2015 National Stormwater Center Promoting and Advocating Clean Water Act Compliance Certified Stormwater Inspector Classes Certified Stormwater Inspector - California San Diego, CA July 13-14, 2015 Designed specifically for California MS4 personnel this two-day course focuses on the six minimum control measures of the small MS4 permit. Testing will be conducted; students are required to achieve a minimum overall score of 75% to be awarded 1.2 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) from National Stormwater Center, and a five (5) year Inspector Certificate. This course primarily serves those municipal permittees and their consultants who have responsibility for: Construction Inspections Industrial & Commercial Inspections Illicit Discharge Detection Elimination Pollution Prevention Post Construction (LID) Public Education Public Participation Municipal Operations Audits This course is appropriate for Municipal stormwater personnel including: Public Works Personnel Floodplain and Watershed Personnel Code Enforcement Officials FOG Inspectors (fats, oils, greases) Consultants to MS4s National Stormwater Center 817 Bridle Path Bel Air, Maryland 21014 888-397-9414 info@npdes.com www.NPDES.com Pricing, Registration, Terms - San Diego, CA July 13-14, 2015 This two-day course is $799 per person plus $25 registration fee, for a total of $824 per person. There is a $50 per person discount for 2 or more registrations from the same organization. Terms: Certificates of Training valid for 5 years and 1.2 CEUs awarded by National Stormwater Center will be issued to attendees who achieve a minimum of 75% accuracy on overall testing. Class fees are refundable if cancellation is received 7 days prior to start date. Registration fees are non-refundable. Substitutions are allowed with notification to our business office. TO SUBMIT REGISTRATIONS TO OUR BUSINESS OFFICE: Email to: info@npdes.com Call: 888-397-9414 FAX to: 410-638-2092 Register online at: www.NPDES.com - Or - Mail to address at bottom of page PLEASE: Use one registration form for each attendee Overview of Certified Stormwater Inspector Class TIME Morning Afternoon July 13, 2015 THE LAW: CLEAN WATER ACT, NPDES, CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL PERMIT July 14, 2015 POLLUTION PREVENTION, ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTION & ELIMINATION INDUSTRY AND CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, INDUSTRY, POST CONSTRUCTION, PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION, AND COMMERCIAL INSPECTIONS INFORMATION, PARTICIPATION, EDUCATION Attendee Name:___________________________________________Email: ________________________________ Business Phone: _____________________________ Cell Phone * ________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________ Department/Division: ____________________________ Organization: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address 1: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address 2: _____________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _____________________ PAYMENT METHOD: Check Enclosed __________ Invoice Us: ___________ Credit Card: ___________ Card #___________________________________________________Exp Date: __________________________ Name on card: ______________________________________________________________________________ Billing address of card: ________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: ____________________ *Please provide ATTENDEE’S mobile or home number for emergency contact ** You can fill in the blanks on your computer, save a copy, and email registration to info@npdes.com National Stormwater Center 817 Bridle Path Bel Air, Maryland 21014 888-397-9414 info@npdes.com www.NPDES.com
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