THE 4TH ANNUAL SCHOLASTIC TABLE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION AND PARTICIPATION LIABILITY WAIVER & RELEASE FORM Tournament Participant’s Full Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Email: ___________________________________ School: _________________________________________ Grade: ______ Age: _______ Emergency Contact Person: _______________________________Emergency Contact Phone: _____________________ Registration: Early registration through the participants’ school until April 15, 2015; For open registration, please scan and email the signed, completed registration and participation liability waiver & release form to Fargo-Moorhead Table Tennis Association (FMTTA) at by April 23, 2015. After April 23, 2015, open registration can be done at tournament site from 8:30AM to 9:00AM until the number of participants reaches 72 in total. Participant Waiver & Release of Liability Instructions: 1) Each tournament participant must read the statement below before completing and signing this Liability Waiver & Release form. 2) Parents/Guardians must read the statement below before signing on the line below that of their child/tournament participant if the participant is UNDER 18. Agreement: In consideration of my participation in The 4th Annual Scholastic Table Tennis Championship Tournament, I acknowledge, agree to and understand that: 1. WAIVER & RELEASE OF LIABILITY: I am fully aware that there are certain inherent risks, dangers and hazards associated with engaging in physical activities that can result in serious personal injury or death, as well as other damages and losses, associated with participation in this table tennis sport event. I further agree on behalf of myself, my heirs and personal representatives, that FargoMoorhead Table Tennis Association, the host organization, Discovery Middle School, the facility provider, and sponsors of this event, along with organizing team members, volunteers, employees, agents, officers and directors of these organizations, shall not be liable for any injury, loss of life, or other loss or damage occurring as a result of my participation in the event, or as a result of equipment that may have been provided to me for these activities. 2. CODE OF CONDUCT: I have agreed to act in accordance with good sportsmanship with regard to my responsibilities as a player/tournament participant. Any unsporting behavior from me may result in my disqualification from the tournament at the discretion of the tournament organizing team. I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS AGREEMENT AND I AM AWARE THAT BY SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT I AM WAIVING CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO SUE. Parent or Guardian must sign if the participant is UNDER 18. _______________________________ Player/Tournament Participant’s Name ___________________________________ Player/Tournament Participant’s Signature ______ Date __________________________________________ ________________________ ______ Parent/Guardian’s Signature for Participant under 18 Relationship with Participant Date ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------(Please cut through the dot line and keep the tournament information below for your reference) Event: The 4th Annual Scholastic Table Tennis Championship Tournament Time and place: Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 9:00AM to 2:00PM at Discovery Middle School (1717 40th Ave. S. Fargo, ND) Format: For the Middle School and High School divisions, the first round is in round-robin format (e.g., 3-5 players per group; all players in the group play one another). Based on the round robin results, each player in the group will go to either the Division A playoff or the Division B playoff. For the Elementary School division, there is only one division with the group round-robin in the first round followed by the division playoff. What to do first at the tournament: First, check in with the tournament organizers at the control desk. Second, find out which group/table you will be playing in the first round and go to the table. Then, have fun. Lunch at the tournament: Free pizza and water will be provided. Important Note: Participants bring their own paddles while balls will be provided at the tournament. Some extra paddles may be available for check-out at the tournament site. The tournament will use orange balls; therefore, orange/bright yellow clothes are not permitted for participants. Please check our website at for more information about the tournament. If any question, please contact FMTTA at Special thanks to: Lea Krabbenhoft (Scheels), Jeff Conant (Crown Trophy), Henry Guo (Super Buffet), Loree Gauffin (Bell State Bank & Trust), Sara Wohl (Eide Bailly), Taylor Cavanagh (COUNTRY Financial), and Mary Brown (Spicy Pie) for making this tournament possible. About us: FMTTA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization to promote the sport of table tennis in the greater FM. Donations are welcome!
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