ART G A L L E R Y S h op 59, Capi to l Arcade (Bas ement Level ) . 113 Sw a n sto n S tr eet Melb ou rn e CB D, 30 00 Ent e r v i a Ho we y P l ace. HOUR S: Tu e s - S at 1 1am - 5pm in f o @ f or tde l ta .co m .au f ort d e l ta .co m. au (03) 8804 0888 Please direct all enquiries to R a f aella McDo n al d Pa i nti ngs for Perfor ma nces A p ril 1 - A p r i l 2 4 In Paintings for Performances, artist Rafaella McDonald activates the painted object through humor, performativity and bodily movement to iterate an expansive volume of maquettes. Appearing as animated models that work in response to Fort Delta’s architectural pastiche, her new work focuses on a thematic logic activated by the act of painting within a specific architectural body and the social dynamic of performativity it informs. -Rafaella McDonald is an artist based in Melbourne. Recent solo exhibitions include a wall mural at Readings Carlton as part of Melbourne Fringe Festival’s Uncommon Places (2014) and Done Dream Cone, Top Shelf Gallery (2014). Recent group shows have includes ‘The Kaleidoscopic Turn’ at the NGVA (2015), Makette, Design Institute of Australia (2013) The Poetic Everyman, Sangkring Art Space Yogyakarta (2013) and the Darwin Visual Arts Association. Rafaella McDonald completed a Bachelor of Creative Arts from Melbourne University in 2009 and studied Karawitan at the Institute Seni Idonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta Indonesia in 2012. Rafaella McDonald Paintings for Performances, 2015 Exhibtion View Rafaella McDonald The motorbike is out of control, it runs into the gnarly tree, 2015 Marine ply board, acrylic 61cm x 33cm Rafaella McDonald Untitled, 2015 Marine ply board, acrylic 61cm x 50cm Rafaella McDonald The scene change takes longer than the scene, 2015 Marine ply board, acrylic 61cm x 45.5cm Rafaella McDonald Paintings for Performances, 2015 Exhibtion View Rafaella McDonald Paintings for Performances, 2015 Exhibtion View Rafaella McDonald The pool breaks, 2015 Marine ply board, acrylic 45cm x 60cm Rafaella McDonald Diorama 8, 2015 Re-purposed MDF, acetate, acrylic 26cm x 16cm
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