Reflected pulse A wave pulse reflected at a free end is not inverted Free end g pplyin the ncep Co 1. a) Look up the speed of sound in oak (Table 13.1). Calculate the change in wavelength for a sound generated in air by a 250 Hz tuning fork as it enters the oak, given that the air temperature is 20°C. b) Repeat the exercise in part a) for sound travelling from air to water. ts Free end Fig.14.8 a Incident pulse An acoustical engineer is someone who deals with the impact of noise on people. Noise affects all of us and can induce fatigue, interrupt communication, and possibly affect safety. Noise from highways, airports, and industry is usually contained by various barriers. The design and production of shapes and materials for barriers, along with their positioning relative to noise generators and receivers, are aspects of this job. g uttin er it all g eth To Absorption, transmission (no phase change) ds up Spee reflection v2 v1 (no phase change) p Fig.14.9 When Sound Waves Meet a Boundary How does speed change at boundary? S lows Absorption, transmission d v2 own (no phase change) v1 reflection (with phase change) 14.4 Standing Waves — A Special Case of Interference One of the most important instances of wave interference occurs when a particular wave reflects back on itself (with or without phase inversion) with the same frequency, wavelength, and speed. Figure 14.10 demonstrates how two wave trains with the same characteristics interfere with each other as they meet head on. The red and blue waves in Fig. 14.10 are approaching component waves, and the black wave shows the resultant wave pulse, calculated using the principle of superposition. The resulting wave form, called a standing wave, has a particular pattern, which is illustrated in Fig. 14.11. chapt e r 14 : More than Meets the Ear 487 Fig.14.10 Interference of two similar wave forms produces a standing wave 1 Fig.14.11 Antinode Wave motion Nodes 1/ 2 Supercrests Supertroughs Wave motion 1 A standing wave For image see student text. Fig.14.12 Nodes are 2 apart 1 1/ 2 1/ 2 dn dn A standing wave is characterized by points in which the medium does not vibrate, called nodes. These nodes are interspersed between sections of medium that alternate between constructive “supercrests” and “supertroughs,” called antinodes. In longitudinal sound waves, they are called supercompressions and superrarefactions. Figure 14.12 illustrates that the distance between successive nodes, the inter-nodal distance (dn), is equivalent to one-half the wavelength of the wave source. dn 12 The number of inter-nodal distances is always one less than the number of nodes, just as your hand has five fingers, but only four spaces between them. In a medium such as a guitar string, the boundaries between the string and the next medium can be considered “fixed” because a guitar string is attached at both ends. Therefore, the standing wave is terminated at each end with a node. Other mediums, such as a car antenna (Fig. 14.13), have “free ends” (attached or closed at one end only). Their standing waves terminate with an antinode. Fig.14.13 The wind can produce a free-end standing wave in a car radio antenna 1 3 2 3 x (a) 488 (b) u n i t d: Waves and Sound example 4 Standing waves in a duck pondt A standing wave occurs in a duck pond when one duck repeatedly tries to “jump” for food, as shown in Fig. 14.14. (a) The nodes are at every 38 cm. What wavelength of wave is our hungry duck producing? Fig.14.14 1 2 38 cm (b) If the wave speed in the pond is 0.95 m/s, how often does the duck “jump”? Solution and Connection to Theory Given dn 38 cm v 0.95 m/s (a) dn 12 38 cm 12 fduck ? ? 2(38 cm) 76 cm Therefore, the wavelength of the duck’s wave is 76 cm or 0.76 m. (b) v f Rearranging the equation and solving for f, 0.95 m/s v f 1.25 Hz 0.76 m Therefore, our duck jumps for food 1.25 times every second. example 5 Wavelength and speed of a standing wave A standing wave has a distance of 45 cm between four consecutive nodes. What is the wavelength of the wave? What is the speed of the wave in the medium if the frequency of the source is 30 Hz? chapt e r 14 : More than Meets the Ear 489 Fig.14.15 1/ 2 1 1/ 2 2 1/ 2 3 dn dn 4 dn L 45 cm Solution and Connection to Theory Given L 45 cm f 30 Hz ? v? There are four nodes, so there must be three inter-nodal distances. The length of the wave is therefore L 3dn 3冢12 冣 (L)23 (45 cm)23 30 cm Therefore, the wavelength of the standing wave is 30 cm. For the speed, v f 30 Hz(30 cm) 900 cm/s ts Co pplyin the ncep g a From the measured wavelength and frequency, the speed of the wave is 900 cm/s or 9.0 m/s. 1. State the conditions needed to produce standing waves. 2. a) A standing wave is produced in a vibrating car antenna as the car moves along a slightly rough highway. The wave has three nodes in a distance of 30 cm. Calculate the wavelength of the standing wave. b) Assume that the wave’s frequency is 20 Hz. Calculate the velocity of the wave. 14.5 Resonance In the last section, we found that under the right conditions, a standing wave can be formed in certain mediums such as a guitar string. Strings with fixed ends may vibrate with one large loop (antinode) between them. This implies that the string has a specific frequency with which it can vibrate. The lowest frequency of a string is called its fundamental frequency or first harmonic, f0. Higher frequencies of the string are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency, 2 f0, 3 f0, etc. They are called harmonics (second, third, etc.) or overtones (first, second, third, etc.). (See Fig. 14.16.) 490 u n i t d: Waves and Sound Frequency f1 1st harmonic (fundamental) Fig.14.16 1/ 2 Frequency 2f1 2nd harmonic (1st overtone) Frequency 3f1 3rd harmonic 3/ 2 (2nd overtone) The first three harmonics of a vibrating string Mechanical Resonance On a swing, if you want to swing with greater and greater amplitude, you have to push yourself at the right time in order to match your push frequency with the natural frequency of the swing. Mechanical resonance is the vibrating response of an object to a periodic force from a source that has the same frequency as the natural frequency of the object. Figure 14.17 uses a speaker and a tuning fork to illustrate the basic concepts of mechanical resonance. The tuning fork has a natural resonant frequency with which it vibrates. The speaker, if tuned to emit the same frequency, will cause the tines of the tuning fork to oscillate. If the speaker is turned off after a few moments, we would hear the tuning fork continue to sound as if it had been struck. One of the most famous examples of mechanical resonance was the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Washington State, 1940), shown in Fig. 14.18. Fig.14.17 The speaker causes the tuning fork to vibrate ftuning fork f ning fork Fig.14.18 Mechanical resonance in the Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Washington State, 1940) For image see student text. For image see student text. For image see student text. chapt e r 14 : More than Meets the Ear 491 The bridge had a design flaw that gave it a natural frequency that was coincidentally similar to the frequency of the wind gusts at that particular spot. Large amplitude oscillations were caused in the bridge structure by mechanical resonance and the structure crumbled under the stress. Figure 14.19 summarizes other examples of mechanical resonance. Fig.14.19 Further examples of mechanical resonance Example of Mechanical Resonance Photo (a) Rocking a car out of an ice rut If the people pushing the car and the driver pushing down on the accelerator do so at the natural rocking frequency of the car, it rocks back and forth with ever-increasing amplitude until it can finally be pushed out of the rut. For image see student text. (b) Pushing a child on a swing Push a child on the swing at the correct frequency, always at the same point in the cycle, and the child’s amplitude of swinging increases dramatically. For image see student text. (c) Pendulum clocks ts Co pplyin the ncep g a For hundreds of years, people depended on the constant natural frequency of a swinging pendulum to control the speed of a clock. Today, the source of vibration is often a quartz crystal. An Example of Resonance The frequency at which a person walks can coincide with the resonance frequency of water swishing back and forth in a bucket. If you carry two buckets of water while walking, the amplitude of the wave action builds up and your leg will get wet. However, if your walking frequency doesn’t match the resonant frequency of the water in the buckets, the water forms little surface ripples and becomes more stable. For the following resonance situations, explain what is happening and suggest a solution for getting rid of the resonance. 1. a) A truck drives down your street and the windows of your house rattle. b) Soldiers marching in step across a long bridge cause it to vibrate up and down with an ever-increasing amplitude. c) The low hum of large motors in a factory cause workers’ internal organs, like the heart, to vibrate, making the workers feel sick. 492 u n i t d: Waves and Sound d) A tuning fork vibrating at 250 Hz causes another tuning fork with the same frequency to also vibrate. e) A sharp note maintained by a singer shatters a thin-walled glass. 2. Find other examples of resonance and explain how the resonance can be eliminated. Fig.14.20A Joe Carter after hitting a home run in the final game of the 1993 World Series The Sweet Spot Anyone who has ever hit a ball using a baseball bat knows the effect of a stinger: the feeling in your hands caused by the vibrating bat after impact with the ball. In some cases, the whole arm is jarred, and in other instances, the bat may break. We have also experienced the smooth, effortless hit. The point of contact where this type of hit occurs is called the “sweet spot.” If the bat hits the ball at a node (point of destructive interference), the bat doesn’t excite any resonance modes and hence doesn’t vibrate. This hit is smooth and effortless. If the bat hits the ball at a maximum (antinode), then a corresponding resonance mode is excited and the bat vibrates, causing the bat to “sting” the hands. In many hits, the duration of bat-ball contact is enough to excite the fundamental and second resonance modes, both with roughly equal amplitudes (illustrated in Fig. 14.20B). The ideal spot to hit the ball is about halfway between the nodes of each vibration (the sweet spot). At this spot, each resonance mode has a tiny amplitude, thus creating an effect similar to hitting the ball at a pure node. 3. Speculate on the difference in energy transfer to the ball when the bat hits the ball at the sweet spot as opposed to away from the sweet spot, especially at an antinode. 4. Research the different materials that baseball bats are made of. How would the material affect the resonance of the bat? 5. Research the various ways in which a bat is “doctored.” Do these techniques change the location of the sweet spot on the bat? For image see student text. Fig.14.20B d The sweet spot Sweet spot Node 1 Node 2 Ball Fundamental mode Second mode 14.6 Acoustic Resonance and Musical Instruments Acoustic resonance is the process responsible for the sound waves that come from various musical instruments. Like mechanical resonance, the instrument is tuned to a particular natural frequency. When stimulated by a source of vibration that has the same frequency, a standing resonant wave is set up in the instrument and large amplitude oscillations result. We hear these oscillations as the characteristic “note” that is being played. The best way to examine acoustic resonance is to look at two different types of musical instruments that support standing waves in different ways. We will look at wind instruments and stringed instruments that support standing waves in air columns and strings respectively. chapt e r 14 : More than Meets the Ear 493 Wind Instruments — Standing Waves in Air Columns Fig.14.21 A bottle acts like a closed air column If you have ever taken a breath and blown air over the opening of a pop bottle to make a sound like a fog horn then you have experienced resonance in air columns (see Fig. 14.21). Wind instruments include traditional brass or woodwind instruments, such as a trumpet or clarinet. Figure 14.22 illustrates how the vibration source for a brass instrument is the musician blowing air through vibrating compressed lips. A thin sliver of wood, called a reed, does the same for a woodwind. Fig. 14.22 Vibrations in a brass instrument Brass instrument Mouthpiece No matter what the source of vibration, these instruments are nothing more than elaborate air columns in which a standing wave is formed. It is important to note that it is virtually impossible to model the behaviour of longitudinal sound waves with pictures. For all intents and purposes, longitudinal wave compressions and rarefactions will be modelled with crests and troughs respectively, using transverse waves. Figure 14.23 uses a tuning fork to show how standing waves can be set up in open and closed air columns. Note that sound waves reflect at closed and open ends in the same way that waves in springs reflect at fixed and free ends. Fig.14.23 The relationship between transverse and longitudinal waves Open end (a) Before reflection Compression (longitudinal wave) During reflection Reflected pulse (same phase) After reflection 494 u n i t d: Waves and Sound Closed end (b) Before reflection Wave pulse (transverse wave) During reflection Reflected pulse (opposite phase) After reflection The waves that are produced migrate from the source to the open end of the air column, where some of their energy is transmitted. Much of the wave energy is reflected back inside the air column, without any phase change. This type of reflection is the same as that witnessed in solid materials, such as the car antenna (see Fig. 14.13). In closed air columns where the sound wave meets a “fixed” end, there is reflection in the opposite phase. Either type of reflected wave meets more waves from the source. Acoustic resonance is achieved when a standing wave is formed inside the air column and the entire instrument begins to vibrate. Figure 14.24 illustrates how standing waves look in open and closed air columns. f 1536 Hz 11/2 dn First resonant length f 1536 Hz 3/ 4 3/ 4 dn f 512 Hz Third resonant length dn 1/ 4 f 512 Hz Second resonant length dn Second resonant length 1 1 f 512 Hz Same length, different wavelength and frequency Second resonant length First resonant length Second resonant length f 1024 Hz Third resonant length Same length, different wavelength and frequency 1/ 2 f 512 Hz Third resonant length f 512 Hz f 512 Hz Resonant lengths and frequencies for open and closed air columns Closed Same frequency and wavelength, different resonant length dn 11/4 dn f 2560 Hz Third resonant length Open Same frequency and wavelength, different resonant length Fig.14.24 11/4 11/2 From the know your “knodes” rule, you can easily see that when standing waves are created, only a few wavelengths are possible. This means that the air column is also tuned to resonate with only a few different frequencies. If we recall that the internodal distance for any standing wave, dn, is equal to 12, then the specific resonant lengths of the air column can be compared to the wavelength, as shown in Table 14.1. chapt e r 14 : More than Meets the Ear KNOW YOUR “KNODES” Standing wave patterns have a node at any closed end and an antinode at any open end of the medium in which they travel. 495 Table 14.1 Lengths of Air Columns Closed Air Column Number of nodes (n) Number of internodal distances Length of column in wavelengths () Number of internodal distances Length of column in wavelengths () First 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 Second 2 3 2 3 4 2 1 Third 3 5 2 5 4 3 3 2 Fourth 4 7 2 7 4 4 2 Based on n 2n 1 2 (2n – 1) 4 n n 2 Resonant length General statement example 6 Recall that the distance between 1 consecutive nodes, dn, is 2. Open Air Column Finding wavelength An air column that is open at both ends is 1.50 m long. A specific frequency is heard resonating from the column. What is the longest wavelength and its associated frequency that could be responsible for this resonance? The speed of sound is 345 m/s. Solution and Connection to Theory Given The longest wave occurs at the first resonant length, where n 1. Therefore, L 12 Fig. 14.25 1/ 4 1/ 4 L 1.50 m 1 2 1.50 m 2(1.50 m) 3.00 m Therefore, the maximum wavelength is 3.00 m. v f 345 m/s v f 115 Hz 3.00 m Therefore, the frequency of this wave is 115 Hz. 496 u n i t d: Waves and Sound v 345 m/s example 7 Finding frequency A closed air column resonates at two consective lengths of 94.0 cm and 156 cm. If the speed of sound is 350 m/s, what is the resonant frequency of the air column? Solution and Connection to Theory Given L1 94.0 cm L2 156 cm v 350 m/s The difference in length between any two resonant lengths is always 12. 1 2 L2 L1 156 cm 94.0 cm 62 cm or 0.62 m 2(0.62 m) 1.24 m 350 m/s v Finally, f 282 Hz 1.24 m Therefore, the resonant frequency of the column is 282 Hz. d m etho pr o ces Fig.14.26 Solving Problems With Air Columns Set dn (1/2) L How many internodal distances, dn? YES Givens L or v or T, f v 332 0.6T and f Draw standing wave diagram Are you comparing more than one resonant length? s of NO Which resonant length (n)? n Ope mn? colu Clos ed colu mn? Set n L 2 Set (2n 1) L 4 Universal wave v equation f Wind instruments change their frequency in two ways. They can have the lengths of their air columns adjusted so they are tuned to different fundamental frequencies, or they can have the source vibrate at another resonant frequency for a particular air column length. In brass instruments, such as a trumpet (Fig. 14.27A) or tuba, the musician pushes valves that open passages to more tubing, which effectively lengthens the instrument. A trombone (Fig. 14.27B) has a free-moving slide that allows the musician to continually adjust the length of the air column and frequency of the sound. chapt e r 14 : More than Meets the Ear 497
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