TEAM ALBERTA HAWAII CAMP July 30 - August 9, 2015 (*tentative dates) * - Final Confirmation of Dates won’t be known until March 2015 This summer Football Alberta will be running its eighth Annual Team Alberta Hawaii Camp. This camp will be unlike any other offered as it incorporates top level training with a once in a lifetime travel and cultural opportunity while playing the sport that you love. Please feel free to contact us at (780)427-8108 or for more information. What is it? A 10 day experience travelling to Maui, Hawaii. Camp operated by current or former Team Alberta coaches who are top notch coaches as well as experienced in team travel. The camp will feature at least one joint practice and a final game tentatively scheduled against King Kekaulike High School in Pukalani or other Maui area high school teams. Camp details: Players will begin with an organizational meeting in Edmonton on July 30. The Camp will then travel to Kihei, Maui. The players will be put up at the Maui Banyan Resort while in Hawaii. While in Hawaii most days will consist of a morning on-field session, a post-practice educational presentation (i.e. Drug Education, Post Secondary Information, etc.) and either a beach day or activity in the afternoons which may include: Joint Practice with local H.S., Snorkel Cruise, Jungle Hikes, Luau’s, Shopping etc. followed by an evening fitness/yoga training session. Eligibility: Players must be entering Grade 10, 11, or 12 in September 2015 and have had at least one year of football playing experience. This camp is first come – first served! Only 36 spots are available broken up in the following manner: 2 – Quarterbacks 4 – Runningbacks 5 – Receivers 7 – Offensive Linemen 6 – Defensive Linemen 5 – Linebackers 6 – Defensive Backs 1 –Position at Large A waiting list will be created for players who apply after a position has been filled You will be accepted at the camp as soon as your registration fee is received. The player must provide all necessary equipment to participate in tackle football from his school. Practice and Game Jerseys will be provided by Football Alberta. What are the benefits? Excellent coaching and training to prepare you for your upcoming football season. A chance to travel with a team and train in the most beautiful place on the planet plus compete against one of Hawaii’s top high school football programs. Experience the “Team Alberta” way of operating as this camp mirrors how Football Alberta delivers its U18 Provincial Team program. Sightseeing and cultural opportunities included Supervision: The players will be accompanied by 10 adults (7 Coaches, 1 Athletic Therapist, 1 General Manager, and 1 Food Manager) giving us a supervision ratio of better than 1:4. An adult will be staying in each unit with three to four players while in Maui. Players will be subject to a code of conduct guidelines in issues regarding personal deportment, curfews, and safety issues (i.e. no player is to go anywhere alone.) Players and parents must sign the Code of Conduct Form along with the Informed Consent Form prior to participation that will detail all aspects of the camp (i.e. airplane travel, swimming in the ocean), and behavior expectations and consequences for breaking those expectations, prior to participation. What does it cost: The camp fee is $3200. All meals, listed accommodation, travel, camp jerseys, tours, etc. are included in the camp fee. Players must submit a non-refundable deposit of $450 to reserve a spot in the camp plus five post-dated cheques for $550 payable to ‘Football Alberta’ dated March 1, April 1, May 1, June 1 and July 1 to complete the payment (see Application Form). All the player has to do is arrange for transportation to the camp in Edmonton on July 30th as well as arrange to be picked up on August 10th (we fly home overnight usually) when we return to Edmonton. We may be able to work return flights to Calgary for those who request it but no guarantees at this time. Other Details: Players must have a valid Canadian Passport Parents of players who wish to accompany the camp on the trip are welcome to do so but must make their own arrangement. Football Alberta will not be responsible for making any arrangements for anyone other than the camp participants. All camp participants will have out of country medical insurance taken out on their behalf by Football Alberta but must provide all other insurance information (if any) to the camp director to speed up the claims process if accidents happen. How do I sign up? Again this is a first come – first served opportunity. Fill out the following two pages and return it to Football Alberta (11759 Groat Road, Edmonton, T5M 3K6, via FAX at 780422-2663) or email to along with the $450 non-refundable deposit and post-dated cheques or credit card information. NOTE: the initial deposit will not be cashed or charged until January 2015 for accounting purposes. You will receive confirmation of your status in the camp or on the waiting list within a day of us receiving your application. All accepted players will then have to prove medical clearance from a physician to play prior to the camp and that form will be sent to the players along with the Code of Conduct forms in April. FOOTBALL ALBERTA TEAM ALBERTA HAWAII APPLICATION FORM NAME:_____________________________ (as it appears on Passport) SCHOOL:_____________________ (or last season’s team) ADDRESS:__________________________ HGT.____ (feet +inches) WGT.____(lbs.) CITY/TOWN: ________________________ HOME PHONE:(____)___________ POSTAL CODE: ____________ DATE OF BIRTH:_______________ EMAIL:________________________________ GRADE (as of Sept., 2015): ______ PASSPORT NUMBER: ___________________ PASSPORT EXPIRY DATE: ____________ POSITION (please rank)*: st 1 Choice____________________________ nd 2 Choice____________________________ rd 3 Choice____________________________ * - You must be willing to come to the camp at your second or third choice if that is all that is available. If you feel you don’t have a second or third choice then feel free to leave the spaces blank RELEASE AND INDEMNITY PLEASE READ CAREFULLY! RE: Football Alberta – Team Alberta Hawaii Camp. TO: Alberta Amateur Football Association ("Football Alberta") and its directors, officers, employees, representatives, sponsors, officials, coaches, and agents (volunteers, contributing schools/community organizations providing equipment, medical personnel, travel agents, hosting facility and its employees and directors collectively called "Agents") I have read the guidelines and time lines issued for all the above listed events, which I understand and I agree to be bound by them. In consideration of your acceptance of my entry into one or all of the above listed events and or activities associated with therewith, I agree to : RELEASE, SAVE HARMLESS, AND INDEMNIFY "Football Alberta" and/or its agents from and against all claims, actions, cost, and expenses and demands in respect to death, injury, loss or damage to my person or property, wheresoever and howsoever caused, arising out of or in connection with, my taking part in the event and notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by any act or failure to act (including, without limitation, negligence) by "Football Alberta" and or any one or more of its "Agents". I further acknowledge that: 1) The rules and guidelines governing this event are solely for the purpose of regulating the event and it remains the sole responsibility of me to govern myself in such a manner as to be responsible for my own safety. 2) I am aware of the risks inherent in participating in the event; and 3) I assume the risks and waive notice of all conditions, dangers or otherwise in or about the event. I agree that this release shall bind my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns. I have read the release and understand it. I have also included my registration fee of $3200 (or payment plan) with this application and have read and understand the Refund Policy. Please see reverse of this sheet for Payment Plan and Refund Policy. DATE: _________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN (if under 18) SIGNATURE:____________________________ Send this page and the following page back to Football Alberta to reserve a spot Team Alberta Hawaii Suggested Payment Plan …have you included Please Check ______ Non-Refundable Deposit of $450 dated for Jan. 1, 2015 (add $50 if using Credit Card) ______ Cheque #2 for $550 post-dated for March 1, 2015 (or Credit Card Charge) ______ Cheque #3 for $550 post-dated for April 1, 2015 (or Credit Card Charge) ______ Cheque #4 for $550 post-dated for May 1, 2015 (or Credit Card Charge) ______ Cheque #5 for $550 post-dated for June 1, 2015 (or Credit Card Charge) ______ Cheque #4 for $550 post-dated for July 1, 2015 (or Credit Card Charge) NOTES: Make cheques payable to ‘Football Alberta’. If you wish to use MasterCard or Visa for above payments please include the following information and it will be put through accordingly ___ Visa ___ MasterCard Name on Card: ___________________________________ Card #:_______________________________ Expiry: _____________ Signature authorizing usage of Card for above Payment Plan: __________________________________ Refund & Date Setting Policy Players wishing to withdraw from the camp will receive a full refund less the deposit of $450 (regardless of how much fee has been paid to date) prior to June 1, 2015. After June 1, 2015 there will be no refunds save for catastrophic injury that hospitalizes a player to the point of being unable to travel or the death of an immediate family member. Players must submit either a doctor’s letter or death certificate/published obituary confirming the above situations when submitting a claim for the refund. This summer camp is subject to an enrollment of 36 players. If we do not have an adequate numbers to make the camp go (i.e. mid-20’s or more) by a deadline of June 1, 2015 then it will be cancelled with a full refund for all those who applied in advance. The dates of the camp are tentative until flight reservations and scrimmage details are finalized and may be subject to change even after that. Players must be prepared to keep a week on either side of the tentative dates free in case the Finalized Dates differ from the Tentative Dates. I have read and understand, and will abide by the Refund & Date Setting Policy: _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________ Player Signature __________________ Date RETURN TO FOOTBALL ALBERTA: 11759 GROAT ROAD, EDMONTON, T5M 3K6 Or FAX to (780)422-2663 or email to
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