Triangular Forest Lake Lodge #344 May 2015 Forest Lake Masonic Lodge #344 th 119 SE 8 Avenue Forest Lake MN 55025 Like us on Facebook! Forest Lake Masonic Lodge #344 Master Mike Schultz 651-210-6584 The Masters Column Brethren, Senior Warden Mike Hill 651-464-4129 Junior Warden Mike Perreault 651-341-3383 Treasurer Bob Shoberg 651-249-1846 Secretary Ralph Magnusson 651-398-3618 We were once again well represented at the Grand Lodge Stated Communications in Duluth. Patty and I were there along with Mike Perreault, Luke Ulstad, Mike and Jenny Hill and Dave Olson. MWB Dave Olson has been working with Luke on the first lecture of all of the degrees and Luke has finally completed them all. Because of his hard work the Grand Master presented Br Luke with a Lecturer pin and award. Congratulations Luke, good job. Grand Lodge is a good place to meet old friends and make new ones. I think we all had a great time. We made it back from Grand Lodge on Saturday and we were off again on Sunday to work at the Shrine Circus at the State Fair Grounds. It has been many years since I have been to a circus and I wasn’t disappointed. They had lions and tigers and elephants and acrobatics and I don’t want to forget the food. Patty also deserves a pat on the back. In our section a little girl went missing and Patty was the one that found her and got her back to her parents. Little Abbey is safe and sound. I am sure the Triangular will not make it to you by April 12th. This is the day that we will be delivering the Girl Scout cookies to the Ronald McDonald House. I talked to Donna Moores at the RMH and when I told her how many boxes of cookies were bringing she was quite impressed. She has not worked with us before and was concerned whether they had enough room in their storage area for 1350 boxes of cookies. After talking to her coworkers and supervisors they said 400-500 was about the max that they could handle and wondered if it would be ok to give the remainder to the Children’s Hospital. Of course I was ok with that, but if the RMH can only take 400-500 boxes of cookies, then next year we will need to find another charity that would also like some cookies and give 2 organizations cookies. Also, Donna has volunteered to come to our Lodge and Speak to us about the Ronald McDonald House at our May meeting. Some of us also attended the Lynnhurst Turkey Dinner again this year. There was not as many from our Lodge this year as there has been in the past, but it was still fun, as always. I think there was some pictures taken and if so we will get them on the bulletin board and web page. I received and email from WB Bill Brown and he has looked into our annual St. Paul Saints game and gave me a couple of dates to think about. At our Lodge meeting, Friday July 24th sounded like the best day. We will still be able to tailgate at the game and there will be fireworks that night. I will have more details as the date gets closer. Remember this will be at the new stadium in downtown St. Paul. So, this should be a lot of fun. Make you reservations with me or Bill Brown. Don’t forget, there is a Fellow Craft Degree on Thursday April 23rd at 7:00pm. There will be two candidates taking the degree, Br John Owen and Br Erick Schell. Let’s give them the support they deserve. Stay healthy and stay in touch. WM Mike Schultz Senior Wardens Article Loss of Friends I officiated at a Masonic funeral this week for Bro. Gary Behrendt whom I have known for almost five years. He and his wife Joan (pronounced JoAnn) are good people and given back to their community. I met Bro. Gary with Bro. Don Vaughn at an East Central Shrine Club (ECS) picnic in Pine City. Shortly afterwards both men joined the Shrine and ECS. As I read to the large group assembled there was a passage with the following words: “Life is a gift from our Maker; a Divine spark kindled in mortal clay; a gleam of light; a vision of gladness and back to its Creator in everlasting fellowship. What each man crowds into his short period of time is his memorial. It is indelibly imprinted upon the hearts of those who were privileged to enjoy his fellowship.” As I said the words, “What each man crowds into his short period of time is his memorial” I thought about another man who has been important to his community and to Masonry. Billy T. Morehead died on Easter Sunday. He worked several years in correctional education at Stillwater prison, owned and operated a restaurant in Linwood with his wife Cathy, and then later on helped his daughter and son in-law with their restaurant in North Branch. He was a man who liked chasing little white golf balls on the golf course, and had a wickedly good sense of humor. For many years Billy was a Mason and member of Forest Lake Lodge. He welcomed all with a smile on his face, helped prepared great meals, and was an advocate for the high school scholarship program we participate in every year. Both Billy and WB Jim Crawford created the golf scholarship fund raiser we still use today to help one boy and one girl each year going on to higher education. Unfortunately, Billy left our fraternity. It happens in the best of families. That said, he was still held in high esteem by many of us and we looked forward to the time that he might return. Billy was still a Mason in his heart, just not on paper. I will miss Billy’s laugh, wit, and his smile which made you feel welcome to be in the room with him. He is at peace now and the pain is gone. And with that I say, “Alas my Brother...” Fraternally, Michael Hill Sr. Warden “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives” – Jackie Robinson. Junior Wardens Article I have been co-chairing the organization of the pancake breakfast events for the last few years. It seams that the same people keep putting in the work. Too many people that are on the list to work do not show up and do not even let us know that they are not able to make it. You can imagine that makes it very difficult to do a good job presenting our lodge to the public. You all have devoted so much time and effort into being a good Mason, please support your brothers the few times a year we all need to pitch in. If you are physically unable to help at least come and let the other brothers know you care and support them. I am a younger member of the lodge only being there 8 years but I am still energized by meeting some of the senior members that are not able to come on a regular basis. It gives me a feeling of belong to something much greater than me. If you were not on the schedule to work and would like to please let us know or just show up we can always use the help. We can find a perfect place for you.It is not acceptable to just dump out on your brothers, they would not do that to you. From the South. Pancake Breakfast April 26th We will be supported by the “MOST of US” program that is affiliated by the Forest Lake School district. The Most of US programs points out the vast majority of students make the right choices and that kids should not make bad choices because they think “everybody is doing it” The facts are that Most kids are not making bad choices. The MOST program works with youth to help make them good choices relative to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc. to keep them on the right path. I am so excited because the other local business that are participating in the MOST event asked for a large sum of tickets that they will be selling for us. If they come through it could almost double the people we feed. May brotherly love and support prevail. From the South Your devoted brother and Junior Warden Michael Perreault Happy Spring! Congrats on 50 Year Br Greg Pepin Thank You WB George Halek on the Civil War talk ~ May 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Happy Birthday Br Jack Peterson WB Forrest Sexson 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 22 23 28 29 rd 5pm 3 Degree with Dinner 30 6pm Breakfast Dinner 7:30pm Stated Meeting 10 11 12 13 Happy Birthday Br Corbett Johnson 5:30pm Cornerstone Laying at Government Center 17 18 19 rd 7pm 3 Practice 24 25 7pm 3 Practice 31 Pancake Breakfast Happy Birthday WB Everett Hurd Br Jesse Tomford 26 rd Notes: 20 14 Happy Birthday WB Gary Wettschreck Br Norman Hendershot 21 HI 12 27 Pancake Breakfast Setup ~ June 2015 ~ Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Happy Birthday WB David Schumann 7 8 15 4 Fri 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 Happy Birthday Br Dallas Berggren 16 17 Happy Birthday Br John Coy Hi 12 at Norman Quacks 21 22 23 24 25 Happy Birthday WB Dick Anderson 28 29 Sat Happy Birthday Br Loren Lex 6pm Stewards Surprise Dinner 7:30pm Stated Meeting Happy Birthday Br Robbie Holden 14 Thu 30 Notes: 26 27 Happy Birthday Br Marc Asch
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