SWIM LESSONS All levels of swim lessons are available during two summer sessions. Choose from morning or evening lesson times in Session A. Lessons are $14 per session for members of the Y and $28 per session for those who are not members. To register, stop into the Y or call us (credit card required). Members can register and pay for swim lessons online at www.forestcityymca.org. Pre-registration is required for lessons by the Thursday before lessons begin. SESSION A: JUNE 8-18 (Monday-Thursday) CLASS NAME MORNING EVENING PIKE, EEL, RAYS/STARFISH 9:15–9:45 a.m. 4:30-5:00 p.m. POLLIWOGS, GUPPIES, MINNOWS 9:45–10:15 a.m. 5:00-5:30 p.m. FISH, FLYING FISH, SHARK N/A 10:15–10:45a.m. SESSION B: JULY 6-16 (Monday-Thursday) CLASS NAME MORNING EVENING PIKE, EEL, RAYS/STARFISH 9:15–9:45 a.m. n/a POLLIWOGS, GUPPIES, MINNOWS 9:45–10:15 a.m. n/a FISH, FLYING FISH, SHARK 10:15–10:45a.m. n/a Forest City Y 916 West I Street Forest City, Iowa 50436 641-585-5220 www.forestcityymca.org info@forestcityymca.org Lesson Levels- Ages 3-5 This level helps children develop safe pool behavior, adjust to the water, and develop independent movement through stroke and kicking skills, pool safety, and comfort while putting their faces in the water. This is the beginning level for school age children. By the end of this level, they learn personal safety skills and should know the different paddle strokes and beginning front crawl. Compares to Red Cross Level 1 and 2. This advanced beginner level is for children who are comfortable in the water. They are taught to flutter kick, dive, float and front crawl. Children can swim across the pool with assistance by the end of the session. Children continue to practice and build upon basic skills learned in Polliwogs. They develop the front crawl and learn additional stroke techniques. Compares to Red Cross level 3. At this level children review and improve previous skills, build endurance, learn to tread water. Children can swim across the pool on their front and back with assistance by the end of this level. This is the initial intermediate level. Children further refine the strokes they have learned and can swim 20 yards of the front and back crawl. They practice good rotary breathing. Compares to Red Cross level 4. Children at this level review previously learned skills, refine their strokes and floating skills along with learning to swim underwater. At this point, students work to perform the front crawl, elementary backstroke, back crawl, breaststroke, and sidestroke. They also learn teamwork, basic first aid and rescue skills. Compares to Red Cross level 5. GENERAL INFORMATION PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS We offer private swim lessons for youth and adults who would like one on one instruction. Students purchase a punch card for a predetermined number of 1/2 hour sessions to be scheduled at the convenience of the student and instructor. The cost is $10 per 1/2 hour session for members and $20 per 1/2 hour for those who are not members of the Y. Contact Carla Duffy to arrange private lessons. POOL AVAILABILITY Our pool is open rain or shine! A lap lane is generally open. Please reference our pool schedule, which is available at the Y or on our web site, www.forestcityymca.org. The Front Desk staff welcome calls regarding possible changes in our daily schedule. The pool is closed every Wednesday from 11-noon for cleaning. GENERAL RULES Youth ages 6+ may use the hot tub, sauna and steam room anytime with adult supervision Children 5 and under may not use the hot tub, sauna and steam room at any time Pool toys are allowed during open hours if patron usage permits Complete pool/sauna/whirlpool/steam room rules are posted in the pool area 2 Lesson Levels- Ages 6+ Students work on refining strokes and increasing their endurance. Flying fish can swim 50 yards of all strokes. They can also demonstrate underwater skills and rescue assists. Compares to Red Cross level 6. Students continue to perfect their strokes, with starts and turns. They learn the inverted breaststroke, and the over-arm sidestroke. Sharks learn some life-saving skills and survival techniques. Compares to Red Cross level 6.
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