Fort Fraser Despatches April 2015 Fort Fraser Garrison Assoc. AGM #9 - March 21, 2015: Well attended this year, (one reason will soon become apparent), the ninth 78th Fraser Highlanders Assoc. of Vancouver annual general meeting was again held in the Officers' mess at Bessborough Armoury, home of 15 Field Reg't, Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery. Much business was attended to and a slate of directors was elected: Jim Barrett, President Chris Hoskin, Vice-president Dave Fleming, Secretary Alistair Beaton, John Buis, Neil MacKay, John Donald Redmond, Murray Wood, Treasurer to be confirmed 1 V/Sgts Inducted: Fort Fraser welcomed a fine new V/Sgt. cohort: Christine Magrega; Dr. Dennis Magrega; David Scandrett, CD; and Richard Van Slyke, MMM, CD. The garrison Press Gang earned extra grog for their efforts! 2 and 18th Century Dining-in: Garrison "chef du jour" Capt. Chris Hoskin and OC Maj. Jim Barrett threaten the spit-roasted lamb (a former garrison mascot?), preparing to feed the horde attending the AGM. Padre Lt. Diane Beaton offers solace to the chef's creation. An 18th C. feast included squash soup, roasted root vegetables and charcoalgrilled Elk and Bison sausages, with a potent 1759 Punch and the garrison's ownlabel wines to wash it down. More, please! 3 09 - 14 APRIL 1917 The Battle of Vimy Ridge was a military engagement fought primarily as part of the Second Battle of Arras, in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France. The main combatants were the four divisions of our Canadian Corps against three divisions of the German Sixth Army. The assault on Vimy Ridge, the northern part of the wider battle of Arras, began at 5:30 am on Easter Monday, April 9, 1917. It was the first occasion on which all four divisions of the Canadian Corps attacked as a composite formation. Four Victoria Crosses (VC) were awarded for bravery. Of these, three were earned on the opening day of the battle: Private William Milne of the 16th Battalion. Lance-Sergeant Ellis Sifton of the 18th Battalion. Private John Pattison of the 50th Battalion (April 10). Captain Thain MacDowell of the 38th Battalion. Of the four Vimy VCs, only Captain MacDowell survived the War. 4 Vimy Day Commemoration Commonwealth War Graves Section Mountain View Cemetery Fraser Street at 39th Avenue, Vancouver 11:00 am Sunday April 12, 2015 5 78th Fraser Highlanders - Medals 101: prepared by Capt. Don Cochrane, Fort Victoria Garrison Only Officers of the 78th Fraser Highlanders may wear the service medals. These may not be given as gifts to others. If they are passed down through inheritance, they cannot be worn. This is a restriction imposed on the 78th by the Crown, and is a convention we must follow. MEDALS ON SCARLETS: Any two 78th Regimental Medals may be worn with scarlets as long as they are on neck ribbons. It is recommended that the ribbon length be staggered to avoid clanging medals and to differentiate the two medals. Service medals are to be given greater prominence where applicable (Meritorious Service, Distinguished Service medals). Note: It is preferable that only one medal on a neck ribbon be worn at any given time. No other medals, miniatures, service or decoration medals are ever to be worn on scarlets; such medals were never worn by the original Regiment. BLAZER ORDER: Blazer Order (with cipher). This is the same convention as for scarlets. Because we have a blazer cipher, we cannot wear medals over it. Neck ribbons are worn under the shirt collar, over the necktie, inside the jacket. On a business suit, full size medals may be worn on the left breast in order of precedence (starting at the buttons moving out). 78th medals will be worn at 78th Fraser Highlanders functions only. 6 "medals 101" cont'd: EVENING DRESS: Evening Dress (Black/White Tie): Miniatures may be worn on the left breast in order of distinction (service medals closest to the heart followed by campaign medals, other regimental medals and then other medals of distinction). Any number of medals may be worn. This is only for evening dress at a Regimental Dinner. Outside of The 78th Highlanders mess or our specific regimental affairs, 78th Fraser Highland medals are never to be worn. COURT MOUNTING: If medals are court mounted, they overlap slightly, and must be held on the ribbons they arrive with. The ribbon represents certain aspects of the history of the medals. 7 Victoria Garrison Highland Games Dinner. May 16, 2015 at The Union Club of British Columbia 805 Gordon Street, Victoria 1-800-808-2218 (ext.0), or via email at, and ask for the special 78th Frasers rate. Special accommodation rates are available for attendees. Single or double occupancy, includes a full breakfast. Taxes not included. Stay over to join Fort Fraser's Display Unit at the 152nd VICTORIA HIGHLAND GAMES Topaz Park May 16, 17, 18 8 not to be missed: 25 April - Battle of Ste. Foy Remembrance Dining-In 16 May - Victoria Garrison Highland Games Dinner be kind to one another ….. …..these are troubled times 9
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