dddddd Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments 701.232.3242 • FAX 701.232.5043 • Case Plaza Suite 232 • One 2nd Street North • Fargo, North Dakota 58102-4807 Email: metrocog@fmmetrocog.org To: MAT Coordinating Board Members From: Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG) Metro Area Transit (MATBUS) Date: RE: April 14, 2015 MAT Coordinating Board Agenda and Correspondence http://www.fmmetrocog.org 56th Meeting of the Metro Area Transit Coordinating Board April 15, 2015 – 8:00am Fargo City Commission Chambers – 200 3rd Street North, Fargo ND Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order and Introductions – Kevin Hanson (Chair) 2. Review and Action on Minutes from March 21, 2015 (Attachment 1) 3. 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan Introduction and Visioning (Attachment 2) – Bill Troe and Cindy Gray, SRF Consulting Group 4. Discuss Fargo-Moorhead Mass Transit Operational Services RFP – Lori Van Beek and Gregg Schildberger 5. Operations and Ridership Report – February 2015 – Lori Van Beek and Gregg Schildberger (Attachment 3) 6. Other Business Questions, comments or concerns prior to the meeting can be directed to Adam Altenburg (701.232.3242 x34; altenburg@fmmetrocog.org) or Dan Farnsworth (701.232.3242 x35; farnsworth@fmmetrocog.org). People with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and need special arrangements should contact Kate Wurtzler at Metro COG (701.232.3242 Ext. 31), at least two days before the meeting to make arrangements. A PLANNING ORGANIZATION SERVING FARGO, WEST FARGO, CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA AND MOORHEAD, DILWORTH, CLAY COUNTY, MINNESOTA 55th Meeting of the Metro Area Transit Coordinating Board March 18th, 2015 Fargo Commission Chambers Attachment 1 Members Present: Kevin Hanson, Chair Mike Williams, Fargo City Commission Jim Aasness, Dilworth City Council Brit Stevens, NDSU Jan Mahoney, MSUM Sue Oatey, Concordia College Angela Mathers, M|State Paul Grindeland, Valley Senior Services Members Absent: Mellissa Sobolik, Fargo City Commission Brenda Elmer, Moorhead City Council Jim Haney, Moorhead City Council Mark Simmons, West Fargo City Commission Others Present: Lori Van Beek, City of Moorhead Bill Christian, Metro COG Dan Farnsworth, Metro COG Adam Altenburg, Metro COG Chair Hanson called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM. 2. Review and Action on Minutes from January 21, 2015. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Ms. Mahoney. The motion was voted on and unanimously approved. 3. Consider Consultant Selection for the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan Mr. Altenburg informed the Board that Metro COG is in the process of initiating an update to the current Transit Development Plan (TDP). Mr. Altenburg stated that in January, the Board and Metro COG’s Policy Board approved the RFP to secure a consultant to complete the technical tasks outlined in the scope of work under an approved work program project budget of $150,000. Mr. Altenburg explained that Metro COG received two (2) proposals prior to the February 19 closing date. The Selection Committee met with and interviewed both of the consultants on March 6 to further understand each consultant’s technical qualifications, understanding of task deliverables, and past project experiences. Mr. Altenburg stated that based on scoring criteria, written technical proposals, and in-person interviews, the Selection Committee had chosen the proposal submitted by SRF Consulting Group/AECOM. Mr. Altenburg stated that the cost form submitted by SRF Consulting Group/AECOM for the TDP was $149,944.43. Mr. Altenburg explained that total project costs would be split 80% Metro COG; 13.33% City of Fargo; and 6.67% City of Moorhead. Mr. Altenburg informed the Board that Metro COG entered final contract negotiations with SRF Consulting Group on March 16 to review and finalize the scope and fee for this project. 1 A motion to recommend approval of the contract with SRF Consulting Group/AECOM to complete the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan was made by Ms. Mahoney and seconded by Mr. Aasness. The motion was voted on and unanimously approved. 4. Consider Section 5310 Grant Application Mr. Farnsworth informed the Board that in February 2015, NDDOT had begun soliciting for Section 5310/5311 grant applications. Mr. Farnsworth explained that the goal of Section 5310 is to improve mobility for the elderly and persons with disabilities throughout the country and the goal of Section 5311 is to provide statewide rural public transit. Mr. Farnsworth emphasized that Metro COG is responsible for coordinating all applications within the metropolitan planning area and submitted to NDDOT. Mr. Farnsworth explained that Metro COG received two Section 5310 grant applications and no Section 5311 grant applications. Section 5310 grants were received from the City of Fargo and from Bethany Retirement Living. Mr. Farnsworth stated that the City of Fargo request included the purchase of five(5) paratransit cutaways and five (5) seven-passenger minivans for Metro Senior Ride; and the request from Bethany Retirement Living included the purchase of one (1) 13-passenger offcenter vehicle. A motion to recommend approval of the Section 5310 grant application was made by Mr. Williams and seconded by Mr. Grindeland. The motion was voted on and unanimously approved. 5. Discussion on Fargo-Moorhead Mass Transit Operational Services RFP Ms. Van Beek informed the Board that transit contracts between Fargo, Moorhead, and First Transit expire on December 31, 2015. Ms. Van Beek stated that a Fargo-Moorhead Mass Transit Operational Services RFP would be issued after approval by the Fargo City Commission and the Moorhead City Council on May 18, with award of contracts in the fall of 2015. Ms. Van Beek stated that at the Board meeting in January, the following members were identified to serve on the Operational Services RFP Evaluation Committee: • • • • • • • • • • Mike Williams – Fargo City Commission Melissa Sobolik – Fargo City Commission Jim Haney – Moorhead City Council Shawn Anderson – Moorhead Colleges Brit Stevens – NDSU Keven Hanson – MAT Coordinating Board Chair Jim Gilmour – Fargo Planning Director Julie Bommelman – Fargo Transit Administrator Lori Van Beek – Moorhead Transit Manager Bill Christian – Metro COG Ms. Van Beek explained that a large part of the Operational Services RFP is the management staff and that one of the tasks to be completed under the Transit Development Plan is a review of the current organizational structure. Ms. Van Beek stated that the draft RFP would be brought before the Board in April. A motion to recommend approval of the Evaluation Committee and timetable for the FargoMoorhead Mass Transit Operational Services RFP was made by Mr. Aasness and seconded by Ms. Oatey. The motion was voted on and unanimously approved. 2 6. Discuss Survey Results for the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan Ms. Van Beek informed the Board that from February 9 through March 6, MATBUS held a campaign called ‘Impact MATBUS’ Future’. Ms. Van Beek stated that the purpose of this campaign was to better understand the travel habits of MATBUS users and identify user satisfaction with system needs along with potential long-term adjustments. Ms. Van Beek stated that 1,686 responses were collected during this four-week period, which would ultimately help to better inform the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan. 7. Operations and Ridership Report – December 2014 through January 2015 Ms. Van Beek discussed the operations and ridership data between December 2014 and January 2015. Chair Hanson adjourned the meeting at 8:24. 3 Attachment 2 To: From: Date: Re: MAT Coordinating Board Adam Altenburg, Metro COG April 13, 2015 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan Introduction and Visioning Metro COG has recently contracted with SRF Consulting Group to assist with the 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan (TDP). As part of the April MAT Coordinating Board meeting, Bill Troe and Cindy Gray will provide a brief initial project update, talk about the scope of work and pending milestones, solicit comments regarding the preparation of a transit vision for the metropolitan area, and answer any questions regarding development of the TDP. F a r g o - M o o r h e a d Metro COG – 2016-2020 Transit Development Plan Attachment 2a Fargo- Moorhead Transit Development Plan Transit Coordinating Board Meeting April 15, 2015 Agenda – Transit Development Plan Introduction and Visioning 1. Introductions 2. Quick Review of the Scope of Work and Schedule 3. Transit Development Plan Committees: a. Steering Committee b. Stakeholders Committee – Need to identify people – Looking for Coordinating Board member help. 4. Discussion to Gather Information to Prepare a Transit Vision for the Region. a. The goal of this portion of the discussion will be to identify the 4-5 key elements that will be used as inputs to creating a transit vision. Think about and be prepared to discuss: i. Where should transit be in 5 years or 10 years (type of service, geographic coverage, frequency, etc.)? ii. Where are we today relative to your desire/expectation for the future (5 years and 10 years)? iii. Of the ideas presented, what level of support do they tend to receive in the community? 5. Wrap-up Attachment 3 Quality Service Indicators FIXED ROUTE MISSED RUNS Mechanical Failure/Biohazard Clean-up Feb-15 Feb-14 25 4 Volume of Telephone Calls Moorhead Missed Transfers Route 1 Feb-15 Feb-14 3 2 FIXED ROUTE - Ground Transportation Center a.m. - 11:15 p.m. Monday - Saturday) (6:00 Total Calls Recorded Accident 4 0 Route 2 13 10 Number of Operating Days Driver/Dispatch Error 1 1 Route 3 4 3 Average Number per Day Passenger Issue 1 0 Route 4 2 2 Traffic 2 3 Route 5 3 17 Weather/Road Conditions 0 0 Route 6 2 33 8 Route 7 9 TOTAL MISSED RUNS Total Runs 16,480 8,375 Route 8 4 6 0.20% 0.10% Route 9 1 N/A 41 47 Feb-15 Feb-14 FIXED & PARATRANSIT PASSENGER COMPLAINTS Feb-15 Feb-14 Fargo Missed Transfers Total Calls Recorded 7 System Percent of Missed Runs Total MHD PARATRANSIT - MTG (8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday) MATBUS.com 0 2 Route 11 9 2 Facebook 18 Route 13 0 1 Twitter Pending 5 0 Route 13U 1 1 YouTube Compliments 0 6 Route 14 4 2 MATBUS Rider Alerts Other TOTAL COMPLAINTS Total Monthly Passengers Complaints per 1,000 passengers PASSENGER COMPLAINTS BY TYPE (Excluding Pending/Compliments) 0 2 Route 15 24 19 21 28 Route 16 3 6 217,788 228,051 Route 17 6 5 0.10 0.12 Route 18 9 1 Route 23 0 0 Total FAR 56 37 Feb-15 Feb-14 Rude 3 2 Policy 6 1 Driver Behavior 8 0 Missed Passenger 2 2 Other 1 11 Sanford M3TRO Program System Percent of Missed Transfers 0.59% 1.00% 2,032 3,883 24 24 85 162 Feb-15 Feb-14 1,345 3,104 Number of Operating Days 20 20 Average Number per Day 67 155 Feb-15 Feb-14 21,829 6,762 page views 1,952 1,268 likes 384 326 15,746 12,608 1,989 1,467 118 102 followers video views email subscribers participants First Transit Accidents Total Passengers Vehicle Miles FAR Fixed MHD Fixed 174,695 38,881 Paratransit 4,212 78,598 32,832 26,770 6,289 2,285 1,996 Unpreventable Accidents 1 1 0 Preventable Accidents 3 1 1 Accidents per 100k Miles 2.36 0.33 0.27 Accidents per Hour 0.19 0.02 0.02 9 1 1 Revenue Hours A Missed Transfer occurs when a bus arrives too late to make transfers with other routes. Feb-14 Social Media & Marketing 16 Substantiated Unsubstantiated Feb-15 Ride Alongs / Spot Checks MOORHEAD FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP February 2015 Operating Weekdays Operating Saturdays Total Operating Days Comparison to Previous Year by Route Feb. 2014 Feb. 2015 Change 20 20 4 4 24 24 - MOORHEAD FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP - Year To Date Jan-Feb 2014 compared to Jan-Feb 2015 % Change 0% 0% 0% Revenue Hours Vehicle Mileage 2,083 29,487 2,285 32,832 202 3,345 10% 11% Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 Route 7 Route 8 Route 9 TOTAL Ridership 6,283 11,969 4,557 10,473 4,486 984 959 1,709 41,420 6,504 11,873 4,616 8,447 3,518 962 735 1,624 602 38,881 221 (96) 59 (2,026) (968) (22) (224) (85) 602 (2,539) 20 1,726 1.40 17 1,620 1.18 (3) (106) (0.22) Rides Per Hour Rides Per Day Rides Per Vehicle Mile Operating Weekdays Operating Saturdays Total Operating Days Comparison to Previous Year by Route 2014 2015 Change 42 41 (1) 8 9 1 50 50 - % Change -2% 13% 0% Revenue Hours Vehicle Mileage 4,355 61,623 4,696 66,597 341 4,974 8% 8% 4% -1% 1% -19% -22% N/A -23% -5% N/A -6% Route 1 Route 2 Route 3 Route 4 Route 5 Route 6 Route 7 Route 8 Route 9 TOTAL Ridership 12,079 22,855 8,553 20,998 8,410 1,968 1,909 3,123 79,895 12,522 22,092 9,427 17,122 7,349 1,967 1,564 3,118 1,121 76,282 443 (763) 874 (3,876) (1,061) (1) (345) (5) 1,121 (3,613) 4% -3% 10% -18% -13% N/A -18% 0% N/A -5% -14% -6% -16% Rides Per Hour Rides Per Day Rides Per Vehicle Mile 18 1,598 1.30 16 1,526 1.15 (2) (72) (0.15) -11% -5% -12% ROUTE INFORMATION Route 1 - Central Moorhead from Downtown by Concordia to Marriott Route 2 - Central Moorhead from Downtown by MSUM to Marriott Route 3 - Southeast Moorhead by High School, Horizon, Cashwise, Target Route 4 - Downtown to EasTen Shopping Area, Target, Wal-Mart, Cashwise, North Moorhead, Courthouse, Highrises Route 5 - South of I-94 from Marriott, Village Green, M|State, Safari, AmericInn Route 6 - Dilworth by Walmart, CVS, Red River Recovery, Houge Estates Route 7 - Evening North Route to Hwy 10 Shopping, MSUM, Downtown Route 8 - Evening South Route to Concordia, Safari, Sunmart to Downtown Route 9 - SE Moorhead from Walmart to Horizon School, Sanford Health, Sam's Club NOTES: ROUTE INFORMATION Route 1 - Central Moorhead from Downtown by Concordia to Marriott Route 2 - Central Moorhead from Downtown by MSUM to Marriott Route 3 - Southeast Moorhead by High School, Horizon, Cashwise, Target Route 4 - Downtown to EasTen Shopping Area, Target, Wal-Mart, Cashwise, North Moorhead, Courthouse, Highrises Route 5 - South of I-94 from Marriott, Village Green, M|State, Safari, AmericInn Route 6 - Dilworth by Walmart, CVS, Red River Recovery, Houge Estates Route 7 - Evening North Route to Hwy 10 Shopping, MSUM, Downtown Route 8 - Evening South Route to Concordia, Safari, Sunmart to Downtown Route 9 - SE Moorhead from Walmart to Horizon School, Sanford Health, Sam's Club NOTES: January 1, 2014, a new Route 6 was added to Dilworth with service only at peak morning and afternoon. On May 1, 2014, the route was interlined with new Route 9 for full service. May 1, 2014, a new Route 9 was added to SE Moorhead. January 1, 2014, a new Route 6 was added to Dilworth with service only at peak morning and afternoon. On May 1, 2014, the route was interlined with new Route 9 for full service. May 1, 2014, a new Route 9 was added to SE Moorhead. FARGO - MATBUS FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP FARGO - MATBUS FIXED ROUTE RIDERSHIP - Year To Date February 2015 Jan-Feb 2014 compared to Jan-Feb 2015 Operating Weekdays Operating Saturdays Total Operating Days Comparison to Previous Year by Route Feb 2014 Feb 2015 Change 20 20 4 4 24 24 - Revenue Hours Vehicle Miles 6,264 78,249 6,289 78,598 Route 11 Route 13 Route 13U Route 14 Route 15 Route 16 Route 17 Route 18 6,996 20,354 8,398 15,242 27,633 6,578 5,298 6,246 Route 23 Route 31 Route 32 Route 33 Route 34 Route 35 TOTAL Ridership % Change 0% 0% 0% 6,107 18,651 8,374 14,768 26,658 6,780 3,632 5,151 24 349 (889) (1,703) (24) (474) (975) 202 (1,666) (1,095) -13% -8% 0% -3% -4% 3% -31% -18% Route 11 Route 13 Route 13U Route 14 Route 15 Route 16 Route 17 Route 18 2,349 2,006 (343) -15% 10,082 28,474 31,495 11,319 1,601 11,045 29,731 30,116 9,998 1,678 963 1,257 (1,379) (1,321) 77 10% 4% -4% -12% 5% 182,065 174,695 (7,370) -4% (1) (307) -0.10 -4% -4% -0.04 Rides Per Hour Rides Per Day Rides Per Vehicle Mile 29 7,586 2.33 28 7,279 2.22 MATBUS ROUTE INFORMATION - FARGO 0% 0% Operating Weekdays Operating Saturdays Total Operating Days Revenue Hours Vehicle Miles Comparison to Previous Year by Route 2014 2015 Change 42 41 (1) 8 9 1 50 50 - % Change -2% 13% 0% 12,544 154,167 12,619 158,349 75 4,182 13,742 39,038 14,850 29,932 53,815 13,914 8,899 12,393 12,879 35,824 14,262 29,883 54,256 13,407 7,706 10,460 (863) (3,214) (588) (49) 441 (507) (1,193) (1,933) -6% -8% -4% 0% 1% -4% -13% -16% Route 23 4,289 3,998 (291) -7% Route 31 Route 32 Route 33 Route 34 Route 35 16,433 47,161 54,449 20,957 2,449 16,990 48,606 52,163 18,230 2,587 557 1,445 (2,286) (2,727) 138 3% 3% -4% -13% 6% 332,321 321,251 (11,070) -3% (1) (221) -0.13 -4% -3% -0.06 TOTAL Ridership Rides Per Hour Rides Per Day Rides Per Vehicle Mile 26 6,646 2.16 25 6,425 2.03 MATBUS ROUTE INFORMATION - FARGO Route 11 - Downtown north and south on Broadway to 25th Ave N, VA Hospital Route 11 - Downtown north and south on Broadway to 25th Ave N, VA Hospital Route 13 - Downtown to NDSU and North Fargo, including Northport & Trollwood Route 13 - Downtown to NDSU and North Fargo, including Northport & Trollwood Route 13U - Downtown to Renaissance, Klai, R.H. Barry and NDSU Union Route 13U - Downtown to Renaissance, Klai, R.H. Barry and NDSU Union Route 14 - Downtown to Kmart, Essentia, 32nd Ave S, 42nd St S and West Acres Route 14 - Downtown to Kmart, Essentia, 32nd Ave S, 42nd St S and West Acres Route 15 - Downtown to 13th Avenue South retail corridor Route 15 - Downtown to 13th Avenue South retail corridor Route 16 - Downtown to CashWise, West Acres and West Fargo Route 16 - Downtown to CashWise, West Acres and West Fargo Route 17 - Downtown to Madison Neighborhood Route 17 - Downtown to Madison Neighborhood Route 18 - Downtown to Jefferson Neighborhood and SE Human Services Route 18 - Downtown to Jefferson Neighborhood and SE Human Services Route 23 - West Acres to Woodhaven, Osgood, Microsoft, 52nd Ave Walmart & PRACS Route 23 - West Acres to Woodhaven, Osgood, Microsoft, 52nd Ave Walmart & PRACS Route 31 - NDSU Campus to Tech Park and Fargodome Parking Route 31 - NDSU Campus to Tech Park and Fargodome Parking Route 32 - NDSU Campus to University Village and Dakota Drive Housing Route 32 - NDSU Campus to University Village and Dakota Drive Housing Route 33 - NDSU Union to Klai Hall, Richard H. Barry Hall and University Village Route 33 - NDSU Union to Klai Hall, Richard H. Barry Hall and University Village Route 34 - NDSU Union to Days Inn, Skills & Tech, Stop-N-Go Center & Niskanen Route 35 - NDSU Evening Route between Library and University Village Route 34 - NDSU Union to Days Inn, Skills & Tech, Stop-N-Go Center & Niskanen Route 35 - NDSU Evening Route between Library and University Village 1% 3% COLLEGE RIDERSHIP ON MATBUS 2013-14 Fare Count Year 2013 2013 Total 2014 Month August September October November December January February March April May June July 2014 Total Grand Total 2013-14 Concordia 1,008 991 990 1,054 924 4,967 1,008 1,093 1,188 1,089 642 631 442 6,093 11,060 Customer Type M|State MSUM 3,444 9,181 4,689 10,549 4,531 11,155 4,187 10,650 3,371 8,660 20,222 50,195 3,861 9,490 3,998 10,766 3,982 10,234 4,179 10,420 2,729 8,354 2,523 6,685 2,225 6,300 23,497 62,249 43,719 112,444 Concordia 975 1,083 1,194 1,120 1,026 5,398 1,336 1,320 Customer Type M|State 2,861 4,487 4,024 2,857 2,586 16,815 3,398 3,175 MSUM 9,804 11,357 12,250 10,788 10,215 54,414 10,238 11,309 6,573 23,388 21,547 75,961 NDSU Grand Total 34,245 47,878 94,661 110,890 111,851 128,527 89,399 105,290 78,813 91,768 408,969 484,353 84,647 99,006 113,325 129,182 83,219 98,623 95,179 110,867 48,969 60,694 13,333 23,172 12,562 21,529 451,234 543,073 860,203 1,027,426 2014-15 Fare Count Year 2014 2014 Total 2015 Month August September October November December January February March April May June July 2015 Total Grand Total 2014-15 2,656 8,054 NDSU Grand Total 33,761 47,401 97,731 114,658 107,257 124,725 86,700 101,465 71,060 84,887 396,509 473,136 79,193 94,165 109,899 125,703 189,092 219,868 585,601 693,004 % CHANGE Year 2013-14 2013-14 Total 2014-15 Month August September October November December January February March April May June July 2014-15 Total Grand Total NOTES: Includes NDSU Circulator Routes Concordia -3% 9% 21% 6% 11% 9% 33% 21% M|State -17% -4% -11% -32% -23% -17% -12% -21% MSUM 7% 8% 10% 1% 18% 8% 8% 5% NDSU Grand Total -1% -1% 3% 3% -4% -3% -3% -4% -10% -7% -3% -2% -6% -5% -3% -3% PARATRANSIT RIDERSHIP February 2015 Total Operating Days Hours of Service Comparison to Previous Year Feb 2014 Feb 2015 28 28 Change - % Change 0% 2,234 1,996 (238) -11% 30,437 26,770 (3,667) -12% Total Ridership 4,565 4,212 (353) -8% Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Dilworth 3,356 760 342 107 2,996 626 471 119 (360) (134) 129 12 -11% -18% 38% 11% 2.11 6.36 0.07 (0.31) 0.03 (0.05) Comparison to Previous Month Feb 2015 Jan 2015 30 28 Change (2) % Change -7% Mileage Rides per Hour Miles Per Rider Total Operating Days Hours of Service 2.04 6.67 2,141 1,996 (145) -7% 29,186 26,770 (2,416) -8% Total Ridership 4,441 4,212 (229) -5% Fargo Moorhead West Fargo Dilworth 3,167 722 431 121 2,996 626 471 119 (171) (96) 40 (2) -5% -13% 9% -2% 0.04 (0.22) 0.02 (0.03) Mileage Rides per Hour Miles Per Rider 2.07 6.57 2.11 6.36 METRO SENIOR RIDE 2015 MOORHEAD & DILWORTH, MINNESOTA Month January February TOTAL MOORHEAD SENIORS 2015 2014 % Change 699 699 0.00% 638 675 -5.48% 1,337 1,374 -2.69% Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 2008 236 324 343 389 304 261 296 266 348 428 423 432 4,050 2009 464 442 345 427 426 419 454 417 446 473 398 400 5111 DILWORTH SENIORS 2015 2014 % Change 70 29 141.38% 69 36 91.67% 139 65 113.85% TOTAL PASSENGERS 2010 2011 2012 400 383 614 398 387 598 501 418 635 491 689 685 466 610 669 502 566 595 472 496 590 483 636 682 507 581 617 546 676 673 577 514 617 618 367 517 5961 6323 7492 2013 655 512 660 728 701 606 637 720 676 812 666 669 8042 TOTAL PASSENGERS 2015 2014 % Change 769 728 5.63% 707 711 -0.56% 1,476 1,439 2.57% 2014 728 711 730 743 719 626 678 701 675 736 613 641 8301
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