Information for delegates IFBF 2015, Glasgow

Information for delegates
IFBF 2015, Glasgow
In advance of this year’s IFBF we hope that the following information will be useful to you. If you have
received this because you booked a place for another person, please pass this document to them.
1. The main conference starts Tuesday 16 June and in the Clyde Suite of the Marriott Hotel.
Registration will be open from 0730 on 16 June. You may also register during Monday
afternoon Monday. Refreshments will be available from 0830 on Tuesday morning and the
conference starts at 0900
2. It will be helpful if you bring a copy of your invoice with your IFBF registration number to
3. You can check the latest copy of the programme on our website.
4. All delegates will receive a printed copy of the proceedings at registration. Please note that you
are responsible for taking care of your copy and if you lose it you will need to purchase a
replacement. Additional copies of the proceedings for this year, and previous IFBF meetings
may be purchased. Presentation materials used by presenters will be made available through
the IFBF website. Presenters should note that we require their presentation material promptly.
5. We will again be operating our delegate networking board, sponsored by SGL Carbon. Each
delegate has a networking card for your business card, your photo, and the names of people
you wish to meet.
6. We will compile a delegate list during the first day of the meeting. Please check that your
details are correct when you register. We do not issue delegate lists in advance of the
conference as we take into account the restrictions of the Data Protection Legislation in the UK
and EU. If you wish to contact other delegates who are coming to the Forum, or who have
attended in the past, please use the “Linked In” Flow Battery Forum group.
7. There are refreshment breaks during the morning and afternoon sessions, and we also have
lunch in the hotel on both days. If you have any dietary requirements we need to know
immediately. Please advise us by email.
8. On Tuesday evening, 16 June, all delegates are invited to a reception sponsored by SGL Carbon
and to the conference dinner sponsored by UET. The reception and dinner will be at the
Kelvingrove Museum. Your conference name badge and lanyard is required for entry to the
dinner. We will provide coaches to and from the hotel, or you may make your own transport
arrangements. Guests are welcome to the dinner, but you will need to purchase an additional
ticket for them as soon as possible. It would help if additional guest places could be reserved by
email before the event. If you are not intending to come to the dinner please let us know.
9. Delegates attending the introductory seminar on flow batteries should register for this before
1400 on Monday 15 June at the Waverley Room in the Marriott Hotel.
10. Registration for the main conference will also be available from 1300 until 1800 on Monday.
11. The coaches for the industry visit to the PNDC will depart promptly at 0930 on Thursday from
the Marriott Hotel and will return by 1400 to the hotel. There are no spare places on the trip. If
you have registered and need to cancel, please let us know so we can offer your place to
another delegate.
12. Instructions for presenters and poster presenters have been circulated separately.
13. We hope that you have already made your own travel arrangements and booked your
accommodation. Hotel accommodation is almost completely sold out in the hotel. We look
forward to seeing you in Glasgow and hope that you may have some free time to explore the
city. There are links on the IFBF website with some useful information to help you enjoy your
+44 1666 840948
We look forward to seeing you in Glasgow.
Thank you to our sponsors:
Conference organised by Swanbarton Limited