Forest Park High School Senior Scene March 2015 Message from Mr. Martinez Inside this Issue: Graduation Information Page 2 Commencement Info Page 3 Graduation Attire Page 4 Graduation Checklist Page 5 Senior Calendar Page 6 Congratulations Class of 2015!! Important Link: Graduation DVD Order Form Upcoming Events Junior-Senior Prom Friday, April 24, The Waterford in Springfield, VA Senior Picnic-Friday, May 29th, 2:00-4:30 pm, Driver’s Ed Parking Lot Graduation Rehearsal June 4th, 1:30—3:30 pm & June 5th, 10:0011:30 am in the Gymnasium, Forest Park High School Congratulations to graduating seniors and parents! Though it hardly seems possible, we have made it through the cold and snow of 2015 and senior year for the Class of 2015 is rapidly coming to an end. High school graduation recognizes the end of a thirteen-year involvement in education for both students and parents. It also symbolizes the students’ passage from adolescence into young adulthood. The graduation ceremony planned for the class of 2015 will acknowledge student accomplishments and celebrate this milestone. The preparation for life after high school continues and academic achievement must be the major focus. Forest Park High School recognizes that our students have worked hard to achieve this milestone. As has been shared with the senior class, there are not many ceremonies which occur in one’s life and graduation from high school is one of these ceremonies. Graduation is an opportunity for family, friends and staff to honor the students for their achievements with respect and decorum appropriate for such a noteworthy event. The graduates are honored by your presence. Before graduating, we kindly ask you to read the enclosed information to ensure graduation is a special experience and to make certain everyone understands the expectations of this special event. Should you have questions, please contact Assistant Principal, Regina Nash, 703.583.3263, e-mail: or the Graduation Coordinator, Elizabeth Pitts; at 703.583.3200. We are proud of each graduating senior and look forward to sharing the upcoming activities and graduation day with you. Richard Martinez Principal Commencement Ceremony Saturday, June 6, 2015 2:30 p.m. George Mason University Patriot Center Page 2 Graduation Information Seniors must have completed all requirements for graduation in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. If you have any questions about credits please contact the appropriate school counselor at 703-583-3209. John Basta A - Cas Kimberly Bryson Cat—Fun Judy Flores Fuo-Hai Jessica Wood Haj—Liu Anna Phalan Liv-Orz Elizabeth Neace Osa-Smh Dara Markenson Smi-Z Seniors who do not plan to participate in the graduation ceremony must present written verification from their parents/guardians to Kathy Scowcroft (703.583.3273) in the Guidance Office no later than May 22, 2015. Financial Obligations All financial obligations (lost library books or textbooks, unreturned choir attire, sports equipment/uniforms, musical instruments, etc.) must be reconciled by 12:00 p.m. on May 22, 2015. Failure to do so may forfeit a student’s opportunity to participate in the commencement ceremony. Cap & Gown If you have not ordered your cap and gown, please do so immediately. Visit the Herff Jones website at: to place order. “There is good reason they call these ceremonies commencement exercises. Graduation Attendance & Good Standing All seniors are to be reminded that attending school on a regular basis is important. Improper attendance patterns may negatively affect grades and could result in students not meeting the course requirements necessary for graduation. In addition, it is essential that all seniors adhere to county/school rules and regulations for the remainder of the year. is not the end; it’s the beginning.” ~Orrin Hatch Honor Graduates All National Honor Society members in good standing and advanced studies graduates will be recognized in the commencement program. Grade point averages of these students will be determined at the end of the second semester. The following honors will be recognized: Summa Cum Laude 4.0+ GPA Magna Cum Laude 3.8 - 3.99 GPA Cum Laude 3.5 - 3.79 GPA National Honor Society members will wear stoles and tassels. Members in good standing will be contacted by the NHS advisor. Other honor society or distinguished graduates will wear cords or pins provided by their sponsors. Page 3 Guests and Ceremony Conduct It is the goal of the Forest Park Senior Class of 2015 to make this year’s Commencement Exercise one of the most dignified graduations in the history of FPHS. The Seniors have worked diligently to make this a memorable occasion. We ask that all persons attending the ceremony conduct themselves in a proper manner. The members of the Class of 2015 have devoted much time in preparing this commencement ceremony. We ask those attending to be appropriately-dressed in business casual or other appropriate attire. So that every family may hear the name of their graduate when called, please ask your friends and family members not to yell, ring bells or blow air horns. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. **Should celebrations become disorderly the commencement WILL STOP until order is restored and inappropriate guests will be asked to leave. Accessible Seating Patriot Center provides ample accessible seating for patrons in wheelchairs as well as those who may have difficulty with steps. Please ask venue employees for seating location. Any guests requiring ASL services should contact Mrs. Nash ASAP, so that we may acquire interpreters for that day and reserve special seating. “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” ~ Dr. Seuss All other seating is on a first come, first serve basis at the Patriot Center. No admittance tickets are required. Commencement Ceremony Punctuality is mandatory. The Ceremony will begin at 2:30 p.m. on June 6, 2015. All students must arrive by 1:00 pm and report to the loading dock area (service entrance outside the south entrance). Be prepared for possible warm temperatures. Parking attendants will provide directions to ensure graduates gather in the designated area. The academic procession will begin promptly at 2:30 pm. Faculty members will usher graduates to the reserved seating on the arena floor. The graduation order will be arranged alphabetically. The actual diploma is presented at the ceremony. As graduates receive the diploma, a professional photographer from Victor O’Neill Studios will take pictures of the graduates with the principal. Photos will also be taken as they exit the stage. All photos will be available at No one from the audience will be allowed to approach the podium with a camera. The use of video cameras and digital cameras are allowed. However, attendees may only film from their seats. Standing in aisles/portals and the use of electrical cords or tripods is prohibited. To ensure a smooth transition between recognition of each student, please hold your applause until all students have received their diplomas. Senior Recognition Ceremony The class of 2015 Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 9:30 am in the Forest Park High School Auditorium. Invites will be mailed to award receipients and their families. Please contact Ms. Judy Flores, school counselor, with any questions. Page 4 What do I wear to Graduation ? Attire for Female Graduates: White dress made of cool fabric (dress should not be longer than your gown) Spaghetti straps or strapless dresses are allowed under gown White shoes (shoes you plan to wear should be worn to practice) Open-toe shoes are allowed Any wedge heel shoe should be white No flip flops, rubber material or athletic shoes No accessories (purses, corsages, jewelry on robe, etc….) Attire for Male Graduates: Dark dress trousers (black, navy) Light-colored dress shirt with collar Dark tie Dark dress shoes and socks No sandals, flip flops or athletic shoes Tie and dress shirt MUST be worn Tassels: “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." ~Benjamin Franklin Worn on the right side at all times. Wind the tassel around the button on the cap two times to secure it. Males are to wear blue tassels and females are to wear white tassels. DO NOT WEAR BLUE/GREEN TASSEL!! This is a souvenir. Sorry, we will not provide extra tassels. Caps: The point of the cap should be centered on the forehead (tuck the fabric under if you cannot get the cap to sit flat). Remember males should remove their caps during the presentation of colors, during the singing of the National Anthem, and the Alma Mater. Females may need to secure their caps with bobby pins. All personal belongings should be left with a friend or relative (cameras, purses, flowers, CELL PHONES, etc….) These items will be CONFISCATED and you will have to pick them up from the school on Monday. School officials will not be held accountable for lost/stolen items. PLEASE DO NOT BRING THEM !!! Senior Class Picnic The Senior Class Picnic will be held at FPHS on May 29, 2015 from 2:15—4:30. PTSO will co-host. Please visit the PTSO website to see how you can help or contact Dee Dee Smallwood, PTSO President, at Page 5 Graduation Checklist BE PROACTIVE - Order your announcements, thank you notes, appreciation gifts, graduation accessories and your cap and gown. MAKE A LIST – Complete your graduation announcement list. Address and mail your announcements to arrive two weeks before graduation. PAY UP AND CHECK OUT- Make sure all your records (transcripts, library books, school fees, etc.) are current with no outstanding fees. PLAN YOUR PARTY – Plan your graduation celebration! Write out a guest list. Send celebration cards. Arrange for food, decorations and music. DRESS FOR SUCCESS – Select the clothes and shoes you will wear with your cap and gown according to the graduation dress code. TRY IT ON – Try on your cap and gown. Remove wrinkles according to instructions and hang the gown up until graduation. FIND A GATHERING SPOT – Agree on a place to meet your family and friends after the ceremony. LIGHTS…CAMERA…ACTION – Be sure to charge your camera battery so you are ready for pictures. FLOWERS – you can bring flowers for your graduate to give to them after the graduation ceremony. GIVE THANKS – Present your appreciation gifts and send handwritten Thank You Notes. Page 6 2015 Senior Class Calendar DATE TIME March 2015 March 11 & 12 EVENT LOCATION Senior Class Newsletter mailed All lunches Cap and Gown orders delivered March 30April 3 Spring Break April 8, 9, 10 Prom Ticket Sales PROM April 24 8:00 pm midnight Friday, May 29 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm May 29—June 3 All Classes Thursday, June 4 9:30 am Thursday, June 4 1:30 pm— 3:30 pm Friday, June 5 10:00 am – 11:30 am Saturday, June 6 2:30 pm Senior Picnic Senior Exams Commons SPECIAL INFORMATION Newsletter sent home regarding senior class calendar for remainder of year Students pick up orders Commons Cost—$60 cash per person(pre-sales only) Waterford 6715 Commerce St at Springfield, VA Springfield 21250 Driver’s Ed Rain Location Lot Gymnasium Classrooms STUDY HARD!!! Senior Recognition Program Graduation Practice #1 Auditorium Graduation Practice #2 and senior panoramic Gym GRADUATION Patriot Center Gym All financial obligations must be resolved Ordering information will be provided; graduates wear cap and gown George Mason University
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