STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA March 19, 2015 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Loveland Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center 5400 Stone Creek Circle (NW Corner of I-25 and Hwy. 34 at Outlet Mall) Loveland, Colorado The Cities of Loveland and Fort Collins do not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, national origin, or ancestry in the provision of services. For disabled persons needing reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in a City service or program, call 962-2303 or TDD #962-2620 as far in advance as possible. CALLTO ORDER REVIEW & APPROVAL OF MINUTES – January 22, 2015 Meeting INTRODUCTION AND PUBLIC COMMENTS Item 1 Airport Strategic Plan Update (Presenter: Jason Licon) Item 2 Northern Colorado Regional Airport Commission Staff Updates (Presenter: Jason Licon) Item 3 ADJOURN (Presenter: Jason Licon) Airport Steering Committee Minutes January 22, 2015 Call to Order: Mayor Gutierrez called the meeting of the Airport Steering Committee to order on the above date at 3:36 p.m. Steering Committee Members In Attendance: Mayor Cecil Gutierrez, Mayor Karen Weitkunat and Loveland City Manager Bill Cahill Approval of Minutes Motion: Mr. Cahill made the motion, Mayor Weitkunat seconded and all approved. Citizen Comments: None 1. Northern Colorado Regional Airport Commission – Jason Licon Summary: The Intergovernmental Agreement between the Cities of Fort Collins and Loveland has created the Northern Colorado Regional Airport Commission. The Commission has been vested with the management authority over Airport operations and activities. This item will dive into the details of the creation of the Commission, and identify action items needed by the Cities to complete including but not limited to: Proposed Timeline Joint Citizen Member Appointment Process Terms for Citizen Members Interview Committee Discussion: The committee discussed both Councils process and how the seventh position might be chosen. Direction: Move forward with the two Cities processes for Boards and Commissions 2. Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control Center of Excellence – Jason Licon Summary: The Colorado Department of Public Safety Division of Fire Prevention and Control (CDFPC) has developed a request for information to gather information of interested jurisdictions in Colorado interested in hosting the proposed Center of Excellence (CoE) for Advanced Technology Aerial Firefighting. In early 2014 the Colorado Senate passed a bill that gave the CDFPC funding to acquire aerial firefighting assets and create an innovative, science and data focused research entity that will further technologies associated with wild land firefighting, the CoE. The Airport has the potential to be a possible site for the CoE that the CDFPC may consider in this proposed development. The Airport does lease property to the CDFPC for its Single Engine Air Tanker (SEAT) base that supports wild land aerial firefighting efforts within the region. According to the CDFPC the CoE will initially create jobs for nine employees and will have the potential to grow and attract private business entities through the research and testing that the CoE will oversee. A site on or near the Airport would satisfy many of the requirements that the CDFPC has identified as desirable attributes for location criteria. located at the Outlet Mall at Centerra, 5400 Stone Creek Circle in Loveland at the NW corner of I-25 & Hwy. 34. Discussion: Discussed the possible benefits to the Airport if the Center should choose the Fort Collins-Loveland Airport. Direction: Mayor Weitkunat made the motion to approve moving forward with the response to the RFI, Mr. Cahill seconded and all approved. 3. Staff Updates – Jason Licon Summary: Blended Airspace – Virtual Air Traffic Control Tower – This is an update on the latest information regarding the progress being made between the Colorado Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on the Blended Airspace/ Virtual Air Traffic Control Tower. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) – The TSA has been operating at the airport since 2003. As the Airport continues to have commercial air service operators utilizing the facilities it is required that the Airport have passenger screening services and continue to uphold all of the regulatory standards that are part of commercial aviation security. The TSA is working to continue providing these services to the Airport’s users. As part of the continued regulatory requirements on December 30, the Airport hosted a triennial aviation security exercise. Participating agencies included TSA inspectors, FBI, Loveland Police, Airline representatives, the Fort Collins – Loveland jetCenter, and Airport Staff. Request for Expression of Interest – Airport staff is working with Economic Development departments of both Cities to complete the RFEI document that has been discussed in the past. The RFEI will serve as the mechanism that will allow for the Airport to engage into the consideration for nonstandard development proposals with private development entities. It is anticipated that the future Airport Commission will be the entity that will be charged with the approval process for development applications. Small Community Air Service Development Grant – The US Department of Transportation grant that was given to the Airport in 2012 was scheduled to end this month on the 15th. This grant has been used for air service development costs associated with market research and presentations to a variety of air service providers. Discussion: None. Direction: Information only. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:29 p.m. 4900 Earhart Road Loveland, Colorado 80538 (970) 962-2852 FAX (970) 962-2855 TDD (970) 962-2620 AGENDA ITEM: MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: 1 1/22/2015 Airport Steering Committee Jason Licon, Airport Director TITLE: Airport Strategic Plan Update RECOMMENDED STEERING COMMITTEE ACTION: Provide recommendations on the prioritization of the adopted Airport Strategic Plan BUDGET IMPACT: ☐ Positive ☐ Negative ☒ Neutral or negligible SUMMARY: Staff will update the Steering Committee on the recently adopted Airport Strategic Plan. A proposed timeline will be shared with the Committee for review and comment. Strategic Plan action items will be discussed with focus on some of the tasks that are currently being worked on. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Strategic Plan Timeline Fort Collins – Loveland Airport Page 1 of 1 Proposed Implementation Schedule 5 Year Airport Strategic Plan PLAN Jan-15 Jun-15 5 Clarify Airport's Market and Potential Jun-15 Jan-16 8 Resolve Through the Fence Agreement Jun-16 Nov-17 18 Encourage Immediate Private Investment Apr-15 Dec-16 21 Create Airport Development Application - (RFEI) Apr-15 Aug-15 5 Pursue Commercial Air Carrier Guarantee Program May-15 Jan-16 9 Encourage Creation of an Innovative Aviation Cluster Jan-16 Dec-16 12 Pursue Charter Flight Service Jan-16 Dec-16 12 Jan-15 Dec-15 12 Create Governance Structure Jan-15 Jan-15 1 Adopt an Updated IGA Feb-15 May-15 3 Encourage Stakeholder and Public Participation May-15 Dec-15 8 Rebrand the Airport and Public Engagement Apr-15 Sep-17 30 Rebrand the Airport to Create an Enhanced Regional Identity Apr-15 Jan-16 10 Build a Stronger Airport Public Information Program Oct-15 Sep-17 24 Revise Airport Governance and Authority for Governing Board Jan-20 Develop 10 yr Financial Model Oct-19 35 Jul-19 Nov-17 Apr-19 Jan-15 Create Sustainable Business Model Jan-19 4 Oct-18 Sep-18 Jul-18 Jun-18 Apr-18 IGA Creation Jan-18 12 Oct-17 May-18 Jul-17 Jun-17 Apr-17 Airport Master Plan Update Jan-17 16 Oct-16 Sep-18 Jul-16 Jun-17 Protect Against Residential Encroachment Apr-16 MONTH Jan-16 END Oct-15 START Completion Timeline Jul-15 DURATION Apr-15 PLAN Jan-15 PLAN ACTIVITY 4900 Earhart Road Loveland, Colorado 80538 (970) 962-2852 FAX (970) 962-2855 TDD (970) 962-2620 AGENDA ITEM: MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: 2 3/19/2015 Airport Steering Committee Jason Licon, Airport Director TITLE: Northern Colorado Regional Airport Commission RECOMMENDED STEERING COMMITTEE ACTION: None, Informational Only BUDGET IMPACT: ☐ Positive ☐ Negative ☒ Neutral or negligible SUMMARIES: As part of the stakeholder developed Strategic Plan, the Cities were tasked in the creation of a revised governance structure. An amended and restated intergovernmental agreement (IGA) for the joint operation of the Fort Collins – Loveland Municipal Airport was created and approved by both City Councils and signed on January 22, 2015 as a result of this effort. This IGA has provisions within to create a new Airport Commission that will be tasked with the management authority over Airport operation and commercial, industrial or other operations and activities of any kind located on the Airport. This item is designed to promote the discussion of where each City is as it relates to the process of appointing members to the Commission. A signed copy of the IGA is attached for reference. ATTACHMENTS: AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR THE JOINT OPERATION OF THE FORT COLLINS – LOVELAND MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Fort Collins – Loveland Airport Page 1 of 1 4900 Earhart Road Loveland, Colorado 80538 (970) 962-2852 FAX (970) 962-2855 TDD (970) 962-2620 AGENDA ITEM: MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: 3 3/19/2015 Airport Steering Committee Jason Licon, Airport Director TITLE: Staff Updates RECOMMENDED STEERING COMMITTEE ACTION: None, Informational Only BUDGET IMPACT: ☐ Positive ☐ Negative ☒ Neutral or negligible SUMMARIES: 1. CDOT Division of Aeronautics The Aeronautics Division of CDOT has historically given discretionary grants to Airports for capital projects. Since 2011 Airport staff has applied for and received over $2.4 million in grant funding from the State. Unfortunately the grant program is now facing financial challenges associated with fund management and errors in forecasting that resulted in the resignation of State Aviation Director Dave Gordon. Due to this financial trouble the Division is now informing Airports that a grant program will not likely be available for 2015. The immediate impact to our Airport is there will not be State funds available to apply to the planned snow removal equipment storage building. This shortfall will result in a 28% funding reduction to the multi-year project. In addition to the capital project setbacks there also exists the potential shutdown of the Blended Airspace/ Virtual Tower program. The Colorado Aeronautics Board is scheduled to meet on Tuesday March 17th. Airport Staff will be in attendance at this meeting in order to obtain additional information on the severity of the situation and will provide additional information to the Steering Committee as it becomes available. Fort Collins – Loveland Airport Page 1 of 2 2. CDPS Division of Fire Prevention and Control The Colorado Department of Public Safety Division of Fire Prevention and Control is in the process of determining the best location within the State to be the host for their Center of Excellence (CoE). The CoE’s mission is “To protect the citizens, land, and resources in Colorado, the Center of Excellence will research, test, and evaluate existing and new technologies that support sustainable, effective, and efficient aerial firefighting capabilities.” The Coe’s vision statement is, “The Center of Excellence is the worldwide leader in collaboratively researching and developing innovative technologies and capabilities supporting or related to aerial firefighting.” Last month the Airport was part of a response to a Request for Information by the Division of Fire Prevention and Control. This response was sponsored by the Cities of Fort Collins and Loveland economic development departments. As a result a list of six potential sites have been selected to consider including Northern Colorado. The other applicants were Clear Creek County, Centennial, Colorado Springs, Rifle/ Garfield County, and Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport. The selection announcement was planned to occur by Friday February 27th, and has since been postponed. It is anticipated that the selection will be made very soon. 3. US DOT Small Community Air Service Development Grant The $221,000 grant awarded to the Airport in 2011 from the US Department of Transportation was scheduled to expire on January 15th 2015. A request was made by Airport Staff for an extension of the grant prior to expiration. This request was accepted by DOT and the grant will continue to be available for air service development efforts through January 15, 2016. A balance of $130,000 remains in the grant, which is to be used for air service development, including marketing and/ or startup funding for a future airline partner. ATTACHMENTS: NONE Fort Collins – Loveland Airport Page 2 of 2
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