et l’événement ! 50ème Congrès UIA Salvador de Bahia -2006 Congresses, Conventions & Seminars 51ème Congrès UIA – Paris -2007 • Research of meeting rooms and convention centers • Research of accommodation and catering places • Equipment rental, hostesses, interpreters • Social program and transfers • Accompanying persons program, pre and post congresses • Redaction of registration forms and programme • Technical coordination on site CONVENTION HEXAPAGE Nantes ème 52 53 èmeCongrès CongrèsUIA UIA Bucarest Séville -2008 -2009 54ème Congrès UIA Istanbul-2010 CONVENTION SANYO Barcelone 55ème Congrès UIA Miami -2011 CONVENTION HEXAPAGE Prague CONVENTION EBEN Cannes 57me Congrès UIA Macao -2013 DESTINATION PLUS® Communiquez par le voyage et l’événement ! 58ème Congrès UIA Florence -2014 Logistic organization of any kind of events We organize any kind of events: thematic evenings, cocktails, gala dinners with animation, shows with official ceremonies in original or emblematic places. DESTINATION PLUS® Communiquez par le voyage et l’événement ! The Incentive travel by Destination Plus At Destination Plus, we are aware that performance and a company's business results depend mostly on a motivated personnel. Therefore, the company has to gather, build on and create lasting professional relationships, and show a well-deserved recognition. We strive to organize your incentive travels / stimulations, rewards, studies, etc ... which are key moments in the life of your business requiring the highest degree of professionalism. It is also a way to thank your best customers by organizing quality travels during which they can meet your sales representatives in the best conditions. DESTINATION PLUS® Communiquez par le voyage et l’événement ! Experts in architecture and sustainable city planning trips Since 2003, our agency has developped trips based on sustainability and planning in different cities, in France, Europe and worldwide. Architecture, Eco-Districts, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development have always been at the heart of our concerns. Our consultants, specialized in these areas, will study and organize a professional and technical programme of visits and could also show you around. We have already earned the trust of many city representatives, town halls, associations, and architects. DESTINATION PLUS® Communiquez par le voyage et l’événement ! THEY HAVE TRUSTED US … Conseil National des Professions de l’Automobile
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