Contract - UGA Food Services

University of Georgia Food Services
Academic Year Meal Plan Agreement
Fall Semester 2015 -- Spring Semester 2016
Choose and Check the Plan That’s Right For You
I choose the All-Access 7-Day Plan
I choose the All-Access 7-Day Plan
Plus 110 Paw Points per semester
$3,956/year – you pay $1,978 per semester
$4,156/year – you pay $2,078 per semester
I choose the All-Access 5-Day Plan
I choose the All-Access 5-Day Plan
Plus 275 Paw Points per semester
$3,754/year – you pay $1,877 per semester
$4,254/year – you pay $2,127 per semester
What We Agree to Do
All-Access Plans:
We agree to giv e you all-access meal plan serv ice during the Fall Semester of 2015 and the Spring Semester of 2016. Your encoded
UGA Card is y our k ey to unlimited and unrestricted access into The Village Summit, Bolton Dining Commons, Oglethorpe Dining
Commons, Snelling Dining Commons, and the Niche at Scott Hall whenev er they 're open for Meal Plan serv ice. Because of
remodeling, maintenance, and other things that can come up, we can't promise that each of the f iv e dining commons will be open
all y ear. (If y ou lose y our UGA Card, just go to the Tate Center to get another one. We can't giv e y ou a temporary card.)
If you choose the 7- Day Plan, you'll hav e unlimited access sev en day s a week whenev er the dining commons are open for Meal Plan
serv ice. If you choose the 5 -Day Plan, y ou'll hav e unlimited access Monday through Friday whenev er the dining commons are
open for Meal Plan serv ice.
All-Access Plans with Paw Points:
We agree to giv e y ou all-access meal plan serv ice plus flexible spending points to be used in any UGA Food Serv ices location on
campus, as well as UGA v ending serv ices. Your Paw Points will be accessible v ia y our UGACard. If you hav e a Bulldog Buck s
account, please be aware that Paw Points will be used first in all UGA Food Serv ices locations, unless y ou inform the cashier of
y our choice to use Bulldog Buck s instead.
Service Dates and Times:
Our first meal for the Fall Semester will be break fast on Tuesday , August 11, 2015. During the Fall Semester, we'll close the dining
commons after break fast on Wednesday , Nov ember 25, 2015 for Thank sgiv ing break . The Village Summit will reopen on
Saturday , Nov ember 28, 2015 for break fast, Bolton will reopen Sunday , Nov ember 29th at 11:30, and Oglethorpe and Snelling
Dining Commons and the Niche will reopen on Monday , Nov ember 30, 2015 for break fast. Our last meal for the Fall Semester will
be break fast on Friday , December 18, 2015. Spring Semester meal plan serv ice will begin on Sunday , January 3, 2016 at 10:30am
at The Summit and Bolton and end on Saturday , May 14, 2016 after break fast. If y ou hav e chosen a plan with Paw Points, please
refer to our website: foodserv for precise operating dates in Retail locations.
What You Agree to Do
In signing and submitting the meal plan contract to UGA Food Serv ices, y ou agree to mak e pay ment on y our student account
according to billing instructions published by The Univ ersity of Georgia Bursar’s Office. The charge for the meal plan you select
will be posted to y our student account. You will receiv e notification of the meal plan charge posting to y our student account v ia
the e-mail address y ou hav e registered with The Univ ersity of Georgia along with pay ment instructions from the Bursar. It is
very important for you to understand that this agreement is for the FULL A CADEMIC YEA R and is not just for the
Fall Semester. The Spring Semester meal plan charge for the plan y ou choose will be automatically transmitted to y our student
account in Nov ember with pay ment due in December in k eeping with the schedule issued by the Bursar’s Office.
You agree NOT to take food out of the dining commons. This promise is v ery important, because without it we couldn't possibly
offer such great all-access dining at such terrific prices. If you tak e food out of the dining commons, then we can tak e away y our
Meal Plan rights without giv ing y ou a refund.
You agree NOT to allow others to use your ID to acce ss any Food Services location. If y ou allow unauthorized access or
use, then we can tak e away y our Meal Plan rights without giv ing y ou a refund.
You agree to behav e responsibly in the dining commons. If y ou behav e irresponsibly in the dining commons, then we can tak e aw ay
your Meal Plan rights without giv ing you a refund. If interruption of enrollment occurs as a result of Univ ersity disciplinary action,
no refund credits will be made to y our student account after the 4 week of the semester.
Your Meal Plan Bill of Rights
If y ou decide that y ou don't want to be on the Meal Plan, or if y ou do not enroll at the Univ ersity of Georgia, and you let us k now before
the first serv ing day of the Fall Semester (August 11, 2015), then y ou hav e the right to leav e the Meal Plan. The amount charged
to y our student account for the meal plan will be credited in full.
University of Georgia Food Services Academic Year Meal Plan Agreement
Fall Semester 2015 - Spring Semester 2016 (continued)
If you decide to withdraw from the Univ ersity you may cancel your meal plan contract. Refunds in the form of a credit to your
student account will be made based on y our official withdrawal date or y our last day of dining, whichev er is later.
If you are enrolled Spring Semester and decide to cancel the Spring Semester portion of your Meal Plan contract, then you hav e the
right to leav e the Meal Plan. If you cancel before the first meal plan serv ing day of spring semester (January 3, 2016) then 85%
of the charge to y our student account will be credited. You may cancel y our contract after the first serv ing day; howev er, th e
amount credited will be 85% of the meal plan contract price less a daily cash rate charge for each day the meal plan offered
serv ice.
If you graduate fall semester and/or if y ou are not enrolled in spring semester classes held on the UGA Athens Campus (lik e the
Studies Abroad Program), then y ou hav e the right to cancel the spring portion of your meal plan agreement. You will need to fill
out a request to cancel at Food Administration and upon v erification the amount charged to your student account for the Spring
Semester portion of y our meal plan will be credited in full.
If a phy sician prescribes a special diet for y ou to address a health problem and Food Serv ices is unable to prov ide the special diet, then
you hav e the right to leav e the Meal Plan, and charges for future meals to y our student account will be credited in full. Our on-staff
registered dietitian is ready to help with counseling to mak e the Meal Plan work for y ou. You can't leav e the Meal Plan becau se of
a diet that y ou follow for other reasons, or because you'v e committed to eating somewhere else (lik e a soro rity or fraternity or
other social organization), so be sure the Meal Plan is right for y ou before y ou sign up.
Other Important Information
This agreement is for the FULL 2015-2016 academic year, beginning on A ugust 11, 2015 and ending on May 14,
2016 or for the remainder of the 2015-2016 academic year if entered after the beginning of Fall Semester.
Signing up for the Meal Plan is not the same thing as admission to the Univ ersity . You can't participate in the Meal Plan unless y ou hav e
a v alid UGA My ID C ard.
This agreement is sev erable. That means that if any part of the agreement is inv alid, the rest of the agreement is v alid.
Any Paw Points remaining unused at the end of Fall Semester will be made av ailable for use during Spring Semester. At the en d of
Spring Semester when Academic Year serv ice concludes, the balance of the unused Paw Points will be forfeited.
You will be added to our email list for information and specials from UGA Food Serv ices. You may opt out of mark eting emails at any
time, but will continue to receiv e important alerts for things such as: inclement weather, change of serv ice, and contract
Sign-up online at foodserv or return this agreement without payme nt to: UGA Food Serv ices, Snelling Dining Commons,
Univ ersity of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602. Send no money; billing will be processed through y our student account at the
Bursar’s Office.
Student’s Signature of A greement
If y ou’v e read this Full Academic Year Meal Plan agreement
carefully and y ou agree to all of it, then sign and date
the agreement here:
Food Services’ Signature of A greement
The Univ ersity of Georgia agrees to this Meal Plan
Academic Year Meal Plan Agreement.
Bry an Varin, Interim Director, UGA Food Services
Date: 04/13/15
STUDENT’S NAME: _________________________________________________________
PERMANENT HOME ADDRESS:_________________________________________________
STATE:__________________________ZIP CODE:________________________________
My UGA ID #:
(IF KNOWN) _______________________________________________________