A Tasteful Affair 27 Sunday, April 19, 2015 Four Seasons St. Louis - 6th Floor Ballroom Saint Louis, Missouri Name:_____________________________________________________________________________ (print your name(s) as you would like it to appear on invitations, event signage, event program book, & Food Outreach’s website) Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________ State: __________ Zip: _____________ Phone (Home): __________________________ Email: ____________________________ Phone (Work): ___________________________ Employer: _________________________ The Host pledge selected can be satisfied by ticket sales and/or a contribution. Additional VIP tickets are sold at a reduced rate to Hosts of A Tasteful Affair 27 ____ I pledge to be a $1,000 Universe Host, which includes: ____ Four VIP tickets (valued at $150 each) Six General Admission tickets (valued at $75 each) One Complimentary Valet Parking Pass Invitation to one of two cooking classes at Food Outreach I pledge to be a $750 Galaxy Host, which includes: Two VIP tickets (valued at $150 each) Six General Admission Tickets (valued at $75 each) ____ I pledge to be a $500 Solar System Host, which includes: Two VIP Tickets (valued at $150 each) Two General Admission Tickets (valued at $75 each) ____ Please send my tickets and other materials directly to me. ____ I would like a different combination of tickets, please contact me at ___________________________. _____ I will pick up my tickets and materials at the Lift-Off Party Thursday, March 12, from 6-8 PM at the St. Louis Science Center (5050 Oakland Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110.) I want to meet my Host commitment now I am unable to be a Host, please accept this tax-deductible donation of $ _______ Check (enclosed, payable to Food Outreach) Bill my credit card $_______ one time only OR monthly for ______ months American Express Discover MasterCard Visa Name on Card: ________________________________________________________________ Card Number: _______________________________________ Exp: ___________ CVC: _____ Address: _______________________________________ City: _________________ State: ______ Zip: ______ Please return this completed form by Friday, March 6, 2015 to: Food Outreach |3117 Olive Street |St. Louis, MO 63103 or Fax it to 314.652.3673 Call Becky Reichardt at 314.652.3663 Ext.117 or email becky@foodoutreach.org with questions.
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