To: From: Date: Subject: Fletcher Students Nora Moser McMillan Registrar’s Office April 10, 2015 -‐-‐ UPDATED WITH ROOM AVAILABILITY Spring 2015 Final Exam Period Information Please review the information below covering In-‐Class Final Exams, and Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams. We will post on the last day of classes in the Hall of Flags the schedule detailing when classroom space is available for students taking a Self-‐Scheduled Final Exam, as well as to use for quiet studying. Signs will be posted on each classroom door indicating the classroom’s availability for students’ use during Reading Days and the Final Exam Period. Multiple students may use the available classrooms at the same time (one classroom cannot be claimed for use by one student). Classrooms for Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams/Quiet Study are available on a first-‐come, first-‐served basis. Below are important end-‐of-‐the-‐semester dates and deadlines. IMPORTANT DATES • APRIL 27: Last day of spring term classes. • APRIL 27: Deadline for Registrar’s Office to receive grades from any course that had an Incomplete from a prior term, as well as completion of the foreign language requirement. • APRIL 27: If your Capstone Project is linked to a course/independent study taken in a prior term (any term other than Spring 2015), April 27 is the deadline for the Registrar’s Office to receive directly from the supervising faculty member both your Capstone Project Grade Form, and the grade for your linked course/independent study. You must complete online form ( to assure the faculty member submits your Capstone Project Grade Form and the grade for your linked course to the Registrar’s Office. • APRIL 28-‐29: Reading Days for students to study/prepare for final exams, papers, and presentations. • April 30 – May 6 Final Exam Period; no exams Saturday or Sunday. • MAY 8: If your Capstone Project is linked to a course/independent study taken in Spring 2015, May 8 is the deadline for the Registrar’s Office to receive directly from the supervising faculty member both your Capstone Project Grade Form, and the grade for your linked course/independent study. You must complete the Survey Monkey online form ( to assure the faculty member submits your Capstone Project Grade Form and the grade for your linked course to the Registrar’s Office. • MAY 8: Deadline for faculty to submit Spring 2015 semester grades. The deadline for faculty to submit Spring 2015 semester grades in SIS is noon on May 8 (once a faculty member has entered a grade in SIS, it is immediately visible to the student when they log in to SIS). However, for large classes, it is possible that grades may be slightly delayed. Also, faculty members may prioritize posting grades for graduating students, which may slightly delay grade submission for non-‐ graduating students. For students auditing a Fletcher course―upon satisfaction of the requirements specified by the instructor for Certified Audit eligibility―the audit will be recorded on the student’s transcript as “CA” (Certified Audit). If you did not meet the instructor’s CA eligibility requirements as an auditor, the course will not appear on your transcript. Courses that students audited outside of Fletcher, including foreign language courses at Tufts, do not qualify for a grade of “CA,” and will not appear on a student’s transcript. Please be sure to check-‐in with your instructor if you have an Incomplete grade from a prior term so the instructor may update the Incomplete grade accordingly. 1 . IN-‐CLASS FINAL EXAMS PROCESS AND POLICIES • Students should check with their instructor if their course has an In-‐Class Final Exam or a Self-‐Scheduled Final Exam (faculty members’ plans may have changed during the semester). In-‐Class Final Exams are distributed, monitored, and collected by the course instructor. Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams are distributed, timed, and collected on behalf of instructors by the Registrar’s Office. • During the Final Exam Period, In-‐Class Final Exams take place twice a day (at 9:30 AM and at 1:30 PM). In-‐Class-‐Final Exams are, at a maximum, three hours in length and take place in the same classroom where the course was conducted during the semester, unless otherwise noted in the In-‐Class Final Exams Schedule below (no exams Saturday or Sunday). Please review the In-‐Class Final Exams schedule below for the specific exam date, time, and classroom location. Any updates to the classroom locations will be posted in the Hall of Flags and online. • Students must take In-‐Class Final Exams at the regularly scheduled time with exceptions granted only in extraordinary circumstances such as for medical or compassionate reasons―in such circumstances, the student should notify the Registrar’s Office, as well as the course instructor, prior to the exam taking place. For medical excuses, a note from a physician or the University’s Health Service Office is required. The Registrar’s Office is unable to distribute any exams other than Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams offered during the Final Exam Period. Any student whose native language is not English and feels that an additional half-‐hour should be allowed for completion of the exam due to difficulty with the English language must discuss this with the instructor and receive permission; affording this extra time is at the discretion of the instructor. Permission must be granted in advance of the exam. SPRING 2015 IN-‐CLASS FINAL EXAMS SCHEDULE AND CLASSROOM LOCATION PLEASE REVIEW IF APPLICABLE: • 9:30 AM-‐12:30 PM, THURSDAY, APRIL 30 -‐ Time Block A* In-‐Class Final Exam #1 Cabot 205 P241: Policy and Strategy in the Origins, Conduct and Termination of War (Shultz) * NO IN-‐CLASS FINAL EXAMS DURING THE 1:30-‐4:30 PM, THURSDAY, APRIL 30 TIME BLOCK B * • • • • • • • • • • • • 9:30 AM-‐12:30 PM, FRIDAY, MAY 1-‐ Time Block D In-‐Class Final Exam #3 Mugar 200 B221: International Financial Management (Jacque) Cabot 205 H201: Foreign Relations of the U.S. Since 1917 (Henrikson) Mugar 235 E240: Development Economics – Macro Perspectives (Block) 1:30 PM-‐4:30 PM, FRIDAY, MAY 1-‐ Time Block E In-‐Class Final Exam #4 Mugar 231 D267: The Globalization of Central Asia and the Caucusus (Hess) 9:30 AM-‐12:30 PM, MONDAY, MAY 4 -‐ Time Block F In-‐Class Final Exam #9 Mugar 235 B210: Accounting for Profit, Non-‐Profit, and Government Organizations (Weiss) Mugar 251f – Isobe E218: Applied Microeconomics (Tanaka) Goddard 310 L201: Public International Law (Glennon) 1:30-‐4:30 PM, MONDAY, MAY 4 -‐ Time Block J, J*, J+, J# In-‐Class Final Exam #6 Mugar 200 D271: International Relations of the US and East Asia: 1945 to Present (Lee) Cabot 205 and Cabot 206 E213: Econometrics (Schaffner) 9:30 AM-‐12:30 PM, TUESDAY, MAY 5-‐ Time Block K In-‐Class Final Exam #7 Mugar 231 E220: International Trade and Investment (Kowalczyk) 1:30-‐4:30 PM, TUESDAY, MAY 5 -‐ Time Block G In-‐Class Final Exam #5 Mugar 231 B231: International Business Strategy and Operations (Brookfield) Mugar 200 P234: The Arts of Communication (Mankad) NO IN-‐CLASS FINAL EXAMS DURING THE 9:30 AM-‐12:30 PM, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 TIME BLOCK M * NO IN-‐CLASS FINAL EXAMS DURING THE 1:30-‐4:30 PM, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 -‐ Time Block H In-‐Class Final Exam #8 2 SELF-‐SCHEDULED FINAL EXAMS PROCESS AND POLICIES • Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams vary in length (e.g., three hours, eight hours, and 24-‐hours) and are distributed and collected by the Registrar’s Office. The Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams are timed on behalf of the instructor (our Office records each student’s pick-‐up time and date, and the return time and date). At the discretion of the instructor, the Self-‐Scheduled Final Exam may or may not be on an anonymous basis. • Any Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams distributed must be returned (with your exam answers) to the Registrar’s Office. • During the Final Exam Period (April 30 – May 6; no exams Saturday or Sunday), students may pick-‐up their Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams from the Registrar’s Office according to the schedule detailed below. During the Final Exam Period, the Registrar’s Office will remain open during lunch so students may pick-‐up and return Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams anytime between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. All Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams will end by 5:00 PM, Wednesday, May 6. • Since the Registrar’s Office closes promptly at 5:00 PM, it is important for students to return their Self-‐Scheduled Final Exam(s) on time. Any Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams that are returned after the Registrar’s Office has closed will be marked with the time and date that they are found when the office re-‐opens the following morning at 9:00 AM. Spring 2015 Schedule for Students Taking Self-‐Scheduled Final Exams DATE Thursday, April 30 Friday, May 1 LENGTH OF EXAM SELF-‐SCHEDULED FINAL EXAM PICK-‐UP TIME RETURN TIME 3 Hours after pick-‐up, but no later than 5:00 PM 8 Hours Between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM If a three-‐hour exam is signed out after 2:00 PM, it still must be returned by 5:00 PM. Students allowed the extra half-‐hour because of English language difficulty must sign out the exam by 1:30 PM so it can be returned to the Registrar’s Office by 5:00 PM. 9:00 AM 24 Hours Between 9:00 AM-‐5:00 PM Within 24 Hours on May 1 3 Hours Between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM If a three-‐hour exam is signed out after 2:00 PM, it still must be returned by 5:00 PM. Students allowed the extra half-‐hour because of English language difficulty must sign out the exam by 1:30 PM so it can be returned to the Registrar’s Office by 5:00 PM. 9:00 AM 3 Hours after pick-‐up, but no later than 5:00 PM Between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM If a three-‐hour exam is signed out after 2:00 PM, it still must be returned by 5:00 PM. Students allowed the extra half-‐hour because of English language difficulty must sign out the exam by 1:30 PM so it can be returned to the Registrar’s Office by 5:00 PM. 9:00 AM Between 9:00 AM-‐5:00 PM 3 Hours after pick-‐up, but no later than 5:00 PM 3 Hours 8 Hours Monday, May 4 3 Hours 8 Hours 24 Hours Tuesday, May 5 3 Hours 8 Hours 24 Hours Wednesday, May 6 3 Hours 8 Hours Between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM If a three-‐hour exam is signed out after 2:00 PM, it still must be returned by 5:00 PM. Students allowed the extra half-‐hour because of English language difficulty must sign out the exam by 1:30 PM so it can be returned to the Registrar’s Office by 5:00 PM. 9:00 AM Between 9:00 AM-‐5:00 PM Between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM If a three-‐hour exam is signed out after 2:00 PM, it still must be returned by 5:00 PM. Students allowed the extra half-‐hour because of English language difficulty must sign out the exam by 1:30 PM so it can be returned to the Registrar’s Office by 5:00 PM. 8 Hours 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM Within 24 Hours on May 5 3 Hours after pick-‐up, but no later than 5:00 PM 5:00 PM Within 24 Hours on May 6 3 Hours after pick-‐up, but no later than 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 3
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