Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration Package

Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration Package
First Nations’ Emergency Services Society of BC
2015 FNESS Safety Expo & Fire Fighter Competition
Kamloops, British Columbia
June 24-27, 2015
The First Nations’ Emergency Services Society of BC (FNESS) is seeking sponsorships and
exhibitors for the 2015 FNESS Safety Expo! This safety event will provide your organization,
business or corporation with excellent opportunities to connect with First Nations’ involved with
community safety. FNESS strives to help build safer and healthier communities for First
Nations’, so we thank you for your consideration in supporting this event!
The FNESS Safety Expo provides a unique opportunity to share information with First Nation
representatives and leadership regarding public safety. We invite you to be a part of an
exciting gathering that is geared towards providing important life-saving information to First
Nation communities.
To submit a completed application or for further information please contact:
Michelle Buchholz, Fire Services Coordinator
1-888-822-3388 or mbuchholz@fness.bc.ca
102 – 70 Orwell Street, North Vancouver, BC V7J 3R5 Ph: (604) 669-7305 Fax: (604) 669-9832 Toll Free BC: (888) 822-3388
Registration Package Information
Company/Organization Information
Attending Representative
Mailing Address
Additional Representatives
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Email address
Postal Code
Please indicate if you wish to have an exhibitor booth:
 June 26, 2015:
FNESS Annual General Meeting & Trade Show
Please indicate if you wish to sponsor the following event(s):
*Please refer to sponsorship page
 June 27, 2015:
 June 27, 2015:
 June 27, 2015:
First Nations Provincial Fire Fighter Competition
Fire Fighters Awards Ceremony and Banquet
Youth Fire Fighter Competition
In lieu of a registration fee (during the AGM) we ask that vendors provide prizes to give away at the 2014
FNESS Awards Ceremony and Banquet. Please see below details:
Vendor Prize Giveaways for the Fire Fighter Competition and the FNESS AGM Trade Shows:
As per our invitation, exhibitors at the AGM will be asked to donate approved equipment, training or services that
will be awarded to successful competing teams in the Fire Fighter Competition or as door prizes during the
FNESS Annual General Meeting. We are asking that the donation be a minimum of $250.00 in value. Your
donation, company name and logo will be highlighted throughout the competition and subsequently on FNESS
advertisements of the event.
Please list below:
102 – 70 Orwell Street, North Vancouver, BC V7J 3R5 Ph: (604) 669-7305 Fax: (604) 669-9832 Toll Free BC: (888) 822-3388
Sponsorship Opportunities
2015 FNESS Safety Expo & Fire Fighter Competition
Fire Fighter Competition Sponsorship Opportunities
 Premier Sponsor: $2,000.00
In exchange for sponsoring the 2014 First Nations’ Fire Fighter Competition, the exhibitor will receive recognition
throughout the competition and the FNESS AGM by MC during lunch program. Sponsors may set up an exhibitor
booth at the AGM and are able to post corporate banner on site (provided by sponsor). Sponsors also have the
opportunity to provide a corporate promotional/marketing item to the fire fighters at the AGM or competition. Your
organization/company will be highlighted on the FNESS website as the premier sponsor.
 Dinner Sponsor: $1,500.00
In exchange for sponsoring dinner at the Fire Fighter Competition Awards Ceremony, the exhibitor will receive
recognition throughout the competition and by MC during lunch program. Exhibitors may set up an exhibitor booth
at the AGM and are able to post corporate banner on site (provided by sponsor). Sponsors also have the
opportunity to provide a corporate promotional/marketing item to fire fighters at the competition.
 Lunch Sponsor: $1,000.00
In exchange for sponsoring a lunch break at the Fire Fighter Competition, the sponsor will receive recognition
throughout the competition and by MC during lunch program. Sponsors may set up a corporate banner at the
competition site (provided by sponsor). If desired, the sponsor may give a 10-15 minute presentation during the
Lunch Break. The sponsor may also provide promotional materials that will be given to competitors throughout the
Fire Fighter Competition.
Youth Fire Fighter Competition Sponsorship Opportunities:
 Youth Safety Sponsor: $1,000.00
In exchange for sponsoring the Youth Fire Fighter Competition, the sponsor will receive recognition at the event
and is encouraged to come and be involved in the event. Sponsors may set up an exhibitor booth at the FNESS
AGM and are able to post corporate banner at the competition (provided by sponsor) FNESS will include your
company logo in promotional materials for the FNESS Expo and Fire Fighter Competition.
Note: Please email or fax completed Exhibitors Registration Forms to FNESS by June 22, 2015. Attention: Michelle Buchholz,
Fire Services Coordinator mbuchholz@fness.bc.ca or Fax: 604- 669-9832.
102 – 70 Orwell Street, North Vancouver, BC V7J 3R5 Ph: (604) 669-7305 Fax: (604) 669-9832 Toll Free BC: (888) 822-3388
Hold Harmless Clause
Use of Space
Neither FNESS and its staff or the Moccasin Square
Gardens staff will be responsible for damage to or loss of
property belonging to the exhibitor or any person or
persons. The exhibitor assumes complete responsibility
and liability for all loss, damages or destruction of property
of the exhibitor or his guests. The exhibitor also assumes
full responsibility and liability for all injury to any and all
persons or property in any way connected with the
exhibit’s display or his agents.
FNESS reserves the right to change booth locations or
physical space layout due to unforeseen circumstances.
Exhibitors will be asked to donate an approved piece of
equipment, training or services that will be awarded to the
winning teams. We are asking that the donation be a
minimum of $250.00 in value. Your donation, company
name and logo will be highlighted throughout the
competition and subsequently on FNESS advertisement of
the event. All donations must be present at the exhibitors
hall for opening on Friday June 26, 2015 beginning at
Event Sponsors
FNESS is seeking Premiere, Dinner and Lunch
sponsorships. Please see sponsorship details above. In
addition to a presentation time slot the sponsor will be
given a prime location for their booth to be set up. To
sponsor these breaks the exhibitor will agree to donate
specified funds towards the cost of the event/meal that
they have chosen.
Installation of Exhibits
Exhibits may be installed on the day of the AGM starting at
9:00am (June 26, 2015). The exhibition area will be open
to all event participants.
Dismantling may begin after each event has concluded.
Location & Time
FNESS Annual General Meeting and Tradeshow:
Exhibitors are asked to arrive at 9:00am on June 26, 2015
in order to begin setting up registration booths.
Moccasin Square Gardens
Kamloops, BC
Exhibitor Registration
The exhibitor’s packages, including name badges and
other conference materials, will be available for pick-up on
Friday June 27 from 9:30-10:00 am. Signs will be posted
along the way directing you to the AGM location.
Charitable Receipt
Upon the request of the Exhibitor, FNESS may issue a
charitable receipt. Please let the Fire Services Coordinator
know if you would like to be issued a receipt and we will
provide you with one after receiving the goods or services.
Questions Regarding the Competition
Contact: Michelle Buchholz, Fire Services Coordinator
Tel: (604) 669-7305 or
Toll Free: 1 (888) 822-3388
Fax: (604) 669-9832
Email: mbuchholz@fness.bc.ca
Each exhibitor is responsible for providing their own
display. A table will be supplied if required and if
requested with enough time prior to FNESS. All displays
must fit into an approximate 10’ x 10’ area.
demonstrations and displays must be confined to the
exhibitors assigned exhibit area unless prior consent is
102 – 70 Orwell Street, North Vancouver, BC V7J 3R5 Ph: (604) 669-7305 Fax: (604) 669-9832 Toll Free BC: (888) 822-3388