35to Foro Anual de Investigación y Educación del Recinto de Ciencias Médicas Thursday, March 26, 2015 9:00 to 10:30 am –CONCURRENT ORAL SESSIONS I-IV1 Session I Location: Room 822, School of Medicine 8th floor Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building Moderator: Prof. Ivonne Angleró Vega School of Health Professions Use of Sport Supplements among Young Puerto Rican Athletes (CT) Raúl A. Rosario Concepción The Eya2 Gene is Important for Hair Cell Regeneration in the Zebrafish Lateral Line (BS) Roberto E. Rodríguez Morales The Relationship between Skeletal AnteroPosterior Pattern and Transverse Facial Proportions: Training and Calibration Exercise (CT) Luis A. Lecleres ICDAS Training and Calibration: A Pilot Project (CT) Bayardo J. García Godoy Role of Glutathione in reducing lysosomal disruption in HIV-macrophages (CT) Krystal Colón Session II Location: Room A-469 (Salon 3) 4th floor, School of Public Health Diverging destinies: Puerto Rican Population in the island and the United States (AS) Alexis R. Santos Lozada Ciudadanos de segunda clase: el vivir entre los sexos y el derecho en Puerto Rico (PP) Pedro Acevedo Propuesta de Reglamentación para Centros de Cuidado de Larga Duración que Sirven a Personas con la Enfermedad de Alzheimer en Puerto Rico (PP) Joel Vélez Egipcíaco Barriers for Using Assistive Technology by Community-Living Hispanic Older Adults with Functional Limitations (CT) Angélica Santiago Session III Location: Audiotorium 8th floor, School of Health Professions Moderator: Dra. Carmen M. Arroyo School of Nursing CUIDATE & CUIDALOS: Two Evidence-Based Programs for Teen Pregnancy Prevention in Puerto Rico (EP) Karen Pabón Cruz Moderator: Dr. Luis A. Avilés School of Publica Health Prevención de alcohol en menores: Implementación de una PBE en familias vegabajeñas (EP) Wanda E. Pérez Rodríguez Addressing Ecologic Fallacy in the Health Administration Services Planning and Health Promotion Plans: The Case of Villa Alegre (PP) Edilí Quiñones Ortiz Evaluación de una Intervención Piloto para la Prevención del Uso de Alcohol entre Adolescentes de una Comunidad en el Centro de la Isla (EP) Kritzianel Merced Morales 1 Each oral presentation is identified by category as follows: CT – Clinical/Translational; PP – Health and Public Policy Analysis; EP – Educational Projects; BS – Basic Sciences; EPI – Epidemiology; AS – Applied Sciences; CR – Case Report. ORAL PRESENTATIONS 2015 An Interdisciplinary Intervention for Developing Social Skills in Twice Exceptional Children (EP) Ana G. Miró Community Mobilization Efforts for HIV Prevention: A New Approach to for Young College Bound Adults in Universities, Puerto Rico, 2014 (EP) Mildred González Altreche Assessment of two HCV Knowledge Questionnaires for promoting health among Puerto Rican Islanders Injecting Drug Users (EP) Jessenia D. Zayas Ríos Session IV Location: Room 310 3th floor, School of Pharmacy Activation of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors exerts an anxiolytic-like effect in ovariectomized female rats (BS) Coriness Pineyro Ruiz Cathepsin B and serum amyloid p component contribute to HIV-induced neuronal apoptosis (BS) Yisel M. Cantres Rosario CCL4 and IL-15 Affect Prostate Cancer Development (BS) Krizia Rohena Rivera Intraperitoneal Delivery of Liposome-Encapsulated c-MYC-siRNA Reduces Tumor Burden in a Mouse Model of Cisplatin-Resistant Ovarian Cancer (BS) Jeyshka M. Reyes González Moderator: Dra. Magaly Martínez School of Pharmacy Identification and Expression Analysis of Two Xenopus laevis Homologs of the Novel F-Box Containing Protein, FBXO30 (BS) Osamah Z. Badwan 2:30 to 4:00 pm – CONCURRENT ORAL SESSIONS V-VIII2 Session V Location: Room 260 2nd floor School of Nursing Moderator: Prof. Daisy M. Gely School of Public Health Impacto del Programa PRAABRE en la Investigación biomédica de Puerto Rico (EP) Sharon M. Alvalle Socioeconomic factors associated with history of incarceration among HIV+ males who have sex with males in Puerto Rico (EPI) Verónico Tirado Mercado Socioeconomic characteristics and health services utilization in a sample of adult female intravenous drug users in Puerto Rico (EPI) Ilia M. Otero Cruz 2 Spectrum of Disease in Chikungunya Virus-Infected Individuals Identified during Household-based Cluster Investigations — June–August, 2014 (EPI) Chanis M. Mercado Olavarría Sexual health profile of a community sample of HIV positive bisexual men in Puerto Rico (EPI) José J. Martínez Vélez Clinical and Epidemiologic Profile of Patients Hospitalized with Heart Failure in Puerto Rico, 2007-2011 (EPI) Neysha Sánchez Session VI Location: Room 310 3rd floor School of Pharmacy Moderator: Dr. José A. Vivaldi School of Dental Medicine Each oral presentation is identified by category as follows: CT – Clinical/Translational; PP – Health and Public Policy; EP – Educational Projects; BS – Basic Sciences; EPI – Epidemiology; AS – Applied Sciences; CR – Case Report. ORAL PRESENTATIONS 2015 The Expression of Gait Deficiencies in Patients with Controlled Type II Diabetes Mellitus (AS) Martín G. Rosario Canales Effects of Lung Carcinogens on PPARgamma Activity in A549 cell line (AS) Néstor D. Carrasco Parasite Variability and Load in an Outdoor Colony of Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta) (AS) Marcos D. Ortiz Fever and Severe Thrombocytopenia Masquerading Sepsis in an HIV positive Patient: Hemophagocytic Syndrome (AS) Marielly Sierra Aging with HIV: The experience of women older than 50 living with HIV in Puerto Rico (AS) Edgardo Ruíz Cora Polyneuritis Cranialis: a rare manifestation of the Guillain-Barré Syndrome (CR) Angélica Rivera Cruz Session VII Location: Room 822 8th floor School of Medicine Moderator: Dr. Israel Matías School of Medicine Having Hypospadias Diminishes the Level of Parental Satisfaction with Surgical Repair of their own Children (CT) Wilfredo Morales Cosme Giant Abdominal Mass in a Female Newborn: Ovarian or Hepatic Etiology? (CR) Wilmarie J. Bruckman Blanco Effect of Knowledge on Breastfeeding Practices (CT) Yuneisy García Bipolar Disorder patients at risk of Cardiovascular Disease: Exploring patterns of non-adherence to psychiatric medication for intervention development (CT) Sandra I. Ralat Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Patients in Puerto Rico with Laboratory-confirmed Chikungunya in Puerto Rico (CT) Amada Cabán Enhanced Surveillance for Acute Febrile Illness in Puerto Rico (CT) Héctor Gorbea Session VIII Location: Room B103 1st floor Dr. Guillermo Arbona Building Moderator: Dr. Blanca Amorós Deanship for Student Affairs La experiencia de los docentes con el uso del portafolio como estrategia de assessment en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los estudiantes (EP) Mirna L. Pacheco Rodríguez Collaboration that matters: Schools of Nursing and Dental Medicine building capacity for research (EP) Augusto R. Elías Boneta Diseño participativo de herramientas para la capacitación comunitaria (EP) Yiselly M. Vázquez Guzmán Lessons obtained about Infectious, Chronic Diseases and Mental Health Issues in El Salvador: Exporting Health Concepts and Measures to International (EP) Víctor E. Reyes Ortiz Using Simulation to Enhance First Year Medical Students Clinical Approach to Transgender Persons (EP) Yasmín Pedrogo Un Café por el Alzheimer: Iniciativa Innovadora de Educación en Salud Pública (EP) José R. Carrión Baralt
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