MPO Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Goals Innovation and Economic Development MPO Bay County TPO Bay County TPO Bay County TPO Broward MPO Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Charlotte CountyPunta Gorda MPO Charlotte CountyPunta Gorda MPO Collier County MPO Collier County MPO Florida-Alabama TPO Florida-Alabama TPO Gainesville MTPO Hernando-Citrus MPO Hernando-Citrus MPO Hillsborough County MPO Indian River County MPO Lake-Sumter MPO LRTP Goal Provide a coordinated transportation system that is efficient for everyone in both time and cost. Minimize transportation costs by coordinating land use and existing land conditions with appropriate transportation facilities. Be consistent with sustainable community principles: (1) Economic Development, (2) Environmental Protection and (3) Social Equity. Ensure that the transportation system furthers the economic vitality of Broward County. Provide residents and visitors with access to a multi-modal transportation system and to goods and services throughout the region. There are many forms of transportation in the region, some untapped and to be utilized in the future. The Regional Mobility Plan must create and maintain opportunities to facilitate the movement of and connections among people, jobs, goods and services. Provide highway corridor capacity for the safe, secure, effective and efficient movement of people and goods. Develop a financially feasible plan with multimodal facilities and services that support economic development. A multi-modal transportation system that is balanced and integrated with all transportation modes to ensure safe and efficient movement of people and goods. A sustainable transportation system that enhances economic growth and anticipates development demands. Support the economic vitality of the TPO region & efficiency of the transportation system. Encourage a multi-modal network of user-friendly transportation systems for the movement of goods and people. Plan and invest to develop and maintain a comprehensive, multimodal transportation network for the Gainesville Urbanized Area that promotes economic vitality, community livability, and increased housing-employment proximity. The Plan will provide highway corridor capacity for the safe, secure, effective, and efficient movement of people and goods. The Plan will support the development of all sectors of the county's economy through the development of financially feasible multimodal facilities and services. Support economic vitality to foster the global competitiveness, productivity and efficiency of local and regional businesses. A connected, responsive, aesthetically pleasing and efficient transportation system that meets the needs of Indian River County residents, visitors, and businesses. To provide a livable transportation system that enhances accessibility, increases transportation choices, and is equitable for all users. Lake-Sumter MPO Lee County MPO Martin MPO MetroPlan Orlando Miami-Dade MPO North Florida TPO Okaloosa-Walton TPO Pasco County MPO Pinellas County MPO Polk TPO Polk TPO River-to-Sea TPO Sarasota/Manatee MPO Space Coast TPO St. Lucie TPO St. Lucie TPO To provide a multimodal transportation system that enhances regional economic development objectives, supports a competitive economy, and utilizes innovative transportation funding strategies. A sustainable transportation system that enhances economic growth and anticipates development demands. An efficient multimodal transportation system to serve regional and local needs, foster economic prosperity, and ensure transportation choices for all citizens, visitors, and businesses of the Region. Economic Vitality Support economic vitality To keep people and goods moving and help our region’s economy grow. Provide a transportation system in harmony with environmental, social, economic, and aesthetic features of the area. The Plan will be financially feasible and develop multimodal facilities and services that support economic development. Contribute to the economic vitality of Pinellas County through the provision of a transportation system that provides for the effective movement of people and goods to and from major employment centers and intermodal facilities. The transportation system should be developed and maintained to support an efficient movement of freight and goods, while providing improved connectivity to major economic activity centers. Foster the economic vitality and global competitiveness of Polk County and Central Florida by directing resources to the development of the transportation network. Develop transportation systems that contribute to the economic vitality of the region and ensure that they are designed, located, and constructed in an environmentally sustainable manner. Support economic vitality and ensure continued and enhanced participation in the global economy. Improve economic vitality through better access and intermodal connectivity for people and goods. An efficient multimodal transportation system to serve regional and local needs, foster economic prosperity, and ensure transportation choices for all citizens, visitors, and businesses of the Region. Transportation investments that discourage suburban sprawl and improve the economy and value of existing towns, cities, and other redevelopment areas. -2- Infrastructure and Growth Leadership MPO Bay County TPO Bay County TPO Bay County TPO Broward MPO Broward MPO Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Charlotte CountyPunta Gorda MPO Charlotte CountyPunta Gorda MPO Charlotte CountyPunta Gorda MPO Collier County MPO Collier County MPO Collier County MPO LRTP Goal Plan and provide a multi-modal network of integrated, user-friendly transportation systems for the movement of people and goods. Provide connections between new developments to reduce short trips on the major road network. Provide a coordinated transportation system that is efficient for everyone in both time and cost. Provide a balanced multi-modal transportation system that serves the local and regional movement of people, freight, and services; and that encourages travel by public transit. Preserve the existing and planned transportation system. Provide residents and visitors with access to a multi-modal transportation system and to goods and services throughout the region. Enhance local and regional connectivity to effectively and safely move people and goods using multiple modes of transportation. Create and maintain a transportation infrastructure that provides energy- and time-efficient intermodal movement of goods, services, and labor to and within urban areas in the region. To ensure that the funding for desired regional mobility projects is met and that necessary revenues are made available timely for the successful implementation of priority projects that promote sustainability, more efficient use of resources, and regional connectivity. There are many forms of transportation in the region, some untapped and to be utilized in the future. The Regional Mobility Plan must create and maintain opportunities to facilitate the movement of and connections among people, jobs, goods and services. A transportation system that provides access and mobility, supports compact growth and protects the region’s natural environment. Improve public health by increasing choice, safety, and access of transportation facilities for all segments of the population. Promote and implement transportation system improvements for all modes maximizing security of the transportation system. Develop a transportation system that serves the needs of all travel modes and provides intermodal/multimodal connectivity. Develop a financially feasible plan with multimodal facilities and services that support economic development. Follow state and federal requirements and ensure coordination among all involved governmental agencies to increase the efficiency of the system. A multi-modal transportation system that is balanced and integrated with all transportation modes to ensure safe and efficient movement of people and goods. A transportation system that is maintained, optimized and expanded using the best available technologies and innovations. A transportation system that is financially feasible. -3- Florida-Alabama TPO Florida-Alabama TPO Florida-Alabama TPO Gainesville MTPO Gainesville MTPO Gainesville MTPO Gainesville MTPO Hernando-Citrus MPO Hernando-Citrus MPO Hernando-Citrus MPO Hernando-Citrus MPO Hillsborough County MPO Hillsborough County MPO Indian River County MPO Indian River County MPO Indian River County MPO Lake-Sumter MPO Lake-Sumter MPO Encourage a multi-modal network of user-friendly transportation systems for the movement of goods and people. Promote efficiency and effectiveness within the transportation system and the planning process. Preserve the existing transportation system and highlight community focal points. Plan and invest to develop and maintain a comprehensive, multimodal transportation network for the Gainesville Urbanized Area that promotes economic vitality, community livability, and increased housing-employment proximity. Develop and maintain a safe transportation system that supports increased mobility and better accessibility for all users and neighbors of transportation facilities and services. Develop and maintain a sustainable transportation system that supports and preserves the existing transportation network through integrated land use and transportation decision-making that results in compact development patterns, preservation of environmental, cultural and historic areas, reduced demand for oil, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. Improve system management, operations, coordination and communication to make sound transportation decisions that reflect wise use of financial resources. The Plan will address the efficient, safe, and secure integration of port, airport, and rail modes of transportation, and associated intermodal facilities into one cohesive intermodal system. The Plan will provide for the mobility needs of all segments of the county's population by providing effective alternative modes of transportation to the private automobile. The Plan will provide highway corridor capacity for the safe, secure, effective, and efficient movement of people and goods. The Plan will support the development of all sectors of the county's economy through the development of financially feasible multimodal facilities and services. Promote accessibility and mobility by increasing and improving multimodal transportation choices, and the connectivity across and between modes, for people and freight. Preserve existing facilities and optimize the efficiency of Transportation System Management and operations. A connected, responsive, aesthetically pleasing and efficient transportation system that meets the needs of Indian River County residents, visitors, and businesses. A transportation system that provides travel alternatives which enhance mobility for people and freight. A transportation system that is preserved and maintained through adequate investment and management of the infrastructure. To provide a multimodal transportation system that improves local and regional mobility and intermodal connectivity for our region's residents and visitors. To preserve and enhance the mobility of and the accessibility of the existing transportation network. -4- Lee County MPO Lee County MPO Lee County MPO Martin MPO MetroPlan Orlando MetroPlan Orlando MetroPlan Orlando Miami-Dade MPO Miami-Dade MPO Miami-Dade MPO Miami-Dade MPO North Florida TPO North Florida TPO North Florida TPO North Florida TPO North Florida TPO Ocala/Marion County TPO Ocala/Marion County TPO Okaloosa-Walton TPO Okaloosa-Walton TPO Okaloosa-Walton TPO Palm Beach County MPO Palm Beach County MPO Palm Beach County MPO A multi-modal transportation system that is balanced and integrated with all transportation modes to ensure safe and efficient movement of people and goods. A transportation system that is maintained, optimized and expanded using the best available technologies and innovations. A transportation system that is financially feasible. An efficient multimodal transportation system to serve regional and local needs, foster economic prosperity, and ensure transportation choices for all citizens, visitors, and businesses of the Region. Balanced Multimodal System Integrated Regional System Efficient and Cost Effective Enhance the integration and connectivity of the major transportation system, across and between modes, for people and freight Improve transportation system and travel. Optimize sound investment strategies for system improvements and management/operation. Maximize and preserve the existing transportation system. To keep people and goods moving and help our region’s economy grow. To increase the accessibility of our transportation system. To improve the connectivity of our transportation system by better connecting travel modes. Maximize the existing transportation system to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. To economically, efficiently, and equitably expand and maintain our transportation system. Develop and enhance a multi-modal transportation system that addresses the travel needs of users and facilitates the movement of freight and goods within the community as well as the central Florida region. Ensure the transportation system has sufficient capacity to serve the anticipated growth within the planning area. Provide a safe, economical, and efficient transportation system that maximizes the mobility of people and goods, including bicyclists and pedestrians. Provide an efficient transportation system which optimizes improvement and efficiency of existing transportation facilities. Provide Measures to relieve financial constraints on improvements to the transportation system. The Plan will effectively address the integration of land, water, and air modes of transportation, and associated intermodal facilities into a cohesive intermodal system that serves people and freight. The Plan will provide highway corridor capacity for the safe, effective, and efficient movement of people and goods. The Plan will coordinate with other transportation plans in the region and the Regional LRTP to promote transportation and land use activities in support of regional travel for people and freight. -5- Pasco County MPO Pinellas County MPO Pinellas County MPO Polk TPO Polk TPO Polk TPO Polk TPO River-to-Sea TPO River-to-Sea TPO River-to-Sea TPO Sarasota/Manatee MPO Sarasota/Manatee MPO Sarasota/Manatee MPO Space Coast TPO Space Coast TPO St. Lucie TPO The plan will effectively address the integration of port, airport, and rail modes of transportation, and associated intermodal facilities into a cohesive intermodal system that will enhance travel for all users of Pasco County’s transportation system. Provide for a safe, secure and energy efficient “multi‐modal” and “intermodal” transportation system that serves the transportation needs of Pinellas County while enhancing the quality of life for its citizens. Contribute to the economic vitality of Pinellas County through the provision of a transportation system that provides for the effective movement of people and goods to and from major employment centers and intermodal facilities. Develop and maintain a balanced multimodal transportation system that reduces dependency on the automobile, provides a range of transportation choices, supports the efficient movement of people and goods, and provides a seamless network connecting Polk County. Develop a regional multi-modal transportation system that efficiently moves people and goods, provides for seamless connections, and is coordinated across jurisdictional boundaries. The transportation system should be developed and maintained to support an efficient movement of freight and goods, while providing improved connectivity to major economic activity centers. Maintain an efficient transportation system by managing congestion and improving traffic flow. Ensure that our transportation network considers the mobility needs of all user groups equally and is developed and managed in ways that foster safety and security. Consider the timing and location of transportation improvements to preserve and enhance existing urban areas and to recognize the development of our future. Develop an efficient transportation system that promotes a wide range of transportation options and integrates these options cohesively with the surrounding community. Improve multimodal mobility and connectivity across the region. Coordinate land use, promote multimodal site design, and minimize impacts. Enhance system management and operations. Improve economic vitality through better access and intermodal connectivity for people and goods. Improve mobility through effective management and operations of the transportation system. An efficient multimodal transportation system to serve regional and local needs, foster economic prosperity, and ensure transportation choices for all citizens, visitors, and businesses of the Region. -6- Quality of Life/Quality Places MPO Bay County TPO Bay County TPO Bay County TPO Bay County TPO Broward MPO Broward MPO Broward MPO Broward MPO Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Capital Region TPA Charlotte CountyPunta Gorda MPO Charlotte CountyPunta Gorda MPO Collier County MPO Collier County MPO Collier County MPO Florida-Alabama TPO Florida-Alabama TPO Florida-Alabama TPO LRTP Goal Develop and maintain a transportation system that provides for the safety of residents, visitors and commerce. Be consistent with sustainable community principles: (1) Economic Development, (2) Environmental Protection and (3) Social Equity. Develop and maintain a responsible transportation system that meets or improves on the national ambient air quality standards for all citizens and visitors. Develop and maintain a responsible transportation system that protects, preserves and enhances a high quality of life for all citizens, including but not limited to environmental, historical and recreation. Increase the safety of the transportation system for all of its users. Increase the security of the transportation system for all of its users. Promote sustainable systems and programs. Provide an aesthetically pleasing transportation system which improves the relationship between public transportation and land use development, and promotes the quality of life for the community Enhance local and regional connectivity to effectively and safely move people and goods using multiple modes of transportation. To ensure that the funding for desired regional mobility projects is met and that necessary revenues are made available timely for the successful implementation of priority projects that promote sustainability, more efficient use of resources, and regional connectivity. Improve public health by increasing choice, safety, and access of transportation facilities for all segments of the population. Promote and implement transportation system improvements for all modes maximizing security of the transportation system. A transportation system that provides access and mobility, supports compact growth and protects the region’s natural environment. Provide highway corridor capacity for the safe, secure, effective and efficient movement of people and goods. Preserve, and wherever possible, enhance the community's social and environmental values. A transportation system that is safe and secure for existing and future residents, visitors and businesses. A transportation system that enhances emergency responsiveness and evacuation. A transportation system that is sensitive to the effects to the socio-cultural elements of the communities, the community character and environmental resources. Enhance the safety and security of the transportation system. Enhance the Security of the transportation system. Promote a sustainable, integrated transportation infrastructure system that is environmentally-friendly. -7- Florida-Alabama TPO Florida-Alabama TPO Florida-Alabama TPO Gainesville MTPO Gainesville MTPO Gainesville MTPO Gainesville MTPO Hernando-Citrus MPO Hernando-Citrus MPO Hillsborough County MPO Hillsborough County MPO Indian River County MPO Indian River County MPO Indian River County MPO Lake-Sumter MPO Lake-Sumter MPO Lake-Sumter MPO Lake-Sumter MPO Encourage a multi-modal network of user-friendly transportation systems for the movement of goods and people. Preserve the existing transportation system and highlight community focal points. Enhance quality of life factors that will attract industry and skilled workers, and assist disabled and elderly populations. Develop and maintain a safe transportation system that supports increased mobility and better accessibility for all users and neighbors of transportation facilities and services. Develop and maintain a transportation system that secures the ability of the Gainesville Urbanized Area to prevent, respond to, and recover from crime, disaster, and other adverse conditions with resilience. Plan and invest to develop and maintain a comprehensive, multimodal transportation network for the Gainesville Urbanized Area that promotes economic vitality, community livability, and increased housing-employment proximity. Develop and maintain a sustainable transportation system that supports and preserves the existing transportation network through integrated land use and transportation decision-making that results in compact development patterns, preservation of environmental, cultural and historic areas, reduced demand for oil, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The Plan will provide highway corridor capacity for the safe, secure, effective, and efficient movement of people and goods. The Plan will preserve, where possible, and enhance community social and environmental values. Enhance the safety and security of the transportation system for both motorized and nonmotorized users. Improve the quality of life, promote energy conservation and enhance the environment, while minimizing transportation related fuel consumption, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. A safe transportation system for Indian County residents, visitors, and businesses. A transportation system that is sensitive to the natural and social environment. A connected, responsive, aesthetically pleasing and efficient transportation system that meets the needs of Indian River County residents, visitors, and businesses. To provide a multimodal transportation system that improves safety and security for all users. To encourage new development into centers and corridors, enabling the preservation of countryside and conservation lands. To minimize and mitigate potential adverse impacts to the environment that could result from transportation investments. To provide a livable transportation system that enhances accessibility, increases transportation choices, and is equitable for all users. -8- Lake-Sumter MPO Lee County MPO Lee County MPO Lee County MPO Martin MPO MetroPlan Orlando MetroPlan Orlando MetroPlan Orlando Miami-Dade MPO Miami-Dade MPO Miami-Dade MPO North Florida TPO North Florida TPO North Florida TPO North Florida TPO Ocala/Marion County TPO Ocala/Marion County TPO Okaloosa-Walton TPO Okaloosa-Walton TPO Palm Beach County MPO Palm Beach County MPO Palm Beach County MPO To promote planning approaches that integrate land use, transportation, and community design decisions reflecting the concerns and issues of a broad crosssection of the public. A transportation system that is safe and secure for existing and future residents, visitors and businesses. A transportation system that enhances emergency responsiveness and evacuation. A transportation system that is sensitive to the effects to the socio-cultural elements of the communities, the community character and environmental resources. An efficient multimodal transportation system to serve regional and local needs, foster economic prosperity, and ensure transportation choices for all citizens, visitors, and businesses of the Region. Safety Energy and Environmental Stewardship Quality of Life Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized vehicles Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users Protect and preserve the environment and quality of life and promote energy conservation To make our transportation system safer. To make our transportation system more secure. To protect our environment, conserve energy and enhance our quality of life. To integrate bicycle and pedestrian modes of travel onto the existing and future transportation system and to ensure through education, engineering and encouragement, that bicycle and pedestrian travel is a viable means of transportation and greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Continually improve upon the safe operation of local transportation facilities. Provide a transportation system in harmony with environmental, social, economic, and aesthetic features of the area. Provide a safe, economical, and efficient transportation system that maximizes the mobility of people and goods, including bicyclists and pedestrians. Provide a transportation system in harmony with environmental, social, economic, and aesthetic features of the area. The Plan will provide highway corridor capacity for the safe, effective, and efficient movement of people and goods. The Plan will improve the safety and security of the transportation system for people and freight traffic. The Plan will preserve, and wherever possible, enhance the communities’ social and environmental resources. -9- Pasco County MPO Pasco County MPO Pinellas County MPO Pinellas County MPO Polk TPO Polk TPO River-to-Sea TPO River-to-Sea TPO River-to-Sea TPO River-to-Sea TPO Sarasota/Manatee MPO Sarasota/Manatee MPO Sarasota/Manatee MPO Space Coast TPO Space Coast TPO St. Lucie TPO The Plan will provide highway corridor capacity for the safe, secure, effective, and efficient movement of people and goods. The Plan will preserve and, wherever possible, enhance the community's social and environmental values. Provide for a safe, secure and energy efficient “multi‐modal” and “intermodal” transportation system that serves the transportation needs of Pinellas County while enhancing the quality of life for its citizens. Promote “livable community” concepts that allow for people to travel freely and safely in the urban environment through non‐motorized travel modes such as walking, bicycling and skating. Develop a transportation system that provides for the safety and security of both motorized and non-motorized travel. Develop a transportation system that is consistent with Future Land Use Plans, is environmentally sustainable, and enhances the quality of life in Polk County. Ensure that our transportation network considers the mobility needs of all user groups equally and is developed and managed in ways that foster safety and security. Develop transportation systems that contribute to the economic vitality of the region and ensure that they are designed, located, and constructed in an environmentally sustainable manner. Develop an efficient transportation system that promotes a wide range of transportation options and integrates these options cohesively with the surrounding community. Develop a transportation system that most effectively utilizes the financial resources available and improves the quality of life for residents. Increase safety in the transportation system Increase security and resilience in the transportation system. Expand sustainable transportation alternatives to protect the environment, reduce energy consumption, and improve public health. Improve the safety and security of the transportation system. Improve sustainability and livability. An efficient multimodal transportation system to serve regional and local needs, foster economic prosperity, and ensure transportation choices for all citizens, visitors, and businesses of the Region. - 10 -
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