Welcome to the FOC! This packet is meant to provide you with some “nuts and bolts” information as to the Macomb County Friend of the Court. You are receiving this information because you are a party on a case where there is a domestic support obligation, which means someone has been ordered to pay child support, medical support, child care, confinement, spousal support, or some other type of support payment pursuant to a court order. HELPFUL RESOURCES A BIT ABOUT THE PROCESS – Macomb County Friend of the Court (MCFOC) website: foc.macombgov.org WHAT HAPPENS TO AN ORDER AFTER THE JUDGE SIGNS IT? Michigan State Disbursement website: MISDU.com All eighty-three (83) counties in the State of Michigan are required by the Federal Government to use the MICSES computer system to record and monitor domestic relations cases with support obligations. This means that once a court order is signed which creates or changes a support obligation that order must be loaded onto the MICSES computer system. Once the order is loaded if needed an income withholding order will be generated notifying the payer’s employer to deduct support payments from the payer’s check. When a case is new payments can not be processed until the case is loaded onto MICSES. What this means to you as the payer or recipient of support is that there is typically a delay of approximately two to four weeks from the time an order is signed by the Judge to the time it is loaded onto the MICSES system. You should have copies of all of your court orders and be familiar with them. In the event of a dispute the Court is going to enforce the terms of the court orders. In domestic cases provisions regarding custody, parenting time, and child support remain modifiable until the minor children reach the age of eighteen or graduate from high school, whichever is later. Friend of the Court Handbook – available on MCFOC website: foc.macombgov.org Michigan Child Support Formula – link provided on MCFOC website: foc.macombgov.org Motion Packets – available from MCFOC or downloadable from MCFOC website Michigan Legal Help website – www.michiganlegalhelp.org HOW DO I OBTAIN INFORMATION ABOUT MY CASE There are a variety of ways you can obtain information about your file. It is recommended that you register to be able to view some of your account information online. You can register for this access by going to the website MISDU.com and scrolling to the section titled MICASE or you can go directly to the website www.michigan.gov/micase. You can also obtain information by calling the 24 Hour Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) @ 586-469-7618. You may also call the Macomb County Friend of the Court @ 586-469-5160. You may wish to request the telephone number of the Child Support Judicial Service Officer assigned to your file which will save you from having to go through the switchboard operator each time you call. Be sure to let us know when you experience any change in employment CHANGES TO WHERE THE CHILD IS LIVING If you are a parent or guardian you must notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court as soon as possible if the minor child/children stop living with you and notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court of who the minor child/children are living with, the name and address of who the minor child/ children are living with and when the change occurred. 2 EMPLOYMENT How do you earn a living/your employment/changes in employment status – You must notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court of changes in your source of income or employment status. If you change employers you need to provide the name, address, phone number, and if you have it the Federal Employer Id Number (FEIN) of your new employer and your start date. If you are the payor of support you must also mail in payments on your own until your new employer starts deducting payments from your check. You must also notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court if you become unemployed, are laid off, or are not working due to a medical issue in which case you might be receiving worker’s compensation benefits or short-term or long-term disability benefits, or no benefits at all. If you retire and will be receiving social security benefits or a pension you need to notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court. If you get approved for social security disability benefits or SSI benefits you need to notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court. Unless you live out of state or are physically unable to come to the Macomb County Friend of the Court you should report in person. If you live out of state or are physically unable to come in you should call and find out what information you need to submit. WE CAN HELP... Extraordinary events: You should notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court if either parent becomes incarcerated, children are removed by Child Protective Services, death of either party, parties who are not married to one another get married to one another, parties who are divorced get remarried, child is adopted by stepparent, or any other extraordinary event. Knowledge is Power! COMMUNICATING WITH THE MACOMB COUNTY FRIEND OF THE COURT As a party on the file you are court ordered to provide certain information to the Macomb County Friend of the Court. There are also times when you may have a question or wish to obtain information about your case. There are several ways you can communicate with or obtain information from the Macomb County Friend of the Court. In Person – the Macomb County Friend of the Court is located in the 16 th Circuit Court Building which is at 40 North Main Street, Mount Clemens, Michigan 48043. The Macomb County Friend of the Court is housed on the 6th floor. The Macomb County Friend of the Court is open Monday –Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. As a party to a file you can come in anytime the office is open and ask to speak to a Friend of the Court employee about your file. By Telephone – you may also call and speak with a Friend of the Court employee about your file during office hours - telephone coverage is provided Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to noon and then from noon to 5:00 p.m.- please be advised there is very limited phone coverage during the lunch hour from noon to 1:00 p.m. By Facsimile(FAX) – you may also submit information to the Macomb County Friend of the Court via our fax # 586-469-7941. Please sure to include your case number and provide a current phone number and address for yourself on all communications. By E-mail – you may also submit information or provide information to the Macomb County Friend of the Court by sending an email to our general email address: MacombCountyFriendoftheCourt@macombgov.org. Please be sure to include your case number and provide a current address and telephone number for yourself on all communications. If you have a scanner you can scan documents and submit them as an email attachment. By U.S. Mail – you may also submit or request information via letter. The address for the Macomb County Friend of the Court is: Macomb County Friend of the Court, 40 North Main Street, Mount Clemens, Michigan 48043. Please be sure to always include your current address and telephone number and your case number on any written correspondence. 3 KEEP US UPDATED How you can be reached/your address and telephone number – You must notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court of any changes in your address and telephone number. Keeping your address information current will keep you from missing important notices from the Macomb County Friend of the Court – such as notice of court dates. Please be advised that notifying the U.S. Post Office of a change of address does not change your address with the Macomb County Friend of the Court. You must send a separate notice of your change of address and/or telephone number directly to the Macomb County Friend of the Court. HEALTH INSURANCE You must keep the Macomb County Friend of the Court updated as to the medical insurance for the minor child/ children. If you lose health insurance coverage due to loss of employment you need to notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court and the other parent. If the health insurance provider for the minor child/children will be changing you need to notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court of when the change will occur and the new insurance provider and proof of coverage for the minor children. If the minor child/children will be covered via Medicaid of MIChild (both of which are state funded in part) instead of a private insurance carrier you need to provide proof of coverage. Healthy kids are happy kids! UNINSURED HEALTH CARE EXPENSES Uninsured health care expenses include: insurance co-payments, deductibles and other uninsured health care costs. Orthodontic treatment is included in the definition of health care and will be treated as an uninsured health care expense. The base support already covers remedial care items, such as band aids and non-prescription medications, so those expenses are not included in this category. For the custodial party, any health care expenses incurred after the annual ordinary medical amount has been met are called extraordinary health care expenses. For the non-custodial party, any health care expenses incurred on behalf of the minor child/ren are considered extraordinary health care expenses. The court order will indicate the percentage each party must pay for the extraordinary uninsured health care expenses. KEEPING YOUR CHILDREN COVERED The Friend of the Court has enforcement procedures available to require one or both parties to obtain health care insurance for the minor child/ren if ordered by the Court. Assistance is also available in obtaining information about current insurance coverage. Questions and concerns can be directed to the Friend of the Court Medical Department at (586) 469-5679 or (586) 469-5646. 4 WHAT WE CAN NOT DO Please be advised that all Friend of the Court staff are prohibited from providing legal advice so at times if you ask a legal question you may be advised to consult with a private attorney or legal aid as to your options. Friend of the Court staff are also prohibited from helping you fill out motion packets, file objections, or assist you in preparing other legal documents. Please be advised that all Friend of the Court staff are prohibited from providing legal advice... WHO ARE THE PEOPLE AT THE FRIEND OF THE COURT I MIGHT SPEAK TO BY TELEPHONE OR IN PERSON In person: Each file has a number of assigned Friend of the Court personnel. Each file has a Parenting Time Judicial Service Officer, a Child Support Judicial Service Officer, and a Medical Enforcement Officer assigned – these are the three people you are most likely to speak with in person after you have been checked in by reception. When you come in person to the Friend of the Court you will be checked in by a receptionist who will ask you for your case number and who will ask you for your current address and telephone number. If your contact information or employment information has changed you will be provided with a form to fill out and sign so your information can be updated. The receptionist will ask you why you have come in and will then notify the Judicial Service Officer or Medical Enforcement Officer that someone is here and they will come and speak to you at the counter where they have access to the MICSES computer system which contains your file information. Please be advised that due to confidentiality you can not have any friends, family members, or significant others accompany you to the counter as the information of the file is confidential to you and the other party. If somebody comes to the counter with you they will be asked to take a seat in the lobby or may be asked to leave the floor to ensure privacy. On the phone: You will first speak to either a switchboard operator who will transfer you to the department you need to speak to or you will speak with a secretary. The secretaries are very knowledgeable and can answer most questions, if the secretary is unable to provide you with an answer you may be transferred to another department, or you may be advised to come in and speak to a Judicial Service Officer or Medical Enforcement Officer in person, or you may be advised to submit your inquiry in writing via email, fax, or letter. If you are seeking to change an existing court order you may be advised that you will need to file a motion with the Court on your own or with the assistance of a private attorney. Please be advised that all Friend of the Court staff are prohibited from providing legal advice so at times if you ask a legal question you may be advised to consult with a private attorney or legal aid as to your options. Friend of the Court staff are also prohibited from helping you fill out motion packets, file objections, or assist you in preparing other legal documents. 5 Basically you need to make sure to keep your contact information, your employer information, and insurance provider information for the minor children updated on your file – you are actually court ordered to notify the Macomb County Friend of the Court in writing if any of these three things change. You also need to notify the Friend of the Court if the minor children change custodians and are living with someone other than who the court orders indicate they are living with. You should also notify the Friend of the Court of extraordinary events. PAYMENTS—MAKING AND RECEIVING All child support payments are centrally disbursed out of Lansing, Michigan from the Michigan State Disbursement Unit (MISDU). Payments flow in to MISDU and then MISDU sends out payments to the support recipients. I am the recipient of support payments – what do I need to do to get things started? As the recipient of support you will either receive payments via direct deposit or on a debit card. Only in very limited circumstances are paper checks issued. You may receive your first payment via a paper check and then you need to elect by which of the other two methods you want to receive the support payments. The forms you need to submit are available from the Macomb County Friend of the Court, from the website for the Macomb County Friend of the Court which is FOC.macombgov.org, and from the MISDU website which is MISDU.com. I am the payer of support – what options do I have for remitting payments? As the payer of support your court order requires you to remit payments yourself directly to the Friend of the Court unless or until your employer deducts support payments. If you are a 1099 employee or self-employed you will need to remit payments yourself. You may remit payments by making payments in person at the cashier window located at the Macomb County Friend of the Court, you may also make payments online through the website for MISDU which is MISDU.com, or you can mail in payments directly to MISDU to: MISDU, P.O. Box 30351, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7851 – please be sure to include your case number, your name, and the county code for Macomb which is FIPS 26099 on your check or money order. Your employer will also be sent an income withholding order, which is a court order directing an employer or source of income to deduct child support payments and send them to MISDU, MISDU will then forward the payments to the support recipient. Peace can not be kept by force: It can only be achieved by understanding. Albert Einstein 40 NORTH MAIN ST MOUNT CLEMENS, MI 48043 Phone: 586-469-5160 Fax: 586-469-7941 E-mail: FriendoftheCourt@macobgov.org My Friend of the Court Case # ___________________________ My Parenting Time Enforcement Officer _____________________ Email Address ___FriendoftheCourt@macombgov.org___________ My Child Support Enforcement Officer_______________________ Phone Number _______________________________________ My Medical Enforcement Officer___________________________ Phone Number_______________________________________
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