Artist Appplication

The Toronto Festival of the Arts will be celebrating its 38th year
over Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 5-6. You are invited to be part of the
“Festival Art Gallery” at Toronto First Presbyterian Church at 116 N.
Third St. The “Festival Art Gallery” will be open for entries from students and adults. For more information on how to enter contact
George Komar 740-544-6439
Toronto Festival of the Arts
The Toronto Festival of the Arts will be celebrating its 38th
year over Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 5-6. You are invited to be
part of the “Art Gallery” in the First Presbyterian Church at 116 N.
Third St. The “Art Gallery” will be open for entries from students
and adults. For more information on how to enter contact
George Komar 740-544-6439
Toronto Festival of the Arts
The Toronto Festival of the Arts will be celebrating its 38th
year over Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 5-6. You are invited to be
part of the “Art Gallery” in the First Presbyterian Church at 116 N.
Third St. The “Art Gallery” will be open for entries from students
and adults. For more information on how to enter contact
George Komar 740-544-6439
Toronto Festival of the Arts
Student Entry form for the Festival Art Gallery
The Toronto Festival of the Arts will be celebrating its 38th year over Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 5-6,
2015. As a student you are invited to be part of the “Art Gallery” in the First Presbyterian Church at 116 N.
Third St. The “Art Gallery” will be open for entries from students and adults. Student work will be fine art,
two dimensional pieces in any medium. All work must be matted, no frames and ready to hang. NO LIMIT
on number of pieces; however you may be notified prior to the show to reduce the number and this will be
based on overall number of pieces entered. There is NO entry fee to participate in the “Art Gallery”.
Work will be judged in each grade level. All students will receive Ribbon of Participation.
First place art $20.00, Second place $10.00, Third place Honorable Mention Ribbon
Check student’s grade level when piece was completed Number of pieces to enter: _______
Pre-K ages 4-6 ____; Grades 1-2 _____ ; Grades 3-4 _____ ; Grades 5-8 _____; Grades 9-12 _____
Students Last Name: _________________________ First Name: ___________________________ Age: ________
Parent Last Name: ______________________________ First Name: ______________________________
Address: _________________________________________ State: ___________ Zip: ____________
Phone Number: (area) ________ — __________— ________ Email:__________________________________________
Permission Statement As parent/legal guardian of the above named student, I grant permission for him/her to participate in the
Toronto Festival Art Gallery”. By signing below, I grant permission for promotional purposes to include pictures, display and entry or
reproductions of artwork and student’s name. I do hereby release The Toronto Festival of the Arts ,Toronto First Presbyterian Church,
The Coalition for Revitalization their staff and members from any liability for theft, loss or other damage to works entered. I give permission to display entry or reproductions of the entry and the use of the students name for promotional purposes.
Originality Statement As parent/legal guardian and or teacher of the above named student, I confirm that this entry was created
under my supervision, entirely by my student and that, to the best of my knowledge, the entry does not violate any copyright laws. I
further confirm that the entry is the students own original work.
Parent/ legal guardian signature:__________________________________________Date:_______________
You are asked to provide a label (size 2 inches by 3.5 inches business card size) for each piece to include your name,
grade level, an identifying number and title Also, on the back of this
Bob Smith
page list all pieces with title, description, number and size
Grades 3-4
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Ocean sunset
Dates and Times
Thursday, September 3 Set UP Day 4:00 to 8:00 PM First Presbyterian Church 116 N. Third St, Toronto North Entrance
Friday, September 4 Set UP Day 6:00 to 8:00PM Most likely you will have to walk a distance to the church as crafters set up on Friday
Saturday, September 5 Art Gallery Opens 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Although you need not be present, it would be helpful.
Sunday, September 6 Art Gallery Opens Noon to 5:00 PM. Student awards are presented at 2:00PM
Monday, September 7 Take home day 4:00 to 8:00PM You are permitted to take home on Sunday after 6:00PM
Return Entry Form before Friday, August 7, 2015 to
George Komar 123 East Road, Toronto, OH 43964
740-544-6439 Email:
Toronto Festival of the Arts
Owner’s Name ____________________________________________________
Only the owner of the quilt may offer it for display.
Address _________________________________________________________
City __________________________State___________Zip___________
Phone _________________________Fax ______________________________
Email ___________________________________________________________
Other information for the quilt label:
Name of quilt maker: ________________________________________________________
Relation to quilt owner: Self _____ Other: __________________________________
Pattern or style:_____________________________ Approximate value: _______________
Quilt Size: Length:__________ Width:_________ Date of quilt: _____________________
Does your quilt have a hanging Sleeve? Yes
List the materials used in the making of the quilt: _____________________________________________
This quilt is: Hand sewn
Machine sewn
Hand and machine
On the back of this form, you may indicate any interesting features related to the entry.
Quilts will need to be available to hang from September 3 to 6, 2015
Dates and Times
Thursday, September 3
Set UP Day 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM Toronto First Presbyterian Church 116 N. Third St, Toronto North Entrance
Friday, September 4
Set UP Day 6:00 to 8:00PM Most likely you will have to walk a distance to the church as crafters set up on Friday
Saturday, September 5
Art Gallery Opens 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM You need not be present , however it would be appreciated.
Sunday, September 6
Art Gallery is open Noon to 5:00 PM. Student awards are presented at 2:00PM You can take home after 5:00PM
Monday, September 7
Take home day 4:00PM to 8:00PM You are permitted to take home on Sunday after 5:00PM
By signing below, I grant permission for promotional purposes to include photos, etc. I do hereby release The Toronto Festival of
the Arts ,Toronto First Presbyterian Church, The Coalition for Revitalization their staff and members from any liability for theft, loss
or other damage to works entered.
I understand the above information and choose to display my quilt at this event.
Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________
Return Entry Form before Friday, August 7, 2015 to
George Komar 123 East Road, Toronto, OH 43964
740-544-6439 Email:
Toronto Festival of the Arts
Adult Entry Form for the Festival Art Gallery
The Toronto Festival of the Arts will be celebrating its 38th year over Labor Day Weekend, Sept. 56, 2015. As an artist you are invited to be part of the “Art Gallery” in the Toronto First Presbyterian
Church at 116 N. Third St. The “Art Gallery” will be open for entries from children and adults. Adult
work will be fine art, both 2D and 3D , any medium to include pottery (not molded), sculpture, etc. All
two dimensional work must be matted and/or framed and ready to hang. Please no saw tooth hangers.
NO LIMIT on number of pieces, however you may be notified prior to the show to reduce the number
and this will be based on overall number of pieces entered.
There is NO entry fee to participate in the “Art Gallery”.
Pieces will not be judged or prizes awarded. The purpose of the “Adult Art Gallery” is to provide an opportunity to exhibit
art for he sake of art and for the enjoyment of the public. Cards may be attached indicating the art is for sale, however,
the discussion and sale must take place outside the church. PLEASE PRINT
Last Name: ____________________________ First Name: ______________________________
Address: _____________________________________________ State:_________ Zip: ____________
Phone Number: (area) ________ — __________— ________ Email:_____________________________________________
Permission Statement By signing below, I grant permission for promotional purposes to include photos, etc. I do hereby release
The Toronto Festival of the Arts ,Toronto First Presbyterian Church, The Coalition for Revitalization their staff and members from any
liability for theft, loss or other damage to works entered.
Originality Statement I acknowledge, the entry does not violate any copyright laws. I further confirm that the entry is my own
original work.
Signature:__________________________________________Date:____________ Number of pieces to enter : ___________
You are asked to provide a label for each piece to include your name, phone number, identifying number, title and for sale or not for
sale. Also, on the back of this page list all pieces with title, description, number and dimensions
Label size 2 inches by 3.5 inches (size of business card)
Bob Smith
# 2 of 3
Ocean sunset
for sale
Dates and Times
Thursday, September 3 Set UP Day 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM First Presbyterian Church 116 N. Third St, Toronto North Entrance
Friday, September 4 Set UP Day 6:00 to 8:00PM Most likely you will have to walk a distance to the church as crafters set up on Friday
Saturday, September 5 Art Gallery Opens 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM You need not be present , however it would be appreciated.
Sunday, September 6 Art Gallery is open noon to 6:00 PM. Student awards are presented at 2:00PM. You can take down after 5PM
Monday, September 7 Take home day 4:00PM to 8:00PM You are permitted to take home on Sunday after 5:00PM
Return Entry Form before Friday, August 7, 2015 to
George Komar 123 East Road, Toronto, OH 43964
740-544-6439 Email:
Toronto Festival of the Arts