great east packet 2015 - Nicholas A. Ferri Middle School

 Ferri Middle School Band and Chorus Grades 7 and 8 GREAT EAST FESTIVAL PACKET Friday, May 29, 2015 Dear Parents or Guardians:
The Ferri Middle School 7th and 8th Grade ensembles have again been accepted to
participate in the Great East Festival on Friday, May 29, 2015. Last year, we had a fun
and successful trip, and all of our ensembles won GOLD MEDALS for their hard work!
This year, we look forward to another successful festival!
Participating band and chorus students will leave Ferri Middle School in the morning at
approximately 7AM and depart for the festival at Burlington High School in Burlington,
MA. Our band and chorus groups will perform and adjudicators will critique each
performance and present an award plaque as the group exits the stage. Students will
then proceed to Canobie Lake Park where they will enjoy fun and excitement for the
remainder of the trip. Students will return to Johnston in the evening at approximately
7PM and will be dropped off at the High School parking lot. A detailed itinerary will
The projected cost is as follows:
Students: $100.00 (includes fee for coach buses, music department t-shirt, participation
in festival, and admission to the park)
Chaperones: $32.00 (please see CHAPERONE APPLICATION)
The Great East Festival fee covers all above expenses except food.
The payment schedule for students is as follows:
1 deposit of $60: Monday, February 23, 2015
2 deposit of $40: Monday, April 6, 2015 (chaperone payment and student permission
slip also due on this date)
PLEASE NOTE: Payments and permission slips submitted after April 6, 2015 will
not be accepted.
FUNDRAISING: Every student in the Ferri Middle School music department has a travel account
from fundraising, which they can use to help pay for the trip. We will be having an additional
fundraiser in February. Your child’s profit from this and past fundraisers may be used to pay for a
portion or all of your first and second deposit.
Your child has $__________ in his/her travel account.
Please make all checks payable to “Ferri Middle School.” All checks must be placed in a
sealed envelop with name, phone number, and dollar amount on the outside. ALL
DEADLINES are FINAL and there will be NO EXCEPTIONS. It will be assumed that if
the payment deadline is not met, the student is not attending. There will be NO
REFUNDS for any deposits. Unused funds will remain in the student’s travel account
and may be applied to future trips with the Johnston Music Department.
Pat Aubin and Tom Conlon ~ 233-1930 x. 2724 ~ 233-1930 x. 2725
GREAT EAST QUALIFICATIONS In order to be eligible to attend the Great East Festival, all grade 7 and 8 ensemble members must adhere to the following guidelines: • Students must contribute to and participate in class. • Students must attend the Winter and Spring Concerts. (exceptions at the discretion of the directors) • Students must not be on BEHAVIOR PROBABTION (see excerpt from FMS Handbook) for the months of February-­‐
May 2015. • Students must not receive any disciplinary referrals during the week of the trip. If you are written up the week of the trip for any infraction, you will not attend. From the Ferri Middle School Handbook:
BEHAVIOR PROBATION • Behavior Probation is defined as any student who has
“In School Suspension,” or “Out of School Suspension” for any disciplinary
infraction. Behavior Probation will also include chronic tardiness or unexcused
absences in excess of five (5) times per quarter. Once placed on Behavior Probation,
student will remain there for (20) school days. He/she is then ineligible to
participate in any sports, sporting events, or extra-curricular activities.
• Behavior Probation will begin on the day of the incident. The administration will
maintain a list of all students who are placed on Behavior Probation. IMPORTANT: The Directors and/or Principal reserve the right to
refuse any student from participating in this trip at any time. It
must be understood that any money paid toward this trip is
NON-REFUNDABLE and if a student is removed from the trip for
any reason, NO MONEY WILL BE RETURNED. It will remain in
the student’s travel account for use at a future trip. Please keep
in mind travel accounts are non-refundable.
1. Students and chaperones must remain with the group throughout the
duration of the trip. Everyone departs and returns on the buses.
2. Students must wear their Ferri Music Department Shirt at all times during
the trip and must be in compliance with the school dress code. Failure to
comply will result in dismissal from the trip. This means no flip-flops, and
shorts or skirts must be of appropriate length.
3. Instrument cases and all electronic devices will be left on the bus during the
performances. I-pods, cell phones, and other mobile devices are not
permitted inside Burlington High School and will be confiscated.
4. Students are not allowed to enter or leave the audition area during a
performance. Proper audience etiquette can be summed up in one word SILENCE.
5. Classes will be in session at Burlington High School. We must be quiet and
orderly, inside and outside of the building.
6. The Festival Director reserves the right, upon consultation with school
officials, to warn and or dismiss from participation any individual or group
that demonstrates a lack of cooperation or improper and unsportsmanlike
7. Each student will be in a group assigned to a chaperone and must remain
with that chaperone at all times. If you see someone from our school alone
in the park, invite them into your group and let Mr. Conlon, Mrs. Aubin or one
of the chaperones know about it.
bring enough money for food or a bagged lunch. Food will be available at a
number of locations within the park. I strongly suggest that you pack a
simple breakfast/lunch for the bus ride to the Great East Festival. We will
not be stopping along the way and the first chance you will get to buy some
food will be when we get to the park. Also, NO FOOD OR DRINK CAN BE
not be able to eat anything from the time we are admitted into the school
until after we finish our performances. Plan accordingly.
9. Be aware of the time. Every band student must personally check in with
Mrs. Aubin. Every chorus student must personally check in with Mr.
Conlon. The check-in point will be at 3:00PM at the Carousel.
A map of Canobie Lake is available at:
Chaperones must be at least 25 years of age. Older siblings CANNOT serve as chaperones.
Chaperone responsibilities/guidelines include:
• Travel on the bus with your group for the entire trip.
• Familiarize yourself with the students with which you are responsible so that you can get
an accurate count of students whenever we leave a location.
• Assist the Ferri Middle School teachers by being another set of adult eyes. Students must
be supervised at all times.
• When you arrive at the Festival site, please locate the bathroom facilities.
• When you arrive at the park please locate the First Aid Station
• Park tickets must be counted before we leave the registration site. We may need help
with this.
• Let the Mrs. Aubin and Mr. Conlon handle all the discipline and report any
problems/concerns to them.
• Do not touch any child (even friendly gestures can be misinterpreted).
• Please do not use unacceptable language, talk about sex, religion or other personal
issues. These are controversial topics and entirely inappropriate for Ferri Middle School
• Please help the teachers make sure all litter is picked up and the bus is CLEAN.
• Tobacco and alcohol are strictly forbidden.
• School rules apply for the duration of the trip.
• The teachers in charge, Mrs. Aubin & Mr. Conlon will make all final
volunteers for Ferri Middle must have a BCI check on file in the Ferri office for the 2014All school
2015 school
year. To complete this, all applicants must go to the Attorney General’s office in person
with a CHECK
or MONEY ORDER (NO cash) in the amount of $5.00 to have a background check
completed. The office hours of the BCI Dept at the AG’s office are Monday through Friday, 8:30AM to
4:30PM. No appointment is necessary and this local BCI check will be processed while the person
waits. Office of the Attorney General
150 South Main Street
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: (401) 274-4400
process is completed, please submit your completed BCI form to the main office. Those who
Once this
cannot complete
this process will not be able to chaperone school events.
Due to the logistics and length of the trip, the directors are in need of about 20
parent chaperones. Please be familiar with the chaperone responsibilities above.
If you are interested in chaperoning for the Great East Festival, please complete
and return the form below, along with your BCI check. Please submit the BCI
check to the Ferri Middle School office. BCI checks MUST be on file in the office
for the current 2014-2015 school year.
Chaperones will be selected on a first-come-first-served basis. The sooner you
can return this form and your BCI check, the better chance you’ll have of
chaperoning this trip. Once the chaperone list is full, any remaining parents still
interested will be placed on a waiting list and notified if there is an opening.
You will be notified by phone or email if you are selected to be a chaperone.
Chaperones must submit a payment of $32.00 by Monday, April 6, 2015.
----------------------------------------detach and return----------------------------------------
I am interested in chaperoning the Great East Festival for the Ferri
Middle School band/chorus. I have submitted a completed BCI check
to the Ferri Middle School office. I have read and understand the
chaperone policy and information and I understand that I may or may
not be selected to chaperone depending on openings available.
Your name:______________________________________________
Student’s name:__________________________________________
Home #:___________________Cell #:________________________
Please return this form no later than April 6, 2015 to Mr. Conlon/Mrs. Aubin so
that your child may participate in the Great East Festival.
T-Shirt size: (circle one): (shirts are adult sizes)
I give my son/daughter
permission to participate in the Great East Festival, taking place on Friday, May
29, 2015 at Burlington High School and Canobie Lake Park from 7:00AM to
7:00PM. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me in the event of
an emergency. The numbers I can be reached at are
___________________________(cell) or ______________________(home).
However, if I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize the Johnston School
Department to transport my child to the nearest hospital (or medical facility) and
to secure for my child the necessary medical treatment. I understand that the
music directors, Ferri Middle School, and chaperones are not liable for student
accidents, if reasonable supervision has been established and maintained, and
there are no gross violations or neglect. I have read the Great East rules and will
see that my child reads and understands them.
Parent/Guardian signature
FMS to BHS – 1:15
BHS to CL - :45
CL to FMS – 1:30