FCS Declaration - Florida Christian School

Florida Christian School
The end of a school year brings a
time of reflection and assessment
of the year for all of us who are
involved in the training of students
here at FCS. In just the past several
days we have seen some of the
evidences of a successful year. For
instance, our college advisor, Mrs.
Bain, announced that the Class
of 2015 has received over $3.5
million of awarded scholarships
and that our graduates have been
accepted, and will be attending,
many top 50 and top 100 colleges
(Amherst, ,Boston College, Colgate,
University of Florida, New York
University, to name just a few). This
past week our AP Physics students
competed in the WOW competition
at FIU, against their peers from
MDCPS AP and magnet programs,
and won First Place for their wind
mitigation project
. At
the FACCS Junior Fine Arts State
competition in Clearwater, FCS
elementary and middle school
students won and placed in
speech, drama, art, choral, and
band categories, and FCS was
awarded the High Point Cup for
the overall competition. In athletics
our Varsity football team won its
spring game against Ransom 42
– 21, and former FCS quarterback
JJ Burmeister (2013) was named
the starting quarterback for the
Trojans in Chicago for the fall
season. Obviously I am very proud
of our students and our faculty for
their recent successes, but they
represent just a fraction of the many
achievements of this school year.
The Senior High graduation service
this weekend was the culmination
of our students’ careers From the desk of be confident in God’s calling
here at FCS, and is a Dr. Robert in your life as a parent or as
faculty members at FCS.
great testimony of what
Andrews Confidence is an amazing
God is doing at FCS.
thing because one day we
It was a time to honor
can feel like we have really
our graduates for all
figured everything out, and
their accomplishments
the next day we have doubts
and challenge them to
and questions.
continue their pursuit of
knowledge as college
(Contined on page 2)
students. This class of 2015
exemplifies the characteristics that
we desire as a school and for which
we are very proud. Graduation
is also a time to congratulate our
entire high school faculty on a job
5-7 &
FCS Bookstore Open
well done, because, although not
10-14 & 8:00am-12:00pm &
always mentioned as much as it
should be, teachers are the ones, in
12-14& FCS Recycled Uniform Sale so many ways, responsible for the
Open, C105
success of the graduates. For the
8:00am-12:00pm &
many graduates who have been at
FCS the majority of their school life,
we also recognize their elementary
Open House K3-5th Grade
and middle school teachers who
laid the groundwork for their
5th Grade Orientation - 5:30pm
success in high school, and built
within them the desire to learn and
OF 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR
to follow God’s path for their life.
Meet & Greet - Welcome to all
Twenty two of this year’s graduates
Parents in both cafeterias
have been FCS students since 1st
8:00-9:30am (Main Campus and grade. We thank our parents for
West Campus)
allowing FCS the opportunity to
help train their children during this
New Parent Breakfast
past year. Most of all, we praise
God for the opportunity to be a part
For all Parents NEW to FCS
of the process in which the home,
Main Campus Cafeteria
the church and the school work
Middle School Open House together to shape the lives of our
(Grades 6-8)
students, not only to be successful
7:00-9:00pm in the gym
academically and in their future
career, but to live their lives in a way
High School Open House that honors God.
(Grades 9-12) In this final Weekly Word for the
2014-15 school year, I want to leave
you with words of encouragement
and challenge, words to help you
7:00-9:00pm in the gym
Accredited by: AdvancED, Florida Association of Christian Colleges and Schools, and Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions.
(Continued from page 1)
This problem, so often, is all about
where we have our confidence
placed. I don’t know about your
level of confidence as this school
year ends. Maybe this was the
best year ever for you, your
children or your students. If so,
you are looking forward to a new
year and the next chapter of your
children’s life. But maybe your
confidence has been shaken a
little and you are struggling as a
parent. I suspect, at this time of
the year, we all may be feeling
one way or another, with feelings
of either inadequacy or selfsufficiency. So my final word for
this year addresses these two
For those who are feeling a little
on the inadequate side, may I
say, on the authority of God’s
Word, it is the enemy Satan, who
will try to shake your confidence.
He wants parents to think, I’m not
a good parent, or I haven’t done
enough to help my child . He
wants teachers to second guess
themselves and discourage
them. You may also be one who
finished the year feeling fully
confident in your parenting or in
your teaching. It’s all because as
human beings, we tend toward
one extreme or the other, yet
both are equally treacherous. In
both cases, a parent or a teacher
subtly places, or lacks confidence
in his or her ability based on
feelings and perception. Success
or failure then is reduced down to
what we know or what we don’t
know, and our confidence in our
success is based on a perception
of whether we did a good or bad
Paul had a strikingly different
view of our Christian walk.
“Our confidence,” Paul wrote
in II Corinthians 3:4-5, “…
is ours through Christ. Not
that we are competent in
ourselves to claim anything for
ourselves, but our competence
comes from God.” Paul never
boasted about his talents or
ministry accomplishments or
bemoaned his weaknesses and
shortcomings. He gave total
credit to God. Paul’s attitude,
which is opposite of our “pick
yourself up by your bootstraps
and be all you can be” culture, is
a realistic one. We are nothing
in ourselves, and we do not
deserve to claim anything for
ourselves. Our competence
and whatever success we may
have, comes from God alone.
The idea that God “has made us
competent” is more powerful than
some of us may like to think. It
means that anyone, yes anyone,
regardless of their background,
can succeed. It is God who
allowed you to be a parent, and
it is God who can equip you to
be successful in training your
children. It is God who calls
our teachers to the ministry of
teaching in this Christian school.
So as much as parents and
faculty (and administrators), like
to brag about their students, or
the accomplishments of a school
year, the successes really have
less to do with us, and everything
to do with the One who called
us to raise and influence our
children and students. Once
we get over our own personal
feelings, this powerful truth can
elevate us to new heights in
our ministry of parenting and
teaching. It can give us stability
when we feel inadequate, and
humility when we begin to be full
of ourselves.
So as much as parents and
faculty (and administrators), like
to brag about their students, or
the accomplishments of a school
year, the successes really have
less to do with us, and everything
to do with the One who called
us to raise and influence our
children and students. Once
we get over our own personal
feelings, this powerful truth can
elevate us to new heights in
our ministry of parenting and
teaching. It can give us stability
when we feel inadequate, and
humility when we begin to be full
of ourselves.
So in response to His Word,
may God grant us the wisdom
and humility that we need
to effectively influence our
children. May we see ourselves
as completely incompetent
apart from Christ, and may
He empower us with the
unspeakable confidence in
Christ to accomplish more than
we could ever imagine on our
own. With this in mind we can
look forward to the coming year,
no matter how we might be
finishing this present one, and
we can anticipate the challenges
of another year because our
confidence is in Christ, and any
successes we may experience
bring glory to God.
Have a great summer,
Dr. Andrews
FCS gratefully acknowledges those who have financially contributed during the month of May to the ongoing
work at Florida Christian.
Sharing In Excellence Fund:
These funds are designed to promote continued school excellence. By giving to the Sharing In Excellence Fund you are promoting excellence in curriculum, classroom resources and technology, faculty enrichment and continuing education for staff, as well as opportunities for tuition assistance for qualifying families.
The following contributed to the Sharing in Excellence Fund:
Alfonso & Jackie Alvarez
Robert & Katie Andrews
Jim & Mary Arnold
Larry & Monica Arroyo
Griselda Bain
Angel & Olga Barrios
Simon & Laura Bazyler
Derwin & Audrey Brigham
Chris & Leidy Brigman
Steve & Leigh Byers
Lino & Cary Calvo
Luis & Eva Camejo
Elio & Graciela Casanas
James Class
Steve & Melissa Class
Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela
Carlos & Maria Cuervo
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Jorge & Ana Del Valle
Ernesto & Iris Delgado
Alex & Madeline Diaz
Marlo & Sandra Dieguez
Jason & Joan Doan
Edwin & Gloria Dossett
Robert & Patti Evelyn
Robert & Sheila Felder
Ontoniel & Diana Frometa
Chris & Helen Garner
Armando & Ana Gomez
Joel & Ileana Gonzalez
Andrew & Amanda Guilfoyle
George & Mayra Gulla
Robert & Debbie Hale
John & Susan Hanna
Alberto & Dasha Hernandez
Gus & Gloria Herrera
Frank & Melanie Hopkins
Paul & Pam Howell
Paul & Sandy Jeannin
Gary & Joyce Johnson
Todd & Alida Jolly
Bryan & Jan King
David & Beth King
Pete Kingman
James & Livia Koepp
Doug & Karen Kostowski
Robert & Clare Landau
Alejandro & Ana Ledon
Gary & Maria Lehnhard
Hector & Lydia Lopez
Damian Lue
Lazaro & Maria Martinez
Janet Mattern
Jorge & Karla Megias
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Fernando & Monica Mesa
Tim & Katie Miner
Sam & Kristy Miro
Luis & Marcia Montaner
Bill & Sherril Nealey
Joseph & Rebecka Padron
Peter & Lea Padron
Anthony & Gladys Perez
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Michael & Alicia Pertierra
Perry & Anncey Pitelli
Scott & Rebecca Prinz
Keith & Gladys Quinlan
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Ed & Debbie Riggan
Daniel Rios
Iliana Rodriguez
Luis and Dinah Rodriguez
Nordia Roman
Juan & Esther Roque
Boris & Susan Rubio
Al & Patti Ruiz
Joey & Yami Saad
Nancy Safreed
Gustavo & Cynthia Sanchez
Scott & Jeannine Stemmer
David & Roxy Swindoll
Waldo & Desiree Tejedor
Danny & Gina Trapero
Juan & Daisy Valdes
Bernalt & Kimberly Velasquez
Deborah Warner
The Estate of Penny Welhalf
Neil & Bobbi West
Mary Whitfield
Bill & Kerry Wicks
Steve & Laura Willoughby
Scott Wilson
Stephen & Penny Wright
Irasema Zuniga
Martin Fund:
The Martin Fund was established in honor of Bill and Ann Martin who dedicated their lives and resources to developing FCS’s Bible
Department. By giving to the Martin Fund you will help provide funding for our Bible program, spiritual development and training for our
faculty, spiritual emphasis week and chapel speakers.
The following contributed to the Martin Fund:
Luis & Eva Camejo
Steve & Melissa Class
Thomas & Michelle Collazo
Miguel & Barbara Cosculluela
Jorge & Tracy Cuesta
Jorge & Ana DelValle
Edwin & Gloria Dossett
James & Natasha Erwin
Robert & Sheila Felder
Maria Gori
Ron & Su Green
George & Mayra Gulla
Robert & Debbie Hale
Rick & Maria Harris
Todd & Alida Jolly
David & Beth King
Damiam Lue
Lazaro & Maria Martinez
Jorge & Karla Megias
Domingo & Iris Mendez
Jorge & Ivette Menendez
Luis & Marcia Montaner
Peter & Lea Padron
Jesus & Maby Perez
Hugues & Lisa Pericles
Michael & Alicia Pertierra
Jorge & Tania Reynardus
Joey & Yami Saad
Celeste Serralta
Chris & Christina Sierra
Danny & Gina Trapero
Juan & Daisy Valdes
Deborah Warner
Campus Beautification Fund:
Current capital campaign to enhance the appearance of the school campus. By giving to the Campus Beautification Fund you will help
provide funding for landscaping, rest room renovation, common area beautification, and other projects.
The following contributed to the Campus Beautification Fund:
Robert & Katie Andrews
Juan Fernandez &
Odalys Bravo-Fernandez
Damian Lue
Raul & Mavelyn Nunez
Raul & Rosalina Miranda
To be a part of giving to FCS, please go to the FCS Homepage and click on the “Donate” box.
This summer, the students are REQUIRED to read one or more books. When they return in the fall, they can
expect a test during the first week of school covering the novel(s) they were assigned.
In addition to reading the assigned novel(s) from the list below, students will also be REQUIRED to complete
an assignment that will be posted on our website. This assignment will be turned in for a grade when they
return in the fall.
These novels can be purchased or ordered from any major bookstore in town or online.
6TH GRADE Incoming 6th Graders
All books read must be the full versions.
Regular 6th Grade classes
• Star of Light by Patricia St. John
• Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
Honors 6th Grade
• Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
• Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor
7TH GRADE Incoming 7th graders
Regular 7th Grade classes:
•: Stealing Freedom by Elisa Carbone
9TH GRADE Incoming 9th graders
• Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths by
Bernard Evslin
10TH GRADE Incoming 10th graders
• Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
11TH GRADE Incoming 11th graders
Regular and Honors English:
• To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
AP English:
• The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Honors 7th Grade
• Stealing Freedom by Elisa Carbone
• Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
12TH GRADE Incoming 12th graders
• Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
8TH GRADE Incoming 8th graders
• Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
• The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Check the FCS Website for required assignments to
be done after completing the summer reading.
Current Student Re-Enrollment On-Line
We are excited to announce that our re-registration process is now more convenient than ever and available
To re-enroll your student for the 2015-2016 school year you can now use our online re-enrollment process. In
order to begin the re-enrollment process you must access our ParentsWeb through your existing RenWeb login
at www.renweb.com or go to www.floridachristian.org and follow the link to re-registration.
Families who have already taken advantage of the on-line re-registration process have expressed their enthusiasm
for the user-friendly, more convenient method of securing their students’ places for the upcoming school year.
New Student Inquiries - On-line Requests
Those who wish to receive more information about FCS before beginning the admissions process may use the
following link to request information:
Applications On-line
New students can access the on-line application at the FCS website under the Admissions tab.
K-3 - 1st Grade - Call or email to schedule an interview
2nd - 12th Grade - Call or email to schedule testing
Email: Rosa Lobaina, Admissions and Communications Director at: r.lobaina@floridachristian.org
Phone: 305-226-8152 x257
6th Grade Impact Students
Hard Work
Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
6th Grade Impact Students: (L to R) Adrian Perez, Orestes Soler, Cristina Oropesa, Andres Rancel,
Natalie Gonzalez. Not pictured: Cristina Fanfani, Alexa Vivar
These students are excellent examples of hard work, perseverance, and steadfastness. They are caring, respectful, and very obedient. In addition, they are imaginative, tenacious, and focused in their
school work. Their enthusiastic mindset sparkles in the classroom and allows them to shine with their
exemplary actions and determination to succeed in all that they do. The 6th grade teachers are proud
to recognize these outstanding students for their kind spirits, well-mannered attitudes, and devotion
to their school work.
– Mrs. Calvo, Mrs. Delgado, Mrs. Del Valle, and Mrs. Koepp
7th Grade Impact Students
Hard Work
Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
7th Grade Impact Students: Back Row: Dillon Lue, Elizabeth Lyons, Dena Barros, Keilah Serralta
Front Row: David Araya, Carolina Ledon, Madison Estape
These outstanding students have persevered with tenacity and determination throughout the year.
Their hard work and enthusiastic dedication shine in all that they do. They are very respectful,
conscientious of their work, and show immense willingness to go above and beyond what is expected
of them. Each one exemplifies a godly example with his or her kindness, cheerful spirit, and integrity.
When I think of these students, I am reminded of Colossians 3:23, which states as follows: “Whatever
you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” They work
heartily to succeed academically, but most importantly, to glorify The Lord.
– Mrs. Delgado
8th Grade Impact Students
Hard Work
Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
8th Grade Impact Students: Justin Nunez, Camila Perez, James Swindoll
Justin Nunez - Justin has shown to be a positive impact student by the example he sets in the class
room. Justin is doing the right thing and at the right time. His example to those around him is what
every teacher wants from their students.
- Mr. Byers
Camila Perez - Camila makes a positive impact on her classmates. She is always ready for class, is
focused and on task and strives to get good grades. She encourages others to do their best.
- Mrs. Quinlan
James Swindoll - James shows a positive attitude in the way he is always willing to help the teacher
with carrying and setting up the equipment. His kindness towards his classmates is seen in his
encouraging words and positive actions.
- Mr. Byers
12th Grade
11th Grade
10th Grade
AP English
Casey Lue
Lauren Fuster
Honors English
Katie Reeder
Amanda Rodriguez
Victoria Alonso
Katrina Padron
Emily Lago
Daniela Ramos
Madison Irvine
Joshua Jimenez
Pre AP English
Brittany Wellinghoff
Alexander Zimmerman
AP Calculus
Elizabeth Suarez
Honors Calculus
Alana Buznego
Vanessa Marquez
College Algebra
Jenir Galvez
Honors Pre Calculus
Alexandra Perez
Honors Algebra II
Grace Harrington
Algebra II
Taylor Andry
Honors Geometry
Lillian Frometa
Daniela Molinares
Algebra I
9th Grade
Gabriela Rodriguez
Mary-Angie Canales
Honors Economics
Kristine Reynardus
Mary-Angie Canales
Honors Government
Josiah Bazyler
Timothy Bernard
Jessica Maristany
AP US History
Lauren Fuster
Honors US History
Cassandra Concilio
US History
Kenneth Hernandez
Naia Mion-Bet
Honors World
Kayla Jolly
World Geography
Sofia Sablon
Lillian Frometa
Honors World History
Emily Sotolongo
World History
Gabriela Rodriguez
AP Biology
Michelle Lopez
AP Physics
Elizabeth Suarez
Honors Physics
Genesis Koussiafes
Honors Anatomy
Ralph Paz
Damaris Rodriguez
AP Chemistry
Amanda Rodriguez
Honors Chemistry
Nicole Fontela
Sofia Sablon
Honors Marine
William de Leon
Marine Science
Jonathan Martinez
Honors Environmental Science
Alejandro Nodarse
Melanie Ouma
Honors Biology
Gabriel Carreira
Brooke Alvarez
AP Spanish
12th Grade
11th Grade
10th Grade
Gabriela Sarmiento
Spanish II
Daniela Guevara
Spanish II
Nicole Fontela
Spanish I
Manuel Chong
Spanish I
AP Art
Ty Botana
Genesis Koussiafes
Honors Art
Stephanie Valdes
Ellianne Isidron
Marina VanderWal Art
Foundation Award
Genesis Koussiafes
Band - John Philip
Sousa Award
Andrew Echezabal
Director’s Choice:
Women’s Honors
Emily Roberts
Director’s Choice:
Women’s Choir
Director’s Choice:
Mixed Choir
Elyzabeth Hernandez
Josiah Bazyler &
Natalie Silva
Consumer Science
Kevin Nieto
Computers II
Angelina Quintana
Computers I
Sheridon Ouma
Drama - International
Honor Thespian
Beatrice Perez-Arche
Drama - National
Honor Thespian
Gianne De Santino
Mark Simonitis
Drama - Honor
Kristine Reynardus
Gabriela Sarmiento
Music Ministry
Alyssa Chang &
Jenna Maggi
Instrumental Music
David Ramos
John Cabauy
Team Sports
Alejandro Rancel
Personal Fitness
Joshua Jimenez &
Karina Tohme
Philip Moore &
Marissa Orsini
Casey Lue &
Mark Simonitis
Outstanding Christian Testimony
12th Grade - Josiah Bazyer and Raquel Jauregui
11th Grade - Fernando Mihaic and Emily Vazquez
10th Grade - Michael Blanche & Rebecca Jauregui
9th Grade - Joshua Jimenez & Mareena Rodriguez
9th Grade
“Even small children are known by
their actions...” Proverbs 20:11
Valedictorian: Vanessa Marquez
Salutatorian: Rafael Paz
President’s Award for Educational Excellence
Josiah Bazyler
Brian Bolanos
John Cabauy II
Victoria Camargo
Ashley Castillo
Frank Chacon
Natalie Fernandez
Cassandra Fernandez-Dieguez
Nicole Javech
Genesis Koussiafes
Michelle Lopez
Amanda Lorenzo
Casey Lue
Jenna Maggi
Vanessa Marquez
Jonathan Martinez
Matthew Padilla Brizuela
Rafael Paz
Kristine Reynardus
Emily Roberts
Megan Rodriguez
Rachel Rosal
Samantha Sardinas
Gabriela Sarmiento
Natalie Silva
Mark Simonitis
Elizabeth Suarez
Mr. & Miss FCS: Josiah Bazyler & Kristine Reynardus
Principal’s Academic Athlete: Josiah Bazyler
Outstanding Christian Athlete: John Cabauy II
Outstanding Christian Testimony:
Josiah Bazyler & Raquel Jauregui
Class Officers
Emily Roberts
Vice President
Katelyn Godoy
Beatrice Perez-Arche
Kristine Reynardus
Josiah Bazyler
Class Rpresentatives: Michelle Lopez, Ralph Paz
National Honor Society Officers:
Kristine Reynardus
Vice President
Vanessa Marquez
Emily Roberts
Rachel Rosal
Amanda Lorenzo
Senior Athletic Awards
Brian Bolanos
Nicholas Esparragoza
John Cabauy II
Katelyn Godoy
Victoria Camargo
Nicole Jimenez
Outstanding Academic Achievement:
(Cumulative 4.35 grade point average or better for 4 years)
Joshiah Bazyler
Vanessa Marquez
Ashley Castillo
Rafael Paz
Natalie Fernandez
Kristine Reynardus
Katelyn Godoy
Rachel Rosal
Genesis Koussiafes
Gabriela Sarmiento
Michelle Lopez
Mark Simonitis
Amanda Lorenzo
Elizabeth Suarez
Casey Lue
Senior Bible Presentations:
Josiah Bazyler – 4K
Alejandro Benites – 3K
Brian Bolanos – 4K
Sara Britto – 1st
Angelica Cabo – 4K
Ashley Castillo – 3K
Alyssa Chang – 3K
Nicholas Esparragoza – 4K
Cassandra Fernandez-Dieguez -1st
Katelyn Godoy – 5K
Raguel Jauregui – 5K
Nicole Jimenez – 3K
Giovanni Mallea – 3K
Alejandro Nodarse- 3K
Kaylee Padron- 3K
Jacqueline Perez – 3K
Katheryn Reeder – 3K
Kristine Reynardus – 4K
Jocelyn Rocha – 5K
Kaitlyn Rodriguez – 5K
Megan Rodriguez – 1st
Natalie Silva – 4K
Yearbook Editors:
Casey Lue and Mark Simonitis
Hall of Fame:
Josiah Bazyler
Gianni De Santino
Katelyn Godoy
Raquel Jauregui
Nicole Jimenez
Amanda Lorenzo
Casey Lue
Jonathan Martinez
Rafael Paz
Kristine Reynardus
Emily Roberts
Mark Simonitis
Elizabeth Suarez
Outstanding Academic Achievement
Lauren Fuster
Grace Harrington
Alana Buznego
Nicole Fontela
Sydni Liotta
Naia Mion-Bet
Jessica Barcelo
Ian Mendez
Alexandra Perez
Megan Nunez
Jessica Maristany
Sheridon Ouma
Jacqueline Roque
Rebekah Carp
Kristine Bover
Marcos Buznego
Carolina Goizueta
Mayte Lezcano
Amanda Rodriguez
Victoria Alonso
Alexis Castaneda
Diego Coviella
David Ramos
Lauren Diaz
Rebecca Abreu
Manuel Chong
Matthew Prieto
Michael Blanche
Gabriela Garrido
Brittany Wellinghoff
Matthew Moore
Emily Sosa
Belinda Blanco
Daniela Guevara
Gabriela Pineiro
Lucie Mau
Gabriel Carreira
Michelle Agudo
Lillian Frometa
Elizabeth Binef
Karina Tohme
Audrey Castellanos
Brooke Alvarez
Sophia Donato
Javier A. Fernandez
Andres Ledon
James Cabauy
Stephany Matat
Gabriela Rodriguez
Kenneth Northerner
Timothy King
Justin Nunez
Katrina Padron
Gianna Ortiz
Philip Moore
Michael Ramos
Robert Ricelli
Natalie Santovenia
Brittany Scoggins
Sergio Tejeda
Christopher Touma
Hannah Vivar
Rebecca Atencio
Richard Burke
Carolina Ledon
Gianella Martinez-
Rebecca Menendez
Nicolina Pereira
Priscilla Pozo
Carlos Rios
Isabella Rodriguez
Brandon Sanchez
Abigail Soriano
Chloe Chang
Carlos Manuel Cordoba
A.J. Diaz
Nicholas Fernandez
Olivia Fernandez
Donald Harrington
Katrina Hernandez
Rocio Lopez
Amanda Stoker
Yasmin Valiente
Isabella Vazquez
President’s Award for Educational Excellence - 8th Grade
Joshua Bartley
Victoria Mesa
Elizabeth Binef
Hunter Norris
Audrey Castellanos
Kenneth Northerner
Lauren Cerda
Gianna Ortiz
Sophia Donato
Jacqueline Padron
Matthew Fagin
Michael Padron
Joseph Fernandez
Eduardo Palenzuela
Vanessa Figueredo
Sandra Pedre
Janelle Forte
Camila Perez
Joshua Gonzalez
Michael Ramos
Nicole Gonzalez
Julian Rashid
Nicole Herrera
Matthew Reisert
Paul Cleyton Howell
Hannah Reynardus
Ethan Isidron
Robert Ricelli
Giuliana Jas
Alanna Rodriguez
Charisma Jolly
Natalie Santovenia
Andres Ledon
Hannah Serralta
Adrian Lengua
Santiago Stapel
Sofia Lopez
Isaac Sullivan
Jonathan Lorenzo
Sergio Tejeda
Patrizia Mariano
Jonathan Touma
Stephany Matat
Hannah Vivar
Mia Melo
Daniella Weihl
Outstanding Christian Testimony
11th Grade:
10th Grade:
9th Grade:
8th Grade:
7th Grade:
6th Grade:
Fernando Mihaic & Emily Vazquez
Michael Blanche & Rebecca Jauregui
Joshua Jimenez & Mareena Rodriguez
Matthew Reisert & Camila Perez
Dillon Lue & Rebecca Menendez
A.J. Diaz & Katrina Hernandez
8th Grade
Michael Ramos
Marina VanderWal Foundation Artist Choice Award
Audrey Castellanos
7th Grade
6th Grade
Gianella Martinez
Daniella Marrero
Elizabeth Binef
Rebecca Menendez
Katrina Hernandez
Joseph Fernandez
Keilah Serralta
Olivia Fernandez
Matthew Fernandez
Sandra Pedre, Camila Perez
Consumer Science
Giuliana Jas
Bianca Carmona
Alexander Gonzalez
Stephany Matat
Victoria Alonso, Dena Barros,
Kaley Walkland
Band - Director’s Award
Band - Most Improved
Language Arts
Sophia Milton
Language Arts Honors
Katrina Hernandez
Language Arts Most Improved
Victoria Cabaleiro
Elizabeth Herrera
English Honors
Santiago Stapel
Rebecca Atencio
Rebecca Menendez
Janelle Forte, AJ Herrera
Renee Ruiz
English Most Improved
Wesley Quirantes
English 8 Most Effort
Loren Martinez, Christian
Perreira, Nicole Arenas
Vanessa Figueredo
Christina Pereira
Matthew Fernandez
Math Honors
Damian Vilarchao
Nicholas Fernandez
PreAlgebra Honors
Lauren Alonso, Sophia Milton
Rebecca Atencio
Rebecca Menendez
Algebra I Honors
Hannah Vivar
Gabriel Alberro
Janelle Forte
Renee Ruiz
Lauren Alonso
Science Honors
Hannah Vivar
Rebecca Menendez
Yasmin Valiente
Science Fair 1st Place
Elizabeth Binef, Lauren
Cerda, Charisma Jolly,
Hunter Norris, Samuel Rodriguez, Hannah Vivar
Social Studies
Domenick Espinosa
Social Studies Honors
Yasmin Valiente
Devin Salazar
World Studies
Orlando Hernandez Bosch
World Studies Honors
Rebecca Atencio
Rebecca Menendez
Janelle Forte
History Honors
Hannah Vivar
Physical Education - Boys
Andres Ledon
Matthew Fernandez
Damian Vilarchao
Physical Education - Girls
Isabella Alicea
Patrizia Mariano
Laura Gonzalez
Cristina Northerner
Asia Castellanos
Annika Tracey
Outstanding Christian Testimony
Student who demonstrates the highest level of
Christian attitude and testimony.
5KA Valentina Miranda
5KB Emily Flores
5KC Dillon Farina
1A Javier Bichara
1B Joseph Padron
2A Alejandro Suarez
2B Michael Say
2C Samuel Miro
3A Damian Farina
3B Alejandro Vega
3C Taylor Gackle
4A Ethan Machin
4B Miguel Bichara
4C Maya Luna Castellanos
5A Aliya Acosta
5B Veronica Parodi
5C Briley Wellinghoff
Principal’s Award
Outstanding Academic Achievement
Highest Overall Average
3A Carolina Tapanes
5KA Ajala Rice-Reynolds
5KB Madison Pijuan
3B Alejandro Vega
3C Taylor Gackle
5KC Daniela Riesgo
1A Isaac Menendez
4A Nicholas Chong
4B Maya Ortiz
1B Markus Ruiz
2A Brian Sanchez
4C Emily Torres
5A Raphael Ruiz
2B Sebastian Prado
5B Carolina Morales
2C Edward Vaz
5C Christian Bosque
President’s Award for Educational Excellence - 5th Grade
Aliya Acosta
Christian Bosque
Jacob Brigman
Rachel Burke
Valery Casamayor
Angelina Cueto
Diego de la Maza
Miranda De La Noval
Sofia de la Torre
Nicole De Leon
Amanda Diaz
Matthew Diaz
Luna Dieguez
Michael English
Jose Fernandez
Matthew Jalil
Ethan Jimenez
Mikaela King
Daniel Lopez
Jason Losada
Chloe Markey
Genevieve Matos
Madison McDonald
Sarah Milton
Carolina Morales
Stephen Pella
Jorge Pernas
Christian Ramos
Abigail Rashid
Nicolas Riveron
Christopher Rodriguez
Raphael Ruiz
William Swindoll
Briley Wellinghoff
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not
for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from
the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Colossians 3:23-24
2014-2015 High School Band Awards
Band Officers:
President: Megan Rodriguez
Vice President: Raquel Jauregui
Secretary/Treasurer: Maikol Gonzalez
Public Relations: Daniela Guevara
Chaplain: David Ramos
Technology Officer: Antonio Vives
Librarian: Cassiday Dorway
Librarian: Christian Marsellos
Fruit of the Spirit Pens:
Love: Richard Leal
Joy: Alexander Alfonso
Peace: James Cabauy
Patience: Javier Fernandez
Kindness: Julian Millan
Goodness: Isabella Corrales
Gentleness: Ashley Castillo
Faithfulness: Matthew Martin
Self-Control: Gabriel Carreira
All-State Band:Unsung Hero Award:
Andrew EchezabalJulian Millan
Patrick S. Gilmore Award: Louis Armstrong Jazz Award:
Grace HarringtonMegan Rodriguez
Esprit de Corps Award:John Philip Sousa Award:
Raquel JaureguiAndrew Echezabal
Mrs. Angela Goff and Mr. Tim Miner
2014-2015 High School Band Awards
Solo and Ensemble Music Performance Assessment
District - Excellent
Daniela Guevara
Joshua Rivero
State - Excellent
Cassidy Dorway
David Ramos
District - Superior
State - Superior
Cassidy Dorway Grace Harrington
Andrew Echezabal Andrew Echezabal
David Ramos David Ramos
Richard Leal Richard Leal (2)
Adam Octala Ryan Rivas
Grace Harrington
Manuel Chong
Joshua Goff
David Ramos (2)
Richard Leal (2)
Florida Bandmaster’s Association District 20 Honor Band
Cassidy Dorway Andrew Echezabal Richard Leal Grace Harrington Manuel Chong
Ashley Castillo
Megan Rodriguez
Alexander Alfonso
Adam Octala
Rebecca Jauregui
Joshua Goff
Julian Millan
Ryan Rivas
2014-2015 Middle School Band Awards
Music Performance Assessment
6th Grade Band - Excellent at Concert MPA
7th and 8th Grade Band - Superior at Concert MPA,
1st place FACCS regional
2nd place FACCS State
District Solo and Ensemble MPA
Sixth Grade: Superior
Emma Valenti, Cristina Oropesa, Raquel Hernandez, Alexa Brown, Chloe Chang, Nicole Molina,
Victoria Bonilla, Victoria Cabrera, Sophia Rivero, Nicole Ramirez, Matthew Megias, Joseph
Fernandez-Andes, Amanda Tesserot, Tommy Fernandez Jr., Jordan Chang, Devin Salazar, Trace
Rowsey, Andres Rancel, Adrian Perez, Lucas Chantres, Manuel Riesgo Jardines, Joseph Delgado,
Carlos Cordoba, Donald Harrington
Seventh Grade: Superior
Abigail Soriano, Jessica Pankey, Laura Gonzalez, Evelyn Gonzalez, Andrea Delgado, Katherine Yac,
Priscilla Pozo, Cristina Northerner, Michael Keen, Emily Ruiz, Joshua Amedee, Eric Sosa, Fernando
Serrano, Ricky Burke III, Jonathon Carnero, Rebecca Menendez, Gianna Sanchez, Lucas Villanueva,
Michael McDonald, Adrian Ana, David Araya, Rebecca Menendez, Andrea Delgado, Jessica Pankey,
Abigail Soriano
Eighth Grade: Superior
Kyra Ramirez, Samuel Rodriguez, Andres Ledon, Anabelle Mendoza, Ethan Isidron, Sergio Tejeda,
Andres Jimenez, Cleyton Howell, Gino Cosculluela, Santiago Stapel, Julian Rashid, Robert Ricelli
Florida Bandmaster A District 20 Honor Band:
6th Grade: Donald Harrington
7th Grade: Katherine Yac, Priscilla Pozo, Andrea Delgado, Gianna Sanchez, Rebecca Menendez, Abigail
Soriano, Lucas Villanueva, Michael McDonald, Adrian Ana
8th Grade: Kenneth Northerner, Samuel Rodriguez, Ethan Isidron, Justin Nunez
All-State Band Plaque: Rebecca Menendez
6th Grade Most Improved: Manuel Riesgo-Jardines
6th Grade Director’s Award: Raquel Hernandez
7th Grade Most Improved: Stephen Prieto 7th Grade Director’s Award: Rebecca Menendez
8th Grade Most Improved: Sean Morales
8th Grade Director’s Award: Andres Ledon
FCS’s Art Department presented the 18th Annual Art Gallery on Friday, May 8, 2015. This is a very well-attended event
and this year’s turnout was outstanding. The theme of this year’s Gallery was I Corinthians 2:9: “No eye has seen, No ear
has heard, No mind has imagined the things God has prepared for those who love him.” Students and their families came
to enjoy and admire the artists’ work. First through 12th grade students had works on display that evening. The Consumer
Science students presented a beautiful table filled with delicious hors d’oeuvres, some prepared by the students. Adding
to the festive atmosphere was a worship team from Providence Road Church led by FCS Senior Emily Abella along with
church members Danny Rios and David Seigo.
Local professional artists were also in attendance, working on a platform as guests watched them create works of art. FCS
is grateful to Chris Dudot, Tessie Globe, Alvin Hernandez, and Richard Meister for taking the time to share their talents with
The Art Gallery was a testimony to the God-given talent so many students at FCS have. We look forward to next year’s
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Colonial Day
Mrs. Casanas - Grade 2
Elementary Basketball Champions
The FCS Elementary Basketball League’s K-1st Grade team, the Warriors, is the
champion team. Mr. Gabriel Hernandez is the coach who led the Warriors to a
7-0 season. Congratulations!
L to R: Gabriel Hernandez, Alexander Haza, Charles Gonzalez, Danny de los Santos, Ryan Valiente, Dylan Dieguez
Coach Hernandez with the
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
5th Grade Sea Grass Advneture Field Trip
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Mother’s Day Celebration
Mrs. Saad’s 5K Class
Pilgrim’s Progress
Mrs. Safreed’s 3rd Graders
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
3K End of Year Party
Florida Christian School
Dr. Robert Andrews, Headmaster
Jim Arnold, Senior High School Principal
Kerry Wicks, Middle School Principal
Maria Lehnhard, Elementary Principal
Sherril Nealey, Assistant Elementary Principal
Ernie Diaz
Herb Evelyn
Bob Felder
Ramon Fernandez-Andes, Treasurer
Frank Rivas, Secretary
Luis Rodriguez, Vice President
Emanuel Roque
David Swindoll
Bill Wicks, President
Manuel Bersach
Ernie Diaz
Herb Evelyn
Bob Felder
Ramon Fernandez-Andes
Gary Johnson
Bryan King
Joseph Padron
Frank Ramos
Frank Rivas
Ronell Rivera
Luis Rodriguez
Emanuel Roque
Eric Schlottman
David Swindoll
Bill Wicks
Since 1968
K3-12th Grade
Biblical Worldview Training
College Prep Curriculum
AP and Honors Programs
Music and Fine Arts
Full Athletic Program
FCSmart Technology Initiative
Florida Christian School - 4200 SW 89 Avenue Miami, FL 33165 - (305) 226-8152