2015 Spectrum International Merchandise Vendor Application & Contract Company name (print as it will appear on your vendor sign) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: __________________________ _______________Tel # ( ) _______________________email: _____________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________City/State/ZIP________________________________________________________ Brief description of your products and/or services_______________________________________________________________________________ Rental Booth size and rate for the 4 days of event will be as follows: ________________space which includes tent, light and one 110 electrical outlet, at US$____________________., Note: In addition to Cost of Vendor Space a Security Deposit payable to Florida PFHA in the amount of $____________ required at time of signing this agreement. No Exception. Security Deposit will be refunded upon inspection from Miami Dade County Parks and Florida PFHA Agreement We, _______________________________________________________, hereby contract to lease and occupy the vending space described above for the duration of the above listed event. Payment for this space is included with this Vendor Contract. It is agreed that only ONE vendor can occupy this booth space. We agree to abide by the following rules and stipulations: 1. Vendor shall have access to the location agreed upon by the parties the day before event commencement for the purpose of setting up Vendor’s vending station, goods and other things necessary and reasonable to vending at the location. Vendors must be completely set up by May 20th, 2015 (one day prior to Event’s commencement). 2. Vendor is required to supply their own tables, chairs, power cord and trash containers 3. Vendor shall not vend any goods or services other than those described herein at and during the Event without written consent. 4. Vendor’s are responsible for the safety and cleanliness of their contracted spaces and shall conduct themselves in an orderly fashion. 5. Vendor's staff will be properly dressed and their appearance will be clean and neat and they shall conduct themselves in an orderly fashion. All health regulations will be enforced. 6. Vendor and all employees must park their cars in those areas designated for Vendors Parking. 7. Vendor shall leave the location clean of trash and substantially in the condition it was before vendor occupied it, Florida PFHA and Miami Dade County will conduct and inspection of vendor space before refunding Security Deposit. 8. The Florida Paso Fino Horse Association is in no way responsible or liable for personal adversity or any acts of God. 9. Vendor assumes all risk and hazard incident to his own vending area or to the Vendor’s and representatives, or to other persons in his vending area. 10. NO REFUNDS of any kind will be made within thirty (30) days of the Event Indemnification: I/We _______________________________, the Vendor, hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Florida Paso Fino Horse Association for any injuries, loss, or for damage to individuals or property, resulting from my/our selling of products, or as a result of my/our participation in this Event. Signed and authorized by: __ ______________________________________________Title:_________________________ Date: ______________________ PAYMENT OPTIONS AND CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION ALTERNATIVAS DE PAGO Y AUTORIZACIÓN PARA USO DE TARJETA DE CRÉDITO ( ) Check/Cheque - Solamente aceptaremos cheques de Bancos de Estado Unidos ( ) Visa ( ) Master Card ( ) American Express Card Number/Número de Tarjeta ____________________________________________________________________Exp Date____/____ V-Code:________ Cardholder's Name/Nombre: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address/Direccion_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City&State – Ciudad y País ____________________________________Zip Code/Código Postal_____________________ SIGNATURE/FIRMA: ___ _____________________________________________________________________________Date:________________________ You may fax this form to (305)675-2823,e-mail to:flshows@floridapfha.org or mail to Florida PFHA P O Box 836570 Miami, Fl 33283-6570. Puede enviar este formulario vía fax (305)675-2823, correo electrónico a marthasarmiento@floridapfha.org o por correo a Florida PFHA P O Box 836570 Miami, Fl 33283-6570
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