Nectar News - Flour Bluff Independent School District

Nectar News
April 2015
Progress Report
McTeacher Night, 5 - 8 p.m.
School Holiday, School Closed
ECC/Primary PTA Meeting
Primary Cafeteria, 6:30 p.m.
7 Lil’ Helping Hornets
Check Presentation
Ronald McDonald House
10 Family Movie Night, 6-7:30pm
15 Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
17 Early Release Day, 1:30 p.m.
17 Relay for Life, FBJH Track
21 Librarian Appreciation Day
23 Report Cards
School Holiday
Friday, April 3, 2015
Early Release Day
Friday, April 17, 2015
7:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
PreK AM - (no change)
7:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
PreK PM 11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
ECC Administrative Team
Amy Seeds
M. Ivonne Sandoval
Asst. Principal
Toby Thomas
Kristina Richter
School Nurse
Karen Carden
Early Childhood Center
Flour Bluff Independent School District
The ECC Buzz
We had a great turn out (and great weather!) for our Family Picnic
last month. Thank you parents, friends and family members who
were able to attend. We would also like to thank the parents who
volunteered during the Texas Public Schools Week “Career Day.”
We had pilots, lawyers, a nurse, a waitress, an aesthetician, a social
worker, a game warden, a police officer, a football player, a pharmacy technician and more!
We are in the last nine weeks of school and it’s hard to believe we
are quickly approaching the last days of the school year. In order to
prepare our students with a solid foundation for the next grade level,
regular school attendance is very important. Learning builds day by
day. As always, please let us know if you have any questions or
Thanks, Amy Seeds and Ivonne Sandoval
Friday, May 1, 2015
ECC presents....
Movie Night
All Kinder students will participate in
activities to get their hearts moving and
Friday, April 10
promote friendly competition. Parents/
6 - 7:30 p.m.
guardians may visit their child during
Play Day but must sign in at the gate
entrance. Students will not be dismissed Join us for an evening at the
from the track unless proper ‘check-out’ movies! Choose from one
procedures are completed in the ECC
of two family-fun movies
front office first. Times will be posted shown in the ECC Cafeteria
and ECC Gym.
Bring your favorite
All PreK students will participate in Play pillow and blanket for your
Day in the back playground area of the
ECC. Morning PreK will go from 8:30 Free Popcorn - 1 bag per
10 a.m. and afternoon PreK will go from
12:30 - 2 p.m.
Water, snacks and baked
T-SHIRTS - $10
goods on sale!
Order forms will be sent home with students
and also available in the front office soon.
Deadline to order is Tuesday, April 14.
*Proceeds benefit ECC Superheroes - 2105 Relay for Life
2505 Waldron Road * Corpus Christi * Texas * 78418 * 361-694-9036 * 361-694-9810 (fax)
Counselor’s Corner
Kindergarten classes are discussing personal safety. We will read
the story “My Body Is Mine” and
review personal safety rules. We’ll
finish our unit of study by coloring
a poster to take home.
Prekindergarten students will learn
about the difference between normal conflict and bullying and will
review Kelso’s Good Character
Traits. We are working on problem
solving and when they should seek
adult help for a big problem.
lil’ helping hornets
ECC Community Service Projects
ECC Students & Families
On April 7, student representatives will visit the
Ronald McDonald House-Corpus Christi and
present a $250 check to Executive Director, Michelle Horine.
Great job ECC families for helping us reach our
goal to benefit the new bike trail for the families
who stay at the Ronald McDonald House.
Ms. Toby Colvett Thomas, M.S.
School Counselor
Throughout the school year we
stress our positive behavior expectations at the Early Childhood Center. Our expectations are:
Be Safe!
Be Respectful!
Be Responsible!
5th 6-Weeks
ECC Volunteer
Round Up
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
“Pride of the Community”
Talent Show
May 8, 7 pm - HS Auditorium
Flour Bluff Relay for Life
April 17, 2015
Flour Bluff ISD Junior High Track
Opportunities to support our
ECC Superheroes Team:
Beads & Loom Bracelet Sales: April 1 - 17
$1 each at front office
McTeachers Night: Thursday, April 2
10% of all sales will benefit our team!
Family Movie Night: Friday, April 10
Water, snacks and bake sale!
Luminarias: April 1 - 17
$5 each, see form on last page for more information.
Flour Bluff ISD
Contact our PTA President at
PTA Meeting
Monday, April 6, 2015
6:30 p.m., Primary Cafeteria
Board Nominations:
Would you like to join the PTA
Board, or you know of someone
who would like to join?
Please attend this meeting to get
important information.
News from
Camp Read-A-Lot
Sneak Peek
Monday, May 4
6:30 p.m.
Primary Cafeteria
Teacher Requests
First Graders @
Primary School
May 4 - 8
Tuesday, May 12
6 - 7 p.m.
ECC Cafeteria
All incoming 2015 Kinder
students and their families are
invited to learn more about
the Kindergarten program
and tour the school.
Kinder Registration
For NEW students to the
District starting Kinder in
August 2015
Tuesday, May 5
8:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 6
8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., 5 - 7 p.m.
Students to the
District starting
Kinder in August 2105
or First Grade in August 2015
(students currently enrolled)
Students are working hard towards
A letter will be sent home
reaching our goal of reading 100
Required information needed for
in the summer with inbooks! So far, we have 105 students on
structions on how to reg-Birth Certificate (age 5 by Sept. 1) ister your student for the
our Reader Board. Keep up the great
-Updated Immunization Records
2015-16 school year.
work! The last day to turn in reading
-Child’s Social Security Card
logs will be May 8th! Thank you for
Teacher Requests
-Proof of Residency
a successful Book Fair! Also thank
*teacher requests can be made at this
May 5 & 6
you for your continued support with
ECC Front Office
Box Tops for Education and Campbell
Soup UPC labels. I am still collecting,
so keep sending them in!
Happy Reading! Mrs. Carden It is heating up in South Texas! Please remember to dress your
children appropriately for the weather. Make sure your family
is practicing sun safety! Drink plenty of water and use sunBook Recommendations
screen for prolonged sun exposure. Keep your children healthy
Ms. Carden:
this spring by encouraging great hand washing, no drink shar“Click, Clack, Peep!”
ing, and using tissues for sneezing and wiping their noses.
by: Doreen Cronin & Betsy Lewin
Also, please continue to keep us updated on your contact information so we always have a way to reach you. Also, if you
Ms. Bujnoch:
received a letter regarding your child’s hearing and/or vision
“First the Egg”
screening, please call me with any questions you have. Inforby: Laura Vaccaro Seeger
mation gathered goes into a report for the State of Texas at the
end of our school year.
Nurse Kristina
Nurse’s Notes