SPOT on Facilitation Workshop previously known as: Foundational Facilitation Workshop (FFW) Revised 2015 Format Duration: 3 days – Workshop Dates in 2015 5-7 January 2015 (Mon-Wed) 21-23 January 2015 (Wed-Fri) 9-11 February 2015 (Mon-Wed) 4-6 March 2015 (Wed-Fri) 18-20 March 2015 (Wed-Fri) 22-24 April 2015 (Wed-Fri) 20-22 May 2015 (Wed-Fri) 24-26 Jun 2015 (Wed-Fri) 26-28 August 2015 (Wed-Fri) 16-18 September 2015 (Wed-Fri) 21-23 October 2015 (Wed-Fri) 25-27 November 2015 (Wed-Fri) Dates and venue subject to change without notice. Please visit our website for the latest. For Whom: Facilitators, Teachers, Trainers, Supervisors, Managers, HRD/OD Professionals, Change Agents, Team Leaders, Project Leaders, Community Leaders, Therapists, Marketing consultants, Mediators, Quality Consultants, and anyone who works with groups and wants to enhance group effectiveness. We can customise in-company derivatives of the FFW specifically for managers and directors (Facilitative Leadership Workshop-FLW) and for Teachers, Trainers & Lecturers (Facilitative Training Workshop-FTW). Please contact us for details. Email: Time: 8:30am to 5:30pm** ** The finishing time may delay to 6:30pm - depending on the progress of the workshop. Venue: FNS Centre@OBH2, 62 Ubi Road 1, #07-26 Oxley BizHub 2, Singapore 408734. Group Process Facilitation is a rapidly expanding worldwide profession that plays a vital role in the workings of business, government and communities across the globe. There is a growing demand for people who can help groups build consensus, maximize participation and move toward action. Course Fees: (per participant, including meals, hand-outs & reference pocket books) Category Standard Rate (Everyone) Early Bird Rate - Corporate/Government /All others Early Bird Rate - NPOs/VWOs/NGOs/Full-time Students/Retirees/Senior Citizens/Self-employed Fee (we are not GST rated) S$1590.00 nett per pax S$1490.00 nett per pax S$1390.00 nett per pax Sign up date Equal to or less than 4 weeks before the event More than 5 weeks before the event More than 5 weeks before the event Overseas registrants paying by Bank Draft or TT, please add S$30 for bank charges in Singapore. You may also pay online by paypal – email us to send you the link. For continuous improvement reasons, workshop content may be changed without notice. ©Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd 2005-2015 email: Ver: 6.1 9 April 2015 Page 1 SPOT on Facilitation Workshop previously known as: Foundational Facilitation Workshop (FFW) Revised 2015 Format Payment by Cheque: Please make cheque payable to: “Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd” and mail it to: Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd 62 Ubi Road 1, #07-26 Oxley BizHub 2, Singapore 408734. Cancellation and Postponement: Once you have registered for the workshop, it is a commitment that you will attend the workshop. Upon registration, the full workshop fee is payable regardless of attendance because of our financial pre-commitment for the workshop facilitator(s), workshop materials and seminar package. However, we welcome replacement for the registered participant(s). A cancellation fee of SGD300 will apply for postponement, cancellation or withdrawal by the participant. After commencement of program, we are unable to refund any part of the workshop not utilized. FNS reserves the right to cancel or postpone the event due to unforeseen circumstances. Fees paid will be fully refunded in the event of course cancellation by FNS. Learning Outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Discern the difference between Consulting; Training; Facilitative Training & Group Process Facilitation. Able to deploy the FNS 4D Facilitation® Model in the design and delivery of facilitated interventions. Receive constructive feedback from peers and workshop coaches on the deployment of effective group process facilitation core practices and use of basic facilitation process tools. Aware of 14 Divergent & Convergent process tools for Group Process Facilitators and confident of deploying at least 6 of the tools immediately. Aware of the Process Design for commonly occurring business situations in commercial/non-commercial context requiring facilitation and confident of designing at least one of them. Confident in using the flip chart and other process facilitation aids effectively. Aware of international certification competencies and the CCF & CMF certification processes by FNS & INIFAC respectively. Methodology: The workshop is extremely hands-on. Being a competency-based learning design, this workshop acknowledges and accounts for the characteristics of adult learners and the learning strategies that work best with adults. Adult learners expect, and deserve, to leave the experience with competencies that can directly and immediately be applied on the job. Participants will have to complete self-assessment questionnaires as pre-work, do some pre-reading and come prepared for immediate application and practice during the workshop. Some ‘homework’ will have to be completed on the evenings of day 1 and day 2. Throughout the three days participants will receive extensive feedback from peers and coaching from INIFAC Certified Master Facilitators on their performance as a facilitator. As each day is fully packed with practice and critical learning moments, ‘time –away’ for meetings and other reasons will be disruptive to the learning process and will not be permitted. For continuous improvement reasons, workshop content may be changed without notice. ©Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd 2005-2015 email: Ver: 6.1 9 April 2015 Page 2 SPOT on Facilitation Workshop previously known as: Foundational Facilitation Workshop (FFW) Revised 2015 Format Certificate of Achievement: A Certificate of Achievement will be awarded by the Facilitators Network Singapore (FNS) for those who meet the requirements of the workshop. Text Book: Each participant will receive a complimentary copy of: “SPOT on Facilitation: Engaging People, Empowering Teams, Exceeding Goals” by Prabu Naidu & Janice Lua. Facilitator’s Kit: Each participant will receive a kit with supplies to equip them to be operationally ready after the workshop. Video Feedback: Each participant will receive a video recording with feedback of their day 3 facilitation practice. For continuous improvement reasons, workshop content may be changed without notice. ©Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd 2005-2015 email: Ver: 6.1 9 April 2015 Page 3 SPOT on Facilitation Workshop previously known as: Foundational Facilitation Workshop (FFW) Revised 2015 Format Content for Pre-work: Content for Day 1: Content for Day 2: Content for Day 3: • • • • • • • • • IAF Values and Code of Ethics for Facilitators S.P.O.T on Facilitation Consulting vs. Training vs. Facilitative Training vs. ‘Pure’ Facilitation • • • The FFW Experience Core Practices of Facilitators FNS 4D Facilitation™Model Determining Requirements (D1) Designing Interventions (D2) Flip Chart Tips & Techniques Assignments / Reading list for next day • • • Divergence & Convergence Tools Mock Facilitation (D3 & D4) with Intensive Feedback Practice 1 INIFAC CMF and FNS CCF Competencies and Assessment process • • Assignments / Reading list for next day Styles and impact on Facilitation Process Design for commonly occurring commercial/non-commercial situations requiring facilitation (D1-D2) Mock Facilitation (D3 & D4) with video and Intensive Feedback - Practice 2 Intellectual Property Rights: SPOT on Facilitation Workshop - previously known as The Foundational Facilitation Workshop (FFW) - was conceived & designed in 2005 by the Facilitators Network Singapore (FNS). It is delivered & quality assured to very rigorous standards, and continuously improved on by FNS. All Rights Reserved by FNS. Legend: IAF: International Association of Facilitators INIFAC: International Institute for Facilitation CCF: Certified Competent Facilitator CMF: Certified Master Facilitator For continuous improvement reasons, workshop content may be changed without notice. ©Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd 2005-2015 email: Ver: 6.1 9 April 2015 Page 4 SPOT on Facilitation Workshop previously known as: Foundational Facilitation Workshop (FFW) Revised 2015 Format Teaching Training Lecturing A Group Process Facilitator is a content neutral individual who uses effective processes to enable a group to make effective decisions and accomplish its task while supporting a collaborative and respectful environment that encourages full participation and helps groups overcome barriers to reaching their goal. Group Process Facilitation Content What? Process How? A Facilitative Trainer/Teacher brings content across using effective processes to enable active learning in a collaborative and respectful environment that encourages full All Rights Reserved. FNS 2005 - 2010 participation and helps learners overcome barriers to reaching their learning goals. Facilitative Teaching/Training/Lecturing/Coaching/ Mentoring/Chairing/Parenting/Consulting FFW v9.4 2010 7 What past participants have said about the SPOT on Facilitation Workshop: I have gained tools, skills sets that I can use & apply in my course of work. I have especially learnt the fine lines between all topics of 'facilitating' & it has helped me make more informed decision on my path. The constructive feedback given by the facilitators and the rest have truly led me down a road of self awareness. I have a new found respect for my facilitators through this session! I have a new idea on the concept of it & its applications. I AM MUCH MORE INSPIRED NOW TO PURSUE THIS JOURNEY FURTHER! It is by far one of the most eye-opening and self-reflecting workshops I have ever attended. It's worth every minute & cent spent. The constructive feedback given by the facilitators and the rest have truly led me down a road of self awareness. I love how being thrown into situations have helped boost my confidence. This workshop has expedited my professional development many fold – many of my facilitation blind spots were opened up - thank you very much for running this course. I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to hone their facilitation competencies. I am now very confident to facilitate a group towards a business outcome. Made many friends - the three days really bonds us as we have to work as a team and co-facilitate under compressed time and dynamic simulated situations. I just conducted my first workshop for relief teachers yesterday. There were 42 participants. Guess what? When you let the participants talk and share their ideas, they said they enjoyed the session and learnt a lot actually from each other. Thank you for this great course. This course is not a spoon feeding course, it needs a lot of effort, attention but its reward is worthwhile. Process facilitation earns my due respect. For continuous improvement reasons, workshop content may be changed without notice. ©Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd 2005-2015 email: Ver: 6.1 9 April 2015 Page 5 SPOT on Facilitation Workshop previously known as: Foundational Facilitation Workshop (FFW) Revised 2015 Format What are the Benefits of Facilitation? The 9 key benefits of using facilitation in groups are: 1. Resolve conflicts and clarify misunderstandings constructively. 2. Increase opportunity for contribution. 3. Leverage on collective wisdom and experiences of staff. 4. Enhance motivation to support decisions made. 5. Encourage teamwork and joint responsibility for implementation. 6. Develop problem solving and innovation skills. 7. Produce better results than individual efforts. 8. Raises productivity. 9. Contribute to overall organisation’s effectiveness and success. Why is Facilitation Important? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Businesses and organisations have restructured, giving more power to a wider range of employees. Professionals are increasingly being tasked to work as members of groups. Meetings of large groups of people can be very hard to organise and control when they are in progress. There is a need to coordinate the ideas and contributions of diverse sets of people within organisations. It can help members of a group get to know each other and learn to cooperate. It helps focus the energy and thoughts of the various members on the task at hand, without bias. It can be extremely useful in helping groups develop consensus on issues. Why Facilitation Skills Are Valued in Today's World Doing more with less... in less time Facilitators help people and organizations determine clear solutions to organizational pressures. Professional facilitators show how to save time and money by engaging diverse groups of people and moving them toward results. Facilitators excel in their ability to help groups solve problems before they become crises helping everyone to reach goals and realistic solutions. It has been demonstrated that group problem solving processes enable more effective and efficient solutions that are more readily implemented in less time. This needs to address the questions of how it saves time. Many of my clients would say, "My people do what I tell them to do. Why should I involve them in any decision making process?" Leadership Demands Flexibility Professional facilitators support the shift to a participative management style. Facilitators know how to apply specific tools and techniques for project and process management results. They also help meetings and group be more productive. The Facilitator “brings people together.” Often people are in the room but do not “get together.” Facilitation allows people to be heard. It provides opportunities for participants to build on each other’s ideas and experiences. Most often, a well-facilitated meeting allows participants to leave not as a stranger but with a sense of being a part of a group (virtually or actually, as the case may be). This links with socialization, growth, education and communication. Connectivity and Diversity As virtual, diverse and/or cross-functional teams and groups become increasingly common in organizations; facilitators help streamline participative group processes for strategy, plan development and implementation. Facilitation also leverages and builds on existing synergies. Desire for Clear Solutions to Communications Problems How often have you heard an organizational problem labelled as a 'communication problem'? Facilitators help improve communications inside and outside organizations and augment the quality of teamwork, participation and management of diverse groups of stakeholders. They provide the clear channels within individuals as groups to 'make individuals be heard'. For continuous improvement reasons, workshop content may be changed without notice. ©Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd 2005-2015 email: Ver: 6.1 9 April 2015 Page 6 SPOT on Facilitation Workshop previously known as: Foundational Facilitation Workshop (FFW) Revised 2015 Format Organisations that have benefited from this workshop include: Agency for Integrated Care AIG Ascendas Land Asia Pacific Breweries Limited Asia Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development British American Tobacco British Council Central Provident Fund Board Cerebos Singapore Certis Cisco Consulting Civil Service College Competition Commission Singapore Defence Science & Technology Agency Exploit Tech (S) Pte Ltd Home Team Academy Hospice Care Infocomm Development Authority Intellectual Property Office Singapore ITE College West (Tampines) Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) Maritime Port Authority MENDAKI MSD Pharmaceuticals Microsoft Singapore Ministry of Defence Ministry of Education Ministry of Environment Ministry of Home Affairs Ministry of Trade & Industry MTW (S) Pte Ltd National Community Leadership Institute National Parks Board Ngee Ann Polytechnic NTUC OCBC Bank ODM Innovations Pte Ltd Orca Design (S) Pte Ltd Peoples Association Public Service Division Public Utilities Board RARE Conservation Red Hat Asia Pacific Republic Polytechnic St.Joseph’s Institution SEED Institute (RTRC Asia) Sembcorp SIM Tech Singapore Discovery Centre Singapore Land Authority Singapore Management University Singapore Police Force Singapore Polytechnic Singapore Prison Service Singapore Quality Centre Singapore Sports Council SingHealth SoCH in Action SPRING Singapore ST Electronics Standard Chartered Bank Splash Productions Tan Tock Seng Hospital Teachers Network Travelex Global Business Victoria Junior College FNS VISION To be the leading regional hub of competent facilitators. FNS MISSION Operate as a Social Enterprise to advocate and raise the professional practice of process facilitation so as to enhance the credibility of the profession and provide value added services to our stakeholders. FNS VALUES Authenticity Upholding trustworthiness by being true to ourselves and others. Inclusiveness Fostering synergistic partnership amongst the private, public and people sectors and embracing diversity in people and facilitation methods. Volunteerism Promoting the contribution of time and expertise for the benefit of the community as a social responsibility. Results-Oriented Achieving objectives and outcomes through effective and responsible facilitation. Profile of FNS: Facilitators Network Singapore (FNS), a social enterprise, was formed as an informal network of facilitators in 2003 with the mission of promoting and supporting the art and practice of professional facilitation in Singapore and the region through methods exchange, collegial networking and support services. As a social enterprise, FNS operates with the agility of a private enterprise with a non-profiteering intent, managed by a non-remunerated volunteer team. Trained Facilitators from FNS volunteer their services to Voluntary Welfare and Not-ForProfit Organisations. They are also available for facilitating commercial events at affordable professional fees. FNS organises regular learning and development activities for local and regional network of facilitators. Visit FNS website at http:/// for a current list of events. Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd (FNS) – Company Regn: 200600307Z For continuous improvement reasons, workshop content may be changed without notice. ©Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd 2005-2015 email: Ver: 6.1 9 April 2015 Page 7 SPOT on Facilitation Workshop previously known as: Foundational Facilitation Workshop (FFW) Revised 2015 Format Profile of Workshop Coaches: Janice Lua, PBM, CPF, CMF, has a MSc (UK) in Technology Management and a MBA (Australia) in Entrepreneurial Management. With more than 13 years of experience in the private, public and people sectors across different industries in senior management positions, she has extensive training, facilitation and consultancy experiences in organisation-wide change management, business process re-engineering, corporate/strategic planning, action planning and project management. She has facilitated internationally using methods such as The World Café, Open Space Technology and Future Search. She is a Senior National Business Excellence Assessor, Certified Management Consultant, Certified Strengths Deployment Inventory® Facilitator, PMI certified Project Management Professional, IAF Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF), an INIFAC Certified Master Facilitator (CMF) and CMF Assessor, and licensed Dynamic Facilitation Instructor. She co-founded the Facilitators Network in 2004 to upscale the competencies of facilitators in Asia and co-authored SPOT on Facilitation in 2011. Prabu Naidu, CPF, CMF, holds a Masters in Organisational Behaviour (UoL Birkbeck College, UK) and gained 19 years of MNC experience (1980-1999) with Philips, AT&T and Compaq which spanned diverse functions in Engineering, Materials, Project Management, TQM, HRD, Managing Change and Supply Chain Re-Engineering - these set the foundation for his current fourteen years (2000-2013) of training, facilitation and consulting work in organisational development. He has designed and delivered numerous OD interventions for MNCs, SMEs, Government departments & not-for-profit organisations in Singapore and regionally for MNEs & SMEs. He is an IAF Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF) and an INIFAC Certified Master Facilitator (CMF). He co-founded the Facilitators Network in 2004 to upscale the competencies of facilitators in Singapore and the region. His lectures at professional institutions are always well received by the students as all his lectures are very engaging and facilitative. He co-authored SPOT on Facilitation. For continuous improvement reasons, workshop content may be changed without notice. ©Facilitators Network Singapore Pte Ltd 2005-2015 email: Ver: 6.1 9 April 2015 Page 8
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