Magnetotransport in 2DEG Content • Classical and quantum mechanics of two-dimensional electron gas • Density of states in magnetic field • Capacitance spectroscopy • (Integer) quantum Hall effect • Shubnikov-de-Haas-oscillations Magnetotransport in 2DEG Classical and quantum mechanics of 2DEG Classical motion: Lorentz force: Perpendicular to the velocity! Newtonian equation of motion: m*v2/rc = evB; v=eBrc/m*; =v/2rc; c=2=eB/m* Cyclotron orbit Cyclotron frequency, Cyclotron radius, In classical mechanics, any size of the orbit is allowed. Magnetotransport in 2DEG Diffusive transport Between scattering events electrons move like free particles with a given effective mass. In 1D case the relation between the final velocity and the effective free path, l, is then Assuming where is the drift velocity while is the typical velocity and introducing the collision time as we obtain in the linear approximation: Mobility Update of solid state physics 4 Diffusion motion of electron in magnetic field ωcτ ≤ 1 In magnetic field “friction” Lorentz force Update of solid state physics 5 Conductivity tensor Magnetic field is applied in the z-direction, B = (0, 0, B) Important quantity is the product of the cyclotron frequency, by the relaxation time, S is a geometry factor Here vi are the components of the drift velocity vector. Solving this system of equations for j gives j = ^ σE with conductivity as a tensor, Resistivity tensor, Update of solid state physics 6 Classical Hall effect S is a geometry factor For classical transport, xy = -c/0 = -(eB/m)/(ne2/m) = -B/en Equipotential lines Hall coefficient What happens according to quantum mechanics? Magnetotransport in 2DEG Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule The number of wavelength along the trajectory must be integer. Only discrete values of the trajectory radius are allowed Energy spectrum: ωcτ ≥ 1 Landau levels Wave functions are smeared around classical orbits with rn = lB (n+1)1/2; lB= (ħ/cm)1/2 lB is called the magnetic length. It is radius of classical electron orbit for n = 0. v/r; r v/; mv2/2= ħc(n+1/2); vn0 = (ħc/m)1/2; lB= rn0 = (ħ/cm)1/2 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Wave functions in rotationally-invariant gauge Classical picture Magnetotransport in 2DEG Quantum picture Density of states Two dimensional system , periodic boundary conditions Momentum is quantized in units of A quadratic lattice in k-space, each of them is g-fold degenerate (spin, valleys). Assume that , the limit of continuous spectrum. Number of states between k and k+dk: Update of solid state physics 10 Density of states in 2D Number of states per volume per the region k,k+dk Density of states -Number of states per volume per the region E,E+dE. Since 3 Update of solid state physics 11 Density of states in different dimensions Electron density of states in the effective mass approximation as a function of energy, in one, two, and three dimensions Update of solid state physics 12 Modification of density of states The levels are degenerate since the energy of 2DEG depends only on one variable, n. Number of states per unit area per level is m* Realistic picture ωcτ ≥ 1 Finite width of the levels is due to disorder Magnetotransport in 2DEG Landau quantization Magnetic field is described by the vector-potential, We will use the so-called Landau gauge, curl F = In magnetic field, Magnetotransport in 2DEG Harmonic oscillator in Landau quantization Displacement Cyclotron frequency Similar to harmonic oscillator Magnetotransport in 2DEG 2DEG quantization conditions in Landau gauge Since kx is quantized, kx,n = 2n/Lx , the shift is also quantized and oscillators are centered at positions , so 2 2 The values of ky are also quantized, 2 By direct counting of states we arrive at the same expression for the density of states. Magnetotransport in 2DEG 2DEG quantization in Landau gauge The eigenfunctions of the x–y Hamiltonian are thus plane waves in the xdirection, multiplied with Hermite polynomials in the y-direction. The positions of the harmonic oscillator potentials yn in the y-direction are given by the wave numbers kx that satisfy the boundary condition. Magnetotransport in 2DEG Filling factor in Landau quantization Usually the so-called filling factor is introduced as For electrons, the spin degeneracy Magnetic field splits energy levels for different spins, the splitting being described by the effective g-factor - Bohr magneton For bulk GaAs, Magnetotransport in 2DEG Meaning of filling factor An even filling factor, levels are fully occupied. , means that j Landau An odd integer number of the filling factor means that one spin direction of Landau level is full, while the other is empty. How one can control chemical potential of 2DEG in magnetic field? By changing either electron density (by gates), or magnetic field. We illustrate that in the next slide assuming Hence, the integrated density of states per Landau level is Magnetotransport in 2DEG Varying occupation of Landau levels Metal Insulator A series of metal-to-insulator transitions A way to measure – magneto-capacitance spectroscopy Magnetotransport in 2DEG Magneto-capacitance spectroscopy Insulating spacer δ-doping The current at a phase difference π/2 to ac signal is measured by lock-in amplifier Charge injection changes the 2DEG Fermi level Magnetotransport in 2DEG “Chemical” capacitance “Chemical” capacitance The energy, E, is fixed by Vdc Magnetotransport in 2DEG Magneto-capacitance spectroscopy The measured capacitance shows the filling of the 2DEG at Vg = 0.77 V, as well as the modulated density of states in perpendicular magnetic fields. Magnetotransport in 2DEG The classical Hall effect Ordinary Hall effect Magnetotransport in 2DEG Quantum Hall effect Klaus von Klitzing, 1980 Si-MOSFET The accuracy δρxy/ρxy is of the order of 3 × 10−10. What is the origin of this fantastic phenomenon? Magnetotransport in 2DEG Resistivity in Quantum Hall effect Conductivity and resistivity are tensors: Therefore small corresponds to small . How comes? Magnetotransport in 2DEG The observation σxx = 0 implies that no current flows in the xdirection when a voltage is applied in the x-direction. On the other hand, ρxx = 0 means that applying a current in the xdirection causes no voltage drop in the x-direction. Origin of low xx in Quantum Hall effect Equipotential lines E E 0 = -ne2/m* For classical transport, For quantum transport, j 0 1 -1 0 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Simplified explanation of Quantum Hall effect Solution in the absence of scattering cyclotron radius Drift of a guiding center + relative circular motion From that (after averaging over fast cyclotron motion): Magnetotransport in 2DEG drift velocity of the guiding center Role of edges and disorder Cyclotron motion in confined geometry Classical skipping orbits Quantum edge states Magnetotransport in 2DEG Edges states in Quantum Hall effect Calculated energy versus center coordinate for a 200nm-wide wire and a magnetic field intensity of 5 T. The shaded regions correspond to skipping orbits associated with edge-state behavior. Only possible scattering is in forward direction – chiral motion Schematic illustration showing the suppression of backscattering for a skipping orbit in a conductor at high magnetic fields. While the impurity may momentarily disrupt the forward propagation of the electron, it is ultimately restored as a consequence of the strong Lorentz force. Magnetotransport in 2DEG Lev Davidovich Landau: The Nobel Prize in Physics 1962 Born: 22 January 1908, Baku, Russian Empire (now Azerbaijan) Died: 1 April 1968, Moscow, USSR (now Russia) Affiliation at the time of the award: Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR Prize motivation: "for his pioneering theories for condensed matter, especially liquid helium" Field: condensed matter physics, superfluidity Prize share: 1/1 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Klaus von Klitzing: The Nobel Prize in Physics 1985 Born: 28 June 1943, Schroda, German-occupied Poland (now Poland) Affiliation at the time of the award: Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany Prize motivation: "for the discovery of the quantized Hall effect" Field: condensed matter physics Prize share: 1/1 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Origin of extended localized states Disorder makes the states in the tails localized! Sketch of the potential profile at different energies Lakes and mountains do not allow to come through, except very close to the LL centers Magnetotransport in 2DEG Influence of disorder ‘The disorder does something truly remarkable: it increases the insulating regions of the parameter range (the parameter is the electron density or the magnetic field) from points to extended intervals in real samples, while the extended metallic regions of the ideal sample are reduced to very small intervals.’ TH Magnetotransport in 2DEG Quantum Hall effect in three dimensions? Quantum Hall effect vanishes in three-dimensional free electron gases because the motion in the direction of field remains unaffected. A periodic superlattice generates bands with bandgaps b in the meV regime, i.e. comparable to ħωc for moderate magnetic fields. The corresponding density of states thus develops gaps in sufficiently large magnetic fields, such that the quantum Hall effect should be visible as soon as b gets smaller than ħωc. Landau quantization in three-dimensional systems. (a) Large magnetic field condenses free electron gas into Landau levels in the (x, y) plane, while kz remains continuous. (b) The density of states for a free electron gas (bold line), and of a periodic superlattice in the z-direction (dashed lines). Magnetotransport in 2DEG Main features of Quantum Hall effect •Localized states in the tails cannot carry current. • Consequently, only extended states below the Fermi level contribute to the transport. Thus is why Hall conductance is frozen and does not depend on the filling factor! • Localized states in the tails serve only as reservoirs determining the Fermi level • In the region close to E2 electrons can percolate, and this is why transverse conductance is finite. We have not explained yet why the Hall resistance is quantized in . We will come back to this issue after consideration of onedimensional conductors. Magnetotransport in 2DEG Quantum Hall effect: Application to Metrology Since 1 January 1990, the quantum Hall effect has been used by most National Metrology Institutes as the primary resistance standard. For this purpose, the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM) set the imperfectly known constant RK (=quantized Hall resistance on plateau 1) to the then best-known value of RK-90 = 25812.807 Ω. The relative uncertainty of this constant within the SI is 1x 10-7, and is therefore about two orders of magnitude worse than the reproducibility on the basis of the quantum Hall effect. The uncertainty within the SI is only relevant where electrical and mechanical units are combined. Magnetotransport in 2DEG Klaus von Klitzing: the new SI From presentation in The Royal Society, London, 2011 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Klaus von Klitzing: the new SI From presentation in The Royal Society, London, 2011 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Klaus von Klitzing: the new SI Since h/e2 and 2e/h are the only “fundamental constants” which can be measured with such a high precision, that conventional values were introduced for metrological applications, one may think to fix these numbers instead of fixing e and h which are not directly accessible by experiment with high accuracy. From presentation in The Royal Society, London, 2011 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Klaus von Klitzing: the new SI From presentation in The Royal Society, London, 2011 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Klaus von Klitzing: the new SI From presentation in The Royal Society, London, 2011 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Klaus von Klitzing: the new SI From presentation in The Royal Society, London, 2011 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Klaus von Klitzing: the new SI From presentation in The Royal Society, London, 2011 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Klaus von Klitzing: the new SI From presentation in The Royal Society, London, 2011 Magnetotransport in 2DEG Metrology and Quantum Hall effect Using a high-precision resistance bridge, traditional resistance standards are compared to the quantized Hall resistance, allowing them to be calibrated absolutely. These resistance standards serve in their turn as transfer standards for the calibration of customer standards. The measurement system at METAS (Federal office of Metrology, Switzerland) allows a 100 Ω resistance standard to be compared to the quantized Hall resistance with a relative accuracy of 1x10-9. This measurement uncertainty was confirmed in November 1994 by comparison with a transfer quantum Hall standard of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM). Magnetotransport in 2DEG Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillations In relatively weak magnetic fields quantum Hall effect is not pronounced. However, density of states oscillates in magnetic field, and consequently, conductance also oscillates. Mapping these – Shubnikov-de-Haas- oscillations to existing theory allows to determine effective mass, as well as scattering time. This is a very efficient way to find parameters of 2DEG Thus, magneto-transport studies are very popular Magnetotransport in 2DEG Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillations In Shubnikov–de Haas (SdH) oscillations at small and intermediate magnetic fields, i.e. for ωcτ < 1, quantum Hall effect is weak, but ρxx(B) oscillates and does not vanish. The magnetic field induces weak modulation of the density of states. As a consequence, at the Fermi level the screening properties of the electron gas oscillate with magnetic field. For short-range scattering potentials an analytic expression for ρxx(B) was derived by Ando. SdH oscillations of a 2DEG as a function of B (Top). Bottom: Temperature dependence of some oscillations. The temperatures are Θ = 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 20 K. Magnetotransport in 2DEG Ando formula for Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillations ρxx(B) was derived by Ando: Both the effective mass and τq can be extracted from measuring the temperature dependence of the SdH oscillations. For a resonance: Plot of ln(A/Θ) vs. Θ gives a straight line with a slope of: For low field oscillations sinh x ≈ x Magnetotransport in 2DEG Examples of Shubnikov-de-Haas experiments In quasi-2DEG each two-dimensional subband causes Shubnikov– de Haas oscillations Longitudinal magneto-resistivity in a GaAs– lxGa1−xAs HEMT with two occupied subbands. Light ionizes residual neutral donors increasing the electron density. The two SdH frequencies correspond to the partial electron densities in the two subbands. Magnetotransport in 2DEG A parabolic and positive magneto-resistivity around B = 0 is the consequence of two occupied subbands too that can be regarded as resistors in parallel. The total conductivity tensor is obtained by simple addition of the individual conductivity tensors. Suggesting different scattering times τ1 and τ2: Mapping of wave function probability density Inserting a δ function U0δ(z − z0) in a potential generates energy shifts ΔEi of the energy eigenvalues Ei, where ΔEi is proportional to the probability density of the corresponding eigenstate at z0: ΔEi = U0|ψ(z)|2. With U0 known, |ψ(z)|2 can be determined by measuring ΔEi. For a parabolic potential, superposition of a constant electric Al0.3Ga0.7As field displaces the potential without changing its shape. Two subband densities are measured via SdH oscillations. Al-Ga-As + (z-z0)AlxGa1-xAs Measured differences of the probability density between subbands 1 and 2 as a function of z for two different electron densities. The different symbols denote different spike heights, i.e. an Al concentration of x = 0.05, 0.1, and 0.15, respectively. Magnetotransport in 2DEG Displacement of the quantum Hall plateaux With symmetrical peaks in the density of states Hall plateaus are cantered around integer filling factors : if we extrapolate the classical Hall slope into the quantum Hall regime, it should intersect the plateaus at their centre. With asymmetrical peaks, centres of Hall plateaus shift. Repulsive scatterers shift a fraction of the states within a peak of the density of states to higher energies, which results in a shift of the quantum Hall plateaus to larger magnetic fields. Likewise, predominantly attractive scatterers shift the quantum Hall plateaus to smaller magnetic fields. Magnetotransport in 2DEG Effect of parallel magnetic field in 2DEG Parallel field tunes the spin splitting. It also adds to the electrostatic confinement, shifting position of the potential well and energies of subbands to higher values: ‘diamagnetic shift’. In addition it increases the effective mass of charge carriers in the direction perpendicular to B, but in the plane of the electron gas and enhances separation of energy levels. Left: A parabolic quantum well in perpendicular and parallel magnetic fields. Center: Fermi sphere in a magnetic field applied in the x direction (full line), in comparison to the Fermi sphere for B = 0 (dashed line). Right: The confining potential in the z-direction for B = 0 (dashed line) shifts and narrows in a parallel magnetic field (full line). This leads to a diamagnetic shift of the energy levels, and an increase in the subband separation. Magnetotransport in 2DEG 2DEG in parallel magnetic field : experiment Magneto-resistivity at different temperatures in a parabolic quantum well with three occupied subbands in the tilted magnetic fields. The oscillation in 1 T < B < 2 T is attributed to the second subband, while oscillations at higher magnetic fields stem from the first subband. There are no oscillations in parallel field. (a) Plot of ρxx(B) for a tilt angle of zero (θ = 0). The minima are due to the depletion of subbands 3 and 2. As the sample is tilted, a perpendicular magnetic field component generates SdH oscillations. (b) Temperature dependent measurements allow one to determine the effective electron mass. Magnetotransport in 2DEG 2DEG in parallel field : results of experiment Shubnikov–de Haas (SdH) oscillations in a parabolic quantum well in parallel magnetic field together with Hall measurements performed in order to determine the total electron density allow to calculate properties of electrons in different subbands. The upper subband is depleted by parallel field, while electron density in lower subbband approaches the total electron density at strong parallel magnetic fields. There is visible increase of effective mass in parallel field. The increase in quantum scattering time τq is an unexpected feature. Experiment in tilted magnetic field provides information about the electron densities in the lowest two subbands (a), the effective mass (b) and the scattering times (c) as functions of parallel component of B. Most of the data are in reasonable agreement with available theoretical models. Magnetotransport in 2DEG What has been skipped? Detailed explanation of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect Theory of the Shubnikov-de Haas effect Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (requires account of the electronelectron interaction) Magneto-transport is a very important tool for investigating properties of low-dimensional systems Magnetotransport in 2DEG Home activity for Tue. 24 and Wed. 25 February a) Read: TH, Chapter 6 ‘Experimental Techniques’ (pp 166-195). Try to understand behaviour of 2D electron gas in strong magnetic field. Identify issues that you would like to discuss on Practical, Wed. 25 Febuary. b) Work with questions to Chapter 6: Questions and other questions. c) Refresh Chapters 1 and 2 in TH focusing on Hall effect, pp 24-26, the electronic density of states, pp. 66-68, and the magneto-resistivity tensor on pp. 65-66. d) Address exercises in TH on pp. (194-195). Can you discuss them on practical? e) Prepare short presentations (for those who did not do this). Choose date for full presentation. Available dates: February 18, 25; March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 22, 29; May 6, 13. Please notify of your choice. Please send pdf files of presented short and full talks to to put them on web. Introduction 57 MENA5010 presentations List of full presentations : Hans Jakob Sivertsen Mollatt – presented Jon Arthur Borgersen February 25 Knut Sollien Tyse March 18 Ymir Kalmann Frodason March 18 Simen Nut Hansen Eliassen- March 25 Steinar Kummeneje Grinde - April 22 Bjørn Brevig Aarseth April 29 There was very impressive short presentation by Daniel Wolseop Lee on February 11! Introduction 58 Nobel Laurete Lecture by Professor Klaus von Klitzing Hall effect Magnetotransport in 2DEG
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