THE CYCLING YEAR ng improvements A review of this year’s cycli ATTITUDE SURVEYS, 2010–2014 Gothenburg residents answer questions about what they think of cycling in the city. The results are shown in the form of percentages. To the right of each column is the average score, shown as a figure of between 1 and 10. Disagree (1–3) Neutral (4–6) Agree (7–10) ”GOTHENBURG IS A CYCLE-FRIENDLY CITY” 2014 6 2013 5,9 2012 5,7 2011 6,1 2010 6,1 ”MANY PEOPLE IN MY AREA OF THE CITY CYCLE” 2014 6 2013 5,7 2012 5,5 2011 5,9 2010 5,8 ”GOTHENBURG IS WORKING TO INCREASE CYCLING LEVELS” 2014 6,5 2013 6,5 2012 5,8 2011 6 2010 6 ”IT FEELS SAFE TO CYCLE HERE” 2014 4,9 2013 4,9 2012 4,6 2011 4,9 2010 4,9 2 OPINIONS OF THE RESIDENTS OF GOTHENBURG For the seventh year in a row City of Gothenburg Urban Transport Administration carried out an annual survey of what Gothenburg residents think about their city as a place to cycle. In this year’s study all the results were either unchanged or showed slight improvements compared with last year. “Gothenburg is working to increase cycling” and “Improvements for cyclists make the city more attractive,” were the indicators which scored most highly, and have also shown a positive trend in recent years. In others words, residents are overwhelmingly positive to the development of Gothenburg as a city for cyclists. The question regarding how safe people felt when cycling was the one which showed the lowest levels of satisfaction. In the new Cycle Programme of the Urban Transport Administration for 2015 to 2025, traffic safety has shaped our planning. Among other important measures, it has been proposed to increase segregation between bikes and motor vehicles and between cyclists and pedestrians. Easily-understood infrastructure design, along with clear traffic regulations, means that cyclists are more likely to comply with rules and to feel more safe and secure. You can download the whole survey as a pdf at under the tab Fakta om cykelstaden. ”IMPROVEMENTS FOR CYCLISTS MAKE THE CITY MORE ATTRACTIVE” Average: 6,6 Agree (7–10) Neutral (4–6) Disagree (1–3) 3 THIS IS A CITY FOR CYCLISTS ! THE CITY OF GOTHENBURG: THIS IS OUR PRIORITY Our top priority is to increase the use of sustainable forms of transport. There will be a fall in car use while public transport, cycling and walking will increase. During the year a proposal for a new Cycle Programme for Gothenburg was sent out for consultation, and a decision will be taken in early 2015. The Cycle Programme will take concrete action to implement an altered view of the role of the bicycle in city traffic. It contains goals, strategies and measures for how Gothenburg shall become an attractive city for cyclists. The goal is to greatly increase the number of journeys by bike. The Cycle Programme describes measures affecting Gothenburg’s cycle network including routes and accessibility, maintenance and operations, support and services, communication and analyses. During 2014, spending on cycling was 47 million SEK. CYCLING CONTINUES TO INCREASE In recent years the Urban Transport Administration has done a lot to increase the number of cycle journeys in the city. In comparison with 2013, the number of cyclists in central Gothenburg in 2014 increased by three per cent over the summer and by four per cent over the year as a whole. The sharp increase in the number of cycle journeys in 2013 was not only maintained, but increased slightly. During 2014 there was a significant increase in the number of bike loans through the Styr & Ställ bike hire scheme, and 59 per cent more bikes were borrowed than in 2013. 4 BIKE HIRE In August 2010 the Styr & Ställ bike hire scheme was established, and since then more and more cycle stations have been added. The purpose of the scheme is to highlight the bicycle as a useful complement to public transport in the city centre. In 2014, the price of a season card was cut from 125 SEK to 75 SEK. The season was also extended by a month and now runs from 1 March to 31 December. These changes affected the type of card customers bought – sales of season cards almost doubling while sales of three-day cards fell slightly. In total, 28,000 season cards were sold and 668,000 cycle journeys made during the year. Overall the trend is clear: the number of cycle journeys is rising faster than the number of users, meaning that customers are using the scheme more often. The scheme has been extremely successful and during the five years it has been in operation people have made almost 1.5 million cycle journeys. New cycle stations opened during the year but because of building work in the city some others were forced to close, meaning that the total number of stations at the end of 2014 was the same as in the previous year – 60. The greatly increased use of hire bikes means that there are several stations which are under a lot of pressure and work is underway to try to extend existing stations. Demand on one of the busiest stations in the scheme, Gårdatorget, has been eased by the opening of a new station on Åvägen. During 2014 Gothenburg started up a joint project with Elmob in the field of electric-powered transport and in 2015 solar-powered electric cycles will be available on Hisingen and in the central city. 668 000 NUMBER OF TIMES BIKES HIRED SINCE SCHEME STARTED BIKE HIRE 2010 – 2014 1.5 million 421 000 185 000 201 000 12 000 2010 5 2011 2012 2013 2014 ACCESSIBLE: ATTRACTIVE CYCLE WAYS AND A MORE CLOSELY CONNECTED CITY ! THE CITY OF GOTHENBURG: THIS IS OUR AIM Gothenburg will become a city for cyclists by building a connected network with direct, welldefined and clearly-marked cycle and pedestrian ways and by providing up-to-date traffic information. These ways will span the river and be clearly signposted. Safety for cyclists must be given higher priority. Cycle garages and parking facilities are necessary for Gothenburg to become an attractive city for cyclists. Cycling conditions in Gothenburg will allow residents to cycle all year. Gothenburg’s cycle network can be divided into main cycle ways, general cycle ways and local cycle ways. Above you can see the city’s main cycle network. During the year consultations have been held on a proposal for a new Cycle Programme, and a decision will be taken in early 2015. The aim is that the number of cyclists will triple by 2025 and that it will be quick, easy and safe to cycle in Gothenburg. While waiting for the new Cycle Programme, we continue to follow one from 1999 where the priorities are to create attractive cycle routes and a better-connected city for cyclists. Since 2000 the focus has been on building a more cohesive cycle network, designing safer traffic solutions and creating a network of main cycle ways. We also continue to adjust and improve the existing cycling infrastructure. 6 BETTER ACCESSIBILITY FOR CYCLISTS During the year, a change in traffic regulations made it possible to cycle against the prevailing traffic flow in more one-way streets. In 2014, this was allowed both on Fjärde Långgatan and Frigångsgatan. A follow-up study of cycle traffic on Andra Långgatan, where two-way cycle traffic has been allowed since 2013, was carried out during the year. It showed that the number of cyclists on the street had almost doubled. Two-way cycle ways have been built on Södra vägen and Berzeliigatan. They have improved accessibility in the centre of the city and connected cycle routes, simplifying journeys for cyclists. A two-way cycle and pedestrian way was built along the north side of Marklandsgatan, making a short-cut between existing cycle ways on Dag Hammarskjöldsleden and Högsboleden. The re-building of the cycle way between the Casino and the Opera was completed. Pedestrians and cyclists are now better segregated, improving both accessibility and safety. In connection with the Marieholm tunnel project, new pedestrian and cycle ways have been built on Partihandelsgatan, Falutorget and Gullbergsvassgatan to increase accessibility. The new Cycling Programme will stress the importance of segregating pedestrian and cycle traffic and the Urban Transport Authority will ensure this happens. On page 21 you will find more information on cycling improvements carried out in 2014. BUILDING WORK AFFECTS CYCLISTS Gothenburg’s Urban Transport Authority continues to focus on cyclist safety. The coming years will see several major building projects which will affect accessibility and safety, and will require even clearer directions for cyclists. Different studies have facilitated the identification of a number of important safety factors, including improved signposting and the design of temporary diversions around building sites. CROSSING THE RIVER THE CYCLE NETWORK To enable cyclists to cross the river Göta älv more easily, the number of ferries taking bikes between Rosenlund and Lindholmen increased in April 2011. Travel on the Älvsnabbare ferry (line 286) between Lindholm pier and Rosenlund is free. You can use Västtrafiks tickets on the Älvsnabben ferry (line 285) and you can also take your bike, as long as there is space on board. The cycle network has increased from around 360 km of separate cycle ways in 1999 to around 495 km in 2014. If you include the 159 km of shared-use streets (where speed limits are 30 kph), and the approximately 150 km of local cycle ways, the network is 804 km long. You can compare this with the cycle networks of Stockholm (767 km) and Malmö (496 km). 7 AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND SERVICES FOR CYCLISTS and Lindholmsallén. They are well-used. Since its installation, the pump on Vasagatan has been used around 437,000 times. Besides the public cycle pumps installed by the Urban Transport Administration, there are also pumps at places like petrol stations and convenience stores. There is also a partnership with cycle shops and service stations to provide facilities where cyclists can pump up their tyres and borrow basic tools to carry out a simple service. The use of the pumps and tools is free for cyclists. All these points are marked with the yellow bike symbol. You can also find details in the Urban Transport Administration app, Cykelstaden. To make things easier for cyclists, the Urban Transport Administration has developed a number of services providing information on cycle ways and service points. It also offers the opportunity to hire a bike in the city centre, 24 hours a day. THE CYCLE TRIP PLANNER You can find our web-based Cycle Trip Planner on Among other things, you can use it to plan trips in the Västra Götaland and Halland regions. It provides suggestions for routes, says how long they are and estimates the time the journey will take. The routes are described in words, and also show contour lines. It includes information on cycle parking, service points, public cycle pumps and cycle ways and the Styr & Ställ bike hire scheme. In 2014, the Cycle Trip Planner had approximately 60,000 unique visitors. CYCLE MAP The cycle map was updated this year and apart from giving the location of bike-hire stations and public cycle pumps it also provides information about the city’s Urban Transport Administration app, Cykelstaden. Demand for maps remains high – during 2014 over 43,000 were distributed. Among other places, they are available at tourist bureaus, hotels, libraries and cycle shops. PUBLIC CYCLE PUMPS AND SERVICE POINTS In November 2009, the Urban Transport Administration launched a new type of public cycle pump on Vasagatan and since then, a further 15 pumps have been installed. The pumps are located in the city centre and at strategic points such as Angered centre, Hjalmar Brantingsplatsen 8 TELL THE CONTACT CENTRE Every year the Contact Centre receives many calls to do with cycling – everything from the standard of cycle ways, to public cycle pumps, to questions about traffic. Customer Service also provides cycle maps and route descriptions. During 2014 they received 2581 telephone calls and emails to do with cycling and cycle ways. CYCLE PARKING We will continue our expansion of bicycle parking facilities, focusing mainly on the city centre and public transport hubs. During the year, around 500 new cycle racks were created, of which 290 are in the city centre. In total there are now approximately 8500 cycle racks in the centre of Gothenburg where bike frames can be locked to the racks themselves. X 8 500 THE CYKELSTADEN APP The app Cykelstaden was developed by the Urban Transport Administration, and makes life easier for the cyclist. It was used by around 13,000 cyclists in 2014. The app allows you to plan your journey with the help of the Cycle Trip Planner. It also helps you find service points included in the city’s cycle network, Styr & Ställ bike hire stations, public cycle pumps and cycle parking. You can use the app’s Felanmälan function to report damage, faults or obstacles on cycle ways, as well as giving suggestions as to improvements. During the year, 794 reports were made. The news in 2014 is that the app, Cycle Trip Planner, functions in the same way as it does on There is also an additional new function, Min cykeltur, (My ride) where you can see how far you have cycled and how long it took. You can even see your route plotted on a map. In the spring, two students from Chalmers University of Technology were assigned to the Urban Transport Administration as part of their course. With the help of some of the data from the new Min cykeltur function they could work out average speeds on Nya Allén, bottle necks etc. Their analyses indicate that data from Min cykeltur can be used as a tool to learn more about how, where and when people use their bikes – information which can form the basis for future cycle planning. 9 TRAFFIC SAFETY AND SECURITY The number of cyclists seriously injured or killed has fallen by 75 per cent since the early 1990s. However, around 2011 the trend changed. The reduction in the number of people injured in traffic started to even out, as did the number of cyclists injured. Unfortunately, the number of moderately or severely injured cyclists rose in 2014 compared with 2013. By far the most common type of cycle accident, almost 80 per cent in 2014, did not involve any other vehicle. Studies show that approximately half of these single cycle accidents were caused by issues related to road conditions, including road design and maintenance. Other causes of accidents were cyclist behaviour and faults with the bike itself. The number of serious injuries did not increase in 2014, but one cyclist was killed. In the new Cycle Programme a number of areas have been defined as being particularly important in creating a safer environment for cyclists. During the year the increase in the number of accidents will be analyzed and possible areas for improvement identified. A primary area is the segregation of cycle and car traffic. Where there is a mix of road users, car speeds must be low. Safety increases when traffic systems are clearly defined and cyclists are given sufficient space. Other important considerations include clear traffic regulations and better maintenance of cycle ways, both in summer and winter. USE OF CYCLE HELMETS For many years the Urban Transport Administration has measured helmet use every August and September by counting the number of cyclists wearing a helmet as they pass by 18 specific locations in the city. The study is carried out three times at each place, both in the morning and the afternoon. The result is clear – the use of cycle helmets is growing steadily, from slightly less than ten per cent when surveys started in the early 1990s, to 65 per cent in 2014. The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) measures cycle helmet use each year in Sweden. According to their 2013 measurements, when looking at school children between the ages of six and fifteen Gothenburg had the highest figure for the use of cycle helmets, at almost 91 per cent. In Stockholm 73 per cent of children between those ages wore a helmet, while the figure in Malmö was 42 per cent. use approved cycle lights. Since measurements began in 2006 the trend has been positive and the proportion of cyclists using approved lights has generally risen every year. In 2014, 82 per cent of cyclists were correctly equipped, compared with 70 per cent when studies began. ICSC – THE WORLD’S LARGEST INTERNATIONAL CYCLE SAFETY CONFERENCE The International Cycling Safety Conference, ICSC, was held at Lindholmen Science Park on 18 and 19 November this year. The ICSC is a knowledge-based forum whose long-term aim is to increase awareness of traffic safety issues. The City of Gothenburg hosted the conference, with Chalmers University of Technology, and SAFER. The conference participants came from Europe, Asia, Australia and the US. The agenda was packed with interesting lectures and presentations of new information on a wide range of subjects including electric cycles, behavioural science, and the risks of injury. USE OF CYCLE LIGHTS For the ninth year in a row, the Urban Transport Administration carried out a study to find out how many cyclists 10 CYCLE THEFT As more people cycle, bike theft increases and in 2014 almost 18 per cent more bicycles were stolen than in 2013. One way of preventing bike theft is to lock cycles properly. In 2014 500 new bike racks were built. The design allows cyclists to lock their bikes onto the racks. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS The Urban Transport Administration stipulates that snow removal should start when more than two or three centimetres of snow has fallen, and it should be cleared away within six hours of stopping. Snow removal is always followed by de-icing treatment. The gravel used (size 2–5 mm) minimises cyclist discomfort and the risk of punctures. The main cycle way network has priority and extra resources ensure that snow clearing and deicing are carried out quickly. During 2014 we have also tested sweeping and salting the main cycle way network, and cycle ways in Angered. This method means that after the snow has been swept away, a salt solution is sprayed on the road surface. This makes the use of wood shavings unnecessary and reduces the use of salt. On many other major cycle ways salt is used as a complement to gravel, which improves cyclist comfort. Sweeping/cleaning of cycle ways is carried out once a week in the city centre, and once every two weeks in the rest of the cycle network after the snow has gone. Sand and grit on cycle ways is removed at the latest by 15 April, but if the weather is favourable the process can start in March. The Urban Transport Administration carries out maintenance on Gothenburg’s cycle ways. Maintenance work is carried out at different intervals, depending on the activity. In addition to the 495 km of cycle ways that the Urban Transport Administration is responsible for, there are many cycle ways in residential areas and parks, where responsibility for operation and maintenance lies with Park- och naturförvaltningen (Parks and Gardens Division). The Swedish Road Administration has responsibility for cycle ways along road 155 and across Älvsborg bridge. Maintenance activities include the inspection and monitoring of cycle ways, winter road maintenance, cleaning, maintaining road surfaces, traffic lights and street lighting, and also the removal of vegetation. During 2014, approximately 62,200 sq m of cycle ways were re-surfaced, an increase of 27,200 on 2013. Total expenditure on the maintenance and operation of cycle ways during 2014 was 32.6 m SEK. Of the total sum, planned maintenance of road surfaces came to around 4.7 m SEK. In Gothenburg, winter maintenance consists of snow removal and spreading gravel or salt to prevent skidding. INSPECTION AND MONITORING The city’s cycle ways are regularly inspected and monitored, usually every one or two months during the year, depending on the area. Damage to a cycle way includes holes, subsidence, cracks or raised kerbs and if it poses a road safety risk, it is rectified within one day after it is reported. Otherwise, depending on the type of damage, it is fixed within two or three weeks or during checks at fixed times during the year. The inspection process is carried out in a motor vehicle, but may be supplemented by a bike inspection to learn first-hand about cyclists’ needs and the quality of the cycle ways. 11 A REAL BOOST FOR CYCLING! Those of you who have been following the statistics in recent years will have noticed a clear trend towards alternative forms of transport. Cycling is gaining a lot of ground and in 2014 figures rose sharply. Over 100,000 journeys by bike are made in our city – every day! But there is also a more depressing trend – the numbers of accidents and thefts have been keeping pace with the rise in cycle use. MAJOR CITIES' CYCLE NETWORKS IN KILOMETRES 804 KM GÖTEBORG 767 KM STOCKHOLM 496 KM MALMÖ 100 D N A S U O TH U OT H E N B EYS IN G ! N R U O J DAY BIKE – E V E RY RG CYCLING INCREASES = SAFETY INCREASES* CYCLE THEFTS 2 531 2 551 2 798 3 738 4 404 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 The more people who cycle, the fewer the accidents. The Dutch, who cycle more than any other nation on earth, can prove it. There are several reasons. One is that when there are so many bikes, other road users are forced to change their behaviour. Also, more and more people have experience of cycling themselves. And, when car numbers drop, there is also a lower risk of conflicts between cycle and motor traffic. * ”Cycling in the Netherlands”, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat (The Netherlands Ministry of Transport) 65 % MEANS OF TRANSPORT USED BY GOTHENBURG RESIDENTS 2014 OF GOTHENBURG CYCLISTS WEAR A HELMET 41% 28 % 7% 24 % 82% OF GOTHENBURG CYCLISTS USE LIGHTS 29% INCREASE IN CYCLING SINCE 2011! NUMBERS OF INJURED/KILLED IN CYCLE ACCIDENTS 500 Minor injuries Moderate injuries 400 Severe injuries Fatalities 300 200 100 2010 ** Preliminary figures 22-01-2015 2011 2012 2013 2014** 0 THE GOTHENBURG CYCLIST – INCREASING THE WILL TO CYCLE The Urban Transport Administration is continuously working on ways to encourage Gothenburg residents to take up cycling and during the year it initiated a number of activities to draw attention to cycling. It provided information to, and conducted a dialogue with, Gothenburg residents who already cycled – but its activities also included people who might decide to start in the future. Here are some of the things that happened in 2014. FREE FITNESS HOLIDAY WITH URBAN TRANSPORT ADMINISTRATION PHOTO EXHIBITION How can you get people to choose the bike instead of the car? Can you get people who would like to exercise a bit more to squeeze in a little more physical training into their hectic lives? Fitness holidays are very hot right now, but we know of smarter and cheaper ways to get fit. We at the Urban Transport Administration built a pop-uptravel bureau as part of our Träningsresan (Fitness Holiday) campaign, where people could find out about good cycle routes all over the city, how long they take to complete, and how many calories cyclists burn. We also gave out juice, resekatalogen (holiday brochure), a cycle map and a puncture repair kit. But the most important thing was that our message was heard – You can go on a fitness holiday whenever you like. And it’s free! On 27 May a photo exhibition, Stadens cyklister (City cyclists), opened in Slottskogen. It was made up of pictures of passionate cyclists – young and old, women and men. Every cyclist was immortalized in a black and white photo in a different place in the city, some in a blizzard, others under cherry trees in full bloom. Each of the twenty large pictures told a story about one particular cyclist. Apart from Slottskogen, during Kulturkalaset (Gothenburg Culture Festival) the photos were exhibited on Vasagatan and during European Mobility Week they were shown in Bältesspännarparken. During the autumn Gothenburg Car Parks showed many of the pictures, along with information about cycle parking. The attention of many Gothenburg residents was caught by these striking photos. 15 THE CYCLE-FRIENDLY WORKPLACE Since 2002 the Urban Transport Administration has been working to build relationships with employers in order to give them information and inspiration about the benefits of increased cycling among their employees. To encourage all workplaces to make it easy for employees to decide to cycle, in 2013 the Urban Transport Administration established the Cycle-friendly Workplace award, open to all workplaces in Gothenburg with at least ten employees. There are three levels (signified by one to three stars) depending on how many criteria the workplace fulfils. And in 2014 a new award was introduced – Rookie of the Year. Checking the entries continued until August, and in September Gothenburg’s Cycle-friendly Workplace awards were announced. In 2014, 151 workplaces signed up, 50 more than the previous year. Of the participant organizations 123 achieved star status. No fewer than 51 workplaces were awarded one star, 41 workplaces two stars and 31 workplaces three stars. From the three-star category a jury with representatives from the world of business, cycle organizations and the City of Gothenburg, chose Gothenburg’s most Cycle-friendly Workplace, and Rookie of the Year. The jury also selected The Year’s Best Cycling Idea, which was open to all companies that fulfilled the competition criteria. A study carried out in the autumn showed that participating in the Cycle-friendly Workplace award scheme had a positive effect on many small companies. Over half thought that more people had started to cycle to and from work and over 70 per cent considered that taking part in the scheme had brought benefits to cyclists. 16 ENCOURAGEMENT ALONG THE (CYCLE) WAY TQ The hostile atmosphere on Gothenburg streets where motorists, cyclists and pedestrians were clearly irritated by each other, needed a solution. Following traffic regulations was one thing, but perhaps more TQ was necessary? TQ stands for traffic intelligence and it is about putting yourself in other road-users’ shoes. The TQ campaign took to the streets in November and December. The Urban Transport Administration also took the opportunity to appear in a series of radio programmes on Mix Megapol, discussing behaviour in traffic and talking with Gothenburg residents about the negativity on our roads. Two key words were stressed – consideration and respect in traffic. Thousands of brave Gothenburg residents defy fatigue and bad weather to cycle to work every day. To show their appreciation, employees from the Urban Transport Administration were out at dawn three times during the year, equipped with breakfast bags, cycle pumps and lots of enthusiasm. In January, winter cyclists received a warm reception both in the morning and in the afternoon. In total, 600 goody bags were distributed. A rainy morning in April, it was time again. On this occasion, Urban Transport Administration thanked almost 500 people. It was raining again in October, when our employees took up position on Redbergsvägen. Almost 600 morning commuters stopped, had some breakfast and took the chance to service their bikes and to say what they thought about cycling in Gothenburg 17 18 EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK ON YOUR OWN TWO FEET During its annual European Mobility Week in September, Urban Transport Administration erected its Cycle Centre in Bältespännarparken. The Cycle Centre had earlier been used in the Lätta ditt cykelhjärta (Tell us what you think) campaign on Gustav Adolfs Square, where residents had been invited to say what they thought should be done for cyclists in the city. The Cycle Centre is a mobile structure, but it is sturdy and spacious with plenty of room for discussions and inspiring displays on the walls. On Saturday 20 September, passers-by in Bältespännarparken were invited to a picnic and to learn about what the Urban Transport Administration does. Many people took the chance to express their views and to find out how Gothenburg is working towards getting more people to use alternative forms of transport. The On Your Own Two Feet campaign in schools was designed by the Urban Transport Administration to encourage pupils from grades 4 to 6 to get used to using sustainable forms of transport. The challenge was to bring about an increase in walking, cycling and taking public transport to school rather than using cars. In 2014, 228 classes and 5371 pupils participated. During the five weeks of the challenge pupils travelled 16184 km and saved 28.8 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. In order to achieve better levels of knowledge and longer term awareness, the challenge also included a large number of activities to do with the environment, health and road safety. MEDIA ATTENTION An analysis of media attention showed that information from the Urban Transport Administration was widely reported, particularly in the local press. In general the 130 press clips analyzed had a neutral tone and focused on subjects the Urban Transport Administration wanted to publicize, including activities they had carried out, the increasing number of cyclists in Gothenburg and the use of new technology. Over the year, buying such publicity in the form of advertising would have cost around 40 million SEK. MANY EVENTS IN TOWN During the year, the Urban Transport Administration worked hard to raise the profile of cycling. The Lätta ditt cykelhjärta (Tell us what you think) campaign continued to collect comments and views. And on several occasions in the spring, the Urban Transport Administration was out and about talking about cycling. They were in Nordstan and at Ullevi stadium with Göteborgsgirot and at Kanaltorget with Hisingens Cycle Club. In the autumn they met students from Chalmers University of Technology and helped arrange cycle tours as part of a welcome programme for new students. They also tested eight new types of street lighting equipment on the cycle way along Dag Hammarskjöldsleden with the help of cyclists who had registered on Facebook. Not only that, but the Cykelstaden app was developed and the förlivochrö website launched. COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION In 2014 approximately 5.4 m SEK was spent on different campaigns and activities. This included spreading information about cycling to workplaces, students and other Gothenburg residents. 19 IMPROVEMENTS IN 2014 The west side of Östra Hamngatan was re-built to make a bicycle speed street, as was done on Västra Hamngatan in 2013. In connection with the Marieholm tunnel project, new pedestrian and cycle ways were built along Partihandelsgatan, Falutorget and Gullbergsvassgatan to increase accessibility. A two-way cycle way was built along the east side of Södra Vägen between Engelbrektsgatan and Korsvägen. New lighting for cycle ways: - several new street lights added to existing lighting on the west side of Dag Hammarskjöldsleden A two-way cycle way was built along the north side of Berzeliigatan between Södra Vägen and Sten Sturegatan. - on Säröbanan on a level with Järkholmen - on Säröbanan at the end of Matildehemsvägen - on the cycle way from Lilla Bulyckevägen, in the direction of Nya Älvegårdsvägen A new pedestrian and cycle way was built along the east side of Marklandsgatan northern stretch, between the existing pedestrian and cycle ways on Dag Hammarskjöldsleden and Högsboleden. - on the cycle way from Orrekulla Industrigata to Kärravägen - on the south-west side of Bräckemotet (in partnership with Swedish Transport Administration) A new pedestrian and cycle way was built along the north side of Musikvägen, between Mandolingatan och Ruddalens sports centre. - on an unlit stretch from the tunnel under the motorway to Rödbo Idrottsgata The cycle way between the Casino and the Opera was rebuilt, so there is now better segregation of pedestrians and cyclists. - where the cycle way crosses Minelundsvägen On the north side of Rappedalsvägen a two-way cycle way link was built. - Fjärde Långgatan, between Linnégatan and Värmlandsgatan - Frigångsgatan, between Landsvägsgatan and Linnégatan - Lyckans Väg, between Viktor Rydbergsgatan and Olof Wijksgatan New places where there are now two-way cycle ways: The cycle crossing at Ullevigatan/Parkgatan/Nya Allén was widened. Waiting time for cyclists at traffic lights at Redbergsvägen–Bauersgatan was halved. (There are already 180 stretches of two-way cycle routes in Gothenburg.) The cycle way at Vasagatan was given a new road surface and improved lighting. 21 22 2015? WHAT’S HAPPENING IN 2015 is going to be an exciting year for cyclists! Here is a foretaste: ■■ The new Cycle Plan will be ready during the year. ■■ ■■ eneral guidelines applying to road works and how G they should be signposted will be adjusted to meet the needs of cyclists. est and north Hisingen will get new road signW posting, giving Gothenburg a comprehensive cycle way signage system. ■■ now clearance trials on main cycle ways are set to S continue. Instead of snow being shovelled or ploughed and salt being spread, snow is now brushed away and a salt solution sprayed on the road surface. ■■ uilding/re-building of cycle ways and pedestrian B and cycle ways: ■■ ew rules governing road closure around building N sites will also include rules about the closure or diversion of cycle ways. ■■ ew Styr & Ställ bike hire stations will be built durN ing the year. New stations are planned for Chalmers södra, Masthuggstorget, Värmlandsgatan–Tredje Långgatan and Värmlandsgatan/Masthamnsgatan. ■■ continuing dialogue with all Gothenburg residents A about road user behaviour, focusing on key words – consideration and respect. ■■ joint project involving housing association owners A in Kvillebäcken on Hisingen gives residents access to six electric delivery bikes. ■■ ■■ ■■ Joint financing of the Swedish Transport Administra- ■■ ■■ here will be a pilot project involving an electric T bike pool. The pool will have places for bikes in the central city and at Lindholmen Science Park, and involves 16 electric-driven cycles. The cycles will be powered by solar energy generated by solar cells located at Lindholmen Science Park. ■■ ■■ ■■ ore cycle parks are planned in the city centre and M at public transport hubs, and a cycle parking tower with 150 places will be built at Drottningtorget. tion’s construction of pedestrian and cycle ways on Tuvevägen, between Norrleden and Kongahällavägen, Ellesbovägen, between Kärra and Stora Mysternavägen and Gråbovägen, between Gunnilse and Björsared New pedestrian and cycle way along Gibraltargatan between the entrance to Fysiken (Mossen bus stop) and Dr Forselius backe. Olskroken. Commuter cycle way built along Martin Anderssons gata/E20. Connected to Redbergsvägen. Redbergsvägen. Between Danska vägen and Kobbarnas väg, commuter cycling routes extended, with single/ two-lane cycle ways and bicycle boulevards. Road safety measures introduced at several places on existing cycle ways. Evaluation of lighting of cycle ways: ■■ Continued testing and evaluation of lighting levels and street lighting equipment on the cycle way from Marklandsgatan 59 along the west side of Dag Hammarskjöldsleden in the direction of Hovås. 23 The Urban Transport Administration is working continuously to make Gothenburg an attractive city for cyclists. Every year it presents a summary of all cycle-related improvements carried out during the year. This year’s edition of the Cycling Year tells you what Gothenburg residents think of their city as a place for cyclists and describes developments in safety and accessibility. In addition it provides information on services being developed to help cyclists, as well as outlining some of the most important cycling events from 2014. It also gives a little foretaste of what 2015 holds!
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